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My university life was an unforgettable stage in my life but not everything was so nice there
are things that should be changed at UPAO to make everything better.

First of all I have to say that UPAO is a big university possibly one of the biggest in the city
but there is not enough space to relax in the free time.

Also in the engineering block specifically in classrooms there isnt much capacity for all the

The classroom is made for only 60 people but in some cases they use the classrooms for 80
or more and when you arrive late, because you are going to look for a desk to other
classroom, the teacher closes the door that is terrible.

Another problem is the few places to buy snacks in our break time. The UPAO caf sells
everything too expensive and I have to go outside to buy something to eat.

This is unacceptable because I pay for good service and education but I dont receive that
in the most of cases.

Authorities always ignore the requests of the students.

The students must have a better attention from the authorities of the university.

Suggestions :

I suggest that the authorities must do quizes to verify what kind of service offers to
students and apply the corrections that should, but specially interest to solve these

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