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Letter to King Louis XVI

Write a letter to King Louis XVI.

Pretend you are a member of the

3rd Estate.
Write a 200 word letter to King
Louis XVI telling him
why you are angry with


his wife,

and the 1 and


2 Estates.

Use your Notes for ideas

Be creative
Dear King Louis XVI
My name is Hailey Madera. I work as a Baker in your castle. I
am most deeply concerned with the way in which the
government of france has been dealing with the debt of two wars
and bad crop harvest. In England citizens are protected by unfair
arrest financial reforms. To not disrespect you I am angry of you
and your wife not only because of the situation we are in, but of
what choices you let yourself do to give a bad effect on the
kingdom. I understand Queen Antoinette is very and highly
important. I do please to tell you that to ask yourself What is
important to you and what is needed to be cared for?. I ask of
you to please help the village people. I dont say this to be
disrespectful, but without us we you are nothing. We as the
people give you everything. We even pay most of the taxes.
Even though you may think we arent important to you, reality is
we are. We are what got you started and want you to keep
going,but we ask that you keep your end of the bargain. We ask
that you pay and help the ones need of you. Most of us have
families and it's scary to have to go and steal for your family.
We wouldnt want to do that. So I ask you in respect of me and
the people if you can really see what's more important than your
wife's hats or us your people. The people and I thank you for
everything and hope you will understand us. We hope to get an
answer from you. And I thank you for taking the time to read my
thoughts about ways you can help your kingdom and yourself at
the same time.
Hailey Madera

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