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Open Invitation

-Marie Hoekman

Tod waltzed through the snow-laden forest. He carried a bottle of Rabbit's Annual Pumpkin Ale in
a brown burlap sack between his teeth. Rabbit's Pumpkin Ale was something of legend amongst the
woodland creatures. Tod thought it would be just the thing to pass around at this year's tree lighting. It
was his turn to bring the spirits.
Tod closed his eyes and allowed a moment to allow himself to take in the crisp winter air through
his muzzle. To him this season always smelled and felt like happiness, as if this season of giving and
brotherhood was the epitome of life itself. Strifes were forgotten and the debts were jubilated.
His ear twitched, and he peeked an eye open, when he hears a sudden rustling in the heather.
"Hello?" He ventured. "Badger, is that you?"
But there was no response. Tod swallowed the uneasiness attempting to rise in his throat like bile.
It was probably a bird taking shelter from the cold. He continued on his way. He glanced at the sky. If he
did not hurry along, he would be late to the Lighting of the Tree.
"Oh!" He cried, turning back a few steps. "Wouldn't want to forget Rabbit's Pumpkin Ale! The
party simply would not be the same without it. What a laugh it would be, if the Guest of Honor ruined the
party himself!" He chuckled to himself, taking up his load again.
"Oh yes, what a pity that would be indeed." A voice rasped from somewhere nearby.
Tod dropped the burlap-covered bottle into the snow. "H-hello there, friend." He stammered. He
did not recognize the voice.
From somewhere in the shadows, the voice chuckled. "Friend? Oh no, dear fox. I am afraid you
are mistaken, for I am nobody's friend in these parts."
The fur along the nape of the fox's neck began to stand on point, despite his best eff orts to calm
himself. He would be darned if he were going to let some skulky beast get the best of him. "W-why would
no beast call you their friend here, um, sir?"
"You are nave." The voice droned from the bushes, to which Tod took an offended step back. "Do
you truly think all beasts of the forest are considered friends?"
The fox peered into the shadows of the bushes through squinted, amber eyes. "What are you
talking about, sir? Everyone who lives in the forest is invited to the Lighting of the Tree. Why , even Badger
with his terrible temper!" He forced a chuckle to lighten the atmosphere, but the voice did not reciprocate,
and he quickly shifted into a coughing fit to cover up his amusement. "If it may not be too much to ask,
could you come out, so I can speak with you directly?
"Very well," it said with a loud, grumpy sigh, and a large, brown weasel ambled out from the cover
of the heather.
"I have never seen a weasel as large as you!" Tod gasped.
"I am not a weasel, I am a marten," the creature said with a hint of annoyance.
"I-I apologize, sir." Tod stumbled over the words.
"Of course, you do. Now you see what I am. Are you quite happy now?"
Tod cracked a grin. "I am always happy to have met a new friend."
"Ha!" Snarked the marten. "Friend indeed. I told you once, fox, and I'll tell you again, I am
nobeast's friend!" He snapped his fangs so close to his muzzle, that Tod was concerned that the mustelid
might have accidentally bitten off one of his whiskers.
"I dont what is upsetting you, but I'd bet my tail that company with neighbors - neighbors, not
friends, mind you, would do you some good. Please come to the party.
"I already told you, you thick-headed canine, that I wasn't invited to Rabbit's little shindig, and I'd
rather have my tail frozen to the lake in the middle of a blizzard at midnight, than bother myself with it!"
Tod was starting to lose his patience with this ungrateful creature. He had to fight the urge to curl
his upper lip and growl at him. If it were not Christmas, he just might have let himself, but instead, he took
a long, deep breath through his nose and exhaled slowly. "I have been nothing but kind to you, sir. It is
Christmas, after all. All I wish is to spread a little kindness. He sighed and set down the ale at the martens
paws. If you do not wish to come with me, then please accept this.
The marten took an involuntary step backward. What is it?
Its a gift. Please accept it - for the trouble. The fox nodded to him and began on his way. He
supposed that the party would be just as enjoyable without the ale. Before he disappeared into the trees,
Tod called back over his shoulder. If you should decide, we are celebrating at the Great Pine. Tell them
that youre my guest. You wont have a problem.
The fox disappeared into the trees, leaving the stunned mustelid in his wake.
Tod entered the clearing. A large pine tree stood in its center. Squirrels and chipmunks scampered
up and down its branches, stringing strands of candy and popcorn. Some carried up ornaments, baubles
green, red, and gold from the ground to the high, unreachable branches. Atop of the tree perched a large
star that glittered in the late afternoon sun.
Well, if it isnt the fox of the hour! Rabbit bounded up to Tod in a few long bounds. I hope you
brought the spirits! Tis the season! Rabbit stood on his haunches, peering about either side of him. Say,
you did bring the spirits, didnt you?
Tod looked uneasy. Well, I was bringing some of your Autumn batch of Pumpkin Ale, but I passed
it on.
Passed it on? Tod, the Guest of Honor is the one designated to bring the holiday drink!
Im sure we can make do without. I gave it as a gift, Rabbit. Tis the season, as you said.
Rabbit cast him a wry look, but nodded, though with the remnants of slight resentment. Well, I
suppose. He cracked a smile. Either way, glad youre here, friend. Now the party can start! He turned
to the crowd of woodlanders, who were gathered in small clusters, either around the food or the tree.
Hey, everybeast! Tod is here! Lets let the party begin!
The announcement was met by a chorus of cheers. Tod couldnt help cheering along with them.
Ah, shut it, you lot! A gruff voice said from behind Tods shoulder, and a bottle of Ale fell beside
his paws.
Marten! Called Todd, whilst a smile split his muzzle.
The gruff creature cracked a small smile. I, uh, thought about what you said, fox - thank you.
Tod grinned. Dont thank me quite yet. Rabbit, it seems like Marten has brought the festive
spirits. I suppose this would make him -
The guest of honor! Rabbit finished. Why I do believe you are correct! He turned to
Marten. Come along now, fellow. Its time to light the tree.
A feeling of warmth filled Tod then, as he followed the two of them to the tree. Perhaps Marten
would finally feel at home this season.

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