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Profesor M. I. Juan Jos Mucio Porras Agosto - Noviembre 2017

Tarea No. 1
Entrega: Agosto 18

1. Seleccionen un evento hidrolgico importante, como una inundacin o una sequa a nivel
nacional, que haya ocurrido durante el ao pasado y describan sus consecuencias. (Problema 1.5.4,
Chow V T, Hidrologa Aplicada. McGraw-Hill, Primera Edicin, 1994). En negritas la fuente
del problema.

2. The firm for which you work obtains a contract for designing a pipe to carry a liquid hazardous
waste between the plant where it is produced as a by-product and a storage facility where it is held
until it can be transported to a disposal site. The two sites are 1.2 miles apart. During the site
investigation, you find that the route propose by the client passes through a very permeable geologic
formation. You recognize that a leak or rupture of the pipe in the area of the permeable formation
could cause significant problems with the quality of the water withdrawn from the aquifer.

You bring the problem to the attention of your supervisor and propose an alternative route for the
pipe. Your proposal would increase both the length of the pipe and the cost of the project, as well as
delay the completion date of the project. Your supervisor tells you that the project is to be
completed as planned and that the potential hazard is not your concern. What action, if any, should
you take? (1.6.1 Case Study 1, McCuen R H, Hydrologic Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall,
Third Edition, 2005).

3. Obtengan una carta de INEGI de su localidad o inters, y:

a) Determinen el rea de su micro cuenca de drenaje al seleccionar una corriente que
consideren como principal.
b) Determinen la elevacin media de su micro cuenca seleccionada.
c) Determinen el orden de las corrientes de su micro cuenca.
d) Determinen la longitud del cauce principal.
e) Calculen la densidad de corriente de su micro cuenca seleccionada.
f) Calculen la densidad de drenaje de su micro cuenca seleccionada.
g) Calculen la pendiente media del cauce principal de su micro cuenca seleccionada.

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