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Page 1 of 5 RE: Saad Saeed vent: Weeinesday, May 27, 2009 8:46 AM 0: Crag Berggren ‘Attachments: export (2 MB) ‘Wed, 27-May-2009 HiCraig, Please find attached a sample of how to do an ADI export. (Yes you can do this both on the Primary and Backup machines, though the Primary is the definitive data source, so i's ADI would take precedence over any other ADIexports). have also included a small animation illustrating the steps below. Best regards, Saad ‘ADI Export example === 1. Go to INSITE System Manager HES INSITE System Manager default SelEIP 2 2) 8) A) 0) S S& i &. a —. a Processing Database nfo Geomet'y ‘an Montor Seb i & Fe @ Piblc Dota Public Date th. MAD Tool Env Params 8 MudEator Param Report ator Sector Conversions Parameters Formation Viewer |) | 2r-May-09 09:17:28 ADIData Base Server started : 2. Start Data Manager hittps://|OKYmV! 8/11/2009 RE: Fle Edt View Tree Hep Bla /3i/4/"e) sft [Stowat ed Olwlales) mo Tosca ass * A 26H # A 262400 [Databone Pa LOCAL” Wel Name oO Az A rze21 3, Select (click) what you want to export (the Well or run), ¢.g. TZ62-11H in the figure below. + 0200 4 oxo + 0600 4 oso $ 0600 + oer 4 ome 3 oss 4 os 3 0590 4 os + 070 4, Right click the selection (made above). A context menu will appear https://houmail.halliburton.con/OWA/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Noteé&cid=-RgAAAACJOKYmVC.... Page 2 of 5 8/11/2009 RE: Page 3 of 5 See Fle Eat View Tree Hep Olwleles| mloles) olsialile) mi Fema = 97 Key Order Welk RuriRecord Descipion = B to. Fun Nbr 7 Ag a Ede Dataset... Reed Dataset. RenarelMove Datasets) Copy Dake). Delete Dataset. — a Trot Dataset ‘ud Tra ‘pond Al Branches eed wecceerereeree nn 4, Select the "Export Dataset ...”. Choose a filename for the ADI fle (make it descriptive) INSITE -Data Manager JS Cad Smvseype:[AGVCametFn? a) =] _ Cane 5. Once you click Save above. A “Select what to Archive” dialog box will appear https://houmail.halliburton.con/OWA/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAACJOKYmVC... 8/11/2009 RE: Page 4 of ce Data Manager Ol wlzles) w/B/e9) Bla [el rf [Sear] yay Order Well ecociDecigmn [0 aabans PAR TOCA TORE = 3 Loca Fun tm Ast ° A Tze + A Tes21H aanennaanaitail were eeeeeeee 6, Choose the options you want and Select OK Database - means the data, which you definitely want to. Data directory is al the templates, etc that go with the ell. The session log is the log that you see in the INSITE system manager 7. Wait for the export to complete xporting to file: C:\Documents and Settings\hbb 3451 Wesktop\IZ6 Best regards, Saad From: Craig Berggren "ant: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 2: _: Saad Saeed https://houmail. halliburton.convOWA/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAACJOKYmVC... 8/11/2009

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