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-The cholera bacterium is present primarily in wastewater and human excret so

-The disease breaks out where there is poor hygiene,

-Its estimated the cholera effects between three and five million people annually and kills
around hundred thousand.

-there have been seven pandemics, the last of which began in 1961 and is still active today.

- (for example) India and Bangladesh have the largest number of annual cases, and In 2012, the
worst affected countries were Haiti, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia-

- cholera is a pandemic that transcends both geographical space and time.


Vibrio cholerae is a comma shaped bacterium that causes cholera, this vibrio bacteria is mobile
and multiplies at great speed.

- Vibrio expand by drinking water contaminated with human feces carrying cholera and enter
into our stomach,

After passing the Vibrio multiply in the small intestine and secreting the toxic substance that
provokes a serious of biochemical reactions.

-This results diarrhea sometimes called rice waters stools, severe vomiting, leg cramps, sunken
eyes and low blood pressure

Dehydration can be dramatic because the infected person can lose up to 15 liters of fluid a


Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS): the most important treatment is to give oral hydration
solution (ORS), because up 80% of cases be treated through this.

Intravenous fluids: For severe cases

Antimicrobial Therapy: can diminish duration of diarrhea, reduce volume of

rehydration fluids needed, and shorten duration of V. cholerae excretion.

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