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Observation Task Report 2

Group Profile

The observed class took place on September 14th, 2017, from 2:30 to 3:30, it was an A2 level,
consisted in four young adults ages from 20 to 25 years old, one woman and three men. The
students were able to understand their teacher instructions but it was difficult to them
communicate their ideas and they spoke in Spanish in some occasions. The class was mainly focused
in speaking and listening, all the activities were related with the topic of food.

Teacher attitude

The teacher was encouraging with the students, especially when they were not able to comprehend
some teacher instruction and examples; she was patient with them and repeated all the instructions
when there was something not to clear. she used the book all during the class but she used it as a
complement of her class.

Learning environment

The Seating Arrangement was conformed by boring rows. The teacher used the board to invite all
the students to participate and introduce them to some familiar topics such as quantifiers and
countable and uncountable nouns; The activities were based on the interaction patterns; pair work
and whole class work.


One important aspect of this observation was the number of the students in the classroom, it was
a small group, the size of the group was actually an advantage for the teacher because she had more
control over the group. It was a dynamic class in general, but sometimes the students struggled in
communicating their ideas to the teacher. The teacher was always encouraging with the students
when they had communication problems.

The teacher worked with the book through all the class and she used it as a complement because
she showed to have well-prepared activities in order to complement the explanations of the topic;
that make me see that she really had and follow a real lesson plan.

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