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- Find out where you are wasting ur time.

- Find out the faults Bcoz u only know where u r weakness.
- Clear the BASICS of the syllabus first.
- 1 day is suffiecient for understanding the complete syllabus.
- Find out what is DIFFICULT and What is EASY.
- DAILY study for 8 HOURS atleast.
- Divide 8 HRS into total 4 EACH with 2 HRS.
- STUDY atleast 3 subjects in a DAY.
- 2-2-2-2 Hrs. Divide.
- Every 2 HRS change subject.
- WHATEVER is the BEST time for you to study CHOOSE THAT time to study the
DIFFICULT subject.
- Set time for checking Mobile, rest, WAlking, Etc.
- TRUST urself 100% then All Lifes problem will be solved. Stand in front of the
mirror and trust urself.
- You have to change urself and NO outside person can CHange you.
- Take first step towards ur goal. Leave ur comfort Zone.
- change ur Old Habits to move forward towards success.
- Create / CULTIVATE New HABIT that will lead u towards Success.
- Manage urself according to TIME.
- CLEAR OBJECTIVE - WHAT to Do - WHEN to do - WHY to do it.
Once you are clear to this you can manage ur TIME to accomplesh the goal.
- 2-2-2-2 Division of HRS. LAST 2HRS for REVISION.
- Always RECALL what you have studied.
- Always PLAN next day in ADVANCE. B'coz ur Everyday Schedule is DIFFFERENT.
- YOU cannot be according to the TIME TABLE 100%. If u manage urself atleast 70%-
80% according to TIME TABLE then you consider yourslef successful.
- Before sleeping Check what u have achieved and Not achieved. REVIEW it.
- REVIEW ur plan WEEKLY also.

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