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Iasemen Ali

10 Grivitei Street
Macin, Tulcea, Romania

Dear Sir,

Valentin has been a student in my Enghlish classes during the two past years, so I learned a great deal
about him and his ablilities and I know he would do well if given the opportunity to continue his
Valentin's determination to succed has led him to excel in my classes. He constantly gets excellent
marks on his homework and tests and he participates in class regularly. His knoledge of the English
language convicend me to ask him to become a tutor for other students who were struggeling with
the language a challenge that he met with great succes.
Compared to the other students in class, Valentin's greades have always been at a high level.
He is a good mate and all the other students in his class consider him a reliable friend. He is a
committed teenager, he reads a lot and his passions are English language and Filmmaking. He likes to
help others, that's why he offered himself as a volunteer in different school activities.
He donated food for old people, he manufactured eco products in order to sell them and the money
was offered to orphan children.
In my opinion, he is a teenager who knows how to live his life: at school he is a model student(he has
his homework all the time, he tries to give good answers to support his choise, to help his classmates,
to behave well) and in his spare time he likes watching movies, listening to music.
I strongly recommend you to accept Valentin as a student in your university.

With respect,

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