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International Journal for Parasitology 36 (2006) 11531158

Estimating the true prevalence of Fasciola hepatica

in cattle slaughtered in Switzerland in the absence
of an absolute diagnostic test
C. Rapsch , G. Schweizer a,1, F. Grimm b, L. Kohler b, C. Bauer c, P. Deplazes b,
U. Braun a, P.R. Torgerson b,*
Department of Farm Animals, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 260, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Institute of Parasitology, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 266a, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Zentralschlachthof Hinwil, Wildbachstrasse 18, CH-8340 Hinwil, Switzerland

Received 7 March 2006; received in revised form 29 May 2006; accepted 1 June 2006


A survey of 1,331 cattle presented for slaughter at two abattoirs in Switzerland was used to estimate the true prevalence of Fasciola
hepatica infection and the diagnostic parameters of visual meat inspection, coproscopy after sedimentation technique, a commercial
ELISA test for specic antibody detection in serum and the post mortem microscopic detection of eggs in bile. Faeces, blood and the
gall bladder were taken from most cattle presented for slaughter. In addition, livers that were rejected by the meat inspectors were also
dissected to examine for the presence of liver uke. Bayesian techniques (Markov ChainMonte Carlo) were used to estimate the diag-
nostic parameters of each of these procedures and the true prevalence of bovine fasciolosis. The true prevalence of F. hepatica infection
was estimated at 18.0% (95% credible intervals 15.920.3%). The diagnostic sensitivity of coproscopy, bile examination, antibody ELISA
and meat inspection were estimated at 69.0% (57.379.7%), 93.4% (88.097.5%), 91.7% (87.295.2%) and 63.2% (55.670.6%), respectively.
The diagnostic specicity of the ELISA test was estimated at 93.7% (91.795.2%). These results demonstrate that the prevalence of
bovine fasciolosis is higher than previously thought due to the low sensitivity of meat inspection. They also demonstrate that traditional
coproscopy can be very ecient if there is repeated sampling, resulting in sensitivity of approximately 92%.
 2006 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fasciola hepatica; Diagnosis; Bayesian analysis; Markov ChainMonte Carlo; Latent class models

1. Introduction considerable economic losses (Schweizer et al., 2005).

Crude prevalence rates are often obtained from the num-
Fasciola hepatica infects cattle and other mammalian bers of livers condemned which are based on visual eval-
species and is endemic in many parts of the world (Torg- uation in abattoirs. In live animals, diagnosis has
erson and Claxton, 1999). Previous abbatoir studies have traditionally relied on faecal egg counts (Happich and
suggested that the prevalence of bovine fasciolosis in Boray, 1969). More recently, serological techniques that
Switzerland is approximately 10% (Ducommun and Ps- detect circulating antibody (e.g., Cornelissen et al., 2001;
ter, 1991; Eckert et al., 1975; Schweizer et al., 2003). This Reichel, 2002), circulating antigen (Leclipteux et al.,
widespread infection of the cattle population results in 1998), coproantigen (Mezo et al., 2004) or eggs from bile
samples taken under ultrasonic guidance (Braun et al.,
* 1995) have been utilised. A commercial serological test
Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 44 63 58535; fax: +41 44 6358907.
E-mail address: (P.R. Torgerson). with a sensitivity and specicity greater than 98% has
These authors made an equal contribution to the manuscript. been reported (Molloy et al., 2005). However, this test

0020-7519/$30.00  2006 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1154 C. Rapsch et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 36 (2006) 11531158

was evaluated on two separate populations of animals eral occasions. From a total of 1,331 cattle presented for
and the accuracy may be subject to error, as the sensitiv- slaughter, faeces, blood and/or the gall bladder were taken
ity and specicity of tests will vary according to the pop- (Table 1). Samples were taken from cattle of all age ranges
ulation on which they are tested (Lachs et al., 1992; (median age 4.5 years, range 4 months to 18 years). In addi-
Whiting et al., 2004; Leeang and Bossuyt, 2005). Fur- tion, 122 livers, rejected by the meat inspectors for
thermore, no tests currently available can be considered suspected liver uke infection, were carefully dissected to
as having both 100% sensitivity and 100% specicity. examine for the presence of liver uke. This was from a
To overcome these problems, it is possible to perform total of 1,087 inspected visually. The remaining 965 livers
multiple tests on populations of animals and use latent were judged to be negative for liver uke. The animals were
class models, maximum likelihood or Bayesian techniques of various breeds and included dairy and beef cattle.
to evaluate the true prevalence and diagnostic characteris-
tics of the tests used (Enoe et al., 2000). It is feasible to esti- 2.2. Samples
mate the true prevalence and diagnostic performance of
tests if at least three diagnostic tests are used on the same Faecal samples were taken and stored (for up to 1
population if no prior information is available (Toft month) without xatives at 4 C until they were analysed
et al., 2005). More tests may be required if the sensitivity by coproscopy. A standard sedimentation technique was
and/or specicity of two or more tests are not conditionally performed (Eckert et al., 2005) using 10 g rather than 6 g
independent. Fewer tests may be used if there is prior of faeces for the detection of Fasciola eggs. For many of
knowledge of some of the test characteristics. these faecal samples the coproscopy examination was
A survey of 1,331 cattle presented for slaughter at two repeated three times in an attempt to improve the sensitiv-
abattoirs was used to estimate the prevalence of F. hepatica ity of the test.
infection and the diagnostic parameters of four dierent Gall bladders were taken and stored (for up to 2 weeks)
diagnostic strategies: meat inspection, coproscopy, a com- at 4 C until further investigation. Two 10 ml samples were
mercial ELISA and examination of bile taken from gall then taken with a needle and syringe from the previously
bladders of examined livers. A Bayesian approach was uti- stirred contents, and after washing and sedimentation,
lised to calculate the unknown prevalence rate and the examined for eggs of F. hepatica using the same sedimenta-
unknown diagnostic parameters of the test procedures. tion procedure as the faecal samples.
Blood samples were centrifuged 10 min at 3,500g within
2. Materials and methods a few hours of being collected and serum was stored at
20 C before further testing using a commercial ELISA
2.1. Animals (Institut Pourquier, Montpellier, F) according to the man-
ufacturers instructions.
From May 2004 to August 2005, two abattoirs in the A total of 122 condemned livers were collected and care-
Swiss cantons of Zurich and St. Gallen were visited on sev- fully dissected within 2 days. Major bile ducts were opened
with a pair of scissors and any F. hepatica collected. Then
the liver was cut into slices of about 5 cm. Smaller bile
Table 1 ducts were cut open and all ukes were collected. Any
Summary of the diagnostic procedures applied to 1,331 cattle at two
remaining F. hepatica were expressed from the tissue (Clery
et al., 1996). Flukes collected were then counted.
Diagnostic procedure Number of animals
Meat inspection, serology, bile and coproscopy 122a 2.3. Statistics
Meat inspection, serology and bile 624
Meat inspection, serology and coproscopy 137a
Meat inspection, bile and coproscopy 7 Bayesian techniques (Markov Chain-Monte Carlo) were
Meat inspection and serology 143 used to estimate the diagnostic parameters of each of these
Meat inspection and bile 49 procedures and the true prevalence of Fasciola infections in
Meat inspection and coproscopy 2 cattle. For each diagnostic test, it was assumed that the
Meat inspection only 3
sensitivity was unknown and, hence, uniform non-informa-
Serology, bile and coproscopy 192a
Serology and bile 0 tive prior distributions of between 0 and 1 were used in the
Serology and coproscopy 15a analysis. Also, prior specicities of the serological and cop-
Serology only 36 rological tests were assumed to be unknown. Livers which
Bile and coproscopy 1a had been rejected by the meat inspectors, dissected and
Bile only 0
found to be infected were assigned as infected, whilst livers
Coproscopy only 0
not rejected or rejected but not harbouring ukes were
A total of 467 faecal samples were taken, of which 203 were examined
assigned as not infected. Thus, liver inspection was
on a single occasion (10 g), eight were examined twice (2 10 g) and 256
were examined three times (3 10 g). Of the 1,331 cattle, 122 were assigned a specicity of 1 because ukes were recovered
examined by all four diagnostic procedures, 960 by three procedures, 210 from livers. The specicity of bile examination was
by two procedures and 39 by one procedure. assigned a prior specicity of 1 on the assumption that eggs
C. Rapsch et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 36 (2006) 11531158 1155

detected were not misidentied, as there would be no other ters 201 and 1,132 was generated as the updated preva-
object in the bile that could be confused with F. hepatica lence. Thus, the updated prevalence (Updated P) varied
eggs. It was also assumed that the sensitivity of egg detec- as a beta distribution:
tion in bile was correlated with the sensitivity of egg
detection in faeces, as it was initially thought to be unlikely Updated P  betaai ap ; bi bp ;
that these tests were conditionally independent (Gardner
et al., 2000). where ai and bi are the numbers assigned as truly infected
All data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Ini- and non-infected (in this example 200 and 1,131, respec-
tial starting values of the true prevalence and unknown tively) and ap and bp are the a and b parameters of the pri-
test parameters were assigned. From these initial starting or distribution; in this case both are 1 as the prior is a
values, the probability of each animal being truly infect- uniform distribution.
ed based on the test results was calculated. Dierent Likewise, if the coproscopy results gave 130 of these 200
numbers of tests (ranging from a single test to complete truly infected animals as positive, then an updated sensitiv-
investigation of the liver, bile, faeces and serology, see ity of coproscopy was randomly generated from a beta dis-
Table 1) were used for dierent animals. However, this tribution with a and b parameters of 131 and 71,
was accounted for in calculating the probability of the respectively. All other updated parameters were generated
animal being infected, by adjusting the equation used in the same way. These updated values were subsequently
on the relevant animal depending on the numbers of used to generate a new set of disease states based on the
tests and the test results. For example the probability new, updated predictive values and the cycle repeated.
Pi of animal i being infected given the positive test An Excel macro was written to run this Markov chain.
results of test 1 is Random numbers were generated by an Excel add-in
(Excel Add-ins in Visual Basic for OR models and meth-
Se1  P ods, Operation Research Group University of Texas,
Se1  P 1  Sp1  1  P Each iteration was saved to a separate
where Se1 is sensitivity of test 1, Sp1 is the specicity of test row of a results spreadsheet. Once the chain had converged
1 and P is the true prevalence (Smith and Slenning, 2000). (or burnt in), the chain was run for a further 10,000 itera-
Also the probability of animal i being infected, given a po- tions and the median and 95% credible intervals (CIs) of
sitive test result for both test 1 and test 2, is: the prevalence and test parameters calculated (credible
intervals are the Bayesian analogue of standard condence
k Se1  Se2  P intervals, see Basanez et al. (2004)). This Markov Chain
k Se1  Se2  P c 1  Sp1  1  Sp2   1  P Monte Carlo assumed that there was a uniform prior distri-
bution for all unknown parameters. However, prior knowl-
where Se1 and Se2 represent the sensitivities of tests 1 and 2, edge of the prevalence or test characteristics could easily be
respectively, and Sp1 and Sp2 represent the specicities of incorporated into the chain. For example, in a previous
tests 1 and 2. k is the covariance of sensitivities of tests 1 evaluation, the ELISA test was negative for 168 of 171 cat-
and 2 and c is their covariances of specicities (Gardner tle kept in a non-endemic area of the Australian desert. The
et al., 2000). c was 0 when at least one of the pairs of tests test was positive for 85 cattle of 86 with known infections
with potential covariances of specicities (e.g., bile and (Molloy et al., 2005). These can be used as beta priors
coproscopy), was 1. Similar equations can be derived for for the sensitivity and specicity of the test and can be
combinations of three or four tests and for combinations incorporated into the chain as the ap and bp parameters
of tests for which one or more results are positive and replacing the uniform beta distribution where both ap
one or more are negative. and bp are 1 (see above).
A random binomial number of 1 or 0 was generated, Models were rst analysed assuming covariance of test
based on the probability of an animal being infected, to sensitivities existed. For each iteration the covariance was
give an updated disease status of each individual. From calculated using the formula of Gardner et al. (2000) and
the updated disease status and test results, an updated saved to a separate line in the result spreadsheet. This
prevalence and updated test parameters were calculated. assumed no prior knowledge of these parameters. When
A beta random number generator was used to update the 95% CIs, calculated from 10,000 model iterations,
the prevalences and test parameters based on the number of the covariances included 0, then the sensitivities of
of infected animals and the numbers that each test cor- the tests can be assumed to be conditionally independent
rectly diagnosed as being infected or not infected. For (Orr et al., 2003) and the parameters can be removed
example, the prior prevalence was a uniform (uninforma- from the model.
tive) beta distribution, with priors of both the a and b The model was run under several dierent scenarios.
parameters of 1. If the updated disease status resulted This included the diagnostic result when one, two or three
in 200 of the 1,131 animals assigned as infected and faecal samples were examined from animals and when the
not infected, respectively, then a random number from diagnostic specicity of coproscopy was xed at 1 on the
a beta distribution with corresponding a and b parame- basis that eggs were not misidentied.
1156 C. Rapsch et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 36 (2006) 11531158

Results were reported as the median and 95% CIs, calcu- of coproscopy. Analysis of covariance between the faecal
lated from the 0.5 and 0.0250.975 percentile, respectively, and bile egg detections revealed that the correlation
of the posterior distribution. The 95% CI represents the between these tests was not signicantly dierent from 0.
interval in which there is a 95% probability the true value Other potential correlations were analysed (e.g., between
lies. Therefore, statistical comparisons of medians can eas- meat inspection and serology) but these were also not sig-
ily be seen for signicance if the median of one parameter is nicant (data not shown).
outside the 95% CI of the comparison group. The exact p
value can be calculated from the precise point on the distri- 4. Discussion
bution where it lies.
The results presented give important information
3. Results regarding the prevalence of F. hepatica in slaughtered cat-
tle in Switzerland and the performance of diagnostic pro-
The median true prevalence of F. hepatica infection ran- cedures for the detection of the infection. The prevalence
ged from 17.3% when only one 10 g sample of faeces was in such animals is higher than previously thought. Earlier
examined to 18.3% when three 10 g samples were examined estimates, also based largely on abattoir surveys, have
and the specicity xed at 1 (not signicant). The best esti- suggested that the prevalence of F. hepatica infections
mate of the prevalence, minimising the prior assumptions, in cattle is 8.415% (Eckert et al., 1975; Ducommun
was 18.0% (CIs 15.920.3). The diagnostic test parameters and Pster, 1991; Schweizer et al., 2003). However, the
are shown in Table 2. The sensitivity of the coproscopy present study suggests it is higher (18%). The dierence
improved signicantly from 69.0% to 89.6% when three may be due to a relatively low sensitivity of meat inspec-
serial samples of the same faecal sample were used rather tion, as the present study indicates that approximately
than a single sample (p < 0.001) (Table 2). This was mainly one-third of infected livers are not being detected in the
due to the large improvement from 69.0% to 86.1% by abattoirs. This may have economic implications as a
using a second sample for coproscopy. The model suggest- recent estimate of economic eects of bovine fasciolosis
ed that the specicity of coproscopy was 98% regardless in Switzerland suggested that the infection resulted in
of the scenario analysed, suggesting a small number of eggs losses of EURO 52 million per annum (Schweizer et al.,
may have been misidentied. However, if the specicity of 2005). This estimate was based on a median prevalence
the coproscopy was xed at 100%, the sensitivity of the of 10.9%, the true losses could be higher. Alternatively,
three serial sampling was 91.9% and shows that the detec- meat inspectors may be nding the more heavily diseased
tion limit for eggs can be increased by conducting careful livers and other infected cattle may be less aected by the
coproscopic analysis. parasite.
Examination of bile taken from the gall bladders con- Taking a single faecal sample of 10 g for the diagnosis of
rmed that this is a highly sensitive technique for the detec- fasciolosis is not a very sensitive technique, with only 69%
tion of liver uke infections, with a sensitivity of of truly infected animals being detected. This nding is sim-
approximately 93.4%. The liver inspection had a low sensi- ilar to a previous study. In Viet-Nam coproscopy in which
tivity, with only 63.2% of truly infected livers being detect- 5 g of faeces was examined had a sensitivity of 66.7% from
ed by this technique. Specic antibody detection by ELISA cattle whose infection status had been conrmed at necrop-
had a good sensitivity and specicity of 91.7% and sy examination (Anderson et al., 1999). However, if three
92.7%, respectively, in the analysis using three samples of sub-samples are taken, i.e., a total of 30 g of faeces, the sen-
faeces with no prior assumptions regarding the specicity sitivity can be increased to as high as 90% (or 92% if it is
assumed no eggs are misidentied). With the much higher
specicity, this demonstrates that traditional coproscopy
Table 2
methods can have a superior test performance over other
Sensitivity and specicity of the dierent test procedures for the diagnosis
of liver bovine fasciolosis in slaughtering cattle test systems. The main limitation of this approach, howev-
er, is that the analysis of large volumes of faeces is labour
Sensitivity Specicity
(95% credible intervals) (95% credible intervals) intensive. Possible sources of misidentication of eggs in
the faeces include the presence of other trematodes, such
Coproscopy 1 69.0% (57.379.7%) 98.3% (96.599.5%)
Coproscopy 2 86.1% (73.294.8%) 97.7% (95.199.4%) as paramphistomes which have morphologically similar
Coproscopy 3 89.6% (76.496.7%) 97.8% (94.999.4%) eggs (but a dierent colour).
Coproscopy 3 91.9% (81.397.5%) 100%a Previous studies (Molloy et al., 2005) have suggested
Bile post mortemb 93.4% (88.097.5%) 100%a that the diagnostic sensitivity and specicity of the ELISA
Liver inspectionb 63.2% (55.670.6%) 100%a
test used in the present study are 98.2% and 98.3%, respec-
ELISAb 91.7% (87.295.2%) 93.7% (91.795.2%)
tively. However, these sensitivities and specicities were
b calculated in two distinct populations of animals: one
These are based on the maximum sensitivity of coproscopy (of three
samples) and no prior assumptions on the specicity of coproscopy. known to be free of the parasite and another whose
However, these values do not vary signicantly between dierent model infection status was conrmed by coproscopy. However,
runs. this was not an ideal approach for evaluating the test
C. Rapsch et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 36 (2006) 11531158 1157

properties, as they will vary with the population on which it a slight upward shift in the prevalence and a downward
is used (Lachs et al., 1992; Whiting et al., 2004; Leeang shift in the sensitivities of the other tests. This is a major
and Bossuyt, 2005). The test sensitivity and specicity in advantage of the Bayesian approach. Other rational infor-
the population of cattle slaughtered in the north east of mation can be incorporated into the analysis.
Switzerland are 92% (CIs 8795%) and 94% (CIs 92
95%), respectively. Although this is a good test perfor- Acknowledgements
mance it is, nevertheless, signicantly lower than the test
properties reported previously. The authors thank Pedro Schmid as well as Prof. Franco
Other studies have shown that serological tests with Inderbitzin for the kind support and the pleasant collabo-
seemingly very good test characteristics are less ecient ration. Part of this work was supported by Novartis and
when evaluated in the eld. For example, a diagnostic by grants of the Nachwuchsforderungskredit of the Uni-
ELISA using recombinant cathepsin L-like protease as an versity of Zurich.
antigen to detect antibodies against F. hepatica in cattle
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