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Lahore - Pakistan

TFT Issue: 18 Aug 2017

Nawazs prediction

After the disqualification of Mr. Nawaz Sharif from the seat of prime minister, I am sharing
my analysis or assessment or prediction based on the ancient arts of numerology and
palmistry for your readers. According to my analysis as an amateur palmist and
numerologist: I considered the year 2017 for Mr. Nawaz Sharif a year of position or
business or status change on the basis of his date of birth as 25 December 1949. Now, to
conclude if the change or disqualification will be of a permanent or temporary nature? I
have considered his hand lines and marks on the right hand. There is a mark of an island on
the right hands palm at the crossing of the head and life lines. The period of this mark is
around the age of 67 and this convinced me to state publically that there would be his
downfall at the age of 67 (it stated in the second week of July 2017). To find out the total
period of this downfall, I have taken the size of the island into consideration. The size has
revealed that the period will be for around 12 months. It means after July 2018, there is a
likely chance of him coming into power again as prime minister or president of Pakistan.

Advocate Khalid Mustafa,

Amateur palmist & numerologist,

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