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Request form

Esri Student License Software Request

at Institutions with a Campus-Wide Site License

Esri Indonesia offers ArcGIS for Desktop Student 1-year software and its extensions for use by
students, lecturers, researchers, and other academia at colleges and universities that are a part of
an Esri Educational site license and under Esri Indonesia education program MoU with Esri

ArcGIS for Desktop version requested:

(If you do not know the version, please ask a universitys administrator)

Contact information

Customer number :
(Filled in by Esri Indonesia)

Prefix : Ms.
Name : Oktarina Maulidia
(First name) (Last name)

Student number / NIP : 1620011013

Job title : Mahasiswa Pascasarjana

Organization :-

Department : Universitas Lampung

Address : Jalan Zainal Abidin P.A. Gg. Harapan No 4 Labuhan Ratu

City : Bandar Lampung

Province : Lampung

ZIP Code : 35142

Phone : 082280559030 Ext: 081379642558

Email :

(Preferred institutional email)

Request form

What is/will be your primary use of GIS?

Yes, I will be your primary use of a GIS

What GIS classes are you teaching (for lecturers) / taking (for students) this year?

Yes, this year

Please describe some ways in which you use Esri GIS software to teach your students (for

If you would like to provide more information about how your school is using GIS, please do
so here:

If you are having question regarding this form, please send any questions or comments to

Esri Indonesia values your privacy.

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