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would be representing in No Hero, however. ‘The shock of the 2016 Pre dential Election triggered a series of uncomfortable questions that I had never faced before as a dancer, but often reflected on as a political theorist: How do we go about trying to understand the lives and the beliefs of people who re so unlike us?) What are the ethical implica tions of characterizing the divide between red and blue states, urban and rural America as an “empathy wall” that has to be breached? What place does dance have in an era when the performing arts have become yet another touchstone of polariza~ tion? These are certainly ques tions that make this ver sion of Vo Hero salient 66 How do we go about trying to understand the ives and the fs of people who are so unlike us? be What place does dance have in an era when the performing arts have become yet another touchstone of polarization? 99 a way that’s different from its first. inearna tion; they're also ques-

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