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ersonal Statement of Beliefs on Teaching I work to create a safe, inclusive environment to allow students and parents to understand the importance that education plays in fostering a happy, healthy individual that is able to keep up with modern lifestyles. Any individual, no matter their personal environment that is influenced by parental environments, socioeconomic background, religion, spirituality, race, culture, preferred garb, sexual orientation, gender, can learn. Every person I encounter deserves to be treated with respect and dignity and are worthy of respect and I will work to ensure that they are treated by others as they should. I work towards creating an inclusive environment that works to instil empathy in others and a knowledge in the social atmosphere. STATEMENT OF BELIEFS ABOUT CHILDREN Every child deserves the chance to learn and grow within a safe, inclusive and nurturing environment, — Every child is smart beyond my limited knowledge and I can only hoy to learn from them. 7 Every child deserves to be challenged by their mentor in a constructive way to help them push their boundaries, Every child deserves to fail in a protected manner so that they can learn from their mistakes and move forwards. Every child is beautiful and I will treat them as they are. Children should be able to learn about topics from professionals they may not be discussed at home, ina careful manner. Children deserve to be freed from stereotypes associated with gender, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, race, religion, culture, ethnicity, immigration status, dress, manner, speech, weight, body type, disability, intellect, etc. They do not deserve to be bullied or discriminated against, as with their age the repercussions can be traumatic to their psychological development. STATEMENT OF BELIEFS ABOUT LEARNING Learning is a lifelong process, in which children should be encouraged to embrace from a young age. Without this love of learning, the lifelong learning process can be stunted and therefore keeping the individual from experiencing the best of life. Learning is difficult, however, learning is rewarding and should never feel like a chore. By introducing concepts in fun and innovative ways, while still keeping the credentials of the curriculum intact, I will be able to foster a rewarding learning process. Learning is full of mistakes, and these should never be punished. Questions will never be discouraged. As a person with a learning disability myself, it was crucial to know that a teacher had my back from a young age, so that I could learn in the manner that I could. Therefore, my many many questions would never feel as a bother and this is what I hope to emote. Learning should be inclusive. All disabilities or gifts, no matter the nature or severity, should be discluded from a classroom. People learn best from interactions with others, and by exposing individuals to the diversity of our world within a safe, productive classroom, individuals — even if they do not have a disability —will be able to be a better person. Teaching Rationales -T will use educational materials that are inclusive to all walks of life such as; FNMI, disabilities, people of color. socioeconomic backgrounds, parental environments, : sexual orientation, languages, cultures and traditions, -[ will use materials that work towards fostering an empathetic environment and using volunteerism as a way to collaborate with other members of the community. -All classroom materials will work towards creating a high standing class average as studies have shown that early educational experiences shape future life experiences. -Inclusive materials and educational tools such as fidget toys will be used to create an equitable environment to allow for all members of the classroom to be on an equal playing field. THOUGHTS ON CHARACTERISTICS AND ATTRIBUTES OF EFFECTIVE TEACHERS Teachers should be/have... -an open door policy -training in mental health first aid -an open mind towards all situations -no biases or stereotypes -stimulatory materials for all students -organized and complete lesson plans -comprehensive outlines for curriculum goals and assessment -ideas on how to change a situation -boundless positivity -professionalism in all aspects of life -technology incorporated into the classroom -no fear of the unknown -up to date materials -new innovative materials -conflict resolution skills -communication skills -patience -an awareness of time -time management skills

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