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Orca lingo

1. Beach Rubbing: it is when the whale's rub their bodies on the small smooth pebbles
sometimes for several hours
2. Blowhole: a hole on top of their head which they breath through
3. Bull: a male orca
4. Cow: a female orca
5. Calf: a baby orca
6. Clan: the acoustic traditions of pods within the orca community
7. Clicking: clicks are pulses of sound that orcas use for echolocation
8. Community: different groups like northern and southern
9. Countershading: countershading is a type of camouflage the colors on the upper side
are darker and the underbelly is lighter
10. Dialect:each pod has different collection of calls which consist of clicks whistles and
pulsed calls
11. Discrete Call:a part of their vocabulary that is distinct
12. Dorsal: helps stabilize the orca against rollin and to assist in sudden turns
13. Echolocation: is the use of sounds waves and echoes to determine where objects are
in space
14. Eye Patch: a elliptically shaped white patch located above and behind the orcas eye
15. Flukes: are flat pads of tough dense fibrous connective tissue completely without
bone or cartilage
16. Foraging: it is a technique that they to surround the fish and trap them and start to
pick them off
17. Fluking:it is when the orca begins a deep dive it lifts its tail into the air to help thrust
its body into a more steep angle for a deeper descent into the water
18. Haul Out: a rocky reef or beach where seals or sea lions climb out of the water to rest
19. Hydroplane:an underwater microphone used to listen to and record whale
20. Juvenile: immature orca of either sex
21. Keel: a distinctive bulge on tailstock near flukes it can be on either or the upper and
under side
22. Leapfrogging:a whale watching practice involving the repeated placement of a boat
directly in the whale's path contribute to more underwater noise and disturbance than
other techniques
23. Lobtailing: making a loud splash by forcefully slapping the flukes against the surface
of the water

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