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Jiro Athelston L.

Ver II

Gr.7 St. John Paul II

God is Just but he is Merciful

God is Just but he is Merciful. Everyone tells us that God is just. He is fair and impartial. A God

did not care about right or wrong he did not judge us for acting one way not to be admirable

being worthy of our love and trust. God is just because he hate those people are lying, cheating,

and bullying and to all sinners he wants to have justice to them. God wants to justice the world.

God is protecting us from sinners and he wants us to have a clean spirit with no sins. Because

without God, just can change everything can change. God always get justice right because he

wants to change our attitude. He is always wants our best because he wants us to do our best at

all things we do. God put us in your life for a reason, and removes them from life for a better

reason. God is just. He is the source of all justice. But he is also full of mercy and loving

kindness. God is full of kindness and love. God is not all just but he is also full of kindness and

love he is kind to us to all kind person and he love us all even if we are sinners and he loves

everyone. 1 John 1:9. If we confess our, sins he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and

purify us from all unrighteousness. Like other said You are gracious God and merciful slow to

anger and abounding in steadfast love and relenting from disaster that is said of other people in

this world. Like in the Bible God has no beginning and no end. God show the love of God like

loving each other and many more and every people need to be a merciful. All people can be

merciful because some people said God can merciful but people can be merciful to.

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