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Important Announcement

Attendance of Scheduled Quiz

1) The regular students should attend in their schedule times which are:
9:00 10:00 on Monday 24th of April for MCTR, DPE, and MATS groups.
9:00 10:00 on Saturday22nd of April for Civil groups.

2) There will be no compensating quiz under any circumstances for the regular students.

3) The advising students who may have conflict in their teaching schedules with the
organized quiz times, they have to be directed to their TA with their schedule to take a
signed permission to attend in one of the two organized times on Saturday and/or

4) For the advising students who have conflict with both times they have to pass by my
office to arrange for a suitable time so close to the organized times.

Important: All advising students should arrange for their Quiz time maximum by
Thursday 20th of April.

With all my best wishes

Prof. Imam Morgan

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