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By Marshall 1. Goldman Sovit Marketing: Distribution ins Controlled Economy ‘Comparative Economie Systems Soviet Foreign Aid ‘The Soviet Economy: Myth and Reality -Evology and Economics: Controling Pollution in the 70's ‘The Spoils of Progress: Environmental Pollution in the Soviet Union stented Dollars: Doing Business withthe Russians ‘The Enigma of Soviet Petroleum: Half Empty or Half Full? USSR. in Crisis: The Failure of an Economie System ‘Gorbachev's Challenge: Economic Reform inthe Age, of High Technology What Went Wrong with Perestroika MARSHALL I. GOLDMAN W.-W. NORTON & COMPANY Now York - London To Jessica Ann, Samuel Todd, and Jacob Charles "he eof in ik cmc Ties Homa, with py ta Deiat ‘Wein meen n mance yo on Ct, = ORE elon ih Pela / Man kin "BW Neto Compny it 20 Ft rms, Nw aN JOD ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PRoLocuE—AuGUST 19-24, 1991 ‘A Hero Abroad, A Failure at Home ‘The Pre-Gorbacher Era—Trying to Modernize— ‘An Old Story, Patch and Procrastination —If It's Broke, Don't Fix It Mikhail Sergevich Gorbachev Goss to Moscow: A Learner's Progress Mid-Course Correction ‘The Effort Collapses ‘The Reaction Comes ‘Where Does the Soviet Union Go from Here? Epilogue ‘August 26, 1991 EpiLoGus—arrex conancitey Norrs The Reaction Comes 173 sale ternver of personel. By March 19677 pra of ie teak of Polina oreo ies ler ee ‘es and perl oftbe eet f ts Catal Con tc wo ha ben nove Gear 182 sry ee ‘Brezlinev’s death, setae id te gM se eres To ret keen pottery Ruma fone notes rire pkslony change Rasa (Ge Seviet Ualen af [ojo ete tong the moet fonerave sees nthe Wale fo The a atte Sot pone per vt sere a treaty va a proatec tn eattsrm preren ctnt tie eas ta capa cape oe a ish tama in ai ou Senta ped a eertirmate er epg tng Confort wh It Tho Macow Netetan tad otopokea re let een aoe eee TE bobbed fgets: Uw popiee aha Ther no plot in ying to ail e are avy ros te poopie. 1 yas andy chante of Rat ate Te pepe clay nace ea Bey espe om ere an oe ld Gk ee The cera presi in Resa cae resin epi Tinsley area wy eal to oe oe een SS Garey ed at ae Soe tat he pics ef the Boe dd aot ee fom fhe ol of te peo brie, rote parted fn te pols ond wn pra eas enon Aa Protea Vay Hage eye ale enteric feies cote in Castalia“ T open shot eae a eee ae esac cree al acinar se soe Tala ti peat as eR ws ators ety ae ede ne Name ea Hee e et ul eoo nega ity) ce a Lay see hg a eee The Reaction Comes eed ymin tutte ne sie resus eye isis ourmnr ety css et cy regimen naan initially how far-reaching Gorbachev's economic and political conte aie erate oe ‘i oscason, Gorbachev revert mae Fusihermore ti the se of pats propery: for ample, Gaihe neve Ear ss or we re alps td polly tvs Babar cle ty |, Holo, otal, and economically as well as in terms of personne! FE | Hint of srctural upheaval actualy date from Andropov's lection as general secretary, but Andropov seemed mainly {interested in rooting out corupion and neptess. Gorbachev ‘rondned th ctl ofthese he wanted tied to se opposed torfor, Between the woof then, there was a whole. 174 WHAT WENT WRONG WITH PERESTROM tive Fores nally began to organize agains perestroika and snot andothwart Gorbache'sfacreachng reforms What surprising isthe pasivity with which those opposed to the reforms ee re a eas reform proces and the purge of tht like-minded colleagues. ‘The proces of purging Teor opponents andthe Soper inmate seemed to be 80 easy. After years of taking their ower and precogatives for granted, they marched of collect their pensions with no percepible compat. True, unlike the ‘Stalin era, the purged oflesholdrs were not seat of to camps, cle, oF death; but the spe of the upheaval atleast in terms ofthe perentag of fired ministers and oblast leader, brought ‘hack memarie of the 1980s pures ‘Sorte ia manage sips. al opstion wis reform efforts. Some of the newly appointed Sonsevatvs ‘would in time emerge to claim a conservative or antireform ‘mantle. But often as not with time they too would be purged Some of these laterdy victims, such as Lizachev, would make ‘moce of fuss not only about their ieaiment but also about theit ideological opposition, but in the early years very few if ny of those fied from office moved to eiticize perestroika or snost overtly. There seemed tobe general agreement that the vit Union could not continue to function as it had during ‘what almost everyone came to age were the “stagnation "ofthe Brshney ea As on his hosts told Grbac on a it foCatia i Febrany 1967, "Lie tank i the Brezhnev regime:™ Moreover, Sa ett en sak pea. te tssenaly-non-tbrentening-concops. During my visit (0 U Soviet Union in those early Gorbachev years there was nary Aiscouraging word. Nearly all levels of society appeared 10 ‘weleome the prospect of change. ‘Gorbaches’s purging efforts were also facilitated by the gen ral perception that those being purged deserved it. The fact that economic and political coaditons had fallen to such low point was not solely Brezhnev’ faut. An unusually large mun- ber of longserving fers bare a share of the blame for ‘The Reastion Comes W that decline as well or ad benefited from it Consequently, the few protests about Gorbachev and his scary ideas were b= merged bith Jude. public outry ove past incompetence and thronphot mat ofthe fit wo ya oboe toe ‘re materings ad wnsend PSE A ell a othe} oberon. Those Teeided (rps sib ot ork ax well per Gliese reece delice eecerd ween ideologeal,pesona, and practeal Sone feared clo of focianm by. Gortachev and/or surendr to the United States ands matric wn. Others wore soot «cle Taps of th eter anda growth fee tamol There wee to potest that reforms, tchting Gortacher, vay nth bck ofthe worker In prt, tee were mtr ings boat the encilown on th sl of vodka al Te dap ie bene entey Aor the SS HB gelato Imposed by Gonpremk fe ee eae incor axl era ‘were disorganized and often at cross purposes, their rumblings Teach Gorbachey evoking times some daguctOn oe ‘Gobet wer lhe byte eo facial pa ‘alert aginst hi and his fay? Penile ought help in dealing with this opposition feom those whom he con- sidered tobe his natural constituency the press and the intelee- tual community In an offthezecord meeting on Tune 19,1986, ies eae omer eerie particularly resistant to changes Afterall, twas “the apparat that broke Khrushchev's neck," and Gorbachev feared that his ‘opponents might now use the appara to “break the neck ofthe ney eadership."” On more than one ocasion he threatened 0 Tle he ot ptt way Onc of hs aed Het fe prior to the January 1987 meeting ofthe Plenary of the entra Committ, when he demanded approval of procedural anges’ The threat was repeated several times thereafter, it~. 176 WHAT WENT WRONG WITH FERESTROIKA nee for vee president, was initially rejected.” Se eee gti esha ee ene ee ereeal =i Fp itibe, po nord eclar, mes of Garten cat ae ecm eae peg ee eee ee icra teen ‘edged publi that his itis refered o im seonfully not a8 the Generalie Sector (General Secretary of the Communist Party) but a8 the Minerale Secretar (Mineral Water Sece- tary)” Even though by late 1988 Gorbachev bapan to relax A kein The Reaction Comes . Net out REY recat tae re tte td sod te podaciy ace ea eee a ostacer iacee ie ce eo Ta pos om Cnet iS a to Oa tee ees eee Inbor tis fail ates thse apes a ta work ‘erm On ens ty ren fe poet : Rare ee ee ger and workers Wh TREES ood os la. eee eau oe re tq ae nay sng ie Spd Patera ta ipeesact ws a (ea gaan eae ee ee ie tcp si, Ne agssoosons eae enlace ee ee me Moe Terrence re ‘open to feed them." In addition, working the night sbiftdis- Se accctstamernaie cn “Mine intey tne hee snow ann ee sit enous mo i mae ea ca" Tvetaly ink dooce resin ei he iia ts maton too raat od ein os ee “nions and working conditions he reactionarls Sought ae. ‘info the older order and control. Both groups were clearly ‘opposed to any kind of extra work ‘Not surprisingly, similar efforts to revitalize the bareauc met similar resistance. Any change in leadership potentially unsettling 0 the party apparatus, New leaders usally bring with them new conceptions and initiatives, sometimes for the beter, sometimes forthe wore. Moreover the more serious the ‘xsting situation, the more extensive the resulting bureaucratic ‘upheaval. Yet jus like their counterpart inthe non-communist world, Soviet appararchiks have also learned to protect then ‘elves From such upheavals. In some cases that means filing hack on fiend, shiting jobs OF verbally agreeing wih the ‘reforms, but in fet stonewalling in the realistic expectation that sooner of later the current boy wonder or brainstorm will pass {st lke those before them. In that way the infrastructure the apparatus, particularly the bureaucracy, survives all such changes. There have been of course major discontinstis such tthe 1917 Revolution and the Stalinist purges, but the durable Of the Rusan choy (ie cart equivalent oe ape ‘APONETICTGRERT cd earring to those who el that bureaucracies somehow never die "Nonethcles, attempting to learn from the allure of Khrush- chew's reforms, Gorbachev insisted that his efort would be more extensive and far-reaching. Khrushche's mistake was that he was not ambitious enough; Gorbachev by contrast ‘ought to encompass all aspects of Soviet if, supposedly mak- ‘ng his reforms irreversible.” That certainly seemed ominous, and Gorbachev did lite to comfort his intendod targets Equally unsettling, Gorbachev began to target not just in: dividuals in bueauerate strongholds like Gosplan, the minis ‘ries, and ultimately the Central Committee of the Party But threatened the remaining bureaucrats’ confined access to 5 privileges" te pay te i "YegorLigachev charged thier sm of special restment for che party fitful was undeserved, He explained, “The Party worker has one privlege—to be at ‘the font, fo ight forthe Partys policies nd to serve his people with ith and truth. Believe me, he has no other privileges." at was nota widely shared view:) And as for pa, Lignchew rgue that Communist Pasty workers receive a Wage equal to national average, “It transpires that contrat tothe widely hold view, party workers rank 26th inthe country as regards poy—the average pay of a purty worker is 216 rubles per ‘oath For that matter, Lgschev insinted that eric of most pary workers was even unused during the Brezhnev rerod. Defending himself before the 19th All Union Commu- nist Party Conference, Ligachev reminded his low delegates that ‘daring the years of stagnation I Kived and worked in Siberia, a harsh landbut a rly wonderful one People often ak me what I was doing a the time. T answer with pide: Twas ‘building socialism. There were million ike me’ Aprlause’™* ‘Bocas semed to epitomize the bureascacy’s resistance {eihis effort, Gorbacher seemed pentcalale isinated about ‘what besame known atthe time asthe Chaanow aft. A. Catanoy was a party member ia difectr of the Research Instat ofthe Ministry of Elcrcal Engineering in the Ukrainian city of Chany. is research institute had developed anew type of machine ool and contra splem that according to Gorbachev was shown overseas and ws ordered by foreign and Soviet customers, Homever, the Cherkasy fac- (ay oe My Ee : ‘SMowpromes tikes sayy Bes wher oo Senior managers wore an vacation, Chabanov was p= pointed acting manage ofthe factory. He proceeded immedi ately to produce his new designs. Upon their return from vaca tion the repular management reported Chabanov's unauthorized acts to the ministry and regional party commit tee. Chabanov was accused of padding his reports and misap- propriting state funds.” Ministry officals thereupon relieved ‘Chabanov of his duties and set up a special investigation ‘of stice, oficial inthe IR theo pry apache nontcasroeel with thir eto expel Cato fom fe Communi Party a Moccover, whe some of is upperte wrote to compa o Moncow uthorkssbot the continang abun of tel the laters woe confiscate i the Chery pont ofl ad ever "aed ir itended dena: lsingely justice was elyjustee was done and Chabaniow remained in the party; but similar resistance () bureduraterevaping led Gbrbacev 1 pospone a mesing| af the Cental Comittee re tmes cate he refs of. ie rulemaking baie o make the changes he requested. Wi 30 WHAT WENT WRONG WITH PERES! ‘ood reason he warned in February 1987 that “the next 1wo three years willbe the most dificult™ However, Gocbachev ‘orhisasocites were to warn almost every Year that “the next ‘wo or thre years” would be the hardest un Finally in 1988, the anti-reformers became emboldened ec grievances explicit, On March 13, 1988, day before Gorbachev's scheduled departure for Yugoslavia and while his ideological al Mongolia, a 4,500-word “letter” entitled "I Cannot Renounce Principles” appeared on page 3 of the newspaper Sovetskaia ‘Rosia, ostensibly the oficial government paper of the Russian Republic. While claiming support for Gorbachev's policies af peestoika it was in fact a bstring, hated attack on almost everything Gorbachev stood for. ‘ts author was Nina Andreyeva, a chemist inthe Leningrad ‘Technology Institute. According o a telable report, the pb- lished leter had the imprint of her husband, Viadimi Klushin a nstrucor @F Marsa Lennim and 4 part igsione? ‘Although Andréveva insists the word were entirely her, Liga- ‘hey and the editors inked to him may also have hod a hand: ot only in its publication bat also is content." Giuleto, CChiess, then the Moscow correspondent for the Italian paper L°Onit, reported that he saw a drat ofthe article before it was Published.” He sty that ofthe orginal eighteen pages, onl ve Gogo nba tay eet a Tis at ee ‘omited-or-heavly edited, Andreyeva does acknowledge that ‘she sent a copy of the letter to Ligachev after it had been rejected by several other national papers in September 1987." ‘Whether or not be had angthing to do with the atc’ content or its publication, there is substan hey did everything he could to pub March 15, ace of Andreyeva's manifest, Ligachev convened an una thorized meeting of the leading middle-atsthe-road and con: The Reetion Comes : 11 servative newspaper editors to impress upon them the signify cance ofthe Andryeva eter” He intentionally exlided inv tations tothe liberal editors of Moscow News and Oponpek Simultaneously the Tass News Agency alerted te subscribers 10 "Andreyera's article and noted them tat they might want to onside epiting i. This ed othe republication of the etter in at kat erty thts regional paper incloing many salary ‘bition “Tava pine nthe conservative Bast er. Ian at-peretoika party pepe, Neues Devochland, ad di used on Leningrad slevison While Gorbachev wasin Yugo Slavia, Andreyevas eter and ts mplictions became the foes ‘fa widening ciel of special Communist Party mesg con ‘eed throughout the Soviet Union or those supporting peresrika and Gorbachey, the An- vera manifesto was aighteving throwback tothe era of eee eat at te evel eiteeaiee eel od ea ipo e el a the reent growth of nlicparty freedom, flerance for ri tion, emigration, sexual promcuity, and erie ofthe amy fd the ary draft. As she saw it tere was ently 00 much “‘erbiage sbout "terrorism fertsm of anisformers), the People's political seri, "uninspired social vegetation, “pi {al slavery" unusual fe and “dominance by bors Ia power" oesplan the pital, soca, pola, nd enone “emptine ofthe county since the Bolshevik Revolution. For those wh bee inthe uniqueness f "the Russian sou” sich selilagellation ws too much. No wonder her stadets ad ‘equn fo express “istic sentiments" and lose thi “pole bering” ‘She fv hargs that Stalin was responsible foc he went of faciam or Hider or the ssssination of Trotsky or “Kiror Instead of attacking Stalin, the Soviet peopl should praise him for defending the Soriet Union from Hier nd Bringing indvstraeation, collectviation, and the cultural ‘volun othe Soe Union, Was this fai to thts wo pave thai vs forthe Soviet Union in World War Il and. had reel so ard teeta fe ene oe 182 WHAT WENT WRONG WITH FERESTRO! “ritcims were making the Soviet people question the valve: ‘their own ves. How disgraceful it was when students of univer sity age had the audacity to ak army heroes from World Wat ot sbout the great accomplishments ofthe Soviet Army but ‘shout the political repessions within the army, After all ‘Cear Peter the Great, lke Stalin, also had “personal qualities” that were “disturbing.” Yet today Peter is praised asthe one who made Russia “a great European power.” ‘Those criticizing the Soviet past were newiy ascendant “lft wing liberal," she charged, who have “cosmopolitan tenden= cies” (4 ende word used by Stalin when he attacked the Jews) land encourage “refuseniks” Jews). They “kowiow ... 1 the democrat’ charms of contemporary capitalism... ts fal and supposed achievements.” What, Andreyeva asked, has hape ‘pened to “the class struggle-fand] the leading role ofthe prole- tariat”” Don't the workers “oppose world capitalism” any ‘are? What about the millions inthe world who are "dying of Starvation, epidemics and military adventures by imperialists?” ja noraoundng ie he te nd cota of th Andreyeva manifesto W response it, particulary among Soviet intellectuals, With fw exceptions almost every: fn assumed that the party line had been reversed and that a ‘ew course had boon st over which reformers had litle infi= fence. As one of my Soviet friends put it, "I had been nervous shout how far the reform process had gone, Sooner or later I knew there would bea reaction and a halt. When I learned of the Andreyens eter, I assumed that this was it and Tacoepted the consequences, The reform process had been exiting while it lasted" ‘The ict that her eter had appeared in a major newspaper. ‘ke Sosa Rasta (whic ul Api 186 whe the con servative Valentin Chikin took over as editor had been one of the more outspoken papers in favor of reform) and had the ‘undoubted sanction of Yegor Ligachey, the number-svo man jn the Politburo, was proof enough.” Virtually no one re- sponded to her. The exception was «thoughtful but relatively unnoticed eritique in Moscow News." In addition several pa ‘The Reaction Comes pers, including a major paper in Belorusia, refused t reprint the Andreyeva declaration, despite some high-level pressure” Bu hewiingn sea hari theo ose the pauly of protein support of reform, sugges os” iw fail Gorbachev's reforms were and how shallow he foots had ben or thee weeks there was aloo oficial reset. Fs aftr his return from Yogoslva an snd considerable tab tying incuding yet another treat fo resign, Gorbachev was able to craft a authoritative sponse" Hi intellectual come ‘ade in ams in the Poiburo and the oft responsible for ideology, Alexander Yakovey, wos assigned to prepare the erdag ey Ne ete ff the Plitbro during heat week of March prot ‘iy March 30 to free a showdown.” By eninckence,Ligachev Ia fora tip to Vologdn” Yakovlev strong reply 35 then delivered to Ponda and che editors in Moscow wee 01d to publish the anil over the weekend on ‘ch ony increased the ese of doom and pani smang iy Of the reformers.” Determined to force the sue, Gortah ‘sppretly convened another netig of the Politburo, ad this time warned that ules there was a vole of conidence fora continuation ofthe reform proces ad a reprimand foe So sta Rea Gores gal reign * With hat Yakov response was Sally pubahed on April, 1988 in Prods “Princes of Preto ition Nature ot ‘Thinking and. Acting” While acknowledging the need for lacuson, Yakovlev waroed that Andreyen's eer was not omstrutve. eatempted ose one gro against athe, ad {nits continusd defense of Sain, i sought to build on his axbitrary methods and si aller ost as Sain had. Furthermore, Yakovlev insite attacks on Stalin did not inva idateor blxpiteme the serio the Soviet people "Thelves ofthe Pars, War, and Labor veterans werenot ivan” Never ‘hes, Re argued thse erie i no mean tha there were te abuaes wrt the end, Gortachev and Yakovlev prevail. Repocely {he Politburo voted t reprimand Chikin, the editor of Sore ‘Sala Resta an Soetsate Rosia dul reprinted the Prada atte on Api 6° The Politburo also reprimanded Ligachey for convening the clr meting th ay afte pen ofthe Andrejera eter Yeltsin, who was os of the Poi ty then, ase hat inthe aftermath, Gorbachev and Lise he sopped speaking to eachother" Nonelces, the con ronatondemoostraed that depts thee yaro soa and democratization moat ofthe Coury’ inlets were sll ly itnatedDemoeacy and due proces wert fragile ‘easplans— Tt coud be argued that Ligachev and Andreyeve acted prematurely. Gorbachev was ablein 1988 to deft hl forts {oa the refnm proces, Moreover, ater te showdown Gore Sashey moved unt Lace pores, and to Sea. i rss ofthe Communit Par, he freed gas int rezement. Pst if Ligachev uh Andeeyeva A watt anothr yea or two, partly as economic and pail condns Continued to deteriorate thy might have been able to maser more support. The acelrating dacontent ‘openly exresied us a year OF soar in large part reflects the told asertnenest shown bythe antreformer in te 190 None, the ining of Anejo statement deed the : ‘min of heretofore unfocused opposition to the reform, Tt ha taken almost thee Jers from the day that ‘Gorbachev had asumed power But once articulated the An- Areyevn fort aled oer. When asked wy It ook song, ‘Several of my Soviet fends have explained that was not oly the reluctance ofthese antrformer o challenge Soviet au shorty ya dinners iy coved the pay pede erent teen ess aticulae than the liberal jnteligetsin and reformers, ‘Thote opposed to Gorbachev anu his efarms tended to be “ong asl" ype ot df etal th fling Moreover he tally avoided contact wth fosgners, pare tlrly thse from the West Nor were they always agreement f l ‘The Reaction Comes 185 about thir concerns. But Andresen’ sing pub provided ‘eeomrgement end simul fo ete Subetuenly, Andrey conve fo pote and exer aly she okt cd in ormalsng Bar (Onl) an cane ‘sks of tended suppers’ UH pach been Gilt jude tat mny of ts sands and member are abo thee of Sati Ucn a cones of arin in ne Supreme Sit ihe Congr of People's Depart was formed in Febuny 1990, Tey wee ale to rosie S6 vote tthe iacieeieer ts les Deputies in Desem- “They were blamed by the supporters of form for Sieardedec'sresgnsion and Gotacheys eat from bis meer vase PAS ceric eh gre tee teeta lamostscsmied tr nt anatcy, and a perce iat at eee ee apecoane etal him dtaring more aad mare fo te rn pt of it lapis lod tego a hom soe fi longline flow finer ese deceit such a RIGENGE? Yekovey td Puan Sher sive net mice tae enh ‘Fania party fines Hu eln of Goad sido te Soviet Union reece tha shit: Ont fey molt carer wil chairman ofthe Svat Tne Union movenet, Yeayey sll sought generals cppostion ang the wSEtFio Garbacheys cose ts {tre He were ofrecer worslopmns oad bankrupt ihe pees proc wre at hale Even afer hs leton wa vice present, Yennyevidenttd hinwa sa apy of te aie fron* Gorbachers shift id ot par notice! among his oetine opponents After Sheartnaac' rman, Yager Ligacbey ita" id ou nti trumpeted that nny of Gort chev’ propoml sem rts to me now on te sutured ‘sect authori, on he stngiering of aw and ode and on iprovtg management anf ecmomi n= once bad ] \ ‘Theoretically, Gorbachev should have welcomed the overt 2 186 ‘an argument with Gorbachev—a litle less than two years ago. “He declared thatthe main danger stems fom the conservative forces. This is wrong.” ur manifestation of a conservative opposition. That was fresUn- ably What democratization and glasnost were all about, Gorba- che in fact ad atively sought grass-roots involvement and the questioning of the government processes from bath the let ‘and the right—reformers and anti-reformers. T tion ‘was tha such involvement would uncover and eXpos te ral feasance of those working against Gorbachev's reform forts. That wa (fue Wher the criticism Game from those supporting alusnost and perestroiks. But as the anti-reformers became they bezan to use the sme opportunities to ack not only the eforms, but the reformers. This disoriented least some of the reformers, who saw it not as leptimate ctitcism but as ingratitude and disloyalty. ‘Even someone like Eduard Shevardnadze, who probably had? 1s much exposure tothe ways of Westen democracies as any- fone in the reform group around Gorbachev, apparently had trouble understanding just what a true democratic process en- Is. In his dramatic De 1990 speech announeing his esignation as minister most of hs us Wa on warning about an impending dictatorship and Gorbachev's tum away from reform, Shevardnadze also com- plained bitterly, however, about the eiticisms that were being ‘made of him and Gorbachev. Ashe saw it, government officials ina democracy must be trated with respect. After all they Werenot just hired hands “Because many people think that the ministers who st there or the members ofthe government or the President or someone else are hited they [the eitics} can do what they want with them. I think that is impermissible.” Why had no one defended him, Shevardnadze demanded to know. “Not one person could be found, including the person The Reaction Comes in the chair (Gorbachev) who was willing to reply and sy. simply that this was dishonorable, tht this is not the way, not ‘how things are done in ciiized states [sc]. Why is no one ‘ebafing them?” he asked. ‘As we noted carer, democratization and glasnest can bea ricky, even painful proces. It i likely t,sHfin not only “right thinking” but “wrong thinking,” even devant groups sich as Panyat or Memory. Pomgat is @ perfect example of ‘what so concerned Shevardnadze, This organiation dates back. to 1978, when several preservationist joined together in an tffort to protec historical ildings and monuments” Ti ‘twas a non-partisan organization linked to the non-controver~ al All Russian Society forthe Preservation of Historieal and ‘Cultural Monuments (VOOPIK). In late 1987, a rump group, led by Dmitri Vasile, a charismatic but controversial past time actor and essayist, managed to seize contro ofthe Moscow branch of VOOPIK.*" ‘With Pamyar a his forum, Vasilyev and his associates ur ently sought to broadcast the message that Russia was in ‘trouble because its leaders had fallen under the spell of a Ma onic Zionist plot. As proof, the etc the fact thatthe Masons ‘use sixpointed stars and that Lenin supposedly had a Jewish ‘grandfather. If further proof were needed, they aso discovered that Lenin had thee copies ofthe Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his brary. (This was the faked 1890s French esay con Itived to show that the Jews were bent on taking over the ‘world Even moreto the point, they noted that Marx was Jew fd Stalin a fallen unde the influence of Leon Trotsky and azar Kaganovieh, both Jews, Trotsky, Pama insists, was responsible forthe fist purge of the peasants and Kaganovich for the destruction of s0 much of what was old. Moscow. ‘Kaganovich supposedly constructed the Moseow street net- work in the form ofthe sx-pinted star of David, Several rue believers noted that the Protocole of the Elders of Zion had predicted that someone someday would do just that. Moreover, ‘Kaganovich designed the Moscow subway system s0 that “al, the prinipal transfer stations are located under party and gov ansither ‘ ‘ernment institutions. This, insists Vaslyey, made it easy to blow up all the government organizations and their docs ‘Pamyat also demanded change in the design of the mons ‘ment tothe Soviet victory in World War TI that was being but ‘outside Moseow on Poklonnaia Hil. While others in the Soviet Union were upset by what they saw asa wasteful expenditure ‘of millions of rubles and the deseration of an environmentally important ste, Pamyar supporters were incensed by what they insisted were the use of Masonic and Zionist symbols in the ‘monument Last but not est, they added thei voices to thse ‘rites of Stalin who insist that floding on the site selected by Stalin for what was to ave been the word’ largest skyseraper as God's wrath for tearing down the Church of Christ the Savior. Several splinter groups that spun of from the original founders, each profesing its own unique version ofthe truth, Ihave taken even more outlandish stands. In the most extreme wing of Panu there are some who are opposed to anything Wester including Christianity. For that reason they alo crite ‘ize Solzhenitsyn and soe the conversion of Kievan Rus (the ‘inth-century original precursor of the modem Russian en pire) to Christianity as a Zionist plot After all, Jesus was & ew. 1 Pamyat had restricted itself merely to espousing these ‘eas, it might not be much of a threat, but is members alo believe in action, Activists wear black shirt and frequently ‘express themselves by beating up those they regard as oppo- nents?” When one oftheir members was on til they disrupted court proceedings, and they have also disrupted public and private meetings. Because it was videotaped and subsequently shown on Soviet television, the Pumyar raid on the liberal broke into the meeting, roughed up afew members, nd warned iat they would return with machine guns. ARer a rather Stormy and occasionally disrupted rah, the leader ofthe atack, The Reaction Comes r 199 Konstantin Smirnov-Oxtashvi, was found guilty and sen- tence 10 So far, however, Pampas threat appears to be more sym- bolic than actual, Its members can mount demonstrations and call far pogzoms; their threats have probably done as much to precipitate the emigration of Soviet Jews as the breakdown of ‘the country’s esonony and the social disorganization. But Pa- ‘myat has been unable 10 win any signieant support atthe ballot bor. Its candidates have dane poorly in elections. Ri ‘mors that they have fiends in high places (Ligachev was viewed as a supporter and Yalsin when he was head of the part i Moscow met with them), and that Panyar isa creation ‘ofthe KOB, jos sis predecesor the Black Hundreds was puppet of the ezarstseeret police, are hard to verify. The ‘emergence of such deviant fores is prabablys source of embar- ‘assent for Gorbachev, espacial in his dealings with West- ern leaders, Hut its an unavoidable product of glasnos v Given te way odin workers have been expt under communis, I igh have bee expected ha Soviet workers wuld have bs in the ero ofthe refrm movement. Tn the Breiner yes some dents td try wsueser- {ull 16 etabiSh their own independent unions and demand tester working and ving conions* In fat 198, almot tall the coanty cl event oad tht ow independent unions dead 0 proming e- ne erm, Dut afteting these examples of spar for Tt wc ere no avage necessary sgh by Covey tere efor by other wrk groupe to hal the moe proses Sime of tie efor were ovis enneaven 67 «80Gb: Shey burercats and seovomle edna to embarat Gorbacher and ultimately abort his efforts Others refed one! ers among workers about the eal possibilty of unen oymen further explain, and exon impoverishment. rence tothe party ine and linge fo tolerate WOrKME ‘nding condone that woud provoke sks in mest he sock. Thus, wasnt suring that in he more rela Paltial condtons evolving out of lamest and demeeraene on, some meters ofthe otal bor movenent Bese tnboldened enough to creat thrown ior movenet, What ws erp, irre wan tia sera of tc oot ‘opp hang Gn msn gs he ata Rasen Wotkre Prot, was coey elie wth a ‘charismatic rolling-mill operator from the Nizhaii Tagil metal- Jur canting, Venlanin Yarn” As ono the fo worker sco hee Chane oles Dap Yarn ca the country atention wih his cary ouspeanes en will Ings o erie the Sov economic ten ad i ede ship.” Ther ae rumor tht Yan's proup (he ico hata) {va fon forte apparatin” He has dni iat Nevertheless hea bee gly eral of Gorbeche' elo to teh he Sit con 1 FHM ote athe SE ‘come thequalities that the market is likely to bring. He has ‘waned, properly so, that sooner or later there will be proposals. to legalize private property aad ten mo knows, eps nay berg ard the comme He was also dred ha in fas open section, wonkr canta ve eed ore tha Slndiites who re wbtecolar wore and inlet Ia thepreGorbacher years, worker dh not hate to sujet the seve to sch competion and thus were assures sizable Somber of txts Comey Yarn Gand tht col dates for the Supreme Soviet | eee ee aaa pice of residence>*-If it had"been adopted, this arrangement Bul have ubrntcd that candidat picked bythe abot ‘ovement would dominate gave bovis Fora tine Yaris move seamed fo generate considers ble ents and support. The ledes ofthe sateen coaton had been looking for some ay to wroaen tc ase trong the general population. Geng bck inser, they St oid to lke page fom the nntoondvern arse ‘The Reaction Comes 11 eared began their organizing efforts by attempting t0 reach to peasant inthe countryside, The pessats have always ten romaniiad by Resin intlcialy and twas assumed that if the peasnts could be moblized by the inlets the rat of the population would follow: However, he twentieth Century eft wasnt much more sient than ts strc tecelen. The pesantsexefly refused to nvove then {chee in the paca rg Bertaly Yarn an i alin cari rele tia they could generate ote opposition tothe {efor movement by corinne ergata rts ong Soviet workers, here poiical awarenes and dacon- ts wrote By cpg om he dct fh Snail woe he mst coc hat Yarn might eee at a Fact areal, These erate st et cnr ra ate 7h 198 when Corachy so-ptd Varin ad installed i era eee ic Free Gounl At Carpe Yar caters tame ea a more conveational cannes, Temporal at leat, the United Work crs Front dono of he fot pass v ‘Yarin's failure with the peasants notwithstanding, by 1990 political unrest also began to appear in the counteyside: Op- Wess ony cata fn te nor Inge group of ates tee coad ca Union The USSR Pessnt Usion oppots flrs Yo se up Private a fail fam. La by Vasily Starodubie, a colle Eve farm dct fom te Tula region, and encouraged by ‘Yeo heh SR a ie, ee ue mundo up primate colesiean-site frm managers i acl who ate detcmined to maintain the satan Tt ot tn 2 pt ob curs nd sive farms are unprofiahle In ter eyes breaking op these collectives an converting them int pvt ams where k ue, cause enormous hardship forthe members, To the farm inanaget, and other members in the USSR Peasant Union, his ‘would be a step backward and “deeply reactionary." Given iE the large collective farms generally were unprofitable, Ms Peasants would be Tet to fend for themselves would, the Liga ase that smal a woud be uly tne le Without support Tom the lager calles of Se fms, how wold te pena oth lye soe themselves? Would thy too go hing? For Sling coms ‘is ike Ligne, thw ery This wan nt eee Whit he had stood for a a sommnis ll thse gear Tp ect in eu tae into private and family tum tonne the patina foe allocated to apiculate Tht wat oly ae Lich ese erase wuld partly compensate a he Sos les" which the State the 19300 tok fom the pease “through low fae prices fragt podice a ede erg wc ids." nila sentiments were expres by other members ofthe USSR Penant Union. In it, bowser the ovring psec for most of them, parla the fam dora ther mer members ef the Gosaroprom apparat who dominate the USSR Peasant Union, wa et far hata breskapofhe colletve and sate fas would mean an end fo cs mess Avera power fora tine Gorbache set szonmi ir etd ot itr the el landowner Thi restlon wasnt to diferent fe the ‘ay Rist landowners responded when Car Aleandr ‘nounced hi ntendon vo canspte the srs i vr | Although they were fewer in number, Soviet manages also began to organize in ode to pres th vews The dette, on thea aig pms nd he minders ordre by span began Tease cho pcre ‘pendenron Gospan othe ipl of manutaatng oes The Reaction Comes 193 nents. Tn July 1990, for example, mans a Soviet engineering factories petitioned the goverament 0 reite Site the central supply and pinning system for raw materi ls” Production in 1991 would be jeopardize, they warned, in of powe Yo Gms tod Cog. Les than Ms ih Hr sn, 50 agen 0 Toputer they et ir ie brntdown tthe all: tn evel ua th owing try a he ep sa ‘blast level Thy wanted return to cnt ate fr Seley of op ed "gut of amy hi” welt retain of sine in the work ples. From tht itch tothe market was et working Even IF tere, mot state ees would not Benet bras thoy were not equipped to seek oUt esfomers or respond ‘tly to cttomer tee Many of thom were prone de Signd to hadie maove proj with an emp on long: tem produton run rar th on Bexbly and change ‘The Urea combine Sverlovs with 45,000 enployeesin ‘one fecation, for example, was well suited to mass-produce Stachne tool, products’ hat ested infeguen mol ‘anges. Walout mins of dlls in (rm crea to froduze ther cin, Uraimesh otal ised. they ould be unable fo stat the production feb hat eae hececee eee mite Pordvlia,crcbre asi beef wnpreedeind problem for manages of sac ators In adie, eon + Gag Sorie miliary budjet haa devastating impact on cet A eer ibe relmash pe ors or tn tether eso prs fi hi.r198f Mornth e skup of the Council 6f Mutual Ecoriomic Assistance in Jan- cary 191 te loupe and obedient pce Son Tada cup lett Eat Eope per oo ops blair calomel Ura They arp 0H Secs a eee ey a eee er tothe Wester han the Eat on {op of everything else, some of the hes and most enter 194 WHAT WENT WRONG WITH PERESTKOM prising Soviet engineers and managers have set of on their own Lup with cooperatives where the he room for eretivity greater. To those brought up in the anni tradition, ths is here. Ie hurts even tore ners in these new cooperatives devote themselves ‘making consumer goods such spots and pans rather thin space mises. To an economist, this makes sense ifthe salary for making pots and pansis higher thn it would be for making space missiles, Presumably this shows that society places higher value on consumer goods (Engineers, particularly inthe Soviet Union, have trouble understanding how making such trivial products snot a misuse of enginering talent.” In thelr eye, it would make so much more sense to bring back central planning where orders are obeyed, machine tools have prior vere are sured and chaos isa desertion of apitaliam, vir ements in the military and the KGB also made similar but ily more tence DRESS ts sy ot -—[perestoika. This opposition was expressed. by. Viadimic ‘Kryuchkow, the chairman of the KGB, in a speech to the Fourth Congress ofthe USSR People's Deputies.” In a throw back almost fo the days of Stalin, Keyuchkoy launched an allout assault onthe changes WRBGEI in Soviet domestic and foreign policy under Gorbachev. He'snota“witeh-hunte,” he insisted; he is only secking to weed ou the eiminal, dishonest, subversive, secessionists, and those bent on foreign infiltration and espionage. The only ones who have benefited from the ‘move (0 the marke, he eserted, are the speculators and black marketers, These members of the mati have bribed and ought up the government and the police. Today, the rich are those who thrive on unearsed incomes. Inthe megane, crime nd pornography have become major forces in out society. Is this What we aspire 1? he asked, What happened to socials, ‘morality, to Russian dignity? The Reaction Comes 195 Tectia Weed ocean shot not a niles Sve One an he powh of ns and tiaienes The fet saat ud wpe rp a ue ts vit tn edly proncon croos Sparen concen: How em he ROD fe Bed or a ai cadiee col cae yous oa teste tenth are) atonal ple eld {ra coeay pha tne rc Sl or eed dtc Abt of pute? Yar rena compiz at (Ells a es tener ‘Saas fbe RGD} nd the Sve mia tal i i el hn ators nh Bore cons fo ieee oe Gee cece nea Sere eensanineran Saiean is all coterie Ope am ane mate Tom fren cureny in he aig ou of eh ‘SSRIS Sen The ie cular pelpoble gn Thal on ‘Grol coors Note thr [590,17 maion on ‘of Bi Were sold at the then comparatively low prices. This year Pie whn picasa cor 11 milion (opel i posal o pet ot nls tun rig mate.”= Coming fn Soocoee den ie Sh seu cpp eu inuing ps foe: {Slow comment Wh pin a ht i uber of Ha certo licen] i a ee nr pte feo Ec esi aaa tere ieee etd rclonleace of frugu ory cones smi al fil eg tep ny atone Slum eof eS Ce Hew hae ‘were as many as 12"billion rubles in Switzerland alone that ‘onl sae fo deme te Gove? ena cnet IT Fa umber furor partic” we comming Pe cee clean aa pace epeppemsmey Giving sapee ced nine met ag SET acter aland wih chal sve” Bie iepemrtnmirores i (This i a parclarly sensne mater in the Soviet Union tects ofexperiece wth food contamination afer Chern tpl) According to his calculation, 40 percent of he Sov Unic's imported gran was wnt and 10 pect was betandard. f fn indy, Ved espe sent war being exported tothe Soviet Uaion sted of new, snd some ofthe orcgn equipment was “ecogcaly. tction, some ofthe Svier Unio' best minds aod ccc Gia, Kryuchkor compli wer beng lured ute te ouniry to work or the Sov Uno sivas At he sane ine usders were king "oft questionable ides an plana fn the Soviet Union atte to seve ts problems ter bight vig lance agaist economic eines and frig economic niu YValetn Pav, who replaced Nil! Rydkey a pine ine ser jiled Hs anony 23,1991, cureney reform y ase ing ih wae noc a ater f cotton bat § at OF tetion.” His reform invalidated ality and one hundreds ble nos n culation and alloved th redempion of no tore than an amount equal toons monly wage or at mt {00 rubles Paviov chime, however, tnt he cts ofthe + monetary reform were not Soviet citizens but Western bankers and “ultaradials” determined to “get rid of uncooperative politcal figures” like “President Gorbachev,” who “has begun {osstep on someone's toes."" These alleged Western manipala- {ors were charged with putting up 7-8 billion to buy 140 billion rubles." Such accusations seem highly fanciful. Anyone puting up that much money to buy that many rubles even atthe then highly favorable but illegal exchange rate of 18 rubles to the dollar must have a serious personality Maw. Yet apparently ‘some investors dd put up some money for that purpose.” Pre- sumably they were attracted by the favorable rate of exchange, ‘hich was far superior even to the tourist rat of 6 rubles othe dollar. According 1o the KGB, the originator ofthe plot was Colin Gibbins, an Englishman who was the head ofthe Dove ‘Trading Company. Nonetheless, it is hard to see what foreign: ‘The Reaction Comes 19; eee eee Cae yore aa ‘RRS eating safc een acta Seater eee Reape mee ‘words, "Do all the negative features and vices ofthe capitalist ‘market really have to become an automatic part of ou ie?"”” vu Sin mili. iy coe hare many of rae sume eon Pre 9D, sch fangs wee tat. Corb Shev apenred tobe very much in control ofthe itary. Aer the man eadrhipemberased ial y fling to de ing Want Gorm, Malin Rita he few asad vk rom Finland into Red Sure on National er Guard Day, May 25, 1981, Gortache shook up the irr kl ry ee car ‘ the wdc of Sri! toms em Aan ea ty Fabry 15,1989, and made fares ae svi tie Unie Sieg ti epee of te sale. Sot {pad ond ran Be Bare at Coy Stes x cemany pdt cher coun CORRE Europe renounce TE adherence to communis i matered ile hat Gortache, aswell as Shevardnadze, ‘ys. as sep 8 anyone atthe sped ofthe collapse ofthe {Smini ogmes of Eas Eure an the wifeion of | WHAT WENT WRONG WITIL PERESTKO! Evidence suggests that Gorbachev’ amany soon ine ee ee Fe pals ir oot pend of on tse recon lence Th cberwOres Corba sought he sary Kid of CHaipe In Eat Gorman tat he had crenee nthe USE Unde he sstmption tnt he pte Would be the sare Hg peste tht the Eat Gera ed other East European Cog april ren conto ened cage goad taal Gorbachev mlcalculted, The pools of ater Esroe, eng thet opportuni, deci to beak witht commis syste completely. I had ben inposed on them from the outs by the Sov Union now tht the Sve ‘Union was varia sown truce, the peo Easter Europe goewsd corel nt 195 eas Ue oat @ taco and Change, Wier sasned ot not Goria ieee, For that he ee de Nobel Pian Ue Worl’ afflict Bu fortis unt reormer ine Ui Soviet Ue Sreily among te military, hte coneins amounted pea at apy ea eee ee "Tab 1909 thee ws ad ar nal tes rom eben sect pe ore, te re Ta ten timed pside down, Intend of pra, eis ow t+ fsck the ary fois savior Afgan, Mess de ined an ead othe df asthe moc open med ep there been 15,000 no-comtat ents among ary rater (per a Woyeer prod. Pustly i epome athe death ta Parl dis proving cs ain te mie of Saeco {ald 4200 990, and 35000 goung men fl to ie teat IC” The nator ral pone alirng fee CF ke omniancopbica Monumgats othe vty a ‘Word War I wee defend rtm dove In he Bali epu thas wee made oct of spp of fod, water, heat, energy 0 Soviet Army bss Inte Chita ola in Fas Shera clan authori deced not to fd or che the my vt of resol sot" Ober acs doce that thee twas nt enough Roving to rlocteoficers andthe fais ‘The Reaction Comes seing regu from Eater Eorpe Jo sue tne, et hewn che Poe a te 190 Ta ‘bake uatiers ven worse, delegates othe Congreso Peps Dos caged tn coe Rees meet oe feed ae b hon oneal chen of Soi aera ec apes se a sie i eee ecko copa ie eee one eee ‘auger nore fost ecto f Commute or Noa! Son a tee ote Bale eputl.Thse es Te a it pop mate up ofan ‘communists, military officers, and Russians, Reacting to the aie eee ne ieee "they then demanded the use of military force to restore law and aca a fe ec 1 easily Sr om fk eee Brena Mee rina toe ag yi ey ors eee een er eee oi | canted yy 05, nara grog seta fhe Soi Union had waned al tg ed nein Wort Wer With Cotter and Shrrdnaar' ote ore Gurung ka beck fe! and ie rig TE committed itself to withdraw within ye years al its military ‘reed Trom thelr posifors. in Easter Europe. Indeed, i tae fg Comte ie sind ail tc wttrey bert endf 1391, Many te Soret aiany Tey te sel bg Cctocy acd oe’ cre Date Sars Tnddon a groving nmi of liar offlera sped uate eachenge or sppaing Gata domes pa ie Unie Sats a tne Svc on wing US pein he Fosn Gall They ony tera rhe uncomfortable positon of tacking US. inet ol dc tana Gre baccer ke Tia aise a Ty he proper so oop oti en a sf oes own asin in ner wa" 200 Against this backdrop, several gnce timid began to expres ther frustration publicly. Many jin the conservative antineform faction within the Congress People's Deputies, Two ofthe more outspoken crits of Gorba chev, Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Alksais and Colonel Nikola Petrushenko, decided to escalate their demands and pressured forthe resignations of Vadim Bakatin, a liberal reformer who ‘was then serving asthe minister of the interior, and Eduard ‘Shevardnadze. Both men subsequently resigned, with Shevard sade copllal pey Om Roo ascended Ho the two colonels boasted that they had toppled Bakatin and warned that Shevardnadze would be nest” Tn such a climate, thee was reason to believe rumors ofa ‘coup attempt when to elte regiments of Soviet paratroops Studenly pened i RedSqace in eal September 1990 ies Bear tale par Socio! nase ‘were their way to pick potatoes (nthe Mak jacket) for rehearsing forthe November 7 Revolution Day Parade 160 ‘months hence were laughable Thdiations ofthe tensions between Gorbachev and the mili tary were reveled "s meting on November 13, {950i one thousand malar personnel” Accounts re ported that Gorbachev was heckledPand boced ashe tried 10 address their complsints”” Ths coufrotation was followed a few days later by another meeting between Gorbachev and rltay personnel who bad en eed a eeptes to vaous iliamentary or national and re} el ope es Ay Berry oso tre cag Tar Coal Alton cl ey ace ad ect voc mat oll thy sete rr on ‘According o Alsi, Gorbaste i ead Te uPAR ae pail ei erneresiea 2 Roy nt rig oc a aed Ee pla io nga agent pede Con etl al Soret sary pesore! Tv Some junior ranking officers have formed a union called Shield (heh) and work within the liberal Interregional Group oP + aestinols ‘The Reaction Comes Deputies in the Congress of People's Deputies to pres forthe sort of reforms that so upset their superiors. But increasingly these supporters of reform find themssives on the defensive. Reflecting the growing climate of distress and bitterness, wo niltary offers aligned with the more reformist Interregional Deputies were ordered out of the proceedings of the military delegation to the Congress of People's Deputies because of accusations that the Interregional Group was being financed by the CIA, Dissent in the army can be hazardous.” BG Tinian snd hii asf eam eosin many ways beara rong TsemblAnSe of “The Stvophies and nationals of the nineteenth entry just 4s tay’ reformers have mich fs cormon with the ine teenth-entry westrnizes. Concern forthe communal ie of the peasants fear thatthe Soviet Union wl become western- ined or ores uriatn of Neer Bebe olsred cxprosed athe 1990 Congres of the Russian Writes? Ce tea oe ngs a HEE" The cat i ferent, but the sentiments are much the same. As one delegate pat when stacking Alexander Yakoy~ lev, Eduard Shevardondc, and Mikhail Gorbachey, “Some People may be even woe than the Jewa:"™ ‘Ofcourse not everythings an coho ofthe pas. Certainly the central planing versus marke State a Soviet 0s pre fevolllonsry mer Bu the complains that Gorbachev end other reformers ate spending fo much tine in the West a0, ts Kiyecthov of the KGB nse, felting to eomy en Senso he ot te il ne A pot ha he ‘errs ar oo then with thi foreign SAS CyB Sarasa nico oma Popov ity Tie Fier roacin te Wet Bone rl Ut Sia 1a Sapan, and Serge Saevich, the vce mayo, traveling from India to Metco fo Gualall To Gress to the Unied Stat {ounce Puan to Bien oles Tha tinct 96-88 Gorter enpas on Semeraon | eg eal ekiptc Tt He bad Ce ‘Werth pte il ow dt th ute ton othe tcrntey, Weare eolowns dows ra of wh Ute ite toread tres ope orsign bank socount, Westy a home nd hin though cur plane for he fue of pent Rossa ™= Caught betwee thse nreasngly ivergent views, Geebachoy 202 WHAT WENT WRONG WITH PERESTRON fs evidence oftheir Wester orientation and lack of coma: ment to the Rusian tration sn sou” 'As the efiem proses began (0 fller, Gorbachev found sis ie tn nw innceoaty The *Rformer aking To the West for inspiration steed the ral tx move woth market The barista and miliary oer Sc Tour at Fe tes Urol oy voto woe Darby thee. pearly conemgel ag tre ‘arch and ema sheen ing dally Tes. To ae Fecal peas Cte rent ea ore oe Te Peete ered eal fees plat aiel eee sic e eee 1 toda cane tnd ed twa thle plces whch ed a SF dnp tral soe 0 ada ae Senin i ha been sable {put foo onthe slits or uit fini dacomet. Disa i to loge papular suport. By 90, Fi aoe re bea OE tv ery th ono 229 nat Decne Ax deci ty the anny hartner Colonel Petnbenko, “he strogae no ebght ence the wo camps we haven county he Se Saber ee fea edt in mid198 to move Back at Ist pry 0 ‘erst Where Does the Soviet Union Go from Here? fit postales and-then glist filed 1 prague he ‘st sesng and spree om the pub teu he muy ol cance areas Totes i ean Hepat tae eae teases ee a rel oe nctic Whe te ond tine Se ‘evened cou ded 10 sab ‘But none of these ‘nrc SMOSH ERITe Ws neat nre sed ‘more of his passengers ee ae ‘Similarly, ‘a ieee Gates a Sov pla sen bas gener more an ‘meaningful seton. Amit the turmoil, Supreme Soviets inthe oun have become more and moe ke debating rather tn Jrislatve adi. After tine o one seme to be comp vith orders from the center Gortacher even tried issuing oF {ers demanding compliance with his earlier order, but thse were nore a5 wel ox hn Ig cn he Sv Unni ad appreciate jst how dsrintng the Gorbachev years wth all their cour reves nnd, ane sdation, ai legate and economic adviser hae own Crate won ling ea peer sey, Govbchey rh J

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