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Sr.Melody S.

Parochial Handmaids of the Holy Spirit
Evangelium I

As I reflect the movie about confession, I was really touched by it because of the

experienced of an old man who imprisoned himself for 20 years for he had committed a crime and

he struggled with a guilty conscience. He lived in fear knowing that he has a cancer, he realized

that he does not want to die not at peace, that is why he had the courage to tell the truth. I think

that, that was the time when the Holy Spirit enlightened him to go to confession and to confess his

crime to the priest. Unexpectedly the priest in the confession was the son of the man he had killed.

When he knew this, he really felt guilty of the crime and was begging for forgiveness. But the

priest did not forgive him immediately. The priest went out with a heavy heart knowing that this

man had killed his father, he went to the altar holding the rosary, he knelt down thinking how he

could forgive the man. He looked at the crucifix, the picture of mama Mary and the image of Jesus

crowning with thorns. He started to pray our father but he cannot recite the line as we forgive

those who sinned against us but at the end he was enlightened by the holy spirit that he needs to

forgive. This experienced taught me to allow the holy spirit to work in my life.

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