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#incho#/1vv to start to; to begin to

&&apik/1vv implies frustration or annoyance, because of embarassment,

inconvenience or awkwardness to one's position or plans: 'damn it!'
&&aq/1vv implies frustration or annoyance, because of embarassment,
inconvenience or awkwardness to one's position or plans: 'damn it!'
&aq/1vv identification
&iq/1nn superlativeness, highest degree, the most of all
a/1vv action done several times, or continuously, or on several
objects, or by several subjects; also, with transitive verbs with perfect sense:
renders the action at the present time
ajak/1nv to take many (animals)
allak/1vv ease, simpleness of action; 'easily'; 'just'
aluk/1nn largeness; impressiveness; 'large'; exaggeration,
aggrandizement of action (with gerundive): 'a lot', 'a great deal'
anik/1vv action already done; 'already' (Aivilik)
annuk/1nn diminutiveness; 'small'; 'sweet, beautiful little'
apik/1nn diminutiveness; 'small'; 'sweet'; 'nice'
aq/1nv arrival at a place: 'go to'
aq/2nv 1) to spread s.t. (a substance) on s.t. 2) to hurt s.o. on a
body part; 3) to break s.o.'s thing
arjuk/1nn smallness; 'small'
arjuk/2vv a little
gai/1vv whenever
gajuk/1vv expresses more than regular action: 'frequently', 'always'
galaq/1nn collectiveness; characteristic
galuaq/1vv really; actually
galuaq/2vn really; actually
gaq/1vn forms a noun with an inherently passive meaning:
someone/something that one ...
gaq/2vv frequentative: several times
ggiq/1nv bring along with
gi/1nv have as; possess; have as relation; use as; consider or
treat as
gi/2vv again
gi/3vv to find, consider s.t. or s.o. ...
gi/4vv added to [[gi verb(s)]] to use them transitively
giaq/1vv commencement of action: 'begin to'
giaq/2vn which has a natural tendency to
giaq/3vn the fact of
giik/1nn a pair of two (or a group of three or more, in the plural)
people or things; if of unequal importance or strength, the stem denotes the lesser
of the two
giik/2nv to be mutually the same; if of unequal importance or
strength, the stem denotes the lesser of the two
gik/1nv to have good ...
guk/1nv to be desirous of the fulfillment of a physical or sensual
gulu/1nn terrible; wretched
guq/2nv to make s.o. (refl.: oneself = to mature) become more of
what one already is
gusuk/1vv added to [[gi verb(s)]] to use them intransitively
gusuk/2vv to like, to want to do s.t.; to be disposed or about to do
guuq/1q reporting discourse: 'he/she said'
i/1vv added to transitive verb stems such that they retain their
transitive sense when followed by intransitive infixes or endings, to avoid their
otherwise reflexive or passive senses
ijaq/1nv to remove; to have something removed; coldness of (when used
with body parts)
ilaak/1q marker of reaffirmation: "so", "indeed"
ilitaq/1nn protection for part of body; protection against something
illi/1nv to break or to seriously impair a body part
innaq/1nn exclusiveness: 'just', 'only'
innaq/2vv to do nothing but; to do always; exclusively
innaujaq/1vv to seem to do nothing but, to always do
iq/1nv to remove; to lack; to be out of; refl.: to give away, to
sell, to loose s.t.; with body parts: intrans.: to have cold ...
iq/2vv no longer
iqsuq/1nv to do a number of times
irujjaq/1nn one who is bereft of s.t., who is left without s.t.
irujji/1nv to remove all of s.t.
iruti/1nv to remove all of s.t. (refl.: to be bereft of; to run out
isak/1nv to have almost no more of s.t.; there to be almost no more
of s.t.
it/1nv after -mi: to be in; to exist in; after -tut: to be like
it/1vv to be the contrary of
it/2nv to have no s.t.; to be without s.t.
it/3nv to be such
jaq/1vn he/that on whom/which the action is done (passive)
jaq/1vv to seem, to be, to look, to act like being s.t. or s.o.
jaq/2vv multiple action, or action on multiple objects
jaq/3vn like, similar to
jaqtuq/1vv go to, go off to, go on to, etc. for a long time
jariaksaq/2vn gives the verbal root a gerundive (nominal) meaning; when
followed by a possessive ending, it has the sens "whether or not"
jariaq/1vn the obligation to perform an action
jariiq/1vv action already completed: 'already'
jariuq/1vv 'for the first time'
jarniq/1vv to be pleasant to...
ji/1vn one whose job is; agent
ji/1vv added to transitive verb stems such that they retain their
transitive sense when followed by intransitive infixes or endings, to avoid their
otherwise reflexive or passive senses
jjaa/1vv emphatic future: 'definitely' (always combined with a
negative suffix: -nngit-, -junniiq-)
jjaikkut/1vn instrument of prevention
jjaq/1nv to break; to snap off
jjiq/1nv to put s.t. on s.t. or s.o.
jjiq/2nv to receive s.t.
jjut/1vn reason, cause, motive for doing s.t.
juaq/1nn large; big
juaq/2vv over-sized, exaggerated action
juit/1vv rarity of the action: 'rarely', 'seldom'
juksaq/1vn someone or something who should (is supposed to) perform an
juma/1vv desire
jumaaq/1vv very distant future
juminaq/1vv causation of a desire to
junnanngit/1vv to not be able to; occasionally means "never"
junnaq/1vv capability: 'can', 'be able to'
junniiq/1vv cessation of action: 'not any longer', 'not any more'
juq/1vn one who/something that does the action
juu/1vv distant past and historical past
juummi/1vv to a small degree, a little
k&i/1nv there to be less of X; a diminuation of X
kaallaq/1vv suddenly
kainnaq/1vv brief action: 'for a brief time', 'for a short time'
kammiq/1vv recently
kasaak/1nn incompleteness: 'almost'
kasak/1vv incompleteness: 'almost'; with a subordinate clause in the
past conditional ('if I had...'), a main verb with this suffix takes on a
subjunctive meaning ('I would have...')
kautigi/1vv (Harper) hastily; quickly; prematurely; (Spalding)
simultaneously; at the same time as
kia/1q uncertainty: 'I wonder', 'I don't know'
kisauti/1vv competition in the action of the verb
kit/1nv to have small ...
kkaaluk/1vn a person who performs very well the action of the verb; if
at the end of the word, this suffix may have a verbal meaning in the 3rd person:
'he/she/it/they ... well'
kkanniq/1nn additionnal, more
kkanniq/1vv repetition: 'once again'
kkaq/1vn a person who performs well the action of the verb
kkaq/2vv to make s.o. do s.t. intentionally
kkiq/1nn a person with large body parts
kkut/1nn group, family, people related to
ksaq/1nn material, something which will become or be made into
something else; potential for
ksaq/1nv to gather s.t. to make an object
ksaq/1vv added to gi-verbs to make them intransitive
ksaq/2vv to find, consider s.t. or s.o. ...
ksi/1vv added to transitive verb stems such that they retain their
transitive sense when followed by intransitive infixes or endings, to avoid their
otherwise reflexive or passive senses
kulu/1nn reinforcement of the smallness; endearment: 'sweet little'
kutaaq/1nn tall, long
kutaaq/1vv to be, to do for a long time
kuvik/1nn a place to keep; a container for
laaq/1nn diminutiveness: 'small'
laaq/2vv far futur
laaq/3vn superlativeness: 'the one that ... the most'
lak/1vv a little
langa/1vv immediately, right now (today)
lataaq/1nn genuineness: 'real'
lataaq/2vv certainty of the action: 'really', 'certainly'
laukak/1vv brief action: 'for a brief time', 'for a short time'
lauq/1vv general perceived past; 'before' or 'after' when completed
by partitipial endings
lauq/2vv priority of the command
lauqsima/1vv past indefinite tense
lauqsimajunniiq/1vv the action ceased ages ago, a long time ago = to not have
done for a long time
li/1q but
li/2vv to make that s.t. or s.o. ... (refl.: to become); to make
s.t. (trans.: to s.o.)
li/3nv to build, make something (trans.: for s.o.); with certain
words: find s.t.
li/4vv to do s.t. in this way
liaq/1nn something constructed
liaq/2nv motion towards: 'to go to'; 'to go hunting' with game-animal
nouns, when the hunter knows where to head
ligaa/1vv imminent action: 'to be about to'
lijaq/1nv to bring along
lik/1nn possession: 'one with' (at the end of the word, it may have
a verbal meaning in the 3rd person)
lik/2nv to go to; to have gone to; to come to; to find by chance
lik/3nv to give, to provide, to offer, to fetch s.t. (trans.: to
limaaq/1nn inclusiveness: 'all of', 'the whole of'; (plur.) every
limaaq/2vv ceaselessly
liq/1vv on-going action; present progressive tense
liq/2nv to provide, supply; to put s.t. (trans.: to, on s.o.)
liq/3nv to go to, toward
liqi/1nv to chase, hunt
lirai/1vv no meaning
liri/1nv manipulation: 'to work with, on'
lisaaq/1vv just beginning, in the first stage of, for the fist time; to
have just happened
lisaq/1nn container or holder for body parts
litainnaq/1vv at last; finally
liuq/1nv construction in progress: 'to be building s.t.' (trans.: for
llaaluk/1vn exaggeration, largeness, impressiveness of the action
llaq/1vv heavily; clumsily
llarik/1vv certainty of the action: 'really', 'certainly'
llarik/2nn genuineness: 'real'
lu/1q and
luaq/1vv excessive action: 'too much'; 'quite'
luaq/2nn exact
luk/1nv to have something bad or poor
luk/2nn something bad or poor
luk/3vv to perform an action in a poor or bad manner
luktaaq/1nn inclusiveness: 'all of', 'the whole of'
luktaat/1nn inclusiveness: 'every'
luunniit/1q or; even; 'either...or' when used on two words
ma/1vv to be in a state of
mi/1vv again
miik/1vn exclamation: "Oh! how ...!"
miniq/1nn denotes a former state; unperceived past following gerundive
miuq/1nn resident of a place name
miutaq/1nn resident of; apendage to; contents of
mmarik/1nn genuineness
mmarik/2vv certainty: 'really', 'certainly'
mmiaq/1vv contituity in the action; repetition of the action
najaq/1vv action dependent on a condition: 'would'
nanngit/1vv to prevent
naq/1vv causation: 'to cause'; 'to make ...'
naq/2vn 1) exclamation: is! 2) that which causes...
nasaaq/1vv late
nasugi/1vv to think, to be of the the opinion that s.o. (refl.:
oneself) ...
nasuk/1vv endeavouring, striving: 'to be trying'
nga/1vv to be in a state of
ngaaq/1nv to come from
ngaaq/2vv to do one action as opposed to an alternative: 'instead'; to
do s.t. very much, abundantly
ngaaq/3nn rather, instead
ngau/1nv motion towards; 'towards', 'to'
ngu/1nv with body parts: illness, soreness: 'to have sore ...'; to
be tired in this part; with name of foods: to have a slight envy to vomit that
nguq/1nv change of state: 'to become' (trans.: to make s.o. become);
with numbers: to tell the time
nialauq/1vv 'was/were going to'; 'would have ...'
niaq/1nv to study; to take a great interest in; with animals: to hunt
niaq/2vv future, today
niaqqau/1vv 'was/were just going to'; 'would have just now...'
niaqtaksari/1vv future likelihood or probability: 'will more than
likely... ; will probably ...'
niq/1vv unperceived past with pure verbal forms
niq/2vn noun abstraction of the verb's action
niqpaq/1vn superlative
niqsaq/1vn comparaison
niraq/1vv reporting action; 'to say that s.o. (refl.: oneself) ...'
nitaq/1nn from a certain time
niujaq/1vv imminent action: 'to be about to...'; uncertain, doubtful
niusau/1vv imminent action: 'to be about to...'
niut/1vn something to be used in doing ...
nnajuk/1nn deprecation or derogation; sarcasm
nnajuk/2vv expresses deprecation or derogation, mild surprise that a
person would act or have the nerve to act in a particular manner; sarcasm
nngai/1q coaxing, inoffensive questioning; greeting
nngaq/1nv movement from: 'to come from'
nngiq/1nn promiscuous
nngit/1vv general negation; 'not'
nnguaq/1nn resemblance, likeness: 'which looks like'
nnguaq/2vv to simulate; to pretend
nnguk/1vv to be tired of, bored with
nngusuk/1vv to be inclined to, to feel like doing ...
nnik/1vv added to transitive verb stems such that they retain their
transitive sense when followed by intransitive infixes or endings, to avoid their
otherwise reflexive or passive senses
paaluk/1vn exaggeration, aggrandizement of the action: 'very much', 'a
paaq/1nn 1) the most of all; superlative 2) big, very, powerful,
paaq/1vv exclamation: 'Oh, how ...!'
paluk/1vn a little, to a certain degree
paluk/2vv a little, to a certain degree
pasaaq/1vv unexpected surprise: 'unexpectedly', 'surprisingly'
patsiuk/1nn strong derogation
pillaq/1vv briefly; a little time
qai/1q perhaps, maybe
qajaa/1nn negation; lack of: 'no ...'
qajaanngit/1nv to have no ...
qalauq/1vv brief action: 'for a few minutes', 'for a little while'
qallaq/1nn squatness: 'short, fat'
qaminngit/1vv has not just done the action, but did it some time ago
qammaq/1nn poor, bad, worthless
qammaq/2vv poorly, in a bad way
qaq/1nv to have, to possess
qarvik/1nn a place for, a place to keep
qatau/1vv to be accompanying in action: 'to go along'
qatauti/1vv mutual action: 'each other'
qati/1nn s.o. who has the same, who is the same
qati/1vn partner for
qattaq/1vv regular or habitual action; 'often'
qauq/1nv to possess many ...
qauti/1nn container for ...
qi/1vv to do s.t. by oneself
qqaaq/1vv first (before doing anything else); first (to do s.t.);
before (with negative participle endings) or after (with positive participle
qqau/1vv recent perceived past
qqautau/1vv to be the first one(s) to do s.t.
qquqtu/1nv to have large (specified) body parts
qquuq/1vv probably
qu/1vv 'so that' when used with participal verb endings
qu/2vv to desire, to wish something to be done
quti/1nn own; s.t. that belongs to s.o.
quuji/1vv ressemblance; 'look like'; 'appear'
rajaaq/1vv to be slow, to take a long time to
ralaaq/1nn small
raq/1vv prolonged action, or action occurring in distinct stages,
one part after another
rataaq/1vv immediate perceived past
ri/1vv added to transitive verb stems such that they retain their
transitive sense when followed by intransitive infixes or endings, to avoid their
otherwise reflexive or passive senses
rngaq/1vv for the first time
rujuk/1vv to a small degree, slight amount
rujuq/1nn collectiveness; characteristic
rujuq/2nn used on place names to indicate the place and the
surrounding area, or following numerals to indicate approximate time
rulu/1nn severe derogation (when this suffix is in final position,
the word may be interpreted as a verb in the 3rp person); disparagement, disgust
rulu/2vv severe derogation; disparagement, disgust
rusiq/1vn a unit of, a section or part of
rusiq/2nn a unit of, a section or part of
saali/1vv early
saaq/1vn one who has just done the action
saaq/1vv just; after some time; quickly, hastily; with imperative:
'just', 'merely'
saq/1vv working at something to achieve a desired state, usually
through prolonged action
sarait/1vv easiness or speed of action: 'quickly'; 'easily'
saritu/1vv to be slow
si/1vv added to transitive verb stems such that they retain their
transitive sense when followed by intransitive infixes or endings, to avoid their
otherwise reflexive or passive senses
si/2vv the action is being done now, where it was not the case
before; readiness, commencement of action or motion
si/3vv added to gi-verbs to make them intransitive
si/4nv to sight an animal; to discover s.t. (trans.: that belongs
to s.o. else); to receive (after searching)
siaq/1nn something found
siaq/1nv to come across; to find
siaq/1vn an action that is waited for completion
sima/1vv to be in a state acquired through a completed action (the
word can be active, or passive)
siq/1vv to put or bring out, to be put or brought up for some
natural process; to be waiting for an action to be performed or completed
siq/2vn custom; way; habit; manner of doing s.t.
siri/1nv to have ache or pain at
siuq/1nv searching, looking for s.t. (trans.: of, for, about s.o.);
travelling through space or time (spend); feasting, celebrating
siut/1nn something for, for use with s.t. or on some occasion
suk/1vv added to gi-verbs to use them intransitively
sungaaq/1vv 'if at least'
sungnik/1nv to smell or taste like something
sungnik/2nn something with the odour or the taste of (when the suffix is
in final position, the word can be interpreted verbally in the 3rd person)
suq/1vv prolonged action: 'for a long time'
suujaq/1vv prolonged action: 'for a long time'
suuq/1vn one who habitually performs an action (when the suffix is in
final position, the word can be interpreted verbally in the 3rd person)
suuq/2nn similiraty; one who is similar to
t/1vv the action is done for, to, because of, instead of s.o. or
s.t. (depending on the action)
taaq/1nv acquisition: 'to get'
taaq/2nn newly-acquired thing
taasaaq/1nn newly-acquired thing
tainnaq/1vv at last; finally
talik/1nn possession, when referring to an antecedent
tamaat/1nn every
tannaq/1nn squatness: 'short, fat'
tappiaq/1vv possibility of something undesirable: 'might'
taq/1vv repetitive action: 'back and forth'; 'up and down'; 'in and
out'; 'off and on'; often
taq/2nv to gather; to get
taqaq/1nv possession, when referring to an antecedent
tigi/1vv to be as ... as
tiq/1vn young precocious person who performs an action well
tit/1vv to cause s.o. (refl.: oneself) to do s.t.
tsaliq/1vv really
tsiaq/1vv to do something well, in a good manner
tsiaq/2nn fine; good; nice
tsiavak/1nn very fine, very good, excellent
tsiriaq/1vv to be easily ...
ttaili/1vv refusal, refraining from: 'to refuse to'
ttauq/1q and, also
ttuq/1nv to start to have a large ...; to start to have a lot of ...
tu/1nv largeness, to have a large ...; to have a lot of ...
tu/1vv profoundly; very much; very often
tuaq/1vv immediacy of action: 'as soon as...'; exclusiveness of
action: 'if only ...'
tuaq/2nn exclusiveness: 'only one'; 'only'
tuinnaq/1vv merely; does nothing more than; simply; solely; only;
sometimes 'always'
tuinnaq/2nn ordinaryness, lack of special qualities; 'only', 'just',
tuinnariaqaq/1vv only action remaining to be done: 'to have nothing more to
do but...'
tuinnau/1vv action done by all
tukaq/1nn old
tuq/1nv to use an object in the manner in which it was intended to
be used; food: 'to consume'
tuq/1vv prolonged action: 'for a long time'
tuqaq/1nn old, acquired long time ago
tuuq/1nn attached to animal names to mean 'a place abounding in...'
tuuq/2nv longing: 'I wish I ...'
u/1nv existence; is
ujjaq/1vn s.o. for, to, with whom the action is done; s.t.
transported, fetched, brought; s.t. caught, trapped
ujjuaq/1vv competition in the action of the verb
uq/1nv to go through
uq/2nv to imitate, to do like
uq/3vv frequentative: many subjects; many objects
uqqaq/1vv to do an action upon something repeatedly: "one after
usiq/1vn custom; way; habit; usual way of doing s.t.
ut/1vn object, instrument, tool for doing s.t.; time of an action
ut/2nn bag, container for; s.t. which has...
uti/1vv to do the action for, to, with him/her/it; with him/her/it;
with words of movement: to bring, fetch, transport s.t.
uti/3nn indefinite pronoun 'one'
vaalliq/1vv to do something that one didn't do before
vagiq/1vv to have already done something
vai/1nv to go towards a location (used with traditional locations:
side, back, front, ...)
vak/1vv common action: 'often'
valatsi/1vv to sound like
vallai/1vv probably
vallia/1vv progression; 'gradually'
vaq/1nv to go towards a location (used with traditional locations:
side, back, front, ...)
vasaaq/1vv to do what one never did before
vasik/1nv to be too close of a location (used with traditional
locations: side, back, front, ...)
vigjuaraaluk/1vn extreme: 'very, very' (when the suffix is in final position,
the word can be interpreted as a verb in the 3rd person)
vik/1nn enormous; most impressive
vik/2vv finality: 'for good'; 'forever'
vik/3vn place where the action of the verb takes place
viniq/1nn denotes a former state; unperceived past following gerundive
vvaluk/1nv to sound like

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