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Adding more security guards acting as field marshals outside the campus
will increase the safety and security of the people inside the campus and it
will be easier for them to monitor the actions of all the people who comes
inside and outside of the campus
Asking for the management to also give them the authority to implement
rules and regulations inside the campus in order to prevent the problems
they have encountered from happening again.
Identify the risks inside the campus and discuss it to the detachment
Orient the detachment about the policies, rules and regulations inside the
campus in order for them to be aware of it.
Discuss and remind them about their duties and responsibilities as a
security guard
Assisting and helping the guards if they dont know what to do when a
problem arises.
Guide and inform them when they commit errors in order for them to learn
from their mistakes
Having a proper consequence or sanction when they break the rules and
regulation in the campus so that they will not commit that action again.
Promote an organizational image or identity to encourage employee pride
and improve morale by documenting positive traditions and putting their
accomplishments as a detachment.
Update and inform them about the vision and mission of the detachment in
order to uphold it and reflect their priorities as a security guard.
Having a stricter policy and rules.
Using a proactive way of solving problems in order to prevent problems
from happening in a mile away.

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