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- Winter 2017
- Shaosong Ou, Ph.D.

Session 12 February 13th, 2017

Big Data and Digital Computing;
Binary/Decimal Systems

Fundamentals of Digital Computing & Communication

Binary vs. Decimal Systems

Bits, bytes and beyond
Coding for text
Big Data: Challenges and opportunities

Case: Managing Big Data

Computers in 1950s: Electronic Accounting Machine
Computers in 2000s: The PC Era
Computers in 2010s: Handheld/Mobile
Anatomy of A Computer

If a Computer is a Living Organism

CPU = Brain
Memory = Sketchpad, whiteboard
Hard drive = Memory
Input devices (mouse, keyboard, microphone, touch screen) =
Output devices (monitor, printer, speaker) = Communication and
Motherboard = Backbone
PSU (Power Supply Unit) = Circulatory system
Binary and Decimal Systems

Binary vs. Decimal Systems

Why do computers use the binary system?

KB, MB, GB and Beyond

1 bit (b), most basic unit One electronic flash/pulse

8 bits = 1 byte (B) One letter in alphabet, e.g. hello = 5 bytes
1,000 B = 1 KB One page of typed text = 2 KB
1,000 KB = 1 MB Fifty Shades of Grey the book = 0.9 MB
1,000 MB = 1 GB A DVD movie = 2.4 GB
1,000 GB = 1 TB Library of Congress collection = 15 TB
1,000 TB = 1 PB Google processes 1 PB every hour
1,000 PB = 1 EB 10 billion copies of the Economist magazine
1,000 EB = 1 ZB Total amount of information existed = 1.2 ZB
1,000 ZB = 1 YB Currently too big to imagine
Data Organization Hierarchy

16 Prentice Hall 2011

Binary and Decimal Conversion

Binary to Decimal Conversion

Addition of multiplication
11111111 255
1111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 2,147,483,647
Max view count on YouTube before 2015

Decimal to Binary Conversion

Top-down: bigger/smaller than method
Bottom-up: odd/even number method
Number-Text Conversion: ASCII/Unicode
Case: Competing Analytics

Information Overload & Business Intelligence

Database and Database Management

Relational database vs. spreadsheet
Using Microsoft Access
The roles of Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports

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