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BY THE SAME AUTHOR Lutilisation du Tarot en Astrologie Judiciare (The Use of the ‘Tarot in Judiciary Astrology} 1938. Les Astres Parlent (The Stars Speak) 1985. La Symbolisme de la Vie Légendaire de Moise (The Symbolism of the Legendary Life of Moses) 1935. Les Raveset les Astres (Dreams and the Stars) 1935, Astrology Lunaire (Lunar Astrology) 1936 & 1947. La Technique des Révolutions Solaires (Technique of Solar Revolu- tions) 1937. Second edition revised and augmented 1946, Third edi- tion revised and augmented 1972. Soycz-vous-méme votre Astrologue (Be your own Astrologer) 1940. ‘Le Maitre de Nativité (The Ruler of the Nativity) 1946, Second edition revised and augmented 1970, L’Astrologie chez les Mayas et les Aztéques (Astrology among the Mayasand the Aztecs) 1946. Esotérisme de I'Astrologie (Bsotericism in Astrology) 1953. L'lnterprétation Astrologique des Réves (Astrological Interpretation of Dreams) 1953 Journal d'un Astrologue (Diary of an Astrologer) 1957. Le Symbolisme de ’Aigle (The Symbolism of the Eagle) 1960, A. VOLGUINE LUNAR ASTROLOGY An attempt aca reconstruction of the ancient astrological system. Translated by John Broglio ASI Publishers Inc. 127 Madison Avenue N.Y.,N.¥. 10016 First published in French under the title Astrologie Lunaire in 1936 Fourth Edition copyright © 1972 by Alexandre Volguine English translation copyright © 1974 by ASI Publishers Inc. All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of che publisher. ISBN: 0-88231-004-6 LOG#: 74-7523 ASI PUBLISHERS INC. 127 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 To Monsieur Nicolas, A ffectionately. AY. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface to the fourth edition Preface to the second edition Introduction The increpretations of the Mansions in the different traditions Mansion t Mansion U1 Mansion LIL Mansion LV Mansion V Mansion VI Mansion VIT Mansion VII Mansion IX. Mansion X Mansion XI Mansion XVI Mansion XVI Manston XVIII Mansion XIX, Mansion XX Mansion XX Mansion XXIL Mansion XIIT Mansion XXIV Mansion XXV Mansion XXVI 19 25, 27 33, 34 37 38 39 a 42 B 43 “4 45 45 46 48 49 50 5 5 Be 58 54 56 37 58 BR

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