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ae aed Eee Peo NN FOE oS FN SIR PS Ne : eee A ee BI ae A Woexuunmmn Bavmasy Rommiay Miscanany Design Team: Owen Barnes, Bill Bodden, Eric Cagle, Brian Clements, Steve Darlington, Kevin Hamilton, Jude Hornburg, Andrew Kenrick, Andrew Law, Jody Macgregor, jim pinto, Robert J. Schwalb, Dan White Design Assistance: Timothy Eccles, Alfred Nunez, Orbis Proszynski, Wayde Zalken Development: Robert F. Schwalb Editing: Evan Sass and V3 Studios Proofreading: Scort Neese Graphic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold Cover Art: Ozan Art Cartography: Andrew Law Interior Art: Alex Boyd, John Blanche, Tony Parker, David Gallagher WFERP Brand Manager: Kate Flack Head of Black Industries: Mare Gascoigne ES Special Thanks to Simon Butler and Ewan Lamont A Black Industries Publication First published in 2006 by Black Industries, an imprin of BL Publishing BL Publishing ed 2000-2006, variably reitered Games Workshop. Led in she UK and other countries around the Vea veri All righ nerve NOT 2Ws Green Ronin and the Green Ronin UK eo reledeme retin No part ofthis publication may be ; Product Code: 60040283018 ISBN 10; 1844163105 meena a ec eee ISBN 13:978-1-94416.31046 Copyright © 2006 Games Workshop Limite Al Righs www. Reserved. Games Workshop, the Gaines Workshop log, et t+ OS i e— | _ TAB RN Table of Comtents os CONE INTRODUCTION .... .3 Cxarrer VI: Sociat Conruicr Whar’s In This Book?. AND ADVANCED CRIMINAL TRIALS A Gute To THE Known Wont Disposition ... Advanced Trial Ri A Lancer WorLD Cuarrer VO Santosa, Crry oF Bares ‘The Powers That Be.. Cuarren I: FREAKS, “THIEVES AND TRAVELLING FOLK Carnivals in the Old World Life in the Carnival. Travelling Troupes. (Cuarren Il: Lire an DraTH ON THE REIK. ‘The Greatest River .. Life on the Rei History... Tobaran Politics The Navigator Families ‘Death in the Reik (Carrer III: ADVANCED TRADE AND i ‘Commerce. The City Districts. The Merchants’ Guild. ORGANISATIONS Other Institutions. Trade Zones of the Empire . AND ENCOUNTERS ... Trading Rules Cuarren IX: Mercantile Trade Goods . Tue Curt oF ILLUMINATION «. History of the Cult Theories of Medicine Medical Organisations. Alternative Medicine: Guenm’s BLackrowben SHOP n Charter XIII: Perious Beasts . 10 Medical Treatments: Woun: Beastes Faire and Foule it Medical Treatments: Disease, Creature Statistics. 120 Sickness and Insani 59 Quack Medicine Ly 55> // GO * Inrroduction ks? [EF INTRODUCTION esas tics ton books tou si ot Won und not even begin to scratch the surface of every nook and cranny or deval every odd tiebi chat makes up the lands of Warhammer Femeasy Roleplay. Sure, there are sourcebooks for discussing matters about the Empire, Breconnia, monster books | thar discuss Skaven, books on | magi, like Reals of Sorery and the Tame of Corruption, and even novels that tell stories about the world, Bue these books leave many things undefined, unexplored, and even unmentioned. This is where the WERP Companion cones in handy: The plan was simple. We knew we wanted a sourcebook that ‘would shed light on unexplored areas of the Old World and would highlight cool elements that relly make WARP shine, So we sent ouan open call to aspiring WERP writers looking forantile pitches of short esays that would do exactly what we wanted. The response was incredible. We received tons of submissions covering all sors of subjects from bestiaries to city ‘guides to shop descriptions, We sifted through the submissions and compiled the best pitches. A month and a half late, the Final files started rolling in and the end rele of allthis hard work isan eclectic mix of useful articles, ‘Wuat’s In Tuts Book? So what in chs book? Wella lice oF everything, We've done four best to group the articles inco several large sections. The book begins with a gazetteer of the entire world, providing. some basic information on places that lie fat beyond the borders of the Ole World. This section also cals litle about the pracical aspects of taelling to distant locales, | “Think ya know ic all "000 the Uhmpire, doeya? Well, lad, ler me tell ya some lies then..”” —Atanscirr Muetten, Tatapim Barscy | Dect ofthitock oes alcatel lsroase shout what ike ivcla the Old Wor om etna: Into an eats al eli She eer geese sane | Enpiy en or meant ele eecoal eee ete etn | ling on ne preset tn Old Wed Army. Ss ad hanced ley or land tl eto oi fae mes facet etme ase cad Beal ee “The WERP Companion expands the view ro those lands beyond. the Empire, offering a look at fabulous'Tiles. Presented forthe first ime are both Sartosa: City of Peates and Tobsro: City of Fools. For those needing a site or an encountes, the WERP Companion describes Grugnir’s Weapon Shop and a collection of fun pubs for the PCs to spend their hard-earned gold. As wel, here’ information on a new Chaos Culeto pit your heroes against, In addition, this chapter presents.a detailed look atone ofthe Empire's most famous institutions: The Imperial ‘Gunnery Schoo This book concludes with a catalogue of horrors to expand those presented in the Old World Bestiary and WFRP, bringing back slew of old favourites as well as presenting afew new So, indeed, this is strange and wonderful mix of articles, cits sheer diversiy ensures there's something for everyone So have a look around, and maybe youll se the Empire in a slighuly different way. RRANTINGS OF THE MADMAN AZLUHR TopiAs-SOL By jim pinto Throughour his Bok, youl nd lagen Filed with srange and unusual bir ofnforinaron. Pie nothing you red since thoy the wings of madman. Alu Tobias-Sol is nota well-known man. In fact, hes not even an important or noble man, His deeds arene legendary and few beyond the borders of his village even knew his name, He is, for all purposes, no one. A figure who spent his life within the ‘confines of 2 rustic cottage telling stories 10 whoever would listen, and who died without much aplomb, Buc upon his death, a collection of fable, folktales, rumours lore, legends, myths, superstitions, and countless ol wives tales ‘were unearthed from his study. From where thes stories come is anyone's guess. None can confirm Aaluh ever left his home, le alone reid cnough on Dragons to become an authority. Some have said thac Azluhr spoke 10 himself great deal and he had sight beyond sighs but ie was probably just a madness chat afflicted him in later ie Sadly, there is no evidence to support Azluhr’ tales. Most of them are suspect, others are downright lis, and the rest interpretation. Colleted by ascribe afer Azluht's death, this i an attempe to disceen knowledge from the old man’s rants and divide fact from fiction. Ulimatly ics the duty ofthe reader to investigate these stories on his own, SO _AGuide o the Known World _/ A Chea 10 rh eee ORE By Oren ares Running an adventure that takes Characters beyond the borders ‘of the Empire can offer not only a change of scenery but also the ch foes and he Empire isa really big place, For Fearing man itis in fet, quit lng his whole lie quite content in the kno experience new challenges, fe on ike obnoxious tourists. For can be a it ricky, as is game takes need, oF want, to know what lies beyond rs. Perhaps if 1s Master youlrean educated man you might loftily pratle on about such n into the places as Breconnia, Kislev and the Border Princes. However, unknown and he finds himself knowing as leas his players the errifying truth sthac the world is even larger than that, about de lands they are travelling through, With that in mind, and far beyond the borders ofthe Empire lurks such wonders here we present an unbiased account of the Known World and and terrors as co make a man question why he stepped out of soine of is nations, kingdoms and bits ‘best avoided from the his front door in the fre place enlightened viewpoine of the wery best Imperial Scola — Lavine TE Eames — "Tins te ie can be mn in dso Tarirts AND TOLLS weeks, while travel co her neatest neighbours, ike Kiss, Bretonnia and the Border Princes Jac take a monch or more. Anyone travelling in civilized lands is likely to encountee Further expeditions are almost always measured in months, the Farthese places sometimes taking yeas to wach, if they can be reached at all tolls. Whether it isto cross bridge, enter cin All of this doesn take into account such things as travelling gy te eg or ie 8 Jap te Dee iow the eri ofa a map fending off bands of Pe cera a ee eee ous weathe and, of course, that age «cing lost. With all ofthat in ein Food is scarce for instance. By contrast, cols in uncivilized parts ‘of the world tend to be a bit more like cobbery, that iif she ithout celising what people in question choose to give you a chance to hand over tbe nice to take a trip to sunn Sreua a Slane passage rather han just dismissing che formalities and tying ro save in your ull = —a5es TD” fi ‘AGuide tothe Known World =? // = — Wimr's Noam? — KIsLev Directly north of the Empite you wil find the lands of Kisley and the Sea of Claws. Kisley a fong.standing aly of the Empire, forms a barrier agains the wors horrors of the far north. cold and blesk cous; inhabited by hardy and equally bleak people, Kisley isa relatively small kingdom, ruled over by dhe ars and ‘Trarnas. Close enough co the Empire asco seem vaguely familar to sravellers, che odd accents, strange hats and abundance of clear alcohols fermented from potatoes may take some getting used 0. Praag is city of Kinley. Lost and retaken during the Great ‘War against Chaos the inhabitants raised ico the ground and rebuile iin an atterapt co cleanse ic of taint. Howeve, some say the spirits of those sacrificed there tothe Dark Gods sill inhabiets stones and call out inthe darkness ofthe night for salvation from their torment Tue SeA or CLAws ‘Tis bieerly cod ani rough seretch of water separates the northern Empite from the land of Norsca an has a wel deserved reputation for piracy: OF course pirates and Foul weather dant stop dozens of ships sal and other northern ports, making it quite accesible for those wishing to cross places furcher 1 ftom Marienburg cither on theit way to Norsea or other i Within the Sea of Claws are the Dragoris Teeth, 2 jagged line of rode islands off the noriera tip of Bretonnia. Countless ships ate sid ro have been broken upon their shores and a trove of sage ats any brave enough to risk the eth to recover it. Norsca When not aut raiding other parts ofthe Old World, the people cof Norsca justly characterised as fur weating barbarians in Teague with foul brual gods, carve out an exis frozen rundrs and mourns oftheir land. Visicors are well advised to think carefully before raking refuge here, deciding, ‘whether or not they might be safer sleping with loe Tolls Though the Norse warriors have been known to posses a — Wimur's Sours? — Tue Borper PRINCES ‘Separated from the Empire by the Black Mouneains, che Border Princes sa place of constant skirmishing and instability as local warlords struggle endlesly for afew more hectares oftheir dismal realm, Despite that, it is an ideal place for unscrupulous individuals wo make some moncy welling ther sills and ingratiating hemselves with the would-be nobility. This realm includes the ruins of Casle Blackstone, a testament to the folly ofone of the would-be ruler ofthis land. Ic is said Lord Blackstone wished to build mighty keep to show all his power but refused to pay for labour and so instead recruited a ‘necromancer to supply the work force. The castle, and all the DressinG WARMLY The people of Kisley and Norsca have made some cunning advances in clothing agains the cold that eanny travellers can take advantage of, In Kinley, men can be sen sporting large bushy far hats known as ushankas I Nora, where people tend to wear mich les despite the cold, ‘common practice iso rub the body with sal fit you can get pst the smell and the stickiness eis acully quite fective, not Only repelling the cold but also causing water to lide off the skin, certain kind of respect for strength of arms, only the surest adventurets should consider this approach to beftiending them, The frozen Forest of Knives lies deep within the land’s interior. More a forest of ice than wood, careless travelers is bringing down a deadly shower of icicles if they tread coo loudly However, within the Forest's heat is sad to be an ancient Elven temple, abandoned long ago when Norsea was a warm land of sgrcen forests and verdant fields. THE Cuaos Wastes Beyond Kisley, che Sea of Claws and Norsca things get ‘considerably worse for ravellers and secting our into these cursed roxthern wastes soften a quick way to meet a messy end. Blea and biter undra stretches as far asthe eye ean see, broken only by jagged mountain ranges and the gnarled skeletons of dead tures of nightmare roam uncheeled and wi ribes ‘of marauders ight endlessly for cheir Dark Gods pleasure. The north belongs to Chaos and the further you travel the truer this becomes, unt itis rumoured, realy itselF beings eo decay and fall apare, leaving only madness and despai. ‘Within the Chaos Wastes isthe lost Dwarf sttonghold of Karak Dum, located far tothe north and deep within the domain of the Kurgan, Lost for censuries, the hold still remains important tothe Dwarves, though noc even they remember what was 50 imporeanethae ahold should be built so far north wealth of the late Lord Blackscone, have been in the hands of the Undead ever since TILEA “ilea and Estalia, often confused by the inhabitants of che Empire, are wo ancient and developed culcures, which have long made their mark on the Old World. The mote powerful of these sourhera nations is Tile, a eolletion of ciey-stares ruled over by the mercantile elite from the capital of Remas. ‘While itis a land thac scotns typical ideas of royalty and. nobility, iis a hotbed of politcal wrangling, where careless lets may find themselves caught up inthe schemes of erchant princes, MH a & Pee lare ‘A Guide to the Known World ED S| aA Tuan INVENTIONS All the unchecked five thought thar goes on in Tilea has ed to some rather remarkable, if mostly heretical, invencions, For insance itis possible for a person, have they the coin, to commission an inventor to make just about anything, Like the miraculous Anazari Ring Conveyance, which actually allows the wearer to fly or Tarona Terrific Trap Trggerr. No adventurer should be without this collection of springs, cogs and poles—an invention guaranteed ro detecr and spring al manner of taps Located close 1 the city of Miraglino are the dreaded Zs Swamps 2 rightly feared place where the Undead and darker things are said to make their the local Lords using its eributaries to keep their convict hulk s. OF course this does not stop far from the prying eves of honest citizens EsTALIA By contrast the Estalian Kingdoms are reasuringly feudl, with lords directing the piciful live of thee subjects in the time honoured fashion. Once you gee past the sa ther odd tastes in facial hair the lands of Estal pleasanc and many travellers have been know to stay forthe swarm weather and: accents and ‘ean be quite sonably priced housing, An Estalian landmark, the Valley of Windmills is located high in the Abasko Mountains, Constructed long ago by the mad King Don Juro Esparo in an attempt to feed his people, che valley was soon abandoned because ofits location, and the Inundreds of windmills in i left co ro. These days fi aid that insidious Ratmen inhabie the windmill, and are rebuilding them for some dark purpose Wuat’s Beyonp THAT? THE BaDLaNps Unless you choose ro board a ship then you must enter the Badlands. Men have never managed to claim this large sresch ‘of wastelands its scrub covered hills, windswept plains and bleached woodlands a favoutite haunt of Ores and their kin, ‘While these green-skinned devils ae cecanly a good reason to avoid this are ofthe world, rumours persist of ancient ruins and lost treasures tempuing scholars and adventurers Ancient TRAPS in ind KgloneovctieNanliet eons | and temples filed with the grave goods of their (hopefally) | long deceased occupants. However the ancient Nehelharans were a cunning lot and devised all manner of deadly sifeguards | and traps, including such dread devices as Horwtept Hideous‘) Crawling Crashing Walls, Morrsiebs Moaning Mouth andthe | Jer of Sete Sicaated in the Badlands is Ba Dwarven port city and gateway co the south, Ici home co the Dwarven navy and a ‘meeting place for adventurets and mercenaries from all over the Old World, : “The ruins of Morghum were once a capital ofan ancient realm cof men in the Badlands. Tales sy that long ago a powerful wizard placed a curse upon the cty which prevented anyone who entered from ever kaving, dooming the inhabitants ro death by scarvation and disease, ARABY ‘Am ancient realm of men, Araby ia strange and exotic country, ruled by powerfl suleans and desert sheikhs. A centre for rade, strange spices and slavery it has much to offer merchants and travellers alike. However it can also be a dangerous place ands well known for its harsh eximinal punishments that seem to focus mainly on the removal of offending body pues If you travel south, past the Eunuch Mouneain you will come to the Palace of the Wizard Caliph It is spoken throughout Araby thar there i little about che art of sorcery that che ‘Wizard Caliph does nor know, and he specialises in the ling and laying of curses. Of course for any service the Caliph is sure to asa favour in rerum, Tue LAND OF THE DEAD Below the Badlands and Araby, the earth becomes parched, and trackless deserts dominate the land, This vast area was once hhome wo the ancient Empire of Nehekhara, but is now infested with the univing and known as the Land of the Dead. Tales of ancient necropolises, ering skeletal monsters and Undead kings ae all good reason never to venture here, Not to mention the inhospitable landscape that wil find the average traveller dead of thirst long before filling prey co some Undead hoor. Places of incerest in the Land of the Dead include Khem, ‘once greatest of the Nehekharan Kingdoms. Now ie isa place of silent cities, temples and tombs. Those brave enough to venture into Khemi and risk che wrath ofthe dead, are said ro hhave found treasures beyond imagining, Though the fat that few have ever returned with proof of these tales is testament to the dangers hidden in these desert wastes, SOUTHLANDS IF forsome inexplicable reason travellers manage t0 pass through the scorched Lands of the Dead, or more sensibly around them, then they will come to what is collectively snow asthe Southlands. This massive continent, equal in size to the Old World, is covered in steaming jungles, monster infested rivers and smoke helching volcanoes. Ieis also home toa strange race of man lizards Its said that these crearures even have some kind of crude society inhabiting ancient temples and cities and, of more interest ro adventurers, fshion| jewellery and weapons from gold and precious stones. ‘The Death-Head Monoliths are located on the western coust of the continent. strange and ceric place, people say that if you walk: beeween the obsidian heads on a night when ‘Mortslieb is full they will whisper in your mind how you are RLS THE Worw’s Eoce Mountains [A dangerous and perilous plac, the World’ Edge Mountains he Empire, and ate mighty barrier snnels, Ore caves and Skaver border the eastern edge shoe through with Dwar Karak Azgal is an ancient Dwat hold, deep inthe ‘World’ Edge Mountains long overrun by monsters and vermin, Adventurers Bock to this massive dungeon, ofien ‘commissioned by Dwarves, to enter its depths in search of Tost eislooms and anciene treasures. Also hidden high im the ‘mountains is sid to he the Lair ofthe Serpent Queen. Rumour persists of this powerful woman who has carved out 2 palace high in the peaks and holds court aver an army of snake men. THe DaRKLANDS A cursed wilderness of wind 1 Fills its home only ro the fad nd the terible things thar now inhabit chem, All manner of creatures roam the Dask Lands, including Ores, Goblins, oul spawn of Chaos to mention but afew ch Ratmen and the Rumours also persist ofa kit ‘Dwar chat inhabie the north Such stories are hard co fathom, though. 1 of Chaos worshippi teaches ofthe Dark Lands, In the Dark Lands isthe Tower of C of iron, the tower stands in the centre ofthe region, broo ‘over the landscape for miles around. No one knows for sure h. A massive citadel ‘who inhabits the tower, bu itis said the constant sound of mining and forging can be heatd inside its wall, while black smoke belches forth f THe Ocre KIncboms Far across the desolate plains and Jow hills of the Dark Lands the earth once more rises up into a mighty jagged wall of roc, know as the Mouncains of Mourn—home co the Kingdoms tribes, Do not be fooled however by the term these huge, slavering creatures areas likely to at your bones (while you're sill using them) as treat travellers ‘with any great degree of civility: Only by bribing them with huge quanivies of food and possible co pas through their |, mostly the forme, i it ms, OF interest ro travellers in the Mountains of Mourn is che mystic Temple of the Celesial Dragon Monks. An ancient and possrful ord Dragon Monks are masters of unarmed combat. Wasi sometimes journey co the temple seeking training, though very fey meet che strict requirements, or even survive their first encounter with a member of the order. Wuat’s Beyonp THAT? Tue Far East The lands of nd, Cathay and Nippon make up what s generally del by those in che Old World asthe Far Fast, and form ass for many tall tales of wonder and awe, This eputation TRO / ‘AGuide tothe Known World _ 2S? a — Wiur's East? — | is farther enhanced by the exotic goods browght back fom these realms craftsmanship. The realy is, however, that all ofthese lands are as beutal and dangerous as any inthe Ol cultures make them even more so fr foreign travellers. InD | The doses ofthe thee lands ofthe eats nd. A dcply spiral | lan, ts people may seem sean items renowned for chit beauty and graceful id World heir srange _t How To Hire aN OGRE Asevery slf- respecting Empire merchant knows, there is no beter bodyguard than an Ogre, Large and imposing, but not too bright, they make secure company without all thar tedious conversation you get with human mercenaries. However there isa tick to getting 2 good one he Ogre to follow them. Ifthe Os CatHayan Loncsworps } Weapons crafted by the skilled smiths of Cathay and Nippon, age much sought-aer items in the Old World and have been | know to ferch staggering sums of gold. [Ff course a player ‘ver lays his hands upon such a finely wrought blade he would immediately understand why. \ Cathayan Longsword (Best): Cost 00 gc; Enc 50; Groups CCathayan; Ding SB +1; Qualities Armour Piercing, Fas, | Precise; Avail Very Rat. | itis just their odd way of dealing with the horrors of life and should not distrac che waveller from she pel of this place. A favoured destination for spice merchants from all across the ‘world, who eagerly travel here co buy rare and valued herbs, itcan be dificult ro understand the customs of the locals. In fact doing something as simple as crossing a ridge the wrong ‘vay, or eating meat can stir up the ire ofthe locals in some places, bringing down sf retribution upon the confused traveller. The gods of Ind are also a puzzling lot, and travellers are advised co smile politely and nod, as local offers up prays to his mouse or weevil deity all che while content in the knowledge that Sigmar could crush them had he halfa mind, The Eye of the Tiger isa deep cave located high in the Shambani foothills of Ind. Said to contain the lost Scone of | Simba ic has become the lair ofthe Bengal, a vicious erbe of tiger-headed Beastmen BRETONNIA Despite being among the Empire’ closest neighbours, Bretonnia is as unlike that Sigmar-blessed place a alan is wont to be. Tavellers will immediately be assailed by the sine of gai, frogs and onions, overlaid with the fetid stench ‘of peasants and the cold crisp whiff of oiled steel. Rustic and simple, the ands of Bretonnia may seem antiquated ro good citizens of the Empire, however before you scomn their bbaclavard ways, beware you do it from a distance, as they ate likely to take exception and spit you on a lance for your impudence. This ofcourse only applies to che lords and knights ‘of the land, and travellers should fel free to: make as much fun of the peasantry as they ike Bordering Bretonnia isthe mystical forest of Loren, home to the EX RE] AGiite to tte Known Word BS & = Granp CaTHay Greatest ofthe empires of the eas is Grand sprawling land encompassing tall mountains, verdant plains and thick forest. [cis a mighty empire made of many provinces, each euled by a powerful warlord, over all af which ' the Divine Emperor rules. I is als a land constantly at war, with the provincial warlords clashing across cher borders as they vie forthe Emperor’ fivour. Forall its size and srengeh| however, Cathay remains much of a mystery tothe scholars of the Empice, even those tha have travelled there only having a vague idea as 1 its extent and power ‘A wonder of Grand Cathay is Weijn, che Sea of the Dragon Throne and capital ofthe empire. Repuced co be the greatest city in the word, ie is home 1 such wonders asthe Parade Gardens, the Temple ofthe Two Moons and the mystical River of Souls, said to allow passage 10 the underworld. Nirron Located somewhere off the coast of the mainland Nippon is said to be a powerful feudal kingdom, where knights, resplendent in brightly coloured armour made of lacquered ‘wood, enforce a complex and ridged class system. Said ro be intensely distrustful of outsiders, hey only permit Foreigners co ‘travel in their lands rarely. Lite else is known abou Nippon, shough doubiless if che rest of the world is anything to go by, i will be populated by its own unique and deadly monsters and peril — Wiur’s Wast? — the forests fll of angry tee spirits, noe to mention the Elves themselves tha tend to shoot trespassers on sight, OF couse ‘many say this i simplya sure sign dha there must be something : of value hidden deep within the wood tha they are so eager to protect. Tue Great OcEAN Beyond the shores of Bretonnia stretches the imense size. The largest known ‘ocean in che world, its rough and wind-whipped waters are plied by ships of every race and nation, Asie from the ‘constant threat of piracy, slaves and seasickness (a danger not co be sniffed at), there also lucks a darker, more primal menace: sea monsters. The deep waters of the Great Ocean hhide not only the sunken wrecks of Tilean treasure ships but at Ocean, Imaginacively named fori langest Elven community in dhe Old World. Stange and fel, also hideous rubbery tentacle waving serpents filled with oe A Nore on Lancuaces on ‘WHAT Is THIS JIBBER JABBER? There are almost as many tongues in che Warhammer World as there ae villages, hamlets and communal eave dvellings. It seems wherever a traveller goes he will discover new. meanings for words, new tums of phrase and pretty much as soon ashe leaves the Empire, a plethora of incompressible gobbledeyook. This is where remaining calm, smiling and nodding. a lor and some basic slain charades can save your life. Also, ic is worth remembering that if someone doesnt understand you the Firs time, speaking slowly and raising your voice always helps os SE SE 2 —— :: 8 A Guide to the Known World fs TE Etven Mars No other race is sid to be more travelled that the Elves. As eraders and explorers, Elven ships have sailed the oceans of the world for thousands of years. Asa result travellers of al races cage seck Elven maps for their aceuracy and detail. [Fyou are lucky ‘enough to find sich an item you will hve an invaluable guide to what lies ahecd. malice and a general disregard for all shipping. Its even said, by old crusty sca dogs, that che dark currents ofthe Great Ocean actually hide an entire underwater kingdom, Such wild speculation can hardly be given credit, hough itis dificule co disprove A legend ofthe ocean is that of Bone Island. Repused to be the rosted carcass ofa massive kraken, it has become a favoured haunt of the Crimson Corsair pitates, who use it to store thelr ill-gotten wealth. The island of cour is nororiouslydifficule to find as it moves slowly with the currents, and only those wich a ‘good knowledge of the heavens and seas can plat its course ULTHUAN Somewhote in the northern waters ofthe Great Ocean isthe island kingdom of om theie privacy and their hhome ofthe High Elves—the magi Ulthuan. The Elves place great val homeland is protected by pemerf location and constant rolling mists that hide thei shores, So if you wane ro know what Ulehvae i ike you will have to ask an BIE The truth is no one knows for se jus wha the land {slke, though asics undoubtedly populated by thousands of snobbish Elves i is probably best avoided anyway. asions, islets that change Tue New Wortp Across the Great Ocean and beyond the mise-sheouded shores of Ulthuan the New World awaits, full of promise, gold and women, ifthe taproom «alk isto be believed. Once again however the eruch is another beast entirely and those that come ‘green hell of Lustia and che here must choose between birtenly cold wastes of Lusrria Lustria isthe southern continent of the New World, a vase land of thick jungles, cloud catching peaks and wide brown rivers. Man lizards, not unlike those in the Souands, inbabie this land, chough in mach g recent years hundreds of h +r numlers and variety. To speful expeditions have crossed the dangerous waters f the Great Ocean co plunder che wealth of this land, Travellers are warned chat while Lusria isa place ‘of new and strange wonders for those from the Old World it also promises disease, unftiendly natives and no small amount ‘of pei from all che other gold mad cuttheoats wandering, aimlessly through its jungles. ¥ ‘Too lay o quest for more slaves. Those taken usually don't lve very k Dark Exr SLAVERS uel to mainesin their oven cites the Dark Elves are constaney raiding costal villages and capturing ships in thelr 1, Put 0 work immediately deep in the hold of theie might Acs. Ifa slave does survive long enough to make the journey back co Naggaroth then the true hortors of captivity a [DAY GER J] A Guide 0 tte Known World 2) SP SS OF Beyond the borders of the Dark EIF cities the rest of the continent isa wild and untamed place, filed with toothy monsters and tribes of Orcs, Goblins and Beastmen. The Blackspine Mount ins divide the cemtre of the continent. Iti said chat high within their peaks the oldest and most powerful rearures of che world stil dwell. Ancient dragons that stalk the skies, and mighty giants that rock the ground with their footsteps, each ruling over dom In Lustra is che Undead infested Vampire Coast, Rumour has ita powerfal Vampire King holds court over this domain, leis said he is amassing an Undead navy co sail forth and visi his revenge upon the people of the Old World. NaccarorH Naggaroth is che land of the Dark Elves and covers a good of the New World, Most ‘outsiders arrive here as slaves. I they were to raise cir collared necks for just a moment, and blot out the pain of the barbed lash upon their backs, they would see land of rocky Portion of the northern continer they have dominated since the dawn of time ‘mountains, dark woods and fase flowing icy rivers amidst Which the black rowers ofthe Dark Elf city stares stand define As humans sekdom return from the land ofthe Dark Elves, we can only piece together the horrors that lurk within cher high walled cities, where slaves are forced to fight forthe pleasure of cruel Flflotds and insane priestesses bathe in the blaod of sacrifices, The Underways ate a network of mighty subterranean caves and passages that honeycomb the continent. No one quite -knoves what lurks down there bus, sulfice to say, chey are hncavily guarded by the Dark Elves for some nefivious purpose — Anywuuns Biss? — ALBION Located somewhere off the north-western shores of Bretonnia, Albion isa miserable little fog shrouded island, notable far its appalling weather and local giant population, Reputed to he the location of some ancient treasure horde, many foolhardy souls have attempted the journey tits shores, only ra clisappear forever inc its fog shrouded interior. The Citadel of Lead on the island isa stcange and baroque struceute of wisted spiresand warped gates, Iris rumoured to be a prison for some powerful daemon, locked away atthe dawn of time by the Gods themselves, = TRabe ROUTES = Tore mses routes conet he Epo the wider world, the Ivory Road to the cast and the path to the New World tothe south and west, The Ivory Road, abo known as the Silver Road and the Spice Trail, passes through the Worlds Edge Mounains and crosses the Dark Lands, before entering the Ogee Kingdoms and finally travelling on o Ind, Cathay and Nippon, Merchants from all across the Empire are known to make this Journey, gathering in each ofthe major cities co 1 theie Caravans. To survive the perils beyond the Worlds Edge Mountains, however, these caravans need to be ruly vase in size and protected by a gareison of armed men-at-arms, as 20 sole merchant and his bodyguards would last long in the Darke Lands. Jomne 4 CaRavAN For those wishing o travel eas, joining one of the grea Caravans isa good way to increase your chances of survival The easiest way to get hired onto such a ventute is to offer your services, whether they are with a sword, cook pot, of shovel No doubt ifyou want 1o join one you will be required to prove your loyalty in some way... The path ro the New World is not nearly so well defined a che Ivory Road, merchanes nor having yer had time wo strike up bbugains and agreements wit the dangerous Iocls along the way. I you wish to travel chere you muse ist journey south, ou ofthe Empire, through che Border Pines, or Brewonnia and tothe lands of Tika, From there any of the major port cites ¢a good place ro find passage on a ship departing for Lustria. OF course, with ll the adventurers travelling south a veritable industry of thieves and brigands has sprung up to ‘help’ them om ther way, TAKING THE First STEP Beyond the ew described in this guide chings begin to get alte hazy, and wild conflicting stories dealing such things as flying castles, talking trees and super-itlliget frog ki become commonplace. So we will conclude our tout by saying that armed now with a litle knowledge (always a dangerous thing) abou what lies beyond the border of the Empire, you are ready take thar first step into a larger world, | OF ES 2 eee = 7 AS Like IN THE EMPIRE ‘Though the Empire ts enormous, in fac the largest nation in the Old World, it is one made up of disparate pockets of drastically different cultures and locoles. Few Old Worlds have the means to venture beyond a few miles from Coe eran ee eee ea ee ofertas ee ees province, is therefore alimox entirely second-hand, garnered from the mouths of Roadwardens, Charlatans, end Merchants. A result is thar news is always tainted by the tellers percertions, prejudices, and of cours his desire ro Ere in ere create ga em eee eee a eT Ree enn cect eee od eee eee eg ee nest of them, and farther down the road the single creature will have become an onslaught of Chaos hordes. ‘So,you see, cerything you think you know abous the Empire is suspect. If someone tells you that he knows the real “story aboutt something, ask him if he was there, if he actually sow it. If he says no, then be carefull what you believe, because his odds of knowing the way of it are slimmegtha A Ee tates Cerio xaC meer auto craton ts Dan SN aegerreibeammtb otal (CHARTER Je FRearxs, TRAVELLING JEORE —CARITIVARS IN THE On Wert Andrew For THE ComMon PEorLe = TS: Se a 3] — Diss IN THE Cannmva, — Ass a ae oat raining and rootless. First ofall, few earnivals stayin one place forlong. After afew nights the folk will ether have no more money co spend, or be looking to get hack money that was stolen from them. Iris also considered honourable ro keep moving forthe sake of other carnivals only with a constantly moving circuit of shows can they all hope to make the meagre existence they aspire to. Meanwhile, life onthe road isnt easy to break out of There nor much money to be made in the ‘work, honestly or not, and few communities would welcome a Family of carnies to setelein their midst. A carival is always in one of four states: seting upftaking down, travelling, working, or very. very bored. There is rarely cime for «transition period between the states as soon asthe carnival reaches anew town, setup begins irameditely. The work is extremely hard, and mus be Gnished by the ise nihil lest the town’ enthusiasm forthe carival’satival lose momentum. The most laborious of the seup and takedown work is done by general hands called ‘roustabouts’ of roustes’ ‘They consist, ‘of anyone in the carnival that hasnt yet lee how to operate show or seam, and they often double as security when the Shows are up and running. Each sideshow and booth i the responsibilty of ts operator coset up, although the senior booth ‘operators ean ustally claim a few hands to help them set up, When night falls, the camival opens it lights drawing the townsfolk from nearby like moths to a lame, This fs sally the time for the tousties so get some est while the showmen step up to entertain and fleece as many as they can, ‘The next day, assuming the carnival has nor been chased off and plans to stay for another evening or ewo, is downtime. There will bbe few things that need repair, and the showmen may take the opportunity to rehearse their acts or practice new ideas. ‘Other than that, there is very lle o do. A feof the eamival folle may ake a trip into town for supplies, but numbers. While ordinary people are happy 10 they certainly do noe want these freaks and doorsteps, No marter how entertaining they were the night before, they often get very frosty (and on occasion even violend) receptions in the towns and villages, ATTRACTIONS While each carnival i of thece basic emer diferent, they usually contain a mixcure ments. The firs are rides. These appeal mainly to children and poor families, so harsher seams are usualy discouraged here The carival i looking co getall it can, but there’ litle co gain by taking fom those who have nothing Ries are usually quite primitive, consisting of merry go-round and the like powered by a couple of men raring geared cranks A few carnivals have Dwarf engineers who create steam-driven rides. They are hard to maintain and often uorelable, but the sight ofthese preat machines is a major draw and che envy of any ther troupe. A few examples ofthese machines can be found under the description of The Smoke later inthis section. “The second form of enrersainment is sideshow games. These booths offer all kinds of diversions forthe foolish. Customers are invited to tke parcin simple games, which, fora small fee, carry the chance of winning a fabulous’ prize. Classics include Pricking the Greenskin’ in which folk are invited to drive a nail shrough a folded Ore hide, “Rune Ringing’ in ‘which they use pole to place hoops over the necks of piglets, and of course, the famous Find the Elector’ care game. It goes without saying tha each challenge is fixed, though the booth showman age usually able co make each game look simple to boat, the prizes easy to win The final sype of entertainment are shows. Many ofthese cater to the more adult taste and can contain all manner of hidden debauchery Burlesque shows masquerade as "exotic cultural lance, Freaks and mutations (both ral and cleverly faked) fare on display behind dark curtains, Mystis offer o read your palm or cist Tarot cards and occasionally Wizards display eats ‘of sorcery, Few ofthese shows are designed for children oF for the puritanical, To assuage the audience’ sense of gult or shame, chese shows are usually advertised and hawked as being cslcational: “This dance wil show you te elegance ofthe female biology. Se and understand the potential contorions tha such stunning agility can peform.” Fes ate gullible ro enough co think they are really going « be educated, bur the message warns them to lesve their inhibitions, and their children, behind. ‘Very ew of chese shows are theatrical performances in the ‘conventional sense. They are quite short, for one; people only pay once 1 see a show 50 the shorter the event, the more of ‘day andthe more money you can make. Neither does ic do the carnival any good to have their pattons siting ata show when they could be wandering around spending money, What the shou lack in lengeh, however, they make up for in vaiery. There ate always burlesque shows, ‘them you can tu ange from clegant and tanclisingly erotic dancing by skilled performer toa simple giel taking her clothes of for a5 many as wil pay to watch, Some acts, lke female snake charmers, arent sexual ara, bur evoke a mysterious sensual thar sls just the same For the les risqué, acting troupes perform the great speeches and scenes from the most popular and renowned plays of the Empire, Petty is also common, and plenty of children attending the camival have been forced to listen to something, igood for then? before going on the rides. Few people have access to news ftom outside their village, so ing whatever ttbits of news wanaged to pick up during their many shows involve a herald and gossip the c travels. If there is Jor of news, ic can be splic up into separate al has shows; for instance, one For politics, one for weather reports, and one for she always popular doings ofthe nobles and royal Celebrities, Some carnivals manage to offer ‘fasion news, where models parade around in the latest couture. These are texpensiveand hard to maincain, but are usually worth icas they are so popular with women, Some carnivals even have priests, both co provide spiritual guidance to the carnival folk as well as to perform short morality plays as shavrs forthe masses. The lessons ofthe shows range from simple hygiene advice to highlown (SZ GF 5 | 222289 a 4) Carnivat CaREERS Most carnivals have such mix of people that yu can find almost any carer among the people who work there, Most carnal follchave tied many things before eicoverng that they rely didet it in anywhere, However, certain caces are mote common than others. Most camivals have several of the following: Agitator, Camp Follower, Entertainer, Protagonist Pt Fighter, Rogue, Servant, Thif, Thug, Vagabond, Charlatan, Crime Lond, Demagogue, Master Thiet and Minstrel In addition to those listed above, cere area few other carers that ean be found in the caenival, but nor often in every troupe. Wizards ae highly prized for the feats of magic they can display ro the crowd, However, it is rare for a culy great practiioner of the arto trie in some tin-pot operation. The conjurers who join carnivals are often a sory lot indeed. Some were once great and have fallen to drink or some other terible vie that has exiled them from polite society. Others ae simply not very alent, yen Magicians who never progressed further than Apprentice Wizard can masquerade as “great and powerful wizards" and awe a ‘crowd that knows no better. These characters are often self important inthe extreme and very difficult ro work with. Lucky camivals may have Engineers operating their strange and bizarre machines, They re saner than the Wizards, and even talented Engineers may join a carnival troupe if they deste freedom ftom a patron's demands, These part-arist, pae-scientists enjoy being able vo work as they will and do as they will when building and experimenting, As long asthe rides heep going, the carnival has no reason to hassle ther, ‘Berween warsime assignments, Targeteers may make thei living in carnivals fora while as sharpshooters. This allows them to practice as much as they like and drawa wage. However, they aso hope o test their skills against a retired master or discover 4 new talent among the simple folk. For Spies, on the other hand, assignments must continue during and between wars, and ‘camivals are an excellent way for them to travel unsuspected, There are plenty of jobs in the carnival chat arent found anywhere else. However, many of the existing careers fic those positions perfectly wel as they are, You may use the nore below to place Player Characters in carnival jobs, or give statistics to the denizens ‘of your own troupes. When it comes to moving fiom one career to another, the GM is encouraged to be lenient with the entry and exit careers and focus more on the characters behavioue than his profile, Anyone in a carnival who shows that he has a combination of talent and loyalty can find himself promoted. So an Entertainer who proves his sills at organization might be able to run a troupe, moying into the Crime Lord career... bur only after he has travelled with the carnival fora season. As always, the GM has the final say, and those who join troupes for simple career options wil have to wait a long time. Promotions and caning. are given to loyal and dedicated members of the troupe who have proven themselves, not to people they have only ove om just as quickly, just mer who seem ready to carne folk areal outcass. Some ae part ofthe carnival life because they have mental or physical dformidies. Others are ‘on the run from the law. And some are sin bocome farmers, or shopskes cthical proclamations. The more dramatic cultists take on the controversial burden o illustrating the danger of Chaos itself with rather lurid tales ofthe rampages and eventual falls of Daemonie monsters and Chaos champions, Such tales are Ghajaert Freasy Thiers nd Traveling Folk As Sy (eee often frowned on by the local shrines, bue are usually more popular than anything else the ecclesiastical profession has to offer, especially wth the children, Priests tend to have the lowest drawing power of ll the shows atthe carnival, but beter ahalffilled tent than an empty one: besides, without the priestly sermons, the exrnival comedy eroupes would lose one ‘of their favourite subjects for lampoonery Those troupes come in infinite variety and are among the ‘most popular. Some involve a single brave soul standing in front ofan audience elling jokes. Others have small groups ‘of performers doing shore plays often involving slapstick, Such performances ean be based on anything from political satire to sexual innuendo ro merely the pulling of funny faces, Ifthe performers in a comedic troupe cannot get ts viewers to laugh wrth them, custom allows the audience to pele ther with rorten fruit thereby laughing a them. Such fruit is always available ar the carnival, for a sna fee, of course. CarnivaL FoLk Those who choose the life ofthe carnival area diverse group, but despite that, most share afew basic traits. For one thing, “normal” in the Empire. Caries may not love the carnival ie but for whatever reason they know that normal existence would be worse FREAKS. Those with physical deformities area breed apart from the ‘normal carie. As much as folk love to gape at the strange and ccontorced oddities oftheir bodies, the powers that be are ever ‘watchful for the taint of Chaos, In eheory priests from each town are obligated to check over any “freaks” who make a living inthe carnival ro ensute they ate noe tainted with Chaos, jut more often than nor iti In many cases this sa serious test, simply an excuse for bribes to be & SHOWMEN Those who run the booths and the cons are usually Charlatans, ‘They cake on apprentice in the shape of Rogues, Agitators, and Thieves, teaching them how to run thei own booths when they are ready: Showmen are found all over the carnival, running games of chance and working as fronc men for the other sideshows | OF ES 2 4 A Muscie, Every carnival can expect vo um into crouble so they sometimes take on Outlaws, Thugs, and Provagonists 0 provide security: They usually expect these guards ro work with the Roustabouts to earn their keep as well. Only the most well ‘off carnival can hire fil-time security, Muscle usually works atthe gate, where people bring their woubles, and also a the Burlesque shows and other adie entertainments, in case the customers get overenthusiasti PERFORMERS Entertainer isthe most common career among a carnivals performers. Successful Burlesque shows require characters withthe Performer: Dance skill. Other shows usually use the Performer skill as wel, though Players are encouraged to be imaginative with their choice of entertainment. For instance, “Trick Rider, Hypnotism, Vencriloquism and even Charm Animal can all be rnd co entertaining shows. Many carnivals also ran pit fights and other violent entertainments, where anyone with the nerve to ge in the ring can pur on the show Finally, Carnival Masters are open ro anyother ideas thac they think will please a crowd and make some money. Performers ‘with new ats, oF newcomers wishing to join the carnival as performers, put on a show for the Carnival Master fist. IFhe do, hee for works che newcomer into an existing ac. Carnivan MASTERS Those who run carnivals come ftom all manner of places ‘Those Likes what they works the act imto che operation who find themselves in charge of the eoupe ae usually Crime [Lords or Stewards, but can also be Nobles, Series, Scholars, Politicians and even’ rte. No one just decides to ran 2 troupe. Most Carnival Masters take over existing carnivals, oF break away rom established operations (often late at night with those who are ready to join them and whatever they can ly their hands on). The Master isnot just responsible for making ‘money, but alo for looking after the people in his care, Every booth operator and showman pays a substantial cut of his earnings tothe carival, which is used to pay and fed those who dont generate revenue. Mos folk like Roustabouts and security get paid very litle, bur are fed and sheltered for their bout Technically, the Master owns all the money paid vo him, so his s whatever is lft. Some Masters ate concerned only with increasing their own weal, while others pur everythin kits to expand the operation. Those who make poor decisions ‘or take roo much without giving back, are disposed of and replaced by the next up and coming king of the carnival DirrERENT WORLDS Carnivals operate ourside most of the usual laws, simply {sso difficult. Evidence of syrongdoing is hard to come by when the only witnesses ace Ihecause enforcement of thos other exrnies, and no law enforcer wants a gang of freaks or ‘Matants lounging in his cells with no one to pay their fines. As long asthe carnivals keep to pety theft, che law is happy co le them be, As faras they concerned, people naive enough to fall fora camivals scams deserve their fae 7 {i i I i) (One of the ways the carnival ensures that its scams po unreported and unpunished is that rhe vietim is oien embarrassed by the situation. A few stublgen visims go back to the carnival and demand their money in person, but realize their mistake when the entire roupe tums out co send them on their way. They may be ouccasts, but they stick together Being outside the law dos raise a few problems, though While carnivals that ate careful can largely operate without interference from the authorities, they are operating without is protection as well. No one sheds a tear ifa carnival is atacked by outlaws and robbed. Plenty of law keepers olerate carnivals but would dearly love to see them all vanish. Any member of the troupe who is beaten oF robbed by a local has no back up fiom the lat, Carnival fll can be murdered in thei beds and the law enforcers will often turn a blind eye. Only if they are Forced to (if for instance che carnival refuses to move on) will ¢do anything to help, and even then it will be to get this -with as soon as possible Also, when mistakes happen, things can get very bad indeed. a traelling people, fee carnivals get to know che real ‘movers and shakers in the towns they travel through. Sometimes fable by accident Ic then finds itself atacked by tained profesional or local authorities, Such encounters the carnival cams the lacal Crime Lond ofa power brought up on charges by dl never go well, and more than afew carnivals have been burn vo the ground after cheating the wrong, person. CARNIVAL SCAMS The carnivals of the Ey just entertainment. Most people know b emake money fiom more than fer than to take a fall purse inco a carnival, but there are always those who do. ‘While there isthe usual danger of thieves and pickpockes, the camivals hold fie greater danger to those who wane to hold ‘onto their moncy. The carne folk don’ wane to just steal your money they want ea swindle it out of you Th unwary. The sort of ticks a “smile,” named such of Deception smile. So help make Ranald smi 1g for help with a scar, ‘which is usually shorted to fancy making someone smile” A smile always relies on the greed ofthe mak. Ke is usually the victims belief chat he is gesting the beter end of che deal that proves their undoing, which is what makes Ranald smile che most, The mark often fucres the scam artist into signing the contract, convinced that he has seen a flaw chat will make him rich. A few common seams and tricks are described in the e are a hundred thousan hee if they “ike Marxs The term “mark” comes from a carnival tradition. "The folk at the entrance to the carnival are not only there to take entrance fees, bur aso to observe the patrons. Anyone who seems to be carrying lots of moncy or who seems especially gulible a mark. This mark could be a simple asa challe mark on the buck. However, che true scam artist prides himselfon subtle devious marks. One option isto give the mark a flower for is buttonhole, something chat he wears lly ashe goes about che fr All the other earival folk will tow what mark vo look for and are ste to make the mark's wearer target for every scam they can muster Chapter: Freak, Thieves and Trveling Folk A) OF SES GotpeN TICKET This is variation on the mark system. The mack s given a special ticket for the fit, He is vold that this ticker gets him fone fre ride or entrance toa particular booth, the location of whieh is pointed our to him, Hostever, somehow the operator ticker from the patron Ihe is dishonest, he uses the ticker again to gain another free ride or entrance. Those who do so are marked, For they have ofthe show in question fils to take proven thar they ae willing to cheat the carnival and, therefore, deserve to be cheated in return, Man-Eatinc CHICKEN There are plenty of ways to advertise it sound very exciting, when i ist very sp who pay their copper to instead find themselves watching a gensleman consume a piece of poultry. Neadlessto say, chey are usually upset. However, this is where the booth shovimnan can really shine, He apologizes alin good humour, perhaps the isto sce the shows, so they can havea good laugh at them too. Effectively the carnie brings he patrons in on the joke, and they leave to scam ther f and suggests that chey nds on his behalf, They usually forge they stil paid cheir coppers, and are now sending people to give more money to the man who jus cheated chem. I takes 3 chatming carie to pall this of, but the irony alone is worth i Fatse CUsTOMERS With all che scams going om at the booths and shows, youd think people would eventually get upset. [cis important co make your crowd believe they ean win, Unforcunately, this means giving them prizes. So the extnival folk who are not Involved in running the show (such as the rousabouts and general hands) are sent out to enjoy the carnival, When they reach the booths, the games are rigged ro win, They manage to win the prize to gn knows "We have a swinner, ladies and genclemen!” OF course, back clamour and excitement, so everyone the rousty hase actually wor, ashe willbe giv everything he wins when che carnival i ove Broop Money This smile relies on the carnival being in town for maybe a day ‘or ewo, but gesting ou quickly after tha. The victim goes to get card reading, bur any audience with a mystic will do. During the eading the mystic will ee something teri inthe future. She will wonder aloud ifthe vii may be under a she ean eal his ate in se and, with a simple tick is exchanged forthe fist. This h pig blood the victims isto bleed! Oh horror, the money is indeed curse. not to give her, but detail The victim passes overt mystic can defeat this erie evil, She works some ‘more mumbo-jumbo over the visi purse, ther tests ie again. This time it doesnt bleed, Now comes the real seam. The victim must bring all his money to the mystic so that i, t00, can be exorcized. No valuables are )\ SSeS ee \ XS ST // GO * f/ oope Fes, Theres and Traveling Folk Ze TF, required, just the moneys this conveniently “proves” that the mystic isnt trying to seam the victim, The ritual is performed ‘over that money as well, saving the victim from his fate. However ithas been wrapped up (with mystic ribbon orbits ‘of herbs) and must not be opened before the next fll moon or Aworse curse will descend. On the next fll moon the vitim: Finds that his purse contains only its of copper or paper, the real purse having been swapped during the "cleansing ritual By then, of cours, the carnival is long gone. SALE OF THE CENTURY This is another smile that can be used as an addendum to the ‘Blood Money scam. Ifthe vitim look lke he isnt going for the con, the mystic offers a small statue or other item of value as collateral, o be kepr while the lengthy ritual is performed ‘The mystie tells the victim he ean collet his money by returning the statue, Now everyone has something of value, so honesty is assured. The mystic climes not 10 know how much the item is worth, but offers it ro show good faith. Needless to miy the victim gets ie valued and disoavers thar ic worth alot more than the money he handed ever. He decides not to return for his money, having effectively bough the item for a bargain price, Sadly, the person valuing i was part ofthe rick. He has "borrowed! the shop of an honest antiquities dealer cor other merchant to appeat to bea permanent resident. and claims noc to have the money on him chat day to purchase the “incredibly valuable areface” The next day, when the mark euutns to the shop to sll che item, the tor’ crue owner will have just recurned fiom a trip out of town, will eport chat he svas closed the previous day or the like. It turns out, ofcourse, thatthe item i utterly worthless and the mark is as unlikely +0 se any of his money, as he isto see the carnival sil in cown the next day: — TRAVELLING TROURES = ss section provides details for afew sample carnival ‘troupes. Players might get involved by joining the toupe ‘or scouting them out on behalf of anocher troupe. However, {se perhaps more likely cha chey (or ther patron) might be scammed by one of these troupes and come looking fora way co epay the favour MordEcHAl’s Wonpberous Waxworks “This carnival isthe most realistic waxworks show on the circuit, [eis filled entirely by all manner of deformity and odd Visioes ate amazed at the clever waxwork sculptures, arranged ‘on various stages and scenery. Some people even swear they sw the waxworks move! Unfortunately, che poor souls on display are all 100 real Makeup is expensive, and waxworks are hard ro maintain and transport, So instead, Mordechai employs any and all the deformed and scange souls he can find. The exhibits cover all manner of creatures and Humans thar have been dealt crue hand by nacute. For anyone so cursed by Chaos, the promise ‘of food and shelter is t00 good to pass up. However, the ‘employees of Motdecha’s fair are far from well treated ‘Mordechai cares nothing for thoxe who serve him, and forces them co stand in their ied poses for hours at atime while the Visitors gawk, Those who move just alice ae reused food, and sometimes brutally beaten, When visitors tell Mordechai they wore sure one of the waxworks moved, he assures them chat the eels of the show isso great, most people chink they see ‘movement fom his “ar “Mordechai works hard co give his camival as glamour, because that is whae sells, Unfortunately he hates and loathes anyone nor born “normal.” Ihe false waxworks are tcaed like animals and kept caged while not working. Their clothes are elegant and rich when on display, but they ate stripped naked when they are returned to their cages s0 the clothes can be washed and kepe well The suffering in che carnival is monstrous. Asif'thac weren: enough, Mordechai has discovered 2 profitable sideline to is show. One patron who insisted that the waxworks were real would noc be dissuaded by Mordechai’ usual banter, However, instead of exposing the scam, he wanted to pay extra to see them do tricks or dance for him. Over time sickening cirle of rich patrons has developed. They never ‘come to se che public shows, but ate lee in late at night for private shows a grea expense, There they can do anything they Tike to those on display shore of killing them. However, should the patton be willing co come to an arrangement... Phayets who come across the show might discover its horible sectts. Can they rescue the performers? However, if they do, who will eed and shelcer them? Perhaps they could find and expose the circle of rich, deviant patrons, che blackmail fom which could easily afford to provide for those they have abused. Hovrever, they are amongst the richest people in the Empire, and dont ike being given orders. Characters that cross Mordechai should be warmed. He is rumoured to own a smal pioce of Warpstone, and those who displease him could became permanent additions tothe shows. THE TRAVELLING SHRINE OF HEALING This carnival is unusual in that its primary purpose is nor ro scam its patrons but to heal chem. Iewas orginally a group of missionaries dedicated to Shallya. They eavelled the country looking to bring healing to the poorer and more out of the way comers of the Empire. While ther skis were usually received ‘with gratinde, chey stil Foun dificult ro achieve their true purpose. The priestess of Shallya who led den realized that prevention was far beter than cure. She wanted co treat healthy people ro keep them from gesting ill, and wished 10 educate them as co ways to promote cheir general wellbeing, Sadly, ‘while ill people will ravel to see doctors, healthy people are not so keen to do so, So the priestess got together with afew Press of Rana. They ‘were looking to spread the ways of Ranald in the same way. 1 YY 2 oO ag Sadly, ew people wast a group of Ranald priests en mass, so the two groups joined forces, The Priests of Ranald put on a shows, which draws the people (whatever thie state of health) to the carnival. The presence of the Press of Shallya calms the people’ suspicions. While they ae entertained, the people ate encouraged to get themselves looked over by the Presses of Shallya, While the earival has all manner ofthe usa shows, also has several educational seminars designed to each people about hygiene and general healthy living. Attending one ofthese fice shows gives the customer ticket to one of the other shows, so they are usualy well attended. Many of the shows are mystery plays renditions of the most popular stores fom Imperial faith, The Press of Ranald ran their own reaching sessions coo. Many children are eager to leara how to do magic and perform tick, and so the ways of Ranald pass on co the next generation. Over time the carnival has collected the usual selection of eriminals thu the Priests manage co keep them in check. In addition to theit seminars and shows, the Priests minister to dhe people with regular worship ceremonies as well, The carnival has been known to stayin one place fora while to treat anyone they find who is hadly il or in ned of che travelling hospital the carnival THE SMOKE ‘The “Family Von Sturchheim Dwafen Circus of Mechanical Marvels is now known to all the Empire simply a “the Smoke.” Irs an amazing and colossal show consisting entirely of steam driven rides and marvels, Its presence is announced by a monstrous plume of smoke inthe ae around i. "This smoke {is not the usual sore of fog-and-dust aff. Instead i is a greasy, black mixcure that coats the windows, streets, and people up to five miles away. However, in the earival self the ai is clean and crisp. Clever funnels ensure that the pollutants are sent cfficently up into the air so they can be blown to someone cls doorstep. However, despite the environmencal impact ofthe carnival, it remains one of the most amazing and exciting sighs in the Empire. Itis run by the Dwarfen engincers of the renowned ‘Von Scutchheim family. Many years ago the family sought funding ro build their incredible machines. Unforeunately other Dvsarf thought the family mad for building such huge, pointless toys, and theie pleas for support fel of dea paza GEE [crm tae, Tina ni tostig te 1 OP OS ees Toncues “Tothe north in the small village of Anikmaar, the peosants and simple folk who rill the earth and make due with their roughshod tools have a fear of sound. Specifically, they feor speaking. Each mam, woman, and cil is raised under the low that every word be speaks can be sed by Morr to weigh his soul and determine his worthiness in the afterlife. Such trepidation leads to asilence so heazy that people go days and weeks without uttering a single word or grunt. | Elders speak not at all, and children often find themsetoes in silent prayer, easing for forgiveness for ther idle proting ‘over games and chores. While it may sem extreme thsi simply the way of life for thes people. Thy live in constant fear of | their own voices, and believe thatthe gods overlook litle and forgive een less. Anikmaar is not alone in its concern for silence. Other villages throughout Averland practic diligent vows of silence, but one tke he ptos othe etre ofthe Anemar.-Tow who hee sed these ope imo wih Peary aed ee ic aa petmtng en Pemeiepererea oe lea | Luckily, they found the humans of the Empire a far les stoic bunch, Their caznival was an instant suecess, and in theie fist year they visced many’ ofthe great noble houses of the Empire ‘On the second year the demand for their carnival was even greater... though this ime, chey were asked to sec up five or more miles away! Gaining entrance to the carnival is expensive, a che upkeep ‘of the machines is very costly. However, some Nobles have been known to reward villages by bringing the carnival to them and paying the residents’ entrance fes. Those who give additional funding co the carnival have their names carved in the grea metal arch entrance to the cnival, which grants ereat reputation The machines and rides a dhe carnival come inall shapes and ‘The Whirly Spin Tis machine consists of eages connected to a cenral hub with Jong arms. When running, the hub spins fster and fsster, only slowing when the motor is disconnected: thete is no brake! ‘The Brain Shaker This machine looks similar to che Whitly Spin, but in this case clever cogs lift and drop the ams asthe unie spins. Those Jn the cages go up and down as well as round and round, Unfortunately, the cogs maintaining the lifting and dropping are shaky. Children who manage not to throw up are given a free toffee apple on exiing! Furnival’s Mighty Dwarfen Warrior This mechanical man-shaped construction stands around eight feer tll es Dwarfen pilot, Furnival, sis inside the “chest” and walks ic around the fur offering piggyback rides. The ride is ‘quite exciting, as you never know ifthe machine will ill over. Tobin’s Flying School The carnival has afew old but serviceable Dwarfen gyrocopters. Tobin and his pilots offer rides around the carnival, hough, they make sure co always stay below the cloud of black smoke hovering abore. For those who can afford it, lessons on how to Ay che gyrocopters can be organised as wel SF sy WE aXe F/ Coatr Fats, Thiers a8 Traveling otk ese VI ‘The Colour Spectacular This machine for smaller children is designed to belch smoke in differ colours, Moving Jevers causes differen chemicals ‘within to mix and exit. Children play with che levers to make new and interesting colours of stoke blast out ofthe various funnels on the machine. The Great Wheel of Destiny This “big wheel” is one of the centre points of che show. Rather chan say in one place and turn, however, ic rolls atound the border of the fit, kept (mostly) vertical by a massive pole fixed to the drive machinery in the centre ofthe carnival. Anyone centering the fair needs to give way to this massive structure traveling round, or they would easily be squashed by the 50- foor-high high wheel, Derren KEYNSBIERY’S FiGHTING Prrwives Unlike many other carnival, the Fighting Pitwives offer but ‘one form of entertainment—that of blood sport. Folk the Empire over enjoy a good fight, and the prospect of exotie combat ha long been a draw to cutious crowds, Where other ‘oupes might offer foreign warriors, or combat benween strange beasts, Deiter’s Carnival pits women ghidiacors one ins the other, While the fists fly and blood spills, the crowd oars and throws money, and dhis suits the Piewives very well. The show opens with a display ofthe weapons and the wwartiors, As is the norm for Pit Fights, hollering boys ensure the customers know the names, histories, and specialties of the fighters before inviting chem to place bets. Once the books of the betting lads are comforably fll, Deiter opens the ist bbour—usually something fairly ame sich as wrestling or boxing, As the evening wears on, the weapons become larger shasper and more e stage, often three or four ata time ina “grand melec” il dhe stars of the show are on Numbering some thier flk i all, che bulk of the Picwife troupe is in Fact made up of male show hands, hollering boys, and animal handlers. With four or so carts and wagons, 0 Farge tents, an outdoor arena and countless sleeping tents, there is plenty of work for them co do, There are currently ten fighting women traveling wich the Pcwives, as wel as three hrealers, Recruited fiom all walks of life, the women make a fair wage for their rouble, as well as getting to keep all the money thrown on stage during a fight, Three or four women will be resting a¢ any one time, while the others ply their trade in che ting. The everent stars of the show are Katalin de Erauso. A fillen Esealian priestess, Katalin uses the sword, knife ‘and pistol and fights under the mame of “The Madonna of ‘Myrmilia™. A dae, cll woman with many sears, Katalin isin fac very quiet of stage, and appears to save all he money she ‘makes for some unknown purpose Nadezda Durova Known as “Ihe Cavalry Maiden,” Naderda is sid to have grown up in dhe Trarinas army, claiming to bea man and riding with the Kislevite host against Chaos. She fights with a sabre, and is increasingly leaning towards riding tricks rather than actual fighting, Nevertheless, her whirling attacks and beaded braids are stil elled for by the crowd. Moll Cut-cod The youngest ofthe troupe, ciy-born Moll is the daring of the common fall, Loud, pushy, and fist with her fists, she fs t0 bie collecting money to fre her brother from the worst depths of the Altdoe als. That could of course bea lie, spread to ensure a steady flow of Karls onstage. They ay her name stems from the fate of the lst man to ery and push his affections on her. Eliza Hatta “The socalled “Queen ofthe Sword,” Eliza once served in the Reikland 67th foot regiment. Folks claim she fought three bares before a flogging order saw her secret revealed. Thrown from the miliary, Eliza seems to find the regimen of the Piowives comforting Mathilda La Mauy “The Lady of the Blade” was once a squire in the service of Breconnian nobility however, once her secret idemtiy was ‘out, she fled the backwards kingdom, hoping to find freedom in the progresive Empire, Finding a place where women of Sout purpose are accepted (chough the strong sword arm and ‘mannish looks certainly help), Mathilda has sworn to forever scorn the land of her forefathers. | Garren is Lars as Dasa cove Bom By Andrew Law indigenous Humans and their many allies, bur also The Reik he northern Old World navigate al beading forthe “in Reikdorf Town did Sigmar stand and greet Empire of Man found he There Reik, the Hestd rive, swell’ Upon whose banks all great men duelld and would for erern'g.” —Srouanpr Screen Kone mos Siswak, EMPeRoR!, 1797 1C sen at Gaede kee Pity te bounty 20 )\ REFS (Ctupter Il: Life and Death on the Reik: ke tr * ESF [PS —lins on THE Rax— chneider-Koller, the great Riklander poet, once wrote ‘Reik-born mar has God-born fate He may not have been ‘wrong, forthe people of the Reik and its many tributaries are some of the most success in che Old World. Provided here isan introduction to some ofthese people, with rls where necessary to represent the lives they led. DOcKERS From the smallest Stiland jety 1 che bustling Suiddack of Marienburg wharves have locals ready to receive vesels from the busy river. On larger docks, Frernen omganise gangs of unskilled ddockers to do most of the muscle work unloading and loading barges. On the smaller docks, the unemployed eye the jetses from diny taverns, ready to work at che sight oF asa As dockers ‘only wore when vesels arrive and leave, their wages are highly irregular. Because ofthis, most docker families ive in a state of acute poverty, causing some to turn to aleohol or erime, Larger docks also have skilled dockets, called Stevedores, who generally form permanent gangs, often from thelr extended Families. A Stevedore's safety depends upon his gang, expecially ‘when handling cargo in confined spaces or difficult conditions, so trust is eserial. Gangs vary in size according to the port they call home, bu are sly sx xo ele strong, Seevedore Foremen lisse with dock companies and ship-owners to organise the unloading and loading of vessel to che quaysde. From there, cargo is moved by the lowerpaid, unskilled dockers. In large towns, Srevedore gangs band together into guilds ro protect their business and increase ther bargaining power. These tuilds are renowned for their violent ways, and often share more in common with Rackerers than skilled workers. The guilds of large cities, on the other hand, are generally beter organised than thir provincial versions, This is no more in evidence than swith the well-regarded and powerful Stevedores and Teamsters Suid of Marienbutg, which enjoys a toral monopoly ofthe c's lockers and could, some believe, shut down trading in the city Although most dock work is carted out by gangs, ‘employed individually by dock companies These inc hot limited to coopers who repair and renew barrels and casks, ide hu are knockers who open and close cases for customs officials, and ‘markers who paint the destinations of expors on their crate. Dockers ate mostly Peasants (labourers), Stevedores, Tradesmen (coopers and knockers) Series (markers), and sometimes Thugs. They are usualy led by Foremen, although Racketeers also common, FERRYMEN AND WATERMEN Boats of ll kinds are willing o ferry passengers fiom one port to the next. Asit is potentially lucrative business, many barges are remodelled permanently 19 accommodate passengers. For ‘overnight vesels, tis involyes converting holds ino cabins for the rch and erecting canvas ents on the decks forthe poor. Vessels making shorter journeys require less conversion. As ferries are demonstrably faster and safer than most overland ‘options, route, Passenger vessels are often filled 1o the gunwales with hey are popular among anyone travelling the river’ wide-eyed peasants searching, for a beter life inthe festering cities, OF cours, with all the coin ro be made, all m fall ery co ut in on the busines, with private hoarowners ‘openly competing with established frves. In ths literally cutthroat market, many vesls are far from safe with chit crews happy’ to rob passengers herween setlements or even, sometimes casting them overboard ner of Murder on the rivers has became such a problem that some provincial rulers charter local guilds of "Watermen’ to regulate and control passenger vessels. These guilds are ‘of conduct and, assuming they uphold them, also granted the right co hunt down and capeuse any four Waterman guilds currendly in operation on the Reik sesors, The have exemplary reputations, but sailing with chemise cheap. Poorer travellers often prefer to pay less by joining with a trader ‘or private vesel, despite the risks that this may ental Passenger hosts are typically crewed by chee to eight Boatmen. \Watermen guild boats often hie a Marine or two for protection, Costs for water travel can be found on page 85 of the Old World Armoury (OWA) with Waterman prices always atthe upper end of the price spectrum. Passenger Boat of Passenger boats use the statistics for rverboats from page the OWA, but only require a crew of thre: Ferry Ferries use the statistics for keels given on page 26. Much of their hold space is converted into cabins, with each yard of cargo space (enough for 4,000 Encumbrance Units) being ‘exchanged for one passenger cabin, up 0 a maximum of half the barge’ length Pirates Despite the best eforts ofthe Riverwardens, pirates plague the river ways of the Reik. Some use boats tipped down for speed, others lure pasting vessels into traps, but all seek the same goal: lucrative cargo. Mose who take ro pirating do so out of desperation. Such crews typically number from Five to ten and work from a single barge. They ate unlikely ro be killers, preferring co threaten and trick their visims, and rarely attack vessels wth any obvious defences A mercfally low percentage ofthe criminals on the Retk are truly ruthless murderers who have made aliving,of piracy These bloodthirsty rogues band together in gangs of 20 or more spread across a motley handful of boas. Some oftheir “fleet” may even sport a cannon or two. They use any trick they can think of to board a vese, and onc kill anyone thar thinks to bar them feom the hold, Some: bands are even feared enough to racketeer, accepting pro EZAISOS AGA? ee all ‘money from tcading companies to ignore marked vessels oF ven to hunt down ther vals, Most such crews are eventually tracked down by the Riverwardens and Stare Armies, for they cost too much in lost taxes and revenue to Nevertheless, some pirate crews do flourish. The waters of Averland, often neglected by authorities more concerned with protecting lurative cae and horse flesh, ate home 10 an array of competing pirate crews. Chief amongst these are the vicious Black Bulls, who rarely have to step off their horned ‘barges their fearsome reputation ensures that mose passing, 1m off ther ships lease i germs of traders pay any tithes requested to keep More wortisome and destructive sheer quantiey of ships scuttled and materials stolen, i “the Don.” Said to be an Estalian pitate of noble blood, his crew reportedly prowls the busiest, <0 Marienburg, The Don's motto, scrawled on che corpsfilled wrecks he leaves in The Reiklander Riverwardens are under increasing pressure from desperate Wastelander merchanis to eapeute the shadowy pirate, but after two years of hunting him, chey are no closer to their goal. Ths has led to whispers chat The Don is noc an Exalian noble afterall, bu aristocracy of Altdorf descent instead. Ochers suggest thatthe reason he cannor be found is thar he does not exist; peshaps he is nothing more than aslogan and an excuse for barbarism, and several diferent lunafiated groups are responsible fr the slaughters, Pitate crews are mostly comprised of Boatmen, Marines, and GEES J] Caper: iteanidatonteRek 7 AF BS (e782 ‘Wrecks, with leaders using the Mate o, in rare sucess Inscances, Sea Captain careers. Larger crews may even have a Ver Pirate Boat All ypes ofrverboaes are used by pitas, They ae often stcipped for speed, gaining halfa Movement point but losing 10% of their Wounds, River PaTRoLs Most riverside villages and inns sec aside moorings for the Imperial River Patrol, for withoue their presence, criminals would rl che waters. The Riverwardens are employed by vaious groups— including nobles, merchant houses and private individual —to keep the Reik fice of crime. Unfortunately. che wardens are sometimes as eroked as those they pursue, and ict uncommon to find them accepting bribes, requisitioning legal cargo from weaker ‘operations, or charging groundless fines. Worse, as mos pattol boats have gunpovider weapons and a leplly-enshrined power ro stop other vesels, uring to piracy can be extremely tempting, Although bribes ate always welcome, the more corupt activites are rare, Most Riverwardens work hard to keep the rivers lee of criminals If chere is 2 significant problem that they can handle alone, like a well-organised pirate Meet, a community of Wreckers, or Greenskins tacking Rivet 22 LOE A\ ; —New Canzer: STEVEDORE— Stevedores are specialist dockets, rained co propery pack and unpack cargo holds. Loading a ship i skil-intensive crs Main Profile and dangerous work, for vessels can overbalance and capsize if packed incorrectly; and unsecured cargoes can erush the unwary, Within the claastrophobie ship interiors, Stevedores wind “stevedore lashings” (special knots) with wedges of ‘wood to secure and protect the heavy icight. Many Stevedors specialise in “porting” one type of cargo, as exch good requires diferent skills to manipulate, stack and pack correctly, Thus, most larger whars have Mag, Skills: Consume Aleobol or Gamble, Dodge Blow ‘or Scale Sher Surface, Gossip, Perception or Search, Performer (Singer), Seeret Language (Guild Tongue), Swim Talents: Lightning Reflexes or Sturdy, Very Strong Trappings: Light Armour (Leather Jack), Rope, 1dto Wooden Spikes Career Entries: Boatman, Peasant Career Exits: Boatman, Foreman, Marine, Merchant, Smuggler, Thief, Thug, Tradesman gangs of porcer” that identify themselves sccording¢o the goods they import or ‘export, including Bah porters, meat porters and deal porters (or timber) None are more famous than the black liveied coal porters of Nala, known for their anythin of bawdy docker songs. Stevedores wear distinctive cloth watch caps dyed with » theie gang colours, bok ro identify their allegiances and ro prorece themselves rom the elements, Stevedre gangs ieilously guard their wha from rival, and ic takes lle provocation for them (0 dish out “lashings” ofa diferene kind ‘Note: Ifyou ae rolling randomly for your Stating Carer, you can substicute Srevedore for Boatman with your GM's approval —New Apvancep Caren: FoREMAN— [Deep-throated voices echo through the crowded cites ofthe Old ‘World as Foremen lead heir sweating gangs with harsh words and bawdy song. Inthe busting docks, the screech oF a Foremanis whistle sends the unemployed sunning from their smoky ta all desperate to shift backbrea heavy cargo from quay wo warehouse = ‘Skills: Charm or Consume Alcohol, Command, ‘Common Knowledge (Kislev or the Empire or the Wasteland), Gamble or Gessip, Haggle, Perception, Performer (Singer), Seeret Language (Guild Tongue) Talents: Public Speaking, Streetwise ‘Trappings: Light Armour (Leather Jack), Whistle Career Entries: Peasant, Scribe (marker), Stevedore, Mag |_| FP. Foremen ate often paid according to the sped oftheir men's work, they can be press tasmasters, “motivating” thei temporary workers by any means posible In contrast, Stevecore Foremen lead thee long-term gangs with tangible pide, confidently > negotiating with dack owners and traders for extra work and wages aswell as actively aking parc in ‘Tradesman guild matters and nu puts, Because ofthis, shey typically look Cres’ fp Demeceee Sy Guild Master, down upon eheit labourer leading contemporaries with undispuised U3 ST //G0* Caper I: Life and Dethon he Retk SP Lv 7K If Pez ae YT Gop ls LfewdDathoneRek 7 9 i= iF [eFe3 aed I ; —New Carger: WRECKER— } Mig ei OL Weel a eae sea all the moreso by Wiesken Tess river pes eek eo dak vessels and then raid the wrecks, Thelr techniques for doing this vary, although most lure the unwary ico rocky shallows to hole ther hulls, Although only interested in cargo, some ‘Wreckers make a habit of killing, wary of escapees thae may. inform Riverwardens oftheir Jdentities or locations. In mer Mag | IP | FP lean times, eis not unknown ‘Skills: Common Knowledge (The Empire or Kislev), Consume Alcohol or Dodge Blow, Gamble or Navigation, Outdoor Survival or Sail, Perception | or Search, Row, Secret Signs (Ranger) or Speak Language OXislevite), Swim Talents: Orientation or Rover, Sharpshooter or Strike to San Trappings: Bow with 10 Arrows, Light Armour (Ceather Jack), Row Boat Career Eneves: Boatman, Ferryman, Marine, Outlaw, | Peasant, Riverwarden, Seaman, Smigaler Career Exits: Boatman, Marine, Outlaw, Thiet, Veteran ‘tn to wrecking to feed their starving families. Whilst most ate ofthese are desperare and only “short-term” sorts, some Wrecker crews are very experienced, targeting even well guarded traders. Such crews rarely say in one place for any length of ime, for thei activites soon draw attention from Riverwardens, Bounty Hunters and local Militamen, Note: IF you ae rolling randomly for your Starting Cates, ‘Wrecker for Smuggler with your GM's New Caner: RIVERWARDEN— AAlarion cll across the murky waters ofthe Reik can only mean one thing: Riverwardens. These strong backed lawmen are commonly perceived by river goers a lite beter than thugs, as chey must harass even innocent vesels when checking, for smuggled goods and have leamed that politeness an tase do noc payoff. The overworked patrols, hich til through month-fong shifs at atime, are responsible for waters too Mag large tobe effeccvey controlled They spend mos of their vie concentrating on the worst Jaw-breakers, inching pirates, _murdererss and barge thieves, aun allow mase perry rmixlemennours to dip by with spocfines, mh They area common HH) Ys 4 Skis: Common Knowledge (The Empire or Kislev), Gossip or Speak Language (Kislvite), Navigation, | ‘Oitdcor Survival or Sal, Perception, Row, Search, ‘Secret Signs (Scout) Talents: Orientation or Very Strong, Specialist Weapon (Gunpowder) ‘Trappings: Pistol with Powder and Ammunition for 10 ts, Light Armour (Leather Jack), Row Boat, Shield, Uniform, 10 Yards of Rope { Career Eneries: Boatman, Ferryran, Marine, Roadwazden | Career Exits: Bouman, Marine, Roadwarden, Seaman, | Sergeant, Smugeler, Toll Keeper, Verenean | Investigator®, Wrecker | * This carer is detailed in Sigmar’s Heirs Z| candomly for your i Seating Career, you can (| substicue Riverwarden ) for Roadwarden with } your GM’ approval Trolls, patrols call upon the local Miliamen, If matters became desperate, che patrol may also request aid ftom the Rondwardens, However, ths is always a last option, asthe Rondvardens and Riverwardens ofien have jurisdiction dliputes. This commonly oceurs when criminals abandon the river and Ace into the forests, Patrol Boats are crewed by six to ten Riverwatdens and led by a Sergeant, Patrol Ships have 11-20 Riverwardens, up co five horses, wo Sergeants and a Captain Ie is also common to find Marines, Miliamen and Roadwardens on their vse Patrol Boat Patrol boats use the staities for tiverboats from page 87 of the OWA. In addition to the traits described there, patrol boats have a heavy blunderbuss mounted to the prow (as the bunderbuss detailed on page 46-47 of the OWA, but with ‘a Damage of 5) and 10 oars used for extra speed oF to work against the wind, Patrol Ship Parco ships use the savstcs for keels given on page 26. In addition o the aes described there, trol ships have 4 pincel-mounted blunderbusses mounted ro each side (detailed ‘on page 46-47 of the OWA) and two oars per fall rwo yards ‘of length, Patrol ships also have two dinghies, which use rowing boat statistics from page 87 of the OWA STRIGANY The human empire of Srigos worshipped Vampires as Gods, but their Undead deities couldnt save them from the might of butchering Greenskins. When the few escapees staggered north ico the Old World, the stricken people met a wall of hatred fiom the other human tribes, but they had nowhere ese co turn They wander there stl, now calling chemselves the Stigany. and are hated no les, even though the cncuries have erased the memories of chit blood-soaked empire from the minds of their counteymen, Mieroring the rootless land caravans oftheir peopl, the Striginy meander up and down che Rei in small boat communities, wing from one perscution ro the nest. Their dreary, poorly maintained vessels ae often moored far fiom civilisation, where they prey on the superstitions of passing rivefolkby sling chasms and wards for whatever coin they can. They area desperate people, often clinging to the hall-forgotten legends thac say thar their anciene Vampiric masters will someday return tlt chem from thee pathetic ives, As rumours of these throwback beliefs ripple ourwred and are heard by outsiders, the continued Vampire worship doesnt help those trigany who are tying to move on from theie past. Rather, ic ensutes chat their persecution ar the hands of outsiders concinucs. The Strigany are ‘Quickly blamed for any local problem without a more obvious culprit, and over-zealous Wieeh Hunters ae all to0 eager to accuse them cranspori By the time their innocence is proven in these cases, ther boats are alteady burnt co the watedine. g diseased Undead in their rotten barges. More abou the Strigoi vampires, che past masters of the ‘an be found in the Old World Bestiary on pages 71 Strigany live on square-rigged River Barges and Riverboats as described in the Old World Armoury on pages 86-87. Their vessels are in poor shape, typically with 1 less TB and half the ‘Wound suggested Raver STRIGANY RAcIAL FEATURES (OPTIONAL) GMs who wish co include River Suigany PCs in their game should use the Following eats co ceplace those presented in cep 3 of Haman character creation from page 19 of WARP. River Strigany ‘Skills: Consume Alcohol, Common Knowledge (the Empire or the Scrigany), Row or Sail, Speak Language (Reikspel or Surigany), Swim ‘Talents: 1 random talent ‘Special Rules: Because they beat the stigma of their Vampiric past, Strigany have a 109% modifier to all Fellowship “Tests when dealing with other Old Worlders. TRADERS Barges laden with cargo clog the rivers ofthe Old World, ‘ourrumbered only by the vase swarms of subsistence andl ‘commercial fishing vesel “Many styles of barges are used for trade on the Rei ‘The oldest and most prevalent isthe Keel, and can be found throughout the Old World. The newest innovation, the Retkaak, comes i Le QO QRZ ih a y (a8 yas long) BRACKISH WATER AA student once asked me: “Why are hags, witebes, and harps attracted to swamps and bogs?” To whit, Ianswered: “More ‘nagortanty, my small-minded apprentice, Why do they turn ‘ponds and lakes into brackish, spoiled water?” ‘The truth, i i sad in whispers, is that witches ad hags beara ci rn ana nr ised a eas T legend deserves a more thorough explanation... and you hve promised to keep your word of silence, have you nor? ‘When the earth was stil spinning from the spontaneous debris of the skys embrace, the tresses fal ren evens were spat. Eich, a hag, a witeh, anda harpy, bore the burden ofthe ‘post, present, and future. Each counted and weighed, judeed and rmessured every event that was is, and would be. ‘Yer this burden was great and after millenia of counting, they bore brood, each of which matched the talents and features of their mam. Each wis tasked with measuring the beaver, the arch, and the deeds ofall beasts fair and foul. The Fats, of course, would be able to survey all things, including the successes and failures of their progeny. ‘And there would be many. ‘As the cons pessed, more and more children were borne for the ‘work of the fates. And, as withall things involving the Gods, an ‘offence was committed. Calli pride, hubris, a stubborn child, a violent rage, or whatever words your people’ language has conjured for the purpose of explaining the will ofthe heaven. ‘The justice ofthe fates was swift. For the offence, the fate-brood wore cursed three times. Firstly, they were given the pift of sight—the ability to se all event, frre, present, pst—yer be unable to alter them, Second, ‘they were cursad to be forever alone. The bond of sisterhood wns severed, but the need for conanionship would aways taunt them, plaguing their every moment. Many were driven mad and others {ew accistomed 1 only ever hearing their own voi. Lastly, they ‘would never dc, bu would always be dying, their bodes slowly rotting from the comuption of whatever vile ded they performed rll i ie lone yoo nom their lest and its this bac turns the ponds they inabit nto Fetid ‘water staining the cool blue a brackish brown, Rumours persist, of course, to the contrary. But] know lies when I hear them. TABLE 2-1: Barce Costs Item Cost Ene Availability Keel 900 ge(+S0geper = — Rare (18 yards ong) extra yard of length) Reikaak 1,800 ge = Very Rare (4100 ge per extra (Rarein yard oflengch) ‘Marienburg) \ "Chapter I LifeandDathon te Rk 27 PF SES CE from Marienburg. No matter what a trader crews, be it Kee, Wherry, Reka, Klipper or other vessel, che uneducated call them al simply barges, Most barge crews (colloquially known as berges) are suspicious of other riverlolas they are of pirates and Wreckers. They supposedly keep barge dogs ro protect agains such thieves and brigands, though common consensus i that they're also good ax distracting Riverwardens and discouraging them for poking. scound too thoroughly in search of smuggled yous, Bargees, of cours, strongly dispute such claims Trading barges are crewed by ewo to sx Boatmen or Smugglers, often all family members, and sometimes have Marines for protection, Some make a ltl extra coin by offering transport toa Merchant or a few passengers as wel, Keel Kees are square-tigged, sua using Norse clinker-build techniques, they have been found on the Reik for many centuries. They require thre crewmen, although as many as five are needed ising night and day non-stop. The statistics below are for an 18-yard kee, capable ‘of carrying 20,000 Encumbrance Units. Larger keels can carry +4,000 Encumbrance Units and have +1 Wound per exes yar ‘of eng. The largest keel barges are rarely longer than 24 yards, —Kesr Sraristics— 1 -scemed barges. Constructed w 95, Reikaak Reikaaks were inspired by the slender High Elven tradin ships of Ulthuan. They have narrow, pointed bows and sterns with spritsail rigging, They ae faster, lighter and casiet co sal than keels, requiring only «wo men to crew and thus being cheaper to run for penny-pinching merchants. The reikaak isa comparatively nev vessel, but it seems ineviable that ic will eventually replace the keel as the dominane rading barge: indeed, almost all newly- commissioned Marienburger barges are eikaaks. The starstcs below ate for an 18-yard vessel, large enough to haul 20,000 Encumbrance Units Longer reikaaks can carry +4,000 Encumbrance Units and have +1 Wound per extra yard of length. Once past 24 yards, cach additional yard instead increase ies capacity by 6,000 Encumbrance Units and its Wounds increase by +2 per extra 2 yards of length, The largest reikaak built so far, the Emmerje, is 32 yauds long and is owned by the van de Kuyper ‘merchant house of Maricnburg. —Rakaak Sratistics— M 1B z 80 OTHER ENCOUNTERS There are countless other folk on the Reik beyond the ones described in detail here, and GMs are encouraged to use their imaginations ro populate the great sver. There i the obvious w | OF CE 2 al 26 \ Sere ES =— Eageo TSO © [7 cope ts tifesaDeivon tekek [7% river ea lke ishing boats, pleasure vessel, smugglers and the like, but more exotic ships ate posible as well As the Rik is navigable by ocean-going ships up to Altdor's Reiksport, ‘Wolfhips ofthe Imperial Navy might be encountered, as might Aiplomatic vss from Bretonnia, Ulthuan, of even the steam- driven contraptions of the Dwarf. Perhaps a local guide claims that only he ean safely navigate a boar past che rapids or hidden dangers of a specific section of river, oF maybe a detachment of law enforcement or military group has commandeered a civilian vessel and is drafting flks to help with an emergency. The PCs could come acros prison barge, a floating circus, a religious pilgrimage. ..anything is posible on the Rei — DEATH IN THE RK — Wit tetris ton fr he anand resent brings the opposite forthe unwary and the seeks Nor only ar there he eer presen waterfl, bea (Chapter Four Perilous Creatures for ome cxmples of hie) bod weather rips. tock and Wreckers, bu thei the water inf cat, dep, fe-lowing and dea This section provides tiles forthe darker side of rer i drowning and cece. SWIMMING (Characters with the Swim skill do not need ro make Swim Teses to stay above water or move at half their normal “Movement. Their effective Movement while in water increases by +1 per degeeeof success on a successful Swim Test, however failure, if the est was made purely to increase speed, cavies no penalty in this case. Characters cannot charge oF run while swimming, ‘Characters without che Sri skill, meanwhile, have an cffective Movement in water of 0, Such characters must make ‘Swim Tests just ro stay afloat, even in calm water success mans thar the character has managed to stay afloat, and success by one or more degrees allows the unskilled swimmer roadd +1 to hiseffective Movement per degree, up 10 8 ‘maximum of half his normal Movement characteristic, Failure rans that the character slips beneach the surface. Finally, skilled and unskilled swimmers alike need to make Swim tess iFtheir swimming difficulties add up co -10% or worse (sce Table 2-2: Example Swimming Difficulties) Failure in these cases always means tha the character slips beneath the surface, success means that the character may "move at his normal effective Movement while in water (Which may be Oy and success by one or more degrees means that the character adds +1 to his effective Movement shite in water. sil aucomatically take a deep breach before slipping beneath the surface. Characters wwithoue the Swim skill may make a Characteristic Test at hal their Suength to cake a deep breath before going under. (Characters with the So During combat rounds, swimmers who have stayed affoat or have purposely gone under may take the following actions ‘Aim, Cast (plus one Flalé Action more chan usual), Delay (Full Action), Disengage, Move, Ready (Full Action), Reload, Standard Atzack, Use a Skill. Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill and Agility are halved while swimming. Swimmers who have gone under against thei wil, however, may do only one of the following three things: Make another Swiry Test co keep from sinking and possibly make headway back toward the surface (Full Action), discard a piece of equipment (Full Action), ‘or remove a piece of clothing or armour (Full Action, see below) TRAPPINGS Entering the water whilst loaded with trappings is a foolish ‘endeavour. Ifa character i carrying 50% ot more of his maximum Encumbrance point, any Swim Tests automatically fail. Fortunately, any single capping may be discarded as 2 Full Action o reduce this load. Clothing and Armour isthe exception to this a successful Agiliy Tes is required to remove A singe item of clothing or piece of leather armour while in the water. Medium or Heavy Aemoue is effectively impossible to remove while swimming or underwater, although single pieces of chainmail or plate can be removed at the GM's discretion UNDERWATER Ihe following rules may be used for drowning in place of the standard suffocation rules found on page 136 of WERP. \ TABLE 2-2: | EXAMPLE SWIMMING DirFiCULTIES ation Dificaley Character isan EF 110% Sal water (no Hes current, M0) 10% | Using oar 110% } a ter ow er cuent MOSS 10% | Unclohed or wearing oly undergarments 0% | ‘Average river core (M 6-20) =10%% Caring appings . | ‘Character is a Dwarf 10%. \ Fale ast Sri Test. -10% f ‘Swimming for more than TB imates 10% | Wearing some garments =10% \ ‘Sif iver cuent(M 21-40) 209% Fully dothed 20% | “Wearing Light Armour 20% | Very swf iver curren (M 21-40) 30% | ‘Wesring Meum Armour 30% ‘Wearing Heavy Armour ‘Automatic Tallare * 10% per full 15% of Encumbrance points casied Note: the maximum negative modifier that should normally be spplied is 30% OoeP ADVICE FROM THE DAWN MOTHER Tei unelear who the Dawn Mother was or what Aafuhs was refering 10 inline 6 9, and 0. Nonetteles, the work las teen collected for the rade’ ovm edification. Never leave milk out overnight, lest you woke up with boils. | ‘When the sunlight breoks upon a meadow, mark the day as | half and twice ied (Open the door toward you, let you inte sii into your home, | Think twice and speak half as much, but never sop to listen te you become fe and alone. Ghostly apperitions can be colmed with a simple chime or the drip of water on pan. J The Grey Claw Pass cannot be found without the aid of @ rased hammer and a sack of spoiled grain The longest day of the year is reserved for study and reflection. Do not work est you be unable to lift your arms te next doy The longest night of the year is never atime for death, Those who pas this never, roam the afterlife forever. | Sdiph and Kalish wereborm together but died centuries apart. | {Join your eyes into a single pattern and the cirle of Z’zarri | Should appear [A character can bold his breath underwater for a number of rounds equal to his TB, or theee times his TI ifhe took a dep breath before going under. After chs time, the character mast pass Toughness Test each round or go unconsch ‘with a cumulative -10% penalty for exch previous test made, Once a character goes unconscious, he will drown, within a number of rounds equal to his TB. IF rescued before this time, the character can automatically be returned to consciousness without suffering ill effects, IFrescucd afer this time, a successful Very Hard resuscitate the drowned character, but he loses 1 Wound cach round until he is either resuscitated or he is dead Current All rivers have a Movement rating to represent their current. At the end of each round of swimming, a character will be sept downstream as many yards as the #ivers Movement valle. This 1096) Heal Test can stil increases to Movernent x2 yards in the centre of the tiver or anyivhere else thatthe water is Rowing more swiftly chan the Fiver normal current Slow rivers have a Movement of 0-5, though most have a Movement of 6-20. The swifest have a Movement of 21-40 or more, and can carry characters very far in a 10-second round, ‘WATERBORNE DISEASES Waterborne diseases ate normally contracted by drinking impure wate, and can be serious threat to those living ia unsanitary conditions. Fortunately, che fas-flowing Reik is TET ations 1G STE mostly fice of serious contamination, but its smaller and slower tributaries often catry potentially life-threatening diseases, ‘When water is contaminated by the waste of another creature drinking ican result in a bad ease of the Galloping Tocs (sce WERP, page 136). Drinking fom a sluggish river or downstream from a seclement carries a 54% risk of exposing a character to this disease. The risk increases 10 10% after a heavy rain, which ‘washes all sorts of contagions into the water, and to 20% aficr 1 flood. [fa character i swimming in water contaminated by Galloping Trot causing bacteria, rather than drinking t,he gains +209 co his Toughness check to resist the disease Reikworms Arguably worse than the Galloping Tros isthe Reikeworm, Any body of water can carry these organisms, and the diferene Imperial provinces have all kinds of bizarre methods that supposedly keep them at bay, incliding swirling water around the mouth six times before swallowing it in Ostermark, or never drinking un in Nordland. Whenever a character draws water from any sted water when Morsleih is visible unsecured soutce, here is 5% chance that ic caries the larvae of a Reikworm, Swimming in such water caries the same tsk of contracting worms as drinking it, When exposed ocontaminated water, a succesful Toughness Test must be passed or a Reilovorm inthe character's belly 1 il be swallowed and will tle Description: Wh the tiny larvae of che Reikworm enters the body, it burrows deep into the gus of ts host, where it feeds and grows. Soon, the hosts immune sycem is dinninished, making him prone to catching other diseases, ‘After theee months, che worm wil have grown to four feet in length and will be ready ro head forthe surface. The first visible sign ofthe parasite isa massive blister that forms on the surface of the skin, After a week, the blister Darts, casing an intense burning pain, Commonly, che ailliced plunge their hor wounds ito cooling water for relief. If thishappens, dhe mature Reloworm emerges and spits forth 2 now batch of young as a sickly yellowish fluid, hich soon disperses in the water, ready to infect new hosts, fier this, ee woer then ds Duration: Ninery days after infeccion the bis Seven days after this (during which time iis teatable), iewill burst Effects: For every full 30 days of infection, the character suffers 3% Toughness when exying co resis other diseases, Tiss egained at 1% per day afer the worm dies To determine where the worm surfaces ol for Hit Location as ifthe character had been struck in combat, When the blister forms, the character suffers a 5% to all Agility Tests due co the conscane itritacions further, iFche liste isin a wsible location, the character sufers 2-109 to Fellowship Tests, On che seventh day of the blister, the character must make a Toughness Test every hou: When ir ils—or on the last hour of the day if all Tees ate passed—the blister bursts wey inflicting 1 Wound and causing an incredible burning sensation. Ths results in a 20% modifier to Weapon Skil, Ballistic Skill and Aginy until the wound recives medical attention, Ifthe wou these modifiers drop to 10%, is immersed in water, CS 2 (Caper I: Advanced Trade and eae fe ‘ "| MK “When asprin apprentices walkin my office Tl sem Straight eon tat working es a ourmeman reer ste ona to ern ths busies Ifyou ju wont roearna | tng, wl then become on acount orasatesogen. | Butyou'l never ge rek playing sth your abacus al day if | Sour jus lying enccher man’s profs” —Runpou Samurasann, Foren MERCHANT GUILDMASTER OF SCHOPFENDORF DX r poeta ¢ But oF EXCHANGE FoR DIETER VOORSTEN, JOURNEYMAN TRADER UNDER LAGERMANN | Sahennund Merchants! Guild, Nordland Item. Delivered 240 pound of salted cod to Herr Gerber in Schoninghagen. Received 25 pounds of chickpeas and 400) pounds of oats in exchange, { Liability. 60 pound of oats spoiled by sain en rou to Ado, | Item. Purchased 100 chickens fom Tomas Ehrenbeger in } Granibarg, Paid 15 gold crowns. | Item. Sold 25 pounds of chickpeas and 340 pounds ofoats to) Counellor Wasserblad in Nal, Received 210 gold crowns. | Tue, Sold 96 chickens o Franz Bauhaus in Nua, Received 25 gold crowns | Debit: 35 god crowns paid to Nuln Merchanes’ Guild for \ exceeding weekly rade allowance. } with surplus product. Backroom politics are common, as places for commerc for full guild membership. Typically, the merchant mentor receives lahour or actual profit shares from his apprentice as paymene for euition. A journeyman trader license permits apprentices to deal with certified merchants in other towns fom their guilds behalf. Apprentieships normally ase between fone and six years, afer which the mentor must decide whether to endorse or reject the apprentice for fall membership. Les than a quarter ofall appreacices will ever go on to become full members of the merchants guild. The prerequisites are very difficult to atain + Letter of endorsement from mentor + Ownership of land and residence within a day’ travel of the town + Ownership ofa warehouse in the town + Payment of membership dics, including an entry fee of 50 t0 100 geand 10% ofall subsequent profies Journeyman traders, often the sons of burghers or oth ‘merchants, sometimes have no ambition to join che guild, but instead ply che rivers for other reasons including family duty travel opportunities, or shore-term profit. Journeyman traders may come from any career background, bue Gossip and Read/Write sills ae ascts, Full guild members usually belong to onc ofthe following careers: Burgher, Envoy, Guild Master, ‘Merchant, Politician or Steward _members labby to have transactions by heir rivals vetoed and {aris on their own goods lowered, Guilds also serve as mecting MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Applicants must serve apprenticeships bere being considered Priviteces & RESTRICTIONS Non-members, including common steee vendors, may noc sellin excess of 20 ge worth of goods per weck. Tzansictions beyond this allowance are punishable by lw. Apprentices witha journeyman trader’ license are permitted to sell 200 ge worth of goods per swedk, and fill merchants are excused om these restrictions rely: Ieshould be noved that sles quotas vary’ from guild to Full members and journeyman traders who wish to conduct a transition in any town regulated by a merchant’ guild other than their own must register their cargo with the local guild license or state their intended commerce, and present th ‘ull seal for inspection, After the transaction is complete another report must be filed with the local guild, Failure ro ‘comply with any ofthese requirements i punishable bya fine payable to che guild, the sum of which equals the merchant's above-quota profits oF 40 ge, whichever is greater. Dam the teputation of the merchant’ home guild is another posible consequence of transgression, bur the commictee may not become avare of violations until annual eports are reviewed. Guitp RELATIONS & Pouirics Healthy relations with the crafting guilds ave mucually beneficial. Often, merchants have entered the trade from. a crafting profession and retain memberships in mukiple guilds, Ii within the merchants’ guilds’ purview co monicor exchanges between local suppliers and finishers, bur usualy the guild remains ar arms length, preferring che raft guilds 10 negotiate dreetly with individual resource harvester. Tue Nosniry “Trading i stl viewed asa commoner’ vocation by the Imperial nobility, whose disdain for drudgery has enabled che merchant class to make steady gains in both wealth and influence, Cartage taxes comprise only a smal fraction of trade profits: meanwhile lords and barons often make substantial increse payments to their merchant creditors. Money lending may even be parlayed 1.0 political leverage forthe merchant's home guild. (On rare occasions, however, the nobility levis a tax thae turns markets upside down, Such was the casein 2521, when news of Archaon’s gathering hordes reached the League of Ostermark. Smithies were bought ou of weapons within a week by terrified peasancs who spent thelr entire savings 0 arm themselves. When Margrave Mach was unable to equip full division of reserves, he prompy imposed a crippling Armaments Surtax that doubled the price of weapons, armout and horses, making them unaffordable all but his own soldiers. Within months, nobles throughout Ostermark, (Ostland and Hochland followed suit, and before long, even nobles in distant Wissenland were levying Armaments Surtaxes simply to reap the profes oF a bull marker A few select merchants are granted military trading permits by the local ruler. exempring them fram Armaments Sarcaxes 6 7, SAT RE erat teeta nite OP EG [ae 5S

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