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Does co ee cause acne?

Does coffee cause acne?

The sweet release of co ee

We all have routines and rituals that start the day. For some, a cup of coffee is an outright
necessity, mandating almost obsequious dependencethe smell, the intoxicating aroma that
lures the user in, is worthy of worship. How many times have you bleak, weary eyed souls,
staggered out of bed, belly crawled along the floor, seeking reproach from your slumber, in the
hopes that a steaming pot is brewing at the end of your miserable journey?

Unless you have a butler or maid, or someone that approaches this approximate skill set, then you
probably have to make it yourself or stomach the kind made by what ever type of creature you
cohabit with (pets not included). Either way, an almost unholy banshee of a monster is craving
that first sip to re-chain the savage beast and welcome the embrace of civilization.
I theorize that modern society would fall back a thousand years into a second dark ages the day
coffee or its equivalent were banished from our existence. Maybe tea could fill the gap, but that
would be a pretty wide chasm, requiring quick thinking or some mad sick run on energy drinks
and hyper-caffeinated products. Ah, theres the rub. Caffeine. Its not the coffee or the ritual that
goes with it that has us so ensnared, but the caffeine the juice that fuels the engine of society.

Designing a study for co ee and acne

Well, what does this have to do with acne? Im glad you asked. If only it were easy. Like most
nutritional studies, parameters, variables and setups can provided mixed results at best. Why?
Lets look at trying to conduct a study about coffee, in general, let alone how it relates to acne.

Coffee is consumed by a varied cross section of people. Not everyone drinks it everyday, though
many do. Not everyone drinks the same amount, either. Many of the people that drink coffee may
also have higher quantiles of alcohol consumption (hangovers, limited restful sleep, etc.), smoke
cigarettes/vape because nicotine and coffee seem like such a perfect partnership for those seeking
stimulation. The problem is that some of these chemicals (namely nicotine) can altar or affect
how the body removes caffeine and thus affect the duration of its effects. [1], [2] Simple, no?

Its not to say that everyone that abstains is some teetotaling, nutritional purist, but realistically,
how many people do you know that smoke, consume alcohol to excess or have some other health
vice drink coffee? Like a hell of a lot, right?

Random thought splice to impart

When I go off on any ills of coffee, Im reminded of this funny scene in the movie Troll 2.
Apparently, the coffee is no bueno in Nilbog. This is some top shelf trolling, if I do say so.

Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled rant

Once more, does everyone drink their coffee the same way? Nothing added? Yeah, right. Coffee
and cream and sugar and butter and yeah, well, you see where Im going. Also, is every blend of
coffee the same? Hardly.
Theres such a wide variance of type, blend, roast, not to mention organic vs. non-organic. How
do you account for the additives, containments and pesticides for the varied brands and types?
Organic is better because it hasnt been sprayed with a swimming pool of pesticides and
fungicides [3], but that leaves the problem of having to deal with the possibility of other

Post and pre-production coffee may be ripe with issues from everything to storage, drying and re-
wetting, any which may affect mold with the result being mycotoxins like Aflatoxin-B and
Ochratoxins. Pick your poison, right? Though this might not be all that major of an issue as this
site does an excellent job of addressing some of these concerns. [4]

The big takeaway

So with all those variables and more, try to design a study, any study, that accounts for them and
gives a consistent result from a large enough sample size. Remember, many of these studies are
on the low end of sample size with varying duration (days to months or more), which makes many
of there results statistically suspect. Increasing sample sizes cost beaucoup money and without
proper backing for multiple rounds of trials, the science can be subordinate to the funding source.
This is only a partial amount of why research studies can give confounding and conflicting results.

The history of acne and diet: studying the studies

Before I break into a 10,000 word spiel about biochemical reactions and hormone interactions,
lets look at the history of diet and acne research. The following study attempts to unwind decades
of research, some going back over 130 years. [5] With that kind of timespan, its easier to see the
twisting turns and degrees of concern in regards to acne and the hunt for its causes in diet.

One thing youll notice is how little, if any, of these studies dealt with the affects of coffee and
caffeine on acne. Naturally, I assume its because all you good teenagers and young twenty-
somethings have failed to avail yourselves of the ravages of the devils brew and so would pose a
needless variable not worth studying.

Glycemic load/glycemic index

My curiosity was piqued with all the studies about glycemic load/glycemic index (GL/GI) that were
conducted in regards to acne. It seems that researchers many decades ago noticed a strange
occurrence. When they studied native populations of aboriginal peoples or islanders, few, if any,
had acne. This was probably one of the main impetuses for linking diet to acne in the first place.
[6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]

The GI is how the effects of carbohydrates (sugars, starches, dairy etc) on blood glucose are
measured. [13] The GL is a combination of the amount and the result of the carbohydrate on blood
glucose. [14] A diet with a high GL/GI would increase the bodys resistance to insulin, which could
set of a chain of hormonal responses from the body much akin to a toppling of dominoes. [15]

When the bodys resistance to insulin is increased, the response by the endocrine system is to
activate IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor-1). IGF-1 is a controlling factor for cellular growth and is
responsible for follicular growth. In addition, another hormone called androgen is increased in
intensity because IGF-1 magnifies its bioavailability. The hormone androgen has many effects, the
chief of which, for our purposes, is the promotion of sebum production and secretion, which have
been linked to acne creation. [16], [17]

Co ee, ca eine and acne control

This is where things get tricky and start going off the rails. Remember what I said earlier about
designing a study to measure coffee. You would think it neigh impossible to design a study to such
degree that a dearth of studies seems assured. Well, all of those factors and variance cant be
accounted for but with the type of funding and the commerce at stake, the march of progress
remains unhindered.

Does co ee cause acne? The studies say what?

There have been studies dealing with coffee. Loads of them. [18] The only problem is the
consistency of the results.

The results seem to indicate that for short term use, Coffee and caffeine elevate blood sugar levels
and increase insulin resistance.

Though this is somewhat less so when the coffee studied is decaffeinated, leading some research
to conclude that caffeine may be the culprit in regards to the negative effects.

On the flip side, long term studies have shown the exact oppositelower blood sugar levels and
decreased insulin resistance. This goes for both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.

What this indicates is that initially theres a spike in blood sugar, but as time advances forward,
the body adjusts, compensates and ultimately utilizes the coffee and caffeine to help lower blood
sugar levels. Theories abound as to why, but nothing concrete has been established.

Dont go throwing a ticker tape parade in your co ee cupboard just

The only hard part is cleaning up the mess.

What these studies seem to indicate is the potential for problems. Coffee may not be the real issue
in regards to the blood sugar (short term excluded), but few people drink decaf. Its not the same.
We all know it, too.

In addition, theres a few more issues to contend with that may effect acne control outside of the
insulin resistance issue.

Since non-organic coffee is bathed in pesticides as described earlier, theres a bit of controversy as
to how much ends up being lost during the roasting, and what, if any, actually gets further
absorbed into the beans during cooking?[19] This is important because pesticides have been
shown to have an effect on gut flora, not to mention negative effects on the endocrine system
described earlier. [20], [21]

Theres been some speculation that ochratoxins may be responsible for some of the effects
studied in regards to coffee. Once more, they are difficult to eliminate and survive autoclaving for
3 hours. [22]

Also, Coffee has been shown to inhibit absorption of iron and decrease vitamin B circulating in the
body. [23], [24] Both of which can impact acne control.

Co ee facial scrub

In addition to all the topics covered, Id take a cautious wait and see approach to using coffee for a
facial skin acne scrub, which I know is trending and popular. The potential problems with other
ingredients outside of the coffee itself is why I say that.
Coffee facial scrub or day of the dead mask? You decide!


Can co ee cause acne?

I wish it were as easy as definitively saying coffee causes acne or it doesnt. While the studies
listed seem to clear coffee on the one hand, they also open up the possibility for other outlets in
which it could affect the body in regards to acne on the other. The dearth of studies linking
increased acne vulgaris occurrence to coffee is daunting. Its only through indirect methods can
we elucidate the means and mechanisms for which it might operate.

In the end, its always best to listen to your body. Do you see increased inflammation or flare up
of acne around the consumption of coffee? Without definitive medical answers, let our bodies
guide the way.

Work cited:

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