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Becca Wells

Sped 854: Family and Interprofessional Collaboration in Special Education.

Philosophy on Collaboration

The sixth artifact that I have chosen for my e-portfolio was from the course Sped 854: Family

and Interprofessional Collaboration in Special Education. The assignment was for us to write our

philosophy of collaboration in special education. I took this to heart, I feel that collaboration in

special education and education in general is of the utmost importance. The purpose was for us

to look at who are those key players in special education and why do they need to be involved.

I made a few grammatically corrections and changing on how I summarized my philosophy but

overall it did not change. I feel that everyone that provides supports to the students should be

included on their team. This would include therapists, general education teachers, family, outside

agencies, anyone or place that provides that assistance to help the student to succeed in their

educational careers. This is one thing that I have shared with those that are around me as

currently I am not in the school district but work in the outside agency that helps provide

supports to those students transitioning to adult services. I stress the importance to their current

teams about discussions with everyone on the team, making sure that everyone is on the same

page. It makes things run smooth and as bump free as possible.

This assignment has helped to make a connection to the new director of special education in our

local school district. As I want her to understand why I feel it is important for me to be involved

as early as possible to that I can help with the planning and the smooth transition to the services

that I would be providing after high school.

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