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Meriam L.

PSY1 (4004)

According to psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, children develop through a
series of psychosexual stages during which the ids libidinal energies become
focused on different areas of the body. Fixation is a persistent focus of the ids
pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier stage of psychosexual development.
These fixations occur when an issue or conflict in a psychosexual stage
remains unresolved, leaving the individual focused on this stage and unable to
move onto the next.
Fixation is liked you are stuck in one place that you cannot let go of it
because it is important to you or you are not satisfied to it. Id operates on the
pleasure or the satisfaction of a thing, if your id wants that thing you can find a
way to have it. Thats why fixation occurs because you cannot let go in that
one place because the result of satisfaction that you expected is too low.
Failing to successfully complete a stage, Freud suggested, would cause that
person to remain essentially stuck. In other words, they would
become fixated at that point in development.
For example:
Kaye is an avid fan of Hello Kitty, when she was still a child her mother
always buy him a Hello Kitty stuff, every time they went to the mall she always
requested to buy a new Hello Kitty merchandise, if her mother did not follow
her request she always cry, because of her attitude her mother pushes to buy
what she wants for her to stop from crying, there is too little gratification in this
case, although it is the easiest way to calm a child to stop from crying but it is
wrong way, why because child may think that if crying is the best way to have
a things that she wanted maybe she will always do the same in some
instances. When she became older her addiction to collect more Hello Kitty
Stuff continued, she wanted to have more and more Hello Kitty merchandise,
there is too much gratification in this case because, although to have a kind of
that addiction is not easy cause you idolize some character but we need to
think of the situation, what might other may say. Kayes situation is that she
did not fully satisfy her needs when shes still young, she become fixated.
An erogenous zone (from Greek eros "love" and English -genous
"producing" from Greek genes "born") is an area of the human body that has
heightened sensitivity, the stimulation of which may generate a sexual
response, such as relaxation, the production of sexual fantasies, sexual
arousal and orgasm.
Erogenous zones are located all over the human body, but the
sensitivity of each varies, and depends on concentrations of nerve endings
that can provide pleasurable sensations when stimulated. The touching of
another persons erogenous zone is regarded as an act of physical intimacy.
The surface areas of the human body (i.e, lips,genitalia, etc.) that, when
stimulated, produce erotic or sexual sensations and reactions. These
sensations are a "hard-wired" part of the human nervous system that
responds to stimulation, even when that contact is unwanted or forced.
Part of the Human Body that creates erection or the arousal of the
human feeling, such as eyelids, eyebrows, temples, shoulders, hands, arms,
and hair it can produced sexual excitement or pleasure when it is touched the
sensitive part of the body that causes to increase the sexual desires.
For example:
There is a couple, the boy kissed her girlfriend in the neck, but the girl is
sensitive in that part of her body the boy did not know about it, he continued
kissing the girl in the neck. The girl is almost sweating because of the boy
making, the girl now feel her erection from her neck down to her body through
kissing her sensitive part of his body which is her neck.

ORAL STAGES Erogenous zone: Mouth
Under the oral stage where the psychosexual development stages
the mouth of the infant is his or her primary erogenous zone, it is a primary
important in the human body because mouth is the only way to ate and
because it is the infants first human relationship. The oral stage is especially
important in societies that consider the stomach to be the seat of the emotion.
When the baby gets too much or too little oral stimulation the baby might be
permanently affected. Too little gratification can cause to a baby to have an
emotional feeling, in this stage is that when a baby is in the state of
hungriness causing her to cry, for her to stop from crying her mother starting
to breastfeed her but her mother stopped breastfeeding her, causing again
from crying, the baby cries because she is not satisfied for the food given by
her mother she wanted more. The too much gratification is that, if the baby is
almost two years old but still continued from breastfeeding.

ANAL STAGES Erogenous zone: Anus

The anal stage spanning from the age of eighteen months to three
years, where the infants erogenous zone changes from the mouth to the anus,
while the ego formation continues. According to Freud the anus is the primary
erogenous zone and pleasure is derived from controlling bladder and bowel
movement. And the anus is the opening between the buttocks through which
the solid waste of the body passes. This stage the main purpose is the toilet
training, to guide the baby by their parents on how to use the patty trainer and
the toilet and to train when and where to release the solid waste. The patty
trainer is like a toilet bowl it had different designs to attract easily the children
while the toilet is the proper place to release the solid waste. The too little
gratification is the improper training governs by the parents to their child for
example; the parents did not guide well the child on how to use the toilets, and
thats result to a child when growing up it may become dirty, no proper care in
using the toilet. The too much gratification is that when the parents exceed the
proper training or care to their child, it results to becoming tidier.

PHALLIC STAGES Erogenous zone: Genital

The phallic stage is the spanning from the age of 3-6 years wherein
the childs genitalia are his or her primarily erogenous zone. Genitalia is an
anatomical part of the body involved in sexual reproduction and constituting
the reproductive system. It is in this third infantile development stage that
children become aware of their bodies, the bodies of other children, and the
bodies of their parents; they gratify physical curiosity by undressing and
exploring each other and their genitals, and so learn the physical (sexual)
differences between "male" and "female" and the gender differences between
"boy" and "girl. This stage is the state of curiosity, curios on the environment,
the nature and the person itself, curios of the body changes. It is determines
of the physical appearances and the state of becoming jealous of the child
from the mother or father.

LATENCY STAGES Erogenous zone: Sexual feelings

The latency stage where the span from age of six years until
puberty, dormant sexual feelings is the erogenous of this stage wherein the
child consolidates the character habits he or she developed in the three,
earlier stages of psychological and sexual development. In this stage, the chid
is becoming interested in his/ her sexual organs; she exposes on the rapid
changes in her body and explores more about the changes due to the starting
of the puberty or the maturing period. For example; the girls having a breast
and have a monthly period which is normal for the girls, and for the boys is
that their voices is changing and they have also Adams apple not just the
physical appearance are become more matured but also mental.

GENITAL STAGES Erogenous zone: Sexual interest

The genital stage that spans puberty through adult life, and thus
represents most of a person's life; its purpose is the psychological detachment
and independence from the parents. Sexual interest mature is the erogenous
zone of this stage. The genital stage affords the person the ability to confront
and resolve his or her remaining psychosexual childhood conflicts. In this
stage is the continuation of being a matured enough to face the reality, to
know what the right from wrong is. Having difficult decisions and also this
stage formulate the future in settling down, it is the time of the sexual

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