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Test Flight Problem Set Q6

6. A classic unsolved problem in number theory asks if there are infinitely

many pairs of twin primes, pairs of primes separated by 2, such as 3
and 5, 11 and 13, or 71 and 73. Prove that the only prime triple (i.e. three
primes, each 2 from the next) is 3, 5, 7.

According to question 5, for any integer n, at least one of the n, n+2 or n+4 is divisible
by 3. So, for any triple, one of them isnt prime (is divisible by 3) unless it be 3 itself (3
is the only prime number that is divisible by 3). So, if n, n+2 and n+4 are primes, one of
them must be 3.
If n 3 then triple is 3, 5, 7

If n 2 3 then triple is 1, 3, 5 that 1 isnt prime

If n 4 3 then triple is -1, 1, 3 that 1 isnt prime

Hence the only prime triple is when n 3 . i.e. 3, 5, 7 Done

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