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Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011;57:594598

Vitamin D Status in Paediatric Patients With Cancer

Akash Sinha, MBBS,1 Peter Avery, PhD,2 Steve Turner, BSc,3 Simon Bailey, PhD,4 and Tim Cheetham, MD1,5*

Background. Children with malignant disease are at increased determined. Results. Vitamin D status was suboptimal in 62% of
risk of bone disorders and cardiovascular disease. Vitamin D status cases (25-OH-D < 50 nmol/L [20 ng/ml]). Vitamin D deciency
may inuence this risk and so we assessed vitamin D levels in (25-OH-D < 25 nmol/L [10 ng/ml]) was more common in children
children with malignant disease undergoing active treatment or with malignant disease than controls (21.3% vs. 3.3%; P 0.013).
surveillance post-therapy. Procedure. This was an outpatient-based Month of sampling (P < 0.001), ethnicity (P < 0.001), older age
cross-sectional study of 61 children with a history of malignancy (P 0.011), and history of malignancy (P 0.012) were associated
(median age 11.1 years; range 1.524.4 years) and 60 control sub- with a poorer vitamin D status. Conclusions. Vitamin D levels
jects (median age 8.4 years; range 0.218.0 years) attending hospi- [25-OH-D] are lower in survivors of childhood cancer in compari-
tal for the management of non-malignant disorders. Serum vitamin son to control children with the majority either insufcient or
D (25-OH-D), parathormone levels and bone biochemistry were decient. Assessment and adequate replacement of vitamin D status
determined. Vitamin D status and its relationship to age, sex, eth- may be of particular value in this group of children. Pediatr Blood
nicity, time of sampling and presence of malignant disease was Cancer 2011;57:594598. 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: oncology; paediatrics; survivors of childhood cancer; Vitamin D

Numerous observational studies point towards an increase The primary objective of the study was to assess the vitamin D
in the number of young people with vitamin D deciency and status of patients with malignant disease or a past history of
associated disorders including hypocalcaemia and rickets [1,2]. malignant disease attending the outpatient department of a regional
The rising incidence of these conditions in North America and referral unit in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in Northern England. The
Western Europe has been linked to an increase in the number of tertiary centre in Newcastle-upon-Tyne has a catchment area
mothers, children and adolescents with pigmented skin and an that includes the North-East of England and North Cumbria.
increase in the amount of time spent indoors [3,4]. Sunlight has a
key role in the endogenous production of vitamin D and pig- Subjects
mented skin generates a fraction of the amount produced by fair
skin [5,6]. Nevertheless, low Ultraviolet-B exposure in the The study was approved by County Durham & Tees Valley
Northern hemisphere in the winter months means that most Research Ethics Committee and the children and/or their parents
young people living at these latitudes will be dependent on dietary gave informed written consent and verbal assent for their
sources, irrespective of skin colour [7]. Few foods contain signi- participation in the study and the collection of the additional
cant amounts of vitamin D and hence fair-skinned children may blood samples during routine venepuncture.
also have low vitamin D levels [8]. Children from the case cohort were recruited from patients
Children with chronic disease may be susceptible to low attending the paediatric oncology out patient clinic in
circulating vitamin D levels and this has been highlighted by Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Patients were either under active treatment
recent studies in children with kidney disease [9,10]. One might for malignant disease (n 49) or were under review post-treat-
predict that survivors of childhood cancer will also be at increased ment (n 12). In these individuals the median time to sampling
risk of vitamin D insufciency or deciency because of the poten- post-treatment was 3 years (range: 0.49 years). Patients were
tial impact of the disease and its treatment; these children could further subdivided into those with leukaemia/lymphoma and those
spend more time indoors than their peers and the tumour and with solid tumours (body and central nervous system). We wanted
treatment regimens may compromise the quantity and quality of to compare the vitamin D status of the oncology group (cases)
food consumed. Treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy with a group of children without malignant disease (controls). We
and glucocorticoids can also have adverse effects on bone health
[11]. 1
Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Great North Childrens
Of interest to researchers and clinicians is the association Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; 2School of Mathematics and
between low vitamin D levels and the prevalence of extra-skeletal Statistics, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK;
diseases including multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Great North Childrens
arthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and a number of Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; 4Department of Paediatric
different types of cancer [12]. Patients treated for malignant Oncology, Great North Childrens Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne,
disease are at risk of additional malignancies [1315] in UK; 5Institute of Human Genetics, Newcastle University, Central
Parkway, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
addition to skeletal pathology [11]. They are also at increased
risk of cardiovascular disease [16] and so optimising the vitamin Conict of Interest Statement: We have had no nancial interest in any
D status of this group of individuals could be particularly matters relating to this subject. We are also not afliated to any organ-
advantageous. isation that, to our knowledge, has a direct interest in this subject matter.
Mindful of this background we set out to establish the vitamin *Correspondence to: Tim Cheetham, MD, Department of Paediatric
D status of young patients with malignant disease. We wanted to Endocrinology, Great North Childrens Hospital, Newcastle upon
compare vitamin D levels with published standards and with local Tyne NE1 4LP, UK. E-mail:
children who did not have a history of malignancy. Received 16 August 2010; Accepted 12 November 2010
2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
DOI 10.1002/pbc.22963
Published online 3 February 2011 in Wiley Online Library
Vitamin D Deficiency in Pediatric Oncology 595

wanted this investigation to be representative of the general paedi- TABLE II. Diagnosis in Control Subjects
atric population in North-East England and elected not to exclude
patients on the basis of ethnicity or body mass index (BMI) even Control subjects Numbers (%)
though factors such as increased skin pigmentation and high BMI Congenital hypothyroidism or autoimmune 19 (31.6%)
are associated with a relatively low vitamin D status [1]. Control thyroid disease
children were recruited from general endocrine out-patient clinics Routine DMSA renal scans (normal imaging) 13 (21.6%)
or were attending hospital to undergo routine DMSA (technetium Short stature 10 (16.6%)
dimercaptosuccinic acid) renal imaging because of a history of Pubertal disorders (thelarche, CDGP, small phalllus) 9 (15%)
urinary tract infection. Obesity 5 (8.3%)
Patient age, sex, ethnicity, underlying diagnosis, history of Adrenal disorders (CAH) 3 (5%)
travel abroad and treatment were recorded and blood taken (at History of hypoglycemia 1 (1.6%)
Total 60
the time of routine venepuncture) for the measurement of 25-
hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-D). We felt that 25-OH-D was the DMSA, dimercaptosuccinic acid; CDGP, constitutional delay of
most useful and widely available reection of overall vitamin D growth and puberty; CAH, congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
status although we also measured parathormone (PTH), calcium,
phosphate, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). A questionnaire was (25-OH-D) level: Deciency: <25 nmol/L [19], Insufciency:
also completed which included information such as travel abroad 2550 nmol/L [20], Adequate: 5075 nmol/L [21], Optimal:
and supplementation with vitamins. >75 nmol/L [21,22]. To convert to mg/L divide by 2.5.
Samples were obtained between the end of June and the begin- It has been suggested that the denition of vitamin D
ning of November 2009 to capture the seasonal peak in 25-OH-D deciency in adults be revised with deciency being dened as
levels [17,18] in the Northern Hemisphere. The hospital and its a level of 25-OH-D <50 nmol/L and vitamin D insufciency as a
catchment area is located at latitude 548N and we also obtained level of 25-OH-D between 5080 nmol/L [23]. However, consen-
data from the meteorological ofce [ sus has not been attained as to what constitutes as vitamin D
climate/uk/2009] regarding the amount of sunlight during the insufciency in children. Therefore, for the sake of clarity we
period of study. have opted to use the ranges above which have been widely used
Details of the cases and controls including their underlying in many recent publications.
diagnoses are detailed in Tables I and II respectively. Sixty-one
cases (35 males) were recruited with a median age (range) of Assay Details
11.1 years (1.524.4 years). There were three South Asian Serum concentration of 25-OH-D was measured using the
children with pigmented skin and the remainder were fair- DiaSorin 25Hydroxyvitamin D radio-immunoassay (RIA) (Cat #
skinned. Twenty-three children had an underlying diagnosis of 68100E Stillwater, Minnesota). The DiaSorin RIA assay involves
Leukaemia or Lymphoma whereas 38 children were classied a two-step procedure. The rst is a rapid extraction step using
as having solid tumours. Eight of the nine subjects with low grade acetonitrile to isolate 25 Hydroxy vitamin D (25-OH-D) and other
glioma underwent chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Sixty con- hydroxylated metabolites of vitamin D. Equilibrium RIA is then
trols (26 males) were recruited with a median age (range) of 8.4 performed with 25 ml (in duplicate) extracted sample, antibody to
years (0.218.0 years). Seven children from the control cohort had 25-OH-D and iodinated tracer to 25-OH-D. Phase separation is
pigmented skin (4 of South Asian origin, 1 of Afro-Caribbean and achieved by the addition of a second antibody and polyethylene
2 children being of Middle-Eastern origin). Median body mass glycol. Radioactive counts in the centrifuged pellet are then inver-
indices in the two groups were comparable (18.7 kg/m2 in the sely proportional to the 25-OH-D concentration in the original
cases, 18.3 kg/m2 in the controls). sample. Serum samples used in this study were stored at 208C
prior to analysis. Two quality controls are routinely used in the
Assessment of Vitamin D Status
assay with mean values of 39 and 134 nmol/L and inter assay
As well as comparing cases and control groups we wanted to coefcient of variations (CVs) of 8.4% and 12.6% respectively.
compare vitamin D status with published norms and used the The intra assay CV for this method is less than 8% with a func-
following criteria: Subject category and associated vitamin D tional sensitivity of 6 nmol/L. Serum intact PTH was measured
using the Centaur chemiluminometric immunoassay. The two
TABLE I. Diagnosis in Cases With History of Malignant Disease
quality controls used in the assay have mean values of 17.3
Cases Numbers (%) and 122.9 pmol/L with inter assay CVs of 16.7% and 7.4%
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) 17 (27.8%)
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) 2 (3.2%) Power Calculation
Lymphoma 4 (6.5%)
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder 1 (1.6%) Power calculation was based on vitamin D data from the
Medulloblastoma 8 (13.1%) North-West UK [24]. We wanted to detect a difference in square
Craniopharyngioma 4 (6.5%) root of vitamin D levels between case and control groups of
Low grade glioma 9 (14.8%) 1 (nmol/L)0.5, approximately 25% of the difference in median
Primitive tumours 8 (13.1%)
values between groups with pigmented and non-pigmented skin.
Others (e.g., LCH, astrocytomas) 8 (13.1%)
Total 61
The vitamin D data were normalised by taking square roots of the
median and range. The derived square root of the SD (0.7)
LCH, langerhans cell histiocytosis. together with the square root of the difference (0.2) was then
Pediatr Blood Cancer DOI 10.1002/pbc
596 Sinha et al.

entered into the power calculation. Two groups of 50 could detect Factors Affecting Vitamin D Status
this difference with 80% power (a 0.05). We therefore set out
There was no signicant difference in month of sampling
to collect data on two groups of 60 children (cases and controls),
between the two groups but the median age was signicantly
which would allow for issues such as missing data.
lower in the cases. This was a potential confounder because of
the increased vitamin D levels observed in younger children [25].
Statistical Analysis Multiple regression analysis showed that month of sampling,
Minitab version 14 was used to analyse the data. Comparison ethnicity, age and diagnosis (case vs. control), but not sex, were
between groups was undertaken using t tests and Chi-squared signicant determinants of vitamin D status. 28.6% of the varia-
tests as appropriate. The square roots of vitamin D levels were bility in vitamin D levels was explained by these variables of
used to normalise the data. Multiple regression was used to assess which 13.9% was explained by month (earlier date of sampling
the variables inuencing vitamin D status. Linear correlation was associated with higher levels than later date of sampling;
used to assess the relationship between vitamin D and PTH. P < 0.001), 5.9% by ethnicity (lower values in those with dark
Statistical signicance was set at the 5% level. skin; P < 0.001), 4.8% by age (greater values in younger chil-
dren; P 0.011) and 4.0% by diagnosis (higher levels in con-
RESULTS trols; P 0.012). There was no evidence of an interaction
between age, ethnicity, month and diagnostic group.
A total of 121 children, 118 years of age were enrolled in the
study (Tables I and II). All provided blood samples. No patient Subgroup Assessment of Vitamin D Levels
was on regular vitamin D supplementation. Ten children had been
on holiday abroad (5 in each group) within the 28-day period Children with Leukaemia and Lymphomas tended to have
prior to sampling. The median interval between diagnosis and lower median vitamin D levels than children with solid tumours
time of sampling was 1.9 years (range 2.4 months to 11.9 years). but the difference was not statistically signicant (39.0 nmol/L
vs. 48.5 nmol/L, P 0.08). 56% of the Leukaemia/Lymphoma
Vitamin D Levels Compared to Published Norms group were insufcient whereas only 28% of the Solid tumour
group were insufcient. Both groups had similar percentages of
The median vitamin D levels were signicantly lower in cases vitamin D deciency (20% vs. 22%). There was no statistically
compared to controls (44 nmol/L [range 9131 nmol/L] com- signicant difference in vitamin D levels between those on treat-
pared to 52 nmol/L [range 13155 nmol/L]; P 0.02). The ment (median 44.6 nmol/L) compared to those off treatment
distribution of vitamin D levels are shown in Table III. The (median 44.9 nmol/L).
proportion of children with 25-OH-D deciency (vitamin D
<25 nmol/L) was greater in the case group than in controls (13
Bone Biochemistry
decient, 21.3% vs. 2 decient, 3.3%; P 0.013). All three
pigmented children in the case group were severely vitamin D Higher PTH levels were associated with signicantly lower
decient (<25 nmol/L) compared to one out of seven pigmented vitamin D status in controls (r 0.42; P <0.01) but not in
children in the control group. Two of the seven pigmented chil- cases (r 0.07; P 0.65). There was no signicant correlation
dren in the control group had vitamin D insufciency. between 25(OH)D levels and other bone parameters (calcium,
phosphate and alkaline phosphate levels) or differences in bone
Vitamin D Levels and Month of Sampling parameters between the groups.

There was a signicant fall in Vitamin D levels (P < 0.001)

from June till November, coinciding with data from the United
Kingdom meteorological ofce showing that sunlight duration in This is the rst study to assess and compare vitamin D levels
the North of England fell as winter approached. The average in children with a history of malignant disease in comparison to a
hours of sunshine during the months of the study (2009) were group of out-patient attendees without a history of malignant
similar to previous years. The average hours of sunshine during disease. Our data indicate that children with cancer or a history
the period from June till November were 133.6 hr/month [http:// of cancer who were attending the Oncology outpatient clinics are]. more likely to have low vitamin D levels although the impact of
such a history was smaller than factors such as month of year and
ethnicity. The denition of what constitutes an appropriate vita-
TABLE III. Proportion of Cases and Control Patients With
min D status has been the subject of controversy. Differences in
Vitamin D Levels in the Various Reference Bands (See Methods
assay performance and limited evidence to justify grouping vita-
min D values in a way that is not closely linked to functional
Vitamin D status Cases Controls clinical outcomes are obvious limitations. Our denition was
therefore based on a pragmatic approach which has been broadly
Deficiency 13 (21.3%) 2 (3.3%)a accepted in the literature [1922]. We assessed vitamin D levels at
Insufficiency 25 (40.9%) 26 (43.3%) a time of the year when they were likely to be relatively high
Adequate 14 (22.9%) 24 (40%) because of sunlight exposure [17]. Vitamin D levels fell between
Optimal 9 (14.7%) 8 (13.3%)
June and November which correlated with falling hours of sun-
Total 61 60
shine and we suspect that values in these patients in the winter or
Signicant difference at the 1% level. early spring would have been signicantly lower.
Pediatr Blood Cancer DOI 10.1002/pbc
Vitamin D Deficiency in Pediatric Oncology 597

We did not nd it surprising that control children had a sub- replacement of vitamin D status in the short and long term should
optimal vitamin D status because there have been numerous be seen as a priority in these patients.
reports to this effect in recent years [1]. Accumulating evidence
suggests that the supplementation of patients with a history of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
malignant disease might be particularly advantageous but our We would like to express our gratitude to Newcastle
local cohort do not appear to have been targeted by health pro- Healthcare Charity for funding the assay costs for this study.
fessionals to date. The Department of Health (UK) recommends We would like to also thank Jackie OSullivan and Diane
that all infants and children be supplemented with vitamin D Barstow, Endocrine Specialist Nurses and Louise Richardson for
[] and it can be argued that health pro- their assistance in data collection. We would also like to thank the
fessionals need to actively target groups at particular risk of nursing staff of the Oncology Out Patient Unit for help with
vitamin D deciency as well as the population in general. patient recruitment.
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