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Liceo Tecnolgico de Villa Alemana

Desarrollando personas felices
Para un mundo globalizado CURSO : ____________________________
FECHA: ________
NOTA: _______

Objetivo: Identificar y aplicar la estructura del segundo condicional en la oracin.

I- Complete using the main clause in the second conditional.

1- If I were rich, ______________________________________________________

2- If she were in Brazil, ________________________________________________

3- If he were in Italy, __________________________________________________

4- If he had money, ___________________________________________________

5- If she had more time, ________________________________________________

6- If it were raining, ___________________________________________________

7- If I were free today, _________________________________________________

8- If they won the lottery, _______________________________________________

9- If I saw him, _______________________________________________________

10- If you went to Paris, _________________________________________________

11- If she wrote a book, _________________________________________________

12- If they worked for that company, _______________________________________

13- If she spoke English, ________________________________________________

14- If he ate a lot of sweets, _____________________________________________

15- If she were in my place, _____________________________________________

16- If I studied more, __________________________________________________

17- If you were tired, ___________________________________________________

18- If they loved me, ___________________________________________________

19- If you were 60 years old, _____________________________________________

20- If it were sunny, ____________________________________________________

21- If you called me, ____________________________________________________

22- If I were you, _______________________________________________________

23- If she felt tired, _____________________________________________________

24- If he had a headache, ________________________________________________

25- If you went to the cinema, _____________________________________________

26- If you visited your mother, _____________________________________________

27- If I were angry at him, ________________________________________________

28- If we passed of the grade, _____________________________________________

29- If it were very cold, ___________________________________________________

30- If I were a bad person, ________________________________________________

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