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Breaking down an existing piece of media into a theoretical structure:

The Babadook

1: Equilibrium
Mother has a nightmare, shown elements of a car crash and the husband, briefly,
implies she dreams about a car crash where something happens to her husband as
she wakes up alone to the boy calling her name because he has had another
Scene cuts to a school meeting where we see two senior teachers talking to the
mother about her sons struggle with self-control and aggression
Mother shows some denial even with clear evidence of the issues her son is having.

1.5: Inciting Incident

The reading of the Babadook story and chanting the books mantra, could be seen as
literally bringing out the monster.

2: Disequilibrium
Sam threatens to kill the Babadook and clearly shows how with a gun that he has
made himself, Mother has a go at him for stealing the key and being downstairs with
all his Fathers things.
The mother is struggling even more to control the child because he seemingly has a
valid excuse for his bad behaviour.
Struggle is getting harder; the son has now assaulted another child. There seems to
be a manifestation of the monster when the boy is in the car, resulting in him having
some sort of panic attack or convulsion.
No one is believing the mother, struggle continues.
The mothers grip on reality is slowly slipping as she tries to get help from multiple
places but doesnt seem to be getting any.
Struggle depends, still not going towards the resolution as the mother finally sees
the Babadook in one of her nightmares.
Struggling to communicate, to look after herself and her son, to stay awake, to stay
in reality.
Mother is hearing voices when shes asleep and awake, walks downstairs to find the
son on the phone to the next-door neighbour after specifically telling him not to call
Still no closer to reaching a positive resolution.

Moving towards the resolution:

Taken hold of the problem as the monster is inside her.
Struggle between the mother and son, she says some horrible things and the son
fights back with his homemade weapons.
Admits to her son she is sick and has been struggling with the dead of her husband
for 7 years.
Son stabs his mother with a knife in the leg because he doesnt trust her.

2.5: Resolution
Sam knocks out his mum and when she wakes up she has been tied up.
He tries to help her by talking to her but she only seems to want one thing, his
She has multiple convulsions and end up on her hands and knees throwing up a
thick, black liquid.
The resolution has been sparked by Sam, not his mother.
By acknowledging her husbands death and seeing it happen before her it allows her
to face the reality of what has happen and overcome her hurt and guilt.
She talks directly to the monster and tells it you are nothing allowing her to force
out the entity by telling it (the monster), it has no place in her house.
The monster has not only been forced out of her but forced down stairs into the

3: New equilibrium
The world finds a new balance, were not back to where we were at the beginning of
the film as the mother has acknowledged the problem.
She knows the problem is there but it is locked in the basement, she is okay with it
being there but knows not to let it overcome or control her.
Seems to be going down to the basement to feed the metaphorical monster, she
chooses to keep the monster alive and by keeping it in the basement it allows her
time away to go down there and let the monster come out a little as she is still
dealing with the initial problem.

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