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And so whatever you do, do it heartily as the Lord, and not unto men.

- Colossians 3:23
The ultimate expression of Gods love is by giving his only begotten son, Jesus. Even if how
unworthy we are he has given his all to us, thus it the right time to stand up and live our lives
with excellence.
How do we live our lives with excellence?

Lets give our all in everything that we do no task is too big nor too insignificant.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
No matter how difficult or menial the task is, strive to put in all your efforts. Think
about how it could benefit others while thinking how it could lead to your success.
Lets do things all for His glory. It would be easier for us to give our all knowing that
the efforts we put in are all for God.

But the greatest among you shall be your servant. Matthew 23:11
Humility is a modest or low view of one's own importance. It is not something that we finally
achieve, but something that we seek and demonstrate each day.
Why is there a need to develop humility?

Humility is a commandment. In order to be able to subject ourselves to Gods

commands and His plans for us, we must develop true humility.
Humility makes us more childlike. Children know there is so much they need to
learn. They want to learn and they look to their parents to teach them. Being humble
makes is teachable, like a little kid.
Humility allows the Spirit to lead us. Righteous discernment on what we should do
or not do in life is often difficult. Being humble makes us realize our need for God
and leaves our hearts open to where His spirit leads us.
Humility opens the door to grace. As Catholics, we are continuously striving to seek
God and feel His grace. Only by opening ourselves and being humble, are we able to
see how God works and feel His presence in our daily lives.
Humility turns our weaknesses into strengths. Our weaknesses signifies that we are
not perfect beings. God leads and teaches the humble as well as He honors them. It
is only in humility that we attain greatness.

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