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Chapter One: The beginning of Despair, Part One

Zodiac Kingdom, 990

The dreams are forever changed Those desirable dreams I used to have became
relics of the past.

Back then I wished for the night to fall quickly where I get to drift silently in a vast sea of
darkness where the coast was void. It was so peaceful back then. Now, I no longer wish for the
night to settle in ever since the silence was gone, my dreams became pain incarnate. I see the
nightmares lurk in the darkness. They peer into me with their round dead eyes daring, and
beckoning me to dive/give in the dreams. I see them staring back at me everywhere I go.
Chasing... HidingWaiting. My mind became a recorder of the horrible events I have witnessed.
I have seen the unspeakable things of what humanity has done. I remember it all how a good
fortune has/had transformed into something sinister. Day by day, scream after scream, the
outcast was tortured, feeding off the pain that grew stronger with each passing night. But this
time something is different. I hear it in the dark. I smell it in the air. I see it before me, as it
appears a color darker than night. A pit of darkness pulls me into the bottomless center.
Refusing it was not an optionUntil the light appeared, piercing the darkness, freeing me from
its grasp. Stuck between the light and shadow, a gleam of dark grey appeared. It shone brightly
covering my sight of vision, showing me a fire followed by many, forming a sea of flames. There
he was standing with tears streaming down his cheeks before the mocking flames as they danced
and burned the village, claiming the corpses.

A horde of knights emerged from the blaze, circling him with weapons in hand. Wielding
their hatred upon their armed spears. His soaked eyes stared back, swearing to punish and
destroy. A hymn of darkness coursed the field clothing the battle away from the outsiders. Mercy
was not present as the bodies were piled up like mountains and he remained crying, and
laughing. The bright glowing flames turned to dark, casting a shadow that soon expanded and
spread out into seven-sided polygon. From the shadows they raised, under the moonlight. Seven
cloaked creatures of different sizes spoke encouraging him to drop the false mask he wears. I
was terrified, I could not speak. My words were scrambled. He could not heed my call as the
hands of darkness tangled around his bleeding

Damn it! Not again, Saya rolled her eyes in exasperation. She shook her pen and tried to
write again but to no avail. This is the fifth guess I am done for the night. She muttered to
herself. With a sigh she leaned back on her chair and turned towards the mirror. Already her
nightgown was hanged next to the glass that reflected her skinny body. With another sigh she
pushed herself up and reached for the dress.
Saya looked in the mirror and traces her fingers on it. She was aware of her faces beauty,
but her body she hated. She closed her eyes and let her past memories play. Reminding her of a
woman she saw ten years ago at the Carnival of Freedom.
She was so beautiful Looking down at her own pale body under the moonlight. Will I
ever become like her? It was only then she could hear the whispers from the corners
reminding her about the fragments of her past, she would like to burn it all away.
Go away, fugly! a womans voice chuckled.
She looks like a ghost! a mans voice shot back.
Ew I thought the undead were long gone.
The graveyard is that way, boy!
Sorry, I am not into boys. Oh you are a girl? Really?! HA! Who knew~
SHUT UP! Saya screamed. Her hands covered her ears and she shook her head, hair
tossing before falling down to her squinting eyes.
The brutal words left deep marks in her core. She wanted to forget those memories of
shame, and let them decay. She leaned down, knees first and slammed her fist on the mirror
repeatedly. Its not like I wanted this body! Saya clenched her teeth and reached for her chest
and dug her fingers forming a fist. So what I dont have muttered tearfully. She looked at
the white moon. The beautiful sight was just like ten years ago. Tell me Why cant I be like
her? The white light slipped into the cracks of her mind to where it all began.

Listen to me, young lady. We are going home and that is final. The woman said, pulling
the girls arm. She peered down at the child who stuck her heel tips between small gaps of the
pavers and shook her head. Is this my reward for taking you to the park? Looks like someone is
sleeping without dinner.
The nine years old or so child outside the park grunted and tried to free herself free. Having
no desire to miss the event she long waited to see. Mommy, let go. You promised to stay for the
theater as my birthday gift. The child unintentionally scratched against the womans hand
drawing blood. The mother was fierce, she pulled harder only to be met with more struggle.
Stop scratching, Saya! Ungrateful child! A cracking sound was heard from the shoes.
You are going to break your heels that I have paid for! The mother raised a hand in the air and
brought it towards the childs face only to stop before connecting it. Seeing the tightly shut eyes
with beads of tears forming at the corner made her stomach flip. Fine! I do not care anymore.
Dont blame me if you get lost. Announced the woman before she let the girls hand go and
headed back home.

Saya curled down by seeing herself falling from the sudden release. She stood up, watching
her mom walk away and disappear from sight. Behind her, a thunderous clap struck the ground,
creating a cloud of smoke. The peoples attention shifted to the loud sound. Around the scene
they gathered, gazing and wondering as the smoke kept spreading. An explosion? A failed
experiment? Saya rushed and squeezed herself between the people before meeting a strong wind
from the ground below, shaking the nearby leaves and weep/weeping up the smoke, leaving
behind a man dressed up in crimson suit that sparkled with gold fragments. A white shirt and a
black hat that matches the shoes. The people transfixed as they were amazed by his colorful
appearance before giving a round of applause.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the Zodiac Carnival. We will soon
begin our historical show about the world in few moments. Gather yourselves and head to the
Theater of Grace and claim your seats. Prepare to be entertained and amazed! The show is free
for all!

After hearing his announcement, especially the word Free, made the crowd give loud
cheers and praises. The magician gave a bow and clapped his hands twice. Two similar clouds of
smoke appeared besides him, but banished instantly as two more dressed men came to vision.

One of the men, his hair sky blue and eyes of bright pink, held a flaming red guitar to his
side as he bowed. Glad to be here, I am Marzix, the Musician. The blue-haired man said
smiling, Please welcome my brother.

The people clapped as their eyes turned to the brother who was an almost mirror copy of
his sibling, expect for the completely opposite of colors of hair and eyes. He leaned forward
giving a half bow and a gentle smile at the audience, especially at the females who blushed as he
squinted his eyes. Nice to meet you, I am Darzix the Drummer.

Now that the twins assembled, please allow me to introduce the final member of the
team. The magician said, his cheeks reddening a little, Oh, by the goddess, Ive forgotten to
introduce myself first!
Few laughter came from the people. He coughed and snapped his fingers pulling the Joker
in a hand and the Ace of Heart in the other and struck a pose. I am Xypho the Magician.
Then a large purple cart came to a halt behind them. The peoples awe could be seen and
heard as their attention became solely focused on the fancy vehicle that seemed to possess no
driver. Many were guessing what would be inside, candies, gifts, clothes, jewels, or maybe rare
Xypho raised his hands high above his head and clapped once. And now, our final and
main member, the star of tonights show. The talented Puppeteer, Zalandra. The door of the cart
opened and then a woman descended. The eyes of the people were mesmerized by the elegant
movements as she took one step at a time. She was wearing a soft looking, purple ball gown. Her
forearms down to her fingers looked mechanical with long curled fingers that looked like talons.
She was wearing a yellow crown with sharp crimson edges pointing up and from the crown a
somewhat see-through black veil extended down to her chest and in the middle of it laid a
painting of an eye inside a diamond mark.

The only term to describe her body features was through the little exposed skin shown
beneath her collared neck with harnesses that extended to her arms and stomach that
complimented her long black hair. Standing before the captivated crowd she gave a curtsey.
Greetings, proud citizen of Zodiac.
Silence filled the space. Only the faint sounds from the shops far away could be heard as
none gave a reply or even tried to whistle. None, expect one, Sayas lips parted cutting through
the silence unintentionally Pretty

The woman turned towards the source of the voice and smiled beneath the veil. Saya
clapped a hand over her mouth as she snapped back to reality. Oh I am
Xypho noticed the change of the situation as the excitement was slowly fading. He gave a
clap then another as he eased his way to fix the unexpected turn.
Tonights show will be told through magic and puppets. Please do not miss our show! For
tonight we will move away to Kazark Kingdom. We cannot wait to see you inside. With another
clap, four clouds of smoke appeared once more covering their frame as they disappeared, leaving
the crowd cheering as they head inside the theater.

Inside, the theater seats were filling up with people. Spotting an empty seat on the back
right corner Saya rushed for it. Now all she had to do is play the waiting game. Seconds in her
sitting down, her fingers curled, surfing on her skin. She pressed on her thighs, legs moved up
and down while her heels did the knocking on the floor while watching the children racing to the
front and some in the middle with their parents. After few moments, the lights turned off,
inviting the darkness to settle in. Faint cries were heard from the crowd and then a spooky music
started playing, filling the arena with what?. The large crimson drapes opened, revealing the
large puppeteers wagon with three boxes of different colors of black, white, and gold floating up
and down in the air. Magic particles gathered around the cart shaping a large square screen that
displayed maps. The first two boxes of white, and black shone as the cover exploded up to pieces
and as two beams of dark, and light clashed in the air, mesmerizing the crowds eyes.

Then Zalandras voice engulfed the space: The powers of the Dark and Light are equally
matched, forever opposed. It is so destined that they fight until the end of time. It was in the time
of old that the two forces stood strongest, caught in a bloody war across the multiverse/universes.
Every day, more souls were lost to the conflict on many realms. Death took endless souls that, at
one point, the creatures started wondering whether there will life left in the end of the conflict.
Unfortunately, the battles continued in the middle of our great planet, Zesna, lay eight islands in
the shape of heptagon. Seven pointing in each cardinal direction around a larger central continent
to form Ardia, the human realm. The realm was tarnished by darkness. This darkness spread its
evil hordes upon the Ardia. They were known by many names, such as, devils, demons, undead,
and many more.

Multiple colored puppets came into vision each took the appearance of a beast. Their horrid
features matched the description they heard from their parents before. Sharp talons, long fangs,
wings, and tails. The people were watching the puppets walking towards them followed by a
black grey mist, slowly approaching before coming to a halt on top of the shivering children. The
puppets raised their claws high. There was a glimmer of reflective light before they gave
malicious grins varied through the toys as they appeared to be alive. Seeds of fear were being
planted inside the hosts. They circled around their victims and dashed onto the childrens head
with their claws. Most of the children closed their eyes. Ah! several screams came. Those were
the sounds of fear, the fruit of their seed they sown. The puppets tilted their head, locking their
glowing glassy eyes on Saya before, giving loud chuckling as they retreated back to the cart.

Saya leaned back on her seat and her hands stuck on the leather armrests as she gazed back
to the eyes as they faded into the wisp of smoke. This was no coincidence, she was sure of it. Her
lips curled upwards, her heart pounding. Beads of sweat appeared on her temple, unsure if she
was afraid or proud to have been noticed.

Mankind stood no chance against the strife. The merciless beasts spread fear, used
impossible abilities manipulating the nature elements, causing violent earthquakes, bringing
terrible storms and thunders. The seats shook and a cold breeze rushed out from the sides,
forcing the viewers to shield themselves. They torched and destroyed the towns. Driving the
humans almost to the point of extinction but then they appeared.

The grim music shifted to soft melody and a shining light appeared. Twelve magnificent
entities of light pierced through the darkened sky and descended upon Ardia, they called
themselves, the Archlords. The puppets of the demons were fighting the angelic puppets. The
smiles could be seen on the faces of the children as the monsters were defeated. The divine
beings casted their holy light and restored the world. They told humanity of their goddess of
creation, Meyagami, and it was by her will they came to defend the humans and be their
custodians. Thanks to the efforts of these celestial beings, the monsters became a distant
memory. They, who saved humanity from the cruel fate taught their knowledge and told the
stories of an old war, known to be the Primal Conflict. As a result of peace, mankind enjoyed
their new world and age of sweet reverie.

The human puppets kneeled before the shiny ones. The people began to worship these
holy beings and their goddess. Statues were built by the elite devotees and thus were blessed
with divine gifts. In their infinite wisdom they ascended back to the heavens for reasons
unknown to us. They who knew the will of time, warned us that one day the evil would return
once more to claim our lands. Happiness was short lived, but each of the Archlords forged a
jewels except for one.
The eleven jewels were sealed into a large crystalline plate. They gave a prophecy Only
the pure devoted ones will inherit the jewels. proclaimed the Archlords. Within this plate
lays the destiny of mankind!

True to their words, the restored peace was short lived, despite the advance the humanity
achieved, it could not withstand against Misandras invasion. All who lived in Ardia knew the
queen of the demon realm as her very name was synonyms with the terror and cruelty that lurk in
the shadows. She unleashed the chains and out of the sky, and from the water they came
announcing the end of harmony. Killing those on sight. They conquered the lands through
slaughter, plunder and pillage. Humanity begged and prayed for the divine beings to return, and
cleanse the world of endless bloodshed. The people grown in fear and shivered in their sleep.
Their flickering hope burned as they held the words of the prophecy inside them.

Through countless generations spent fighting, resisting only to be rewarded with slaughter.
A group of five rose against the invaders, sacred jewels in hand along with an angel, the heroes
crushed the invader armies. They freed and retrieved the lands to their rightful owners before
leading their victory to central continent where the queen kept her castle. The heroes sealed
themselves to form a spell that doomed the queen to her defeat.

The curtains were closing slowly as the music was coming to an end and the shadows gave
the final round of applause, followed by cheerful whistles. The magician appeared once more in
a loud bang of thunder, bowing to the clapping mass. Thank you for coming to your exhibition
today, dear people of Zodiac. We hope that you enjoyed our show and we wish you a lovely
The people started to move upward towards the exit. Saya walked against the tide, slowly
descending down to the stage between the leaving crowds, slowly sneaking towards the stage left
wing where she hid there. She could see the puppeteer behind the cart putting the puppets back
into the boxes with the strings. Sayas cheeks reddened as she could see the astonishing beauty
from afar. She swallowed her saliva before she parted her lips, wanting to thank her for the
show but there was no sound. To disturb the graceful woman left a bad taste in her mouth.

Having your face turned that color can be very dangerous. Saya jumped from the sudden
sound and hugged the rope near her. Or shall I say misleading for the people. Continued
Zalandra with a smirk.
Saya froze in her place, her eyes locked with two shining pearls under the veil.
Sorry, Saya said quickly, and then hesitated. I I didnt mean to stare. You look so
Normally, considering the fact you didnt see me beneath the veil, and yet, here you say I
am pretty surely raise suspicion, but to see you are drooling confirms your claim. Saya shut her
eyes and cleaned her chin. Oh she wanted to curl down into a hole. There was no going out of
this one. What could she say regarding that? Lost in her thoughts the silence settled between
them until Zalandra continued packing. No need to apologize, I am not upset. After all, I was
waiting for you to come.

What?! Saya said, her eyes bulged out in surprise at the woman. You knew I was
coming here? How?!

Zalandras flung her head back as her hand raised close to her covered face as laughter
escaped from her lips. It is so easy to know what a child wants. After all I have many. She then
stood from her seat and turned, facing the girl whose face was full of doubt. Surprised? Or do
you find it shocking for me to have more than seven children? Would you like to be my
daughter, Saya?

She could feel her body burn on fire, blood was flowing inside her along with many
thoughts. Did we meet somewhere? No, I am sure today is our first, yet, how could she know my
name and me coming here. How did you? her voice grew more frantic. Why do her lips
were sealed with a finger. A finger? But Zalandra hand were mechanical a second ago? She
was wearing them all along? No- wait When did she remove them, or even close this large
distance? A magic user, Avaltor? Sayas eyes shook, her body screamed for her to run away, her
heart hammered against her chest. She knew something dangerous was at work.

Ill only answer one question, now my dear. Arent you more interested in knowing about
what you came here for? her purple lips parted open, letting a bright pink tongue to swirl around
in a circular motion. Seeing a rare child who is interested in the world and the history of it
surely whets my appetite.

A flood of emotion ran through her skin and her gaze was captivating by Zalandras
beauty. Her lips parted open as she felt her head moving closer, her lips almost touching the thin
clothing. I, Saya said between heavy breaths, I want
The veil pulled away, letting only the lower part to brush against her lips from the sudden
movement. She saw Zalandras smile faded under the thin sheet.

Unfortunately, you are not the chosen one. You are just a seed of many, yet, a rare one I
suppose. A guardian to aid the chosen. Rejoice, Saya you have a chance to be a part of an
important event. Zalandra walked back to her cart along the rest of the puppets. If you grow
beautifully, Ill then collect you on your twentieth birthday. She smiled for a moment and then
tilted her head to the side and spread her arms wide. I almost forgot to say. Happy Birthday,
Saya. Youve turned ten a minute ago.

Saya did not look at the time, her eyes shook in disbelief. There were many thoughts
traveling in her head. The attraction that seemed to be one-sided and the information she knew.
A normal person couldnt know these things by just hunch or coincidences yet somehow
Zalandra could. From acquiring the information somehow, and the ability to close the distance
seemed like teleportation. All these phenomena suggest that she is a magic user.

Well then, Saya. I bid you adieu.

Saya was convinced. This woman was not a bluff, but the real deal. An existence close to
an ethereal being. She bit her lower lip and clenched her fists and took a deep breath. I will be
waiting for you. I wont forget about you Saya knew this chance wouldnt repeat itself. She
screamed. So dont break your promise! She ran up the stairs and turned before she passed the
exit only to see theater was empty. She walked back home under the dark starless sky with a
smile, holding a promise that would soon change her fate.

Loud neighing sounds brought her back to the present and she looked down from the
window and saw her mom standing before the golden wagon. From the armored horses she could
tell it belonged to Duke Romaro, the top member of the twelve royal members of the Kingdom.
She could not help but to wonder why such a high class member was at her house this late hour.
She tilted her head to the side and saw the clock with the corner of her eyes.

Her mother walked out as she was greeted by the three guards who then carried her
luggage. She rose an eyebrow, wondering if she forgotten her mother said something about her
traveling? Or did she plan to travel without telling her? But seeing the smile upon her mothers
face brought some warmth inside her. It was a sight she did not see for many years after getting
the divorce she wanted. Saya knew her mother regretted it deeply as she indulged herself in
booze and nights at the local bars. Surely, hearing the man who/whose once was her husband
became unemployed became a high general who led one of the strongest armies of the kingdom
and on top he married a beautiful young princess dealt a heavy blow. Day after day, she listened
to her mother complaining, frustrated with everything.

A loud bang came behind Saya that made her jump before turning. The door shook as the
knocking increased. She raised her hand up. Wait I am not dressed The metal knob was
send flying across the room sending Saya a shock of fear. Her muscles began to spasm as the
huge guard of two meters darted his hand towards her. She tried to shuffle back away from
approaching hand that grasped her arm and pulled her towards him effortlessly. She closed her
eyes and resisted, throwing her hands in the air only to realize pain surging in her bones from the
hard metals she attacked.
I bring you a letter, so hold still and read It. said the guard, as looked down at the furious
girl who seemed to be focused on freeing herself. Read!
The loud shout made Saya stop in her place as if fear immobilized her body. She looked up,
her widened eyes scanning his body, absorbing every detail. Her gaze dropped, and she saw the
presented scroll held in hand. Slowly he released her from his tight grasp and handed her the
paper. Moments in reading, her fingers shivered, trembling at whats written, her mouth drying
up in surpriseWhat is this?! Life Schedule?! Is this a joke?

Saya Veyetrag,

I have investigated the data of your life. Few years ago, sudden changes appeared in you
as the people around noticed it. Your behavior became illogical and your existence in such state
seemed to draw negativity in the kingdom. In the eye of the queen, you are a corrupted fruit that
affects the purity of her kingdom and should be dealt with immediately. Especially when she
heard you are turning 20 without even being engaged. Such thing cannot be allowed when
humanity is in time of need.

And by the time you are reading this, your mother will be marrying the Duke. In the name
of the Queen of Zodiac Kingdom, Amber Varmillion, it is with great joy that we inform you of
your new life.

You have been assigned to serve the dukes unit, Alpha One Army. Fear not, for I already
went ahead and deleted all the records that proved your existence. Welcome to the Nameless
Servants. You go by NS-25111990. Please do your best to memorize it. You will be serving the
soldiers in whatever activities they demand. There is no need to say what will happen if you try
to disobey.

Much love,
Zodiac Scientist,

What is this? Saya inquired, quietly. Hey What nonsense is this?! The guard shot her
a surprised, almost confused look from the questions. Your new life. Just like what it says.

It was a reasonable reply, but Saya, with mouth dry as bone, reacted frantically. I can read
that much! she screamed. My name is deleted and I am forced to serve an army like a slave?!
No, thank you! She folded the letter between her palms and tossed it behind her. I will decide
what to do in my own life.
He looked up to the corner where the clock was ticking. It was 02:46:36. He sighed and
shook his head. This system was issued for the best of humanity since half a decade. Surely you
have not forgotten the two tragedies our race faced? We have to prepare ourselves for the new
upcoming darkness. It could strike in any moment! The queen made these choices to ensure the
survival of our race. We already suffered twice! We still arent ready, we all have to do our jobs
if we want to survive, even if these actions are not suitable for the current time.

Saya stared at him, then looked down as his words were true. In the past years, Ardia was
prospering after the defeat of Misandra and her demons. But peace could only last so long. The
world of mankind was soon overshadowed by another great evil. Corpse by corpse, grave by
grave, the undead began to rise, spreading fear throughout the continent. Those who fall victims
join the horde by the day after. Humanitys population was in decline as many of the people gave
up on living and surrendered to their fate. The undead werent the only enemy as the people
made enemies with the others for the simplest matters. They fought and killed, spread chaos and
despair all around.
Despite countless pain, a miracle emerged to change the tides of fate. A man blessed with
the Blood of the Ancient, brimming with glory, magic in hand. The warrior along a band of
comrades fought against the undead and freed the people. The lights of dawn rose, announcing
the end of despair. Humanity learned their saviors name as, Valgo Varmillon, shining with
greatness they elected him as their ruler and helped in creating the path he drew. Through the
years of peace, the first kingdom was built. Stationed in the middle of Ardia. Valgo was selected
to be the first King. He trained the people to fine soldiers and named the large home, Zodiac

After many years of harmony, Valgo saw a vision in one of the night. He saw the upcoming
threat that would bring ruin to his kingdom. Sword in hand, he sought, searched and destroyed
every root and branch of evil laid in his path. He met a woman and soon she became a queen
who bore him a child. Valgo noticed that his infant inherited magic of both him and his wife. He
accepted that the darkness would be there to remain as the claws of time were knocking on his
door. He decided to fight in another method by studying magic and find a way to transfer his
essences to enhance humanity and bless them with power. The awareness of the risks that
something wrong would occur in the action tormented him. The people would suffer, or worst
die. There was always the great temptation in abusing the powers that they will receive. Valgo
betted his faith on humanity, to grant them a chance to fight against the upcoming threat. He
poured his passion and sweat to find a way to protect those who will be rejected by his blood
from harm.

Those who were not accepted by the blood remained the same and took a name as
Bezeris, and for those who inherited the essences were named Avaltors, Depending on the
blood and their bodies they obtained different abilities. Avaltors busied themselves with the
given gifts. With their help many kingdoms emerged and the technologies were advancing with
rapid speed. Old rules were dismissed and new were established due to the still decline in the
birthrate. The elite leaders of the kingdoms gathered and created rules. Many of them protested
and rejected the extreme rules as such things could cause inner conflict when people are in need
to bind together and prepare for the evil. However, few of these rules were passed as they were
greatly beneficial to the new generation. One of the rules that those who reach 18 of age must be
at least engaged and expected to bear at least a child before her twentieth birthday. Those who go
against the rule is considered a criminal and a threat to the society and will be taken to custody.
Its true I am 19 and not engaged. Thats because no one wanted me. I was hated from the
start! Saya claimed. I am expected to accept this treatment and say Sure, lets go to the pit
where I will be imprisoned for life?? She grinned at the guard mockingly. I will never approve
of this
Your approval isnt required. The man interrupted as he faced the moving clock. In few
minutes your new life will begin. Turning his gaze back to her as she clenched her teeth. There
is no easy way to say this, but you will be better if you accept this fate. The man rose a hand to
her face as if he dismissed what she was saying.
Her eyes shook and her mouth was dry. But my mom she shouted, breathing heavily.
I know she has a business with the duke. Hands shivering as well as the eyelids twitching. I
can be saved right? After all I am not an orphan, therefore, I cannot go to yes.
Were you not informed? It was your mother that approved this action.
What? My mother?! This has to be a mistake It was I, who took care of her past five
years. I cooked and washed, folded her clothes and brought money to survive yet Her
fingers squeezed into a fist as her shoulders slightly raise and fall. You claim I was sold by her
like I am some kind of a cattle? she shouted and shook her head. I refuse to believeNo, what
did she say about me?

That you no longer are able to hold a chat as your mind is broken. She claims that you talk
to yourself a lot and stare at the moon for hours. He folded his huge arms. I did find you at the
window. Therefore, she might hold some truth after all.

What? I am perfectly fine! Cant you see I am talking well with you?!

The guard squinted at the frustrated womans face for a moment. From her eyes he could
tell that she was not posturing. A sigh escaped his lips as his left arm moved up to his chin.
Well, this is true. From the beginning in our meeting you been nothing but rational in
speaking. Rubbing his flaming beard, he wondered. I cannot understand why she would do that
if it wasnt true. Unless

Unless what?! Say it already. Saya held the man and tried her best to shake him as if to
make him talk faster. Her head was heating up.

It could that she used you as her ticket for the Duke Romaro. She was given an offer to
marry him as his third wife and sell you to his army as a trophy. Without parents, you entered the
Nameless Pawns. Both you and I know that once you are one you will lose all your writes and
your name will be erased along with the records of your life. This is probably what had happen.
When parents abandon their children surely is frightening. I cannot but feel sorry for you.
How could she do that? Just what did she say to convince them?!
I was able to eardrop a little when she was talking with the Duke that you are
hallucinating and claim that you can witness visions. You believe you are writing books but in
the end they are all blank pages.

Ah, she said, Then Ill just show you so you can see for yourself! She reached for one
of the books and looked at it. Terrors and Horrors of the Labyrinth. She then opened it on the
middle and showed it to the guard. Servers her right. I am not crazy! I will show you how
wrong she is. I will claim my rights back. I have a purpose in this life. I refuse to go down like
The guard sighed and turned away from the book, looking at the moon though his eyes
were sad. Saya, there is nothing in there. The pages are white like snow.

Saya made a choking noise. After seeing his eyes she was afraid to look at what she was
holding. Loud pounding knocks filled her ears as knees were buckling. It was if her body did not
want her to find out the answer. She was the only one who knew how she felt about this,
depending on the answer, not only her mind, but her heart will stop as well!
Even so! she screamed I have to see! with all her strength she flipped the book and
pierced her gaze into the pages. What?! The book fall from her hands, she looked at the guard
in confusion. Its all there She muttered, staring at the guard who shook his head in disbelief
and she could see that he did not wish to continue arguing. Pitiful woman, looks like your mind
games fell short at the end. You have five minutes to say your final goodbyes to yourself and this
place. He headed out of the room. Use this time wisely.

Saya tried her best to hold her tears but failed as she knows what awaits her once she steps
out of the room. There was no escape she used to believe her life was bad but compared to
what she will face this was heaven. In few moments she will no longer have a name, nor a will to
decide anything. She will be like a mechanical doll that follows the given orders.
Saya curled herself around like a shell. In the end I was only a comet I was not to be a
shooting starFarewell, me Saya though inside her heart. Her mind was playing back her
memories she hated, but now she wasnt sure anymore.

Saya opened her eyes taking one final look at the novels she wrote. Destruction and
Rebirth. Then she moved her finger towards the book next to it. The Endless War. Her finger
moved faster. The Unseen Worlds. The Akashic Records, The Eight Sinful Roses, Heroes of
Light and Blight, Terrors and Horrors of the Labyrinth, The Return of Despair.
The door closed in front of Saya who stood frozen in the time. Saya tiredly rolled her back
on the floor. Sorry, I dont think anyone will read you.

Saya closed her eyes and pictured the image of Zalandra one last time. She could hear the
stepping sounds of the guards moving closer.

Looks like I wouldnt be able to meet you again she muttered, tearfully. For I am
going to die now.


With the clock counting the remaining seconds, she waited for the end of her life and the
eventual forced walk.

The sound of clicking changed into a muffled explosion breaking the window glass into
bits. Saya moved away to the opposite side and leaned on the wall, seeing the light coming from
the door brought fear, making her fall down and crawl away from it.
No I dont want this! I want my life I want to keep my promise! I want to see her
again. Couple more explosions could be heard near, shaking the room and made the books fall
from the shelves.

One of the guards entered and glanced at the room before spotting her, she tightened and
rooted her body down as he launched at her.
No! Leave me alone, you
Saya listen to me.
I am done listening, I rather die than go out of this room. There is no future for me out
We dont the man muttered, giving multiple coughs.
Saya could feel the warm feeling crawling under her feet. She opened her eyes to see the
man was gravely injured. He carried her on his shoulder. Sorry unexpected things are
happening all around us The man laughed. Saya was worried she could not understand the
guards action nor his reason for laughter when he could die in any second. You know we are
the same well, not yet, and I dont wish to see your life is taken away by these nobles who
destroyed my life.

You are
A Bezeris. He coughed. Before the rules of the five years life was good to me. I was
happy to live with my wife even thought she was Avaltors, a fire user. Our children were
Avaltors and they inherited her flame. One day I returned and my home was surrounded with
royal guards. I was not allowed to go in and I was given a letter from Raiken, telling that a water
user noble is mating with my wife to make a higher rank child. I was furious, but I accepted this
fate. At that time I believed it was for the best and the child was able to have the two elements. It
was a great success to humanity as a race. However, to me it was not for I had to see my wife
carrying children who arent mine year after year. Our life became dull and we grew more
distant. Her DNA was compatible with many nobles. I closed my heart and raised those infants
until they were taken to their training schools. I felt joy, and sadness. Every day was a battle I
fought with my inner self. I endured and held on for the sake of a future where children dont
have to suffer and live in fear like we do. Until last year that was, I received a letter announcing
my divorce and I am not allowed to see my wife as she was taken by duke as his fourth wife. I
was broken and rebelled against them. No way was I going to comply with that order. But,
naturally I felt short against them as they used my two children as tools. Either I redeem myself
or have them sent to the Abyss Pit Camp. The man coughed. Sending them there means death
when they did not even reach their teenage years. I was given a chance to redeem myself and
become a Nameless Servant.

Saya closed her eyes as she wasnt sure what say. Seeing the children inherit Avaltors
abilities, the scientist, Raiken, presented his program to the Elites where it would help humanity
to ascend to a higher status. The Avaltors are examined through a large scan that showed the best
combination of the partners to produce a higher Tier children with less weaknesses than their
parents and through multiple production a new race of humanity would emerge to rule the
predators that are threating them. The Elites accepted the new plan and issued the orders that
drastically changed the ways of living. Due to the higher numbers of woman that exceeds the
men, encouraged them to follow the grand plan that was set by Raiken and announced the end of
monogamy rule as it became a crime in the Zodiac Kingdom as many others followed the new
era. This as well indicated for Avaltor males to attend matchmaking sessions under the
premise of a polygamous marriage to raise the growth of the population from the decline. Those
who are already married still go through the program in different ways. If both parties abilities
do not match they are forced to separate and seek their right partners. Whereas the Bezeris are
obligated to allow the right partner to mate with their spouse for the sake of a bright future. The
users are matched based on their abilities. Those who possess a fire attribute is expected to mate
with water, and ice users to produce children with no weaknesses. Many of the people are still
opposed to the idea as it changed the marriage and severed the feelings.

I am sorry. The mans raspy voice cut through her thoughts, who he came to a halt as he
lowered her. Looks like Ive reached my limit. Sayas eyes sprang open.
Seeing the man falling down to his knees, coughing. I do not know if I did what was best.
Saya dont give up on living and chasing your dreams. People like you are surely hard to come
by. Believe in yourself and always remember your name. Tears were streaming down and she
heard a sound of glass breaking and looked above to see a large log falling down towards them.
Watch out! She shouted with fear, trying to pull him away, but felt her body is pushed
away. In that second she could see his smile before the large log came down crushing him before
others followed creating clouds of dust. I didnt even get to know your name. The flames
were spreading in the kingdom. She turned towards the center as she ran before taking one last
look behind her. She sank her teeth into her lower lip and pressed harder as she continued
running. She will continue fighting, and survive from this. I need a horse, a wagon anything
to take me to the west gate.

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