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So the owner of the video ( the person who did 6-man party T17 in this video)

seems to be pretty reluctant to share the details about his guide. But I think I may have
figured it out. I am not 100% certain. He uses Volls protector + coruscating elixir (that
skin transfer shit flask no one cares about until now) so he wont die to chaos damage
despite being LL.
Video shows gem socket colors at 0:57, and I think this is his setup-
4L helm (Righteous fire + movement skill + empower + enhance)
4L glove (Haste + enlighten+ blasphemy+ elemental weakness)
3L shield (Blood magic + purity of ice + purity of fire)
4L Boots (Enlighten OR conductivity because he has +1 curse amulet +discipline + cast
on damage taken+ ice golem)
6L chekst (Fortify + cyclone + faster attack + COC + firestorm + increased crit strike)
(note: this gem set up needs Skyforth + Conqueror's Efficiency
He uses choir of the storm so it is possible that he skipped a lot of spell crit nodes on the
tree (such as annihilation, which only gives 15% cirt multi if you have high crit chance)
and the sword crit wheel because its too far away.
He goes into the Templar area to grab power charges by placing intuitive leap in the jewel
socket. My reasoning is as follows: The outdated 2.4 guide (which I will refer to as the
original guide) that he (, the person who did 6-man party T17 in this video, I will
now refer his guide as present guide) refers to in his guide has two different sections (I
am from Taiwan myself so I can understand it without using the awkward google
translate): pathfinder and assassin. In the ranger/pathfinder section the original guide
provided a passive tree that would only end up with 6 power charges. However, in the
assassin section the original guide author went to the Templar area to grab power charges.
So although the present guide author redirect people to the original guide, claiming that
he followed the original guide himself, please keep in mind that he might have made
some changes himself to the original guides pathfinder tree.
Source: (original guide) (present guide)
For additional information, please see my character IGN NIGHTMANCUMTH at I ran a similar tree, but I took CI because I found this build
interesting and want to level it. If you want to boss, LL is better because more damage.

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