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In the classrooms today every student is different and because of this we need to

adapt and make sure that we are including all students and treating them equally. One

of the ways that many students differ from one another is their religious backgrounds.

Stereotypically, most teachers come from a background of some form of Christianity.

This is mainly due to the fact that the original settlers that were coming from England

during the 1700s were mainly white people who were followers of Christianity. Because

of this the main backbone of our country has been built according to this religion. Our

country may say that all religions are equal in their eyes, however if we were to look at

certain articles that our country has adopted, some of them do reflect all religious views

are not indeed equal. One such example is if we were to look at the Pledge of

Allegiance it says one nation under God. This along with many other things can start

to form a void between some of the students and the teacher, which can lead to the

child becoming less accepting of school. Because of the differing religious views some

children may be affected and this in turn can affect the amount of drive that a student


On a separate note other stereotypes can greatly affect a child's ability to learn.

One example of this is in recent years, or since the attack on 9/11 many children of

Muslim descent have faced hardships in the classroom because of their religious

affiliation. Because of this religious affiliation, some students can feel the biased of

other students around them. However, our job as teachers is to help lesson that bias or

if possible to altogether negate the predisposition that many people may have toward

different religions.

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