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1. Pets are good for our health.

Write an essay on the previous statement, writing

about our lives with pets, including:
- Your opinion on pets.
- The benetifs of having pets.
- The cons of living with pets at home.

2. You have attended a lecture focused on climate change and now you have been
asked to write a report. In your report you should talk about:
- What you have learnt in this lecture.
- If it was useful or not.
- The organization.

3. Write an article about city life. You should include:

- The pros and cons of living in the city.

4. You have recently stayed in a hotel and you had a very unsatisfactory time there.
Write a letter to the hotel manager to complain about your stay there.

5. In your English class you have been talking about museums. Now your teacher
has asked you to write an essay using this statement: Museums no longer have
an important role in this digital age. Write about:

- What role museums had in the past.

- How to find out about history online.

6. Your school principal has asked you to write a report offering your ideas and
suggestions for a new reception area that is going to be opened next year.

7. Write an article about the best ways for Young people to earn a bit of money.
Write about:

- The benefits of young people managing their own money.

- The best ideas for making some extra money.

8. Your penfriend from London has written your recently. Write him or her back
answering the questions in their letter.

Hi Arantxa! Ive been preparing for a very important race but Ive been feeling
really tired lately. Do you have any ideas for feeling better and stronger? The
race Will take place next month and I really need to be ready and fit.
9. Write a review about a film that you really hate. You should include:
- The reasons why you hate the film.
- Some background information about the film.

10. Write a report on public transport in your city, analizing the different types of
transport you can use there and their pros and cons. Include some ideas for
improving the transport system.

11. Your American friend is looking forward to going on holiday with you. She/he has
asked you about this issue in their last letter. You should write them back

- Some places where you could go together.

- Ideas and suggestions about what to do during your trip.
- The best moment to go.

12. You have seen this advertisement for a job near your home:
WEEKEND WORK IN OUR CAF. We want an enthusiastic, English-speaking
person to work at weekends in our caf. You need to be: interested in different
kinds of food, good at dealing with people and prepared to work long hours.
Write explaining why you would be suitable for the job to: Mrs Kate Ashby,
Manager of Green Pepper Caf.

13. Write an article answering this question: Do you prefer listening to live music or
recorded music?.

14. Write an essay on the role of parents in childrens education. You should include:

- The reasons why parents should be engaged in their childrens education.

- The importance of choosing the right school.

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