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Gender bias in schools in the United States has come a long way since when our

country began, however there are still many issues that plague our schools today. Often

times different gender roles can be attributed to different aspects of people's

unconscious that they don't exist. Unfortunately in today's world there are biases that

many people share, some of these biases are that men are better at math and science

while women were better at school as a whole. Many of these topics can greatly affect

and adolescence view of the world. These different stereotypes are brought on by what

we learn in classrooms, such as when we are taught history, we are often times only

taught the history of half the population or less than 1/2 in some cases. Usually when

history is told, it is told from the viewpoint of the white males, this can be a moment of

conflict for many females who may be wondering why are women not spoken of more in

history and why is their role never told. The realistic answer is because up until recent

generations, women had been considered below men, however the times have changed

for the better and now on paper everyone is equal.

However with all the negatives surrounding gender bias in our schools there is at

least one thing that has come out of recent laws that helps certain females in school.

This law is known as Title IX. Under the law no school that is receiving federal aid can

discriminate based on sex or take away benefits based on their sexual orientation. This

law extends from extracurricular Sports to the recruitment and hiring of various different

jobs. Because of this law we know that our world may not be perfect and some

inequalities exist, however as a whole we are slowly becoming better over time.

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