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Will be keeping a changelog here to track changes to the document so people can see how things evolve. I
am constantly working to try to improve how fun and balanced these spells are, and I am more than happy
to get feedback on their use, too!
Renamed Shadow Summons to Dirge of Shadows. Old name was a little simple and lame.
Control spell effect added for Flight of Separation.
Fixed formatting for Distortion entry on a number of spells to be more consistent with the corebook.
Internal Flame has been added back into the Emerald Circle Spells section. It was removed previously
because I was unsatisfied with its mechanical implementation. I hope this version is better.
Added control effect for Disguise of the New Face. Previously, the pseudo-perfect element of the spell was a
base component of it, however it has become the control effect instead in an attempt to make the spell more
balanced and flavorful.
Disguise of the New Face now imposes a penalty on attempts to pierce it rather than granting successes to
the disguise roll.
Mechanics of Burning Eyes of the Offender revised. Added new control effect and special activation rules.
Fugue of Truths mechanics were completely revamped to try to keep it simple and make sure the thematics
of its effects are well conveyed. Any feedback on the revamp is appreciated!
Fugue of Truths control spell effect has been changed. Now the sorcerer no longer suffers the penalty to
physical actions and can maintain the spell in combat, however it gains the Perilous keyword.
Removed the combat application of Paralyzing Contradiction. If you attempt to attack or join battle against
someone trying to solve the koan, the effect ends.
Control effect added for Flight of Separations. The sorcerer may access an alternate version of the spell
which allows her to move quickly as a flock of birds.
Sting of the Ice Hornets has had its effect updated, it is capable of crippling and preventing an opponent
from moving without taking a miscellaneous action.
Assassins Fatal Touch added to the document.
Impervious Sphere of Water added to the document.
Sorcerous Mote cost for Personal Tempest lowered from 15sm to 10sm. Spell is relatively simple and felt
like this would allow sorcerers to feel like the choice to cast it is more valid as opposed to other options.
Sorcerers Irresistible Puppetry added to the document.
Paralyzing Contradiction has been altered again to incorporate a simple element to balance it around
combat encounters, witnessing someone the victim possesses a major tie towards being attacked also
breaks its effect.
Theft of Memory added to the document.
The Book of Three Circles
More Spells for Exalted Third Edition


Emerald Circle Spells

Assassins Fatal Touch
Cost: Ritual, 2wp
Keywords: None
Duration: One day

The sorcerer conducts a ritual to render her touch deadly to one selected living victim. She must
acquire a lock of hair, scrap of clothing or similar symbolic link to her victim, destroying it in a
ritual which allows her to end his life with a touch. The ritual takes fifteen minutes and
empowers the sorcerers touch for a full day, after which the power fades and her touch
becomes harmless.

The sorcerer must find her victim and gently touch him in order for the spell to take effect. In
combat, this is a difficulty 5 gambit that must be performed unarmed. The sorcerer rolls
(Intelligence + Occult) against her victims (Wits + Integrity) the moment they touch, an
instantaneous and unconscious battle of wills. On a success, the sorcerers victim immediately
suffers five automatic levels of lethal damage plus the sorcerers (Occult) dice in damage; if the
victim succeeds, he only suffers the sorcerers (Occult) dice in damage. If the victim is
Incapacitated, he immediately expires, his body suddenly collapses to the ground, life leaving it
with an exhalation. The sorcerer may choose to spare her victims life and prevent an
Incapacitated character from expiring however, leaving them on the brink of death. Examining
the corpse of a victim of this spell does not reveal anything incriminating, his death is

A sorcerer who knows Assassins Fatal Touch as her control spell may delay the onset of her
fatal curse after delivering it. Rolling occurs as normal the moment the sorcerer touches her
victim, however the damage may be delayed to a time of the sorcerers choosing within the day.
She may delay it for an hour or until sunset; whatever the time she selects, it must occur within
the day that the spell was cast. The sorcerers touch is extremely unpleasant, filling those
subject to it with feelings of dread and mortality.
Distortion (Goal Number: 7): A sorcerer who successfully distorts this spell removes much of its
fatal potency, subtracting the distorting sorcerers (Intelligence) from the damage that the spell
inflicts. The victim will feel her life leaving her body, but also that something has stymied the full
potential of the curse.

Sidebar: The Weak-Willed and Mysteriously Killed

At Storytellers discretion, trivial opponents who are afflicted by this spell simply die
without having to check for damage. While this ruling is one which Storytellers may
generally make, it is worth remembering that you should be rolling the dice only if you
think the possibility of failure or complication would be interesting.

Conventional examination is unable to determine the cause of death of the sorcerers

victim. A sufficiently proficient medical examiner may suspect that mystical forces were
involved, but many will simply declare that they cannot determine the cause of death, or
may suggest a more convenient explanation. Those with the means to do so may be
able to use Charms or other magic such as All-Encompassing Sorcerers Sight or other
similar effects to determine that death was inflicted by a sorcerer at Storytellers

Burning Eyes of the Offender

Cost: 7sm, 1wp
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: Three rounds

The sorcerer charges her anima with Essence to create an enthralling and fearsome visage
before her enemies. All who gaze upon the sorcerer weep uncontrollably, their eyes stung by
her blazing halo. The sorcerers enemies are blinded (see Exalted Third Edition, p. 168) by the
radiance of the spell at up to medium range, and those who are within medium range that
attempt to attack the sorcerer lose 1 Initiative every time they do so; this effect may drive them
into Initiative Crash. The sorcerer may dispel Burning Eyes of the Offender as a reflexive action.
This spell ends instantly if the sorcerer suffers Initiative Crash.

Special activation rules: Burning Eyes of the Offender can only be cast once per scene,
unless reset by placing an opponent in Initiative Crash while subject to the spells effects.

The sorcerer who knows Burning Eyes of the Offender as a control spell masters her terrible
gaze, driving her enemies before her. This spells duration may be extended to one scene by
spending 1 additional Willpower, though it still possesses the Perilous keyword. Additionally, the
sorcerer may reflexively will her eyes to glow brightly, allowing her and her companions to use
her gaze as a light source. The sorcerers eyes always glow with a burning light, whose intensity
grows whenever the sorcerer is moved to strong emotions.
Distortion (Goal number: 5): Distorting Burning Eyes of the Offender allows the enemy sorcerer
to ignore the effects of the spell and lowers the blinding penalty to -1 instead of -3 for his allies
for the rest of the spells duration.

Coin of Distant Vision

Cost: 5sm, 1wp
Keywords: None
Duration: Until ended

The sorcerer spits into her palm and conjures into her hand a black ceramic coin inscribed with
arcane sigils. She can place the coin wherever she likes. Thereafter, she can concentrate and
perform a miscellaneous action to project her consciousness to the coin. She sees, hears and
smells everything as if she stood at the coins location. If the coin is in a pocket, pouch or
container with at least one opening, she can sense the environment both inside and outside that
container. She senses only the inside of a container thats completely enclosed, such as a
strongbox. Because she cannot project her sense of touch, she knows instantly if her body is
shaken or injured.

The sorcerer instinctively knows the distance of her senses from her body and the direction to
the coin. She can find the coin just by traveling toward it, concentrating periodically to discover if
it has moved. A sorcerer may have only one coin of distant vision at a time. She may reflexively
dispel her existing coin, causing it to crumble into dust, allowing her to form a new one.

A sorcerer who knows Coin of Distant Vision as her control spell may truly project her senses to
the coins location, occupying the space as if she was there. As she occupies the coins vicinity,
her senses are identical to her senses in her body, and she may utilize sense-enhancing

Distortion (Goal Number: 5): Distorting a coin causes sorcerer senses to work as when heavily
intoxicated while projecting them though coin, inflicting a -3 penalty on rolls to sense through the
coin. Additionally, they may no longer use Charms to aid them while projecting through the coin.

Commanding the Beasts

Cost: 15sm, 1wp
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: One scene

Glittering streamers from the sorcerers anima wrap around target animals, carrying sorceries of
peace, obedience and understanding. This spell affects only normal animals of average or low
intelligence. It can affect a number of animals equal to (Essence), all within medium range of the
caster. The Sorcerer rolls her (Intelligence + Presence) against the Resolve of the affected
animals. If they have Intimacies that would oppose the control, such as intimacies of loyalty or
affection towards a rider, or intimacies indicating their animal supremacy in the jungle, they may
apply them. If the sorcerer succeeds, the animals are mesmerized.

For the rest of the scene, the affected animals obey the sorcerers commands. The magic
renders them able to understand complex commands. Spellbound animals have a Defining Tie
of loyalty to the sorcerer and they never spend Willpower to resist the sorcerers commands. If
the sorcerer instills intimacies in the animals during the duration of the spell, the animals may
remain tame and obedient for the sorcerer even after the spell ends, but at this point, they are
simply tamed animals without any supernatural understanding of the sorcerers commands.
Anyone training the tamed animals gains a +1 non-charm die to a Survival roll to do so.

When other characters interact with the spellbound animals, the difficulty to do so increases by
an amount equal to the sorcerers (Essence). The animals become testy around other people
and are not interested in doing what anyone else wants. Charms and sorcery, however, work
normally on spellbound animals.

The sorcerer who knows Commanding the Beasts as her control spell can influence dozens of
animals this way. Her commands may affect (Essence) Size number of animals. Animals seem
naturally drawn to the sorcerer. Birds coo in her windowsill, and wolves always follow in their

Distortion (Goal number: 7): Distorting Commanding the Beasts partially breaks magical control
of the sorcerer the animals still have Defining Tie of loyalty to the sorcerer, but they are no
longer compelled to obey her commands and can be convinced to act against her or to flee.

Disguise of the New Face

Cost: Ritual, 2wp
Keywords: None
Duration: Until ended

This spell weaves an illusion that makes the target look like someone else. It transforms not just
the persons appearance, but their voice, mannerisms and even anima. The sorcerer ties
threads of Essence around the target in an occult knot-pattern that hides the self. The process
takes 10 minutes to complete. If the target remains standing and immobile the disguise may be
applied, but impossible if they do not, though the sorcerer may weave the spell upon herself as
long as she stands in place.

The sorcerer makes a disguise roll using (Intelligence + Occult) instead of (Intelligence +
Larceny). She may change her targets ethnicity, gender, age, voice and accent, she can alter
their height by slightly less than a foot either way, she can even change their scent. The
disguise attempt ignores penalties for adapting different race or gender. While the disguise may
permit the character to appear inhuman, it is only an illusion, and some illusions that are
significantly removed from the characters own size or body plan may not be possible. The
disguise may be pierced as normal, however those attempting to do so suffer (sorcerers
Essence) as a penalty to the roll.

Once the persona-tapestry is woven, it flares briefly with Essence light before it fades,
completely remaking the subjects appearance. The spell lasts until the disguise is pierced, the
target chooses to remove it (which requires a miscellaneous action) or when the caster dispels
it, requiring line of sight and a reflexive action.

A sorcerer who possesses Disguise of the New Face as a control spell has mastered the art of
mystical disguise. The illusion created by the spell is perfect and may not be pierced by
mundane senses, though superhuman senses such as those possessed by animals, senses
heightened to supernatural levels by Charms such as Keen Sight Discipline or those that pierce
illusions may attempt to see through the disguise. The sorcerer gains an intuitive understanding
of proper mannerisms as well, though if they act grossly out of character, even mortals may roll
to pierce the disguise. The sorcerers features seem unremarkable, as if she looked like a
thousand other people at once. The effect is disconcerting once noticed.

Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting a Disguise of the New Face cause disguise to fail in
strange ways. This halves the difficulty of the disguise, rounded down. If the disguise is pierced
after the spell is distorted, it is broken and falls away.

Dirge of Shadows
Cost: Ritual, 1wp
Keywords: None
Duration: Until sunrise

Through this ritual, the sorcerer may use her power to call another characters shadow from
them and call it to her side. The sorcerer must utilize a scrap of clothing, lock of hair or similar
symbolic link to the character in order to gain power over their shadow. The ritual is begun at
midnight and lasts until the moon has set during which time the sorcerer boils a liquid medium
such as a pot of pitch or ink-black water and spreads it into a binding symbol such as a
pentagram. She then must walk the edge of the symbol counterclockwise, chanting the name of
her target in a dirge for their shadow that must be repeated fifty five times.

As this is done, the shadow of the victim is torn from her body and travels over land and sea to
reach the sorcerer. The shadow moves at unfathomable speed and arrives before sunrise when
the final chant is complete. She may then manipulate the shadow until the sun rises. The
sorcerer may use the shadow as a messenger, clearly dictating a message that the shadow will
then return with to its host. When the shadow reattaches itself to the target, they and only them
will hear the sorcerers message clearly. This message may be a social influence action, which
resolves as if the sorcerer were present with the victim.

The sorcerer may instead destroy the trapped shadow with the light of the rising sun, burning
away its substance. This inflicts excruciating pain on the victim, who is immobilized in agony for
one minute while the shadow fades away. For the rest of the week, while the shadow reforms,
the target suffers a -3 wound penalty. This wound penalty stacks with all other wound penalties.
The pain fades after one week, though the shadow takes a full month to grow back to its full size
and darkness. Regardless of what is done, the symbolic link fades and crumbles to dust when
the sun rises.

A sorcerer who knows Dirge of Shadows as her control spell can speak the secret language of
shadows, asking them questions which they must answer truthfully. As an additional option, the
sorcerer may interrogate the shadow about the activities of its host over the last lunar month. It
knows what a shadow knows, by the shape it takes and what light casts it. The shadow may
describe its host wielding a sword near a bonfire a week ago, or how it coiled in the embrace of
another last night, between two golden lanterns. The shadow may answer a number of
questions equal to (sorcerers Essence or three, whichever is greater). Shadows flee from the
sorcerers presence and lean away from her regardless of where the light which casts them

Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting Dirge of Shadows lowers the wound penalty to -1. A
shadow destroyed will still take time to grow back, but the pain is lessened.

Flight of Separation
Cost: 10sm, 2wp
Keywords: None
Duration: Until Ended

The sorcerer may speak a word or form a symbol with her hands which is sacred to all birds,
transforming her into a flock of birds which explode into the air with a rush of Essence.
Successfully casting this spell creates a reflexive disengage action for the sorcerer which uses
her (Wits + Occult) dice pool and gains double 8s on the roll. The flock of birds moves in a
highly coordinated fashion, nimbly moving around and away from their foes. The sorcerer gains
double 9s to all combat movement actions for the duration of the spell, which also use (Wits +
Occult) as their pool. The birds fly together at a speed of 20 miles per hour and can travel up to
five miles. Once the birds reach this distance (or some nearer destination), the birds complete
the sacred symbol, and coalesce to become the sorcerer once more.

While transformed into a flock of birds, the sorcerer keeps all of her Attributes, Abilities,
Willpower, health levels, soak and Hardness (including armor). She gains an Evasion of 5 while
in this form. She cannot, however, take any actions other than movement actions. She may not
attack, use Charms, communicate or parry. Any health levels of damage are reflected by the
deaths of several birds until the caster reforms, whereupon the damage manifests as wounds
and the slain birds dissolve into pools of the casters blood. Each sorcerer always becomes a
particular species of bird. The sorcerer may reflexively reform their body at will.

A sorcerer who knows Flight of Separation as her control spell may easily move through the
world as a flock of her favored species. She may cast an alternate version of the spell with a
cost of 5sm, 1wp which allows her to move one range band in any direction as her movement
action, transformed into a flock of birds, quickly dispersing and reforming at her destination. She
may pass through and over obstacles as a flock of birds could. Wherever the sorcerer goes, her
signature species appear as an omen of her arrival. Crows circle overhead, doves may perch
upon a nearby parapet; her flock heralds her business.

Distortion (Goal Number: 7): Distorting a Flight of Separation weighs sorcerer down, slowing him
considerably. She cannot move in birds form faster than 5 miles per hour and her Evasion score
reverts to normal.

Flying Guillotine
Cost: 15sm, 1wp
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant

This spell gathers Essence into a three-foot-wide circle of silver chain with razor edges that
hovers in the air before the sorcerer, spinning ominously. The sorcerer can attack anyone she
can see at up to medium range, rolling (Wits + Occult) as the attack roll. The Flying Guillotine
avoids obstacles (negating all cover bonuses, with exception of full cover) and can even turn
corners to chase a foe. The silver weapon wraps about whatever body part it strikes and
secures itself into a loop of chain with barbs along the inside. The chain spins with great speed
as it tightens, inflicting horrific damage.
The sorcerers will drives the barbed chain, with base lethal damage equal to (her Initiative +
current Temporary Willpower), inflicting lethal damage, it resets Sorcerer to base Initiative on a
successful attack. The chain always aims for a limb but ideally the neck of the target. If the
Flying Guillotine does damage in excess of the targets Stamina, the target must choose to
either accept a crippling penalty or automatically suffers an additional three health levels of
lethal damage, as the Flying Guillotine hacks at a limb, potentially amputating it. If it reduces the
victim below Incapacitated, it instantly decapitates the target or severs a limb. The chain itself
seals shut the severed neck on the head, making it a morbid but clean trophy. If the damage
does not kill the target, the chain has wraps around a shoulder, chest or limb thrown up as part
of the defense, cuts deeply, and then vanishes in a flash of silver light. The chain likewise
disappears if the target dodges, parries or otherwise counters the attack.
A sorcerer who knows Flying Guillotine as her control spell, may reflexively call razor-edged
silver chain into her hand. This chain is considered a Fighting Chain weapon (see Exalted Third
Edition, p. 582) with the Lethal tag instead of Bashing. This chain disappears when Sorcerer lets
it go or is disarmed.

Fugue of Truth
Cost: Ritual, 1wp
Keywords: None
Duration: One day

The sorcerer casts this spell after meditating in silence with eyes closed for one hour. She
attunes herself to truth and the flows of Essence, rather than the tricks that sound and light play
on the senses. The meditation enables the sorcerer to see through illusions, to avoid
enchantment and reveal hidden intents to the sorcerer.

Using (Perception + Occult) the sorcerer may see through deceptions. She may roll to see
through magical illusions or mystical means of concealment for people and objects, including
those which cannot be pierced by mundane senses. She may immediately roll to pierce
deceptions such as disguises when she perceives them. She may also see the truth of
someones intentions, able to make a Read Intentions action to sense her targets social goal,
the truth of his behavior rising to the fore. She may find a truth hidden in the environment,
discerning the location of a lost or hidden object without having to look for it. She walks into a
room and such hidden truths are knowable to her. All of these actions are made with ease
thanks to the fugue state, their difficulty lowered by 1.

The Fugue of Truth exalts mastery of the self over enchantments and curses. This allows the
sorcerer to resist magical attempts to control her with the Psyche keyword by making a
(Perception + Occult) roll with a difficulty determined by the Storyteller. On success, the sorcerer
may ignore the effect; she casts it aside as just another falsehood.

While the trance lasts, however, the sorcerers reactions are sluggish, imposing a -3 penalty on
all physical actions, and her stupefied and distracted demeanor imposes the same penalty on
social influence rolls. Fugue of Truth ends prematurely if the sorcerer is injured, loses
consciousness, or chooses to reflexively release it. It also ends if the sorcerer falls asleep.

If the sorcerer possesses Fugue of Truth as her control spell, she grows intimately comfortable
with this state of truthfulness. The spells duration becomes Indefinite, and she can maintain the
trance through her sleep. She may maintain the effect in combat, and suffers no penalties to
physical actions, however the spell gains the Perilous Keyword. She may have a distant look in
her eyes, and a lax facial expression.
Distortion (Goal number: 10): Distorting Fugue of Truth causes the sorcerer to suffer more
severe penalties, becoming very sluggish and hardly able to stand, suffering a -5 penalty to all
physical actions and barely able to string a sentence together, making vocal social influence
impossible. If the sorcerer reflexively ends the spell, she no longer suffers these debilities.

Impervious Sphere of Water

Cost: 15sm, 1wp
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: Until ended

The sorcerer suffuses the air around her with blue and green Essence, transforming the area
around her and her allies into a sphere of fresh, magically breathable water. Alternatively, she
may cast this spell on a character at up to short range. The sphere is a barrier protecting the
sorcerer and her allies at close range from all harm. The sphere provides full cover (see Exalted
Third Edition, p. 199) against ranged attacks, and those who wish to harm the sorcerer and
others inside the sphere must first break through its surface. While enemies outside of the
sphere cannot attack the sorcerer inside, neither can she nor her allies return fire. The sphere
may also protect those within it from environmental hazards such as bonfires, severe
sandstorms or others which would not be able to penetrate the barrier.

The Impervious Sphere of Water must be maintained by constant concentration and an unrolled
shape sorcery action every turn that the sorcerer wishes to sustain the spell. She may take her
movement action provided it is not opposed by any enemies inside or outside of the sphere. If
she does not sustain the sphere or is placed into Initiative Crash, it collapses on her turn, falling
to her feet as a large pool of fresh water. Attempts to breach the sphere are generally treated as
a difficulty 6 Feat of Strength. An opponent who succeeds on the Feat of Strength or breaks
through the sphere via other means may enter the interior of the sphere and engage anyone
currently within it, however if the sorcerer is able to maintain the shape sorcery action on the
following turn, the surface of the barrier closes. Those who do not wish to be trapped within the
sphere when it is summoned or recovering from a breach may reflexively roll Dexterity + Dodge
at a difficulty of 3 to avoid being caught inside of it.

A sorcerer that possesses Impervious Sphere of Water as her control spell may spend an extra
Willpower to extend the sphere out to short range around her, creating a large barrier that can
encase everyone within it as per the normal usage of the spell. She must still actively maintain it
to prevent its collapse. Water moves in peculiar ways around the sorcerer; flowing in circular
shapes while water droplets sit as spheres where they land. The sorcerer can pick up water and
form it into a small sphere in her hand, which she can drink from as if it were a goblet.

Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting this spell weakens the barrier significantly making it
permeable as it if had been broken open until the sorcerers next turn. It also lowers the difficulty
of breaking open the barrier from Difficulty 6 to Difficulty 3 for the duration of its existence. The
water inside turns putrid and foul, making it unpleasant to remain inside the sphere and
non-potable when the spells effects come to an end.

Sidebar: Escaping Certain Death

At Storytellers discretion, it may also protect against larger hazards, such as cave-in or
the collapse of a building, though the sorcerer and her allies may still incur injury even if
they avoid certain death through the use of this spell. Characters may suffer damage
from an environmental hazard bleeding through, or potentially be reduced to their last
health level by instances of recurring uncountable damage that the spell defends from.

Internal Flame
Cost: 15sm, 2wp
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: Instant

Internal Flame allows the sorcerer chooses a single target within medium range and hurls
streamers of burning red and gray Essence at them to curse them. These streamers seep past
armor and clothing to sink into the targets body, where they flow into his skeleton and fill it with
the Essence of fire. The sorcerer makes an unblockable (Perception + Occult) decisive attack
to enact the curse, a difficulty 3 gambit that gives the targets bone marrow the qualities of
molten iron if successful. This is treated as an environmental hazard with a resistance difficulty
equal to the sorcerers Intelligence (use [Stamina + Resistance]) and Damage 4L. The curse
lasts for an additional number of turns equal to the sorcerers (Occult), though the damage
drops to 2L on these subsequent turns. If successfully cursed, the victim suffers a wound
penalty of -3 due to the intense agony for the rest of the scene, which does not stack with
greater wound penalties.

This spell is especially dangerous to mortals and animals, continuing to inflict the penalties from
pain until treatment is received. Without supernatural healing, mortals remain wounded, and if
they go untreated, many die in the weeks that follow. Exalts, spirits and other supernatural
creatures heal normally from this attack.

A sorcerer who knows Internal Flame as her control spell may reflexively end the effect
prematurely in a victim and leave it dormant. At any time afterwards, if she makes an unrolled
shape sorcery action at up to medium range from the target, she may reactivate the spell, which
continues to work until its duration ends. Cruel sorcerers can use this as a method of control,
though treatment for the injury may end the effect prematurely. The sorcerers body temperature
is much higher than normal and gets even hotter when she in impassioned, potential causing
nearby flammable objects to smoulder, or for her to expel smoke from her mouth or nostrils.

Distortion (Goal Number: 7): A sorcerer who perceives the effect of the spell can attempt to
prevent it from wounding the target further. Success ends the curse, preventing it from causing
further damage. The burning agony also subsides if the curse is distorted, removing the -3
wound penalty, though this will not cure natural wound penalties.

Sidebar: Treating the Internal Flame

The cause of the spells effects is not immediately obvious to a physician. Most require a
diagnosis before a check for treatment can be made. Treatment usually requires specific
tools such as acupuncture needles to restore balance to the essence of the body.

Paralyzing Contradiction
Cost: 15sm, 2wp
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: Instant

The sorcerer draws a complicated figure in the air out of fiery white Essence, a symbol of an
ineffable koan, forcing the minds of sentient beings to do nothing else but ponder an impossible
riddle. Speaking the koan, the sorcerer releases white Essence. This power forms over the
sorcerers head a sigil that represents the mystery of the koan. The spell affects all creatures
within medium range of the sorcerer who see the sigil or hear the casters words, and are
capable of intelligent thought. The sorcerer rolls (Intelligence + Occult) against the Resolve of all
targets in order to effect them.

Solving this koan requires an extended (Intelligence + Lore) roll with interval of one minute, a
difficulty equal to the sorcerers Wits and the goal number required equal to the sorcerers Lore.
Each person must find the answer within himself: Anyone elses solution sounds absurd. If
anyone attempts to harm someone captivated by the koan, the victim is immediately released
from its hold. If the victim possesses a Tie of Major intensity or greater towards someone being
harmed in front of him while attempting to solve the koan, he is freed from its effects. Paralyzing
Contradiction otherwise ends when the sorcerer dies or is rendered unconscious, when all
targets solve the koan or when the scene ends.

Special activation rules: Paralyzing Contradiction can only be cast once per scene.

A sorcerer who knows Paralyzing Contradiction as her control spell has fine control over the
mystery which grips those around her. She is able to selectively decide who is afflicted by the
Paralyzing Contradiction. The sorcerers mind constructs incredibly complex koans, adding her
(Intelligence) to the goal number to solve it. Those who linger on her can hear a thousand
whispers of secrets and riddles that haunt their dreams the following night.

Distortion (Goal Number: 7): Distorting the spell grants everyone afflicted by the koan a sudden
insight into its meaning. They gain the distorting sorcerers (Lore) in automatic successes on
their next roll to break out.
Peacock Shadow Eyes
Cost: 15sm and 2wp
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: Instant

This spell causes the sorcerer's eyes to glow, and that gaze can hold a target, compelling them
to stunned silence and mesmerizing them. It is impossible to defend against this mesmerism
barring magic that can perfectly dodge or parry uncountable damage such as Heavenly
Guardian Defense, but the sorcerer must roll (Charisma + Occult) against the victims Resolve
to mesmerize him. If successful, the target loses their capacity to resist the sorcerers will,
becoming highly suggestible.

While under the effects of Peacock Shadow Eyes, the target may not apply intimacies to boost
their Resolve, but may have it lowered by exploiting intimacies. They also find it more difficult to
resist the suggestions of the sorcerer, increasing the Willpower cost to reject social influence by
1. This is temporary - the spells immediate effects only last for about five minutes, after which
the target will remember only that he and the sorcerer spoke but not the details of the
conversation. Careful use of this spell can allow a character to build a confusing web of
contradicting feelings and beliefs. In this fashion individuals can be made to believe things that
are not so, to question close relationships, even to become paralyzed and indecisive as a result
of conflicting beliefs they are all convinced are true. This spell can only affect one person at a
time and requires that the sorcerer engage in actual dialogue with them, so most sorcerers who
use it are careful to do their brainwashing in private.

A sorcerer who knows Peacock Shadow Eyes as her control spell does not merely suborn the
will of her target, she worms her way into their hearts. This creates a Major Tie of Trust toward
the sorcerer for the duration of the spell. The subject is amenable to minor requests and favors.
More importantly, the temporary Tie may support Instill actions creating new Intimacies, allowing
the sorcerer to shape the targets beliefs. These sorcerers are often known for having magnetic
or strangely compelling personalities and very intense eyes, which may be discomfiting to some.

Distortion (Goal Number: 10): A sorcerer who realizes that a targets mind has been altered by
this spell can attempt to unravel the web of lies. Success allows the target to remember the
influence, making them aware of how their beliefs were shaped against their will. This does not
remove any secondary Intimacies that may have been created as a result, however.

Sidebar: Psyche Spells, Respect and the Red Rule

Some of the spells included in the Book of Three Circles offer powerful but conditional
domination over their target. Spells such as Peacock Shadow Eyes or Threefold
Bindings of the Heart should be discussed with your Storyteller and your Circle in
advance of their inclusion to address the level of comfort that players have with
accessing these effects or being subject to them. Remember, communication and
mutual respect between players and Storytellers is essential for ensuring that play
proceeds smoothly. Be mindful of the Red Rule!

Personal Tempest
Cost: 10sm, 1wp
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: One scene

The sorcerer performs an elaborate gesture, making herself the nexus of a confluence of strong
winds. Her clothing whips about in winds that only people standing very close to her can feel.
These winds last one scene, until dismissed or until the caster suffer Initiative Crash or is

While these winds last, all ranged attacks treat the sorcerer as if they were behind heavy cover.
Winds buffet the enemies of the sorcerer, turning away blows, sending arrows flying off course.
Even opponents in close combat are impaired, granting the sorcerer +1 Defense against melee
attacks as well. Try as they might, all have a difficult time striking the sorcerer.

The Sorcerer who knows Personal Tempest as her control spell can protect greater numbers of
people. She can extend the benefits to any allies in close range of her. The heavy cover may
also apply to enemies fighting at close range with the sorcerer at Storytellers discretion.
Additionally, she may always call winds to help her. This can facilitate stunts involving subtle or
fine usage of wind, such as moving light items or aiding a dramatic entrance.

Distortion (Goal number: 10): Distorting Personal Tempest decreases its effects to light cover
and negates its bonus against melee attacks.

Sorcerers Irresistible Puppetry

Cost: Ritual, 2wp
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: Indefinite

This ritual prepares a mortal for later possession by the sorcerer. This ritual is an hour long, she
must have her victim unconscious and immobilized or have a willing subject who cooperates
with the ritual. The sorcerer binds her victim with ritual paper inscribed with mystic sigils, and
places incense about the body at key locations. She must chant for the duration of the ritual,
willing her Essence into her target, and his Essence out of his body until it begins to concentrate
at a focal point on his forehead. In order to complete the ritual, the sorcerer must overwhelm her
victims will, rolling her (Intelligence + Occult) against the higher of her victims Resolve or
Willpower. On a success, she overwhelms his will and completes the ritual. A jewel appears on
her victims forehead, a focus which allows the sorcerer to possess her target when she wills it.
To commandeer her victim, the sorcerer must concentrate with the jewel focus clasped to her
forehead. She rolls her (Intelligence + Occult) against the higher of her victims Resolve or
Willpower to take control of his body. If she succeeds, she may control her victim for an entire
day without his knowledge. If she fails, the victim is unaware of the attempt, but suffers from a
sudden, strong headache, and she may not attempt to take control again for another day. While
she is concentrated on possessing her victim, the sorcerers body is immobile, and she is
unaware of her surroundings, though if she successfully opens his mind for possession for the
day, she may reflexively disengage her concentration at any time to return to her own body,
though she then cannot possess him again for the rest of the day.

While the sorcerer is in control of her victims body, she uses his physical Attributes and health
track in place of her own for the duration of her possession. She may not utilize any
supernatural capabilities that the victim possesses. She may not use her own Charms or spells
while possessing her victim. If the sorcerers victim dies while she is possessing him, she suffers
a shock and loses three points of Willpower. While normally the sorcerer suffers no harm when
her victim is struck, attacks capable of striking the immaterial damage the sorcerer as they do
her victim, though she suffers bashing damage.

While possessed, the sorcerers victim has no control and no conscious knowledge of what is
being done to him. He may notice discrepancies afterward, though, and characters who interact
with a possessed target may notice changes in his behavior and demeanor. Although it is
unconscious, if the sorcerer attempts to make the victim act against a Defining Intimacy he
possesses, he may roll his Willpower against a difficulty equal to the sorcerers Resolve to resist
it. If successful, the sorcerer loses control and is banished from his mind for the rest of the day,
they he knows nothing of what occurred. This may only occur once per scene. This spell may be
ended by the sorcerers death or may be willingly released if the sorcerer returns the focus to
the victim, who must consume the jewel.

A sorcerer who knows Sorcerer's Irresistible Puppetry as her control spell can synchronize
perfectly with her victim, she may cast spells and utilize her shaping rituals while possessing her
victim, though she may still not use their own supernatural capabilities or her own Charms.

Distortion (Goal Number: 12): Distorting this spell severely weakens the control of the
possessing sorcerer, who must spend a Willpower every time she attempts to seize control of
her victim. If he is forced to act against a Major or Defining Intimacy, he may roll to banish the
sorcerers influence as per normal. On a success or a failure, he becomes aware that his will
has been usurped.

Sting of the Ice Hornets

Cost: 15sm, 1wp
Keywords: Decisive-only, Perilous
Duration: Instant

The sorcerer conjures a cloud of the coldest frost, which crystallizes into a swarm of ice shards
that launch themselves at their target, hunting it down with a cold fury. The sorcerer rolls
(Perception + Occult) as a decisive attack at a target out to medium range, sending the ice
shards to follow their target and pierce their flesh, no matter how they run or try to hide. The
shards move as one to track down their target, flying around cover and other obstacles. Sting of
the Ice Hornets ignores all cover between the sorcerer and her target.

The sorcerers will guides her attack, granting it raw lethal damage equal to (Initiative + current
Temporary Willpower) and resets the sorcerer to base Initiative on a successful attack. The
shards attempt to pierce the essence meridians of their target, flooding his body with a
confluence of freezing Essence that magnifies pain and debility, leaving the body sluggish and
cold. If the attack deals damage in excess of the targets Stamina, he is crippled, the freezing
essence rendering him unable to move reflexively; he must take a miscellaneous action to take
his normal movement action at all. This effect lasts until his wounds are healed or he receives
adequate medical treatment. The needles are small and precise, and after embedding
themselves in their target, they melt away leaving nothing but a puddle of water behind, making
this spell a preferred weapon of sorcerous assassins.

A sorcerer who knows Sting of the Ice Hornets as her control spell may freeze vapor in the air to
form individual ice shards for use as weapons. They are translucent needles of ice, four inches
long and half an inch thick. The sorcerer may attack with them as a regular Thrown weapon or
by using (Intelligence + Occult) to direct their attack. Treat the ice shards as a light mundane
weapon with the lethal, thrown (short), and mounted tags. The sorcerer has cold hands, and a
tendency to form small, delicate nails of ice along the fingers that resemble claws.

Theft of Memory
Cost: 15sm, 1wp
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: Instant

When casting this spell, the sorcerer plucks a memory from the mind of a victim and crystallizes
it into a small gem. The sorcerer must know which memory she intends to take when she casts
this spell, and must then gently touch her victim to steal the memory, drawing it out by rolling her
(Intelligence + Occult) against the victims Resolve. On a success, the sorcerer takes the
memory, which vanishes from her victims mind in a flash of green light. The light curls around
the sorcerers hand, coalescing in the form of an emerald in her palm.

The victim relives the memory in an instant before it is taken, crystallized in the heart of the
conjured emerald. Looking closely at the gem reveals the memory being replayed constantly
within its facets. Anyone who possesses the emerald created by the spell may clasp it to her
forehead and concentrate to relive the memory as if she were the one who experienced it. The
victim can only regain the memory by acquiring the conjured emerald and swallowing it,
regaining the memory that was taken from them. Theft of Memory may only take the memory of
a specific incident, it may not steal capabilities or abstract knowledge. A memory cannot be
taken from someone in combat, although it may be taken from an unwilling or unknowing
subject provided they can be restrained or are in a state where they cannot resist, such as while

A sorcerer who takes Theft of Memory as her control spell can replace the memory she stole
with a false one of her design, she can alter events however she sees fit and the victim will
believe that this is how they truly occurred. Attempts to convince the victim that the memory is
false is treated as if overturning successful social influence (Exalted, p. 221). The victim may
cite conflicting Intimacies in a Decision Point to resist social influence that would make her
believe her memory is false if logically related to the implanted memory. Strange emeralds
occasionally grow on the skin of the sorcerer. Looking closely at the emeralds reveals faint
images of memories from the sorcerers life.

Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting Theft of Memory will render the memory captured in the
crystal foggy and flawed, requiring a (Wits + Investigation) roll at a difficulty of 4 to discern the
event whenever anyone attempts to view it.

Sapphire Circle Spells

Army of the Wild
Cost: 30sm, 2wp
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: One scene

Exerting dominion over the natural world, the sorcerer may call a legion of animals to fight
alongside her. She sends forth her Essence in a wave of piping music and greenish light that
flows out into the wilderness, around obstacles and even into caves to touch the summoned
creatures. All animals within 30 miles must come to the sorcerers aid. This spell affects all
normal animals of average to low intelligence, including well-trained creatures who are normally
loyal to their masters (even those of the enemy). This spell also does not call exotic animals
such as fish or mobile plants, and familiars are unaffected by the call. The sorcerer rolls
(Intelligence + Occult) against the average Resolve of the animal that makes up the horde, and
gains control upon success. Failure summons the animals still, but they are not under the
sorcerers command, and may leave once they arrive.

The animals arrive in large numbers within the next turn and by the following turn, the majority
will have arrived. They wait patiently for the sorcerers command, watching her expectantly.
When they are ordered to attack, they Join Battle as a Size 3 battlegroup depending upon the
number of animals present, and use the statistics of the most common animal composing the
battlegroup. Generally, the most common animal will be a predator, such as a Great Cat or a
Claw Strider or Gorillas. They have a Drill of Average, honed by the supernatural connection
they share with the sorcerer, and a Might of 1, reflecting the diversity and strengths of the
animals which compose the group. In addition, this spell also summons a single champion
animal, usually an exotic or impressive predator to fight alongside the battlegroup. All possess a
Defining Tie of loyalty to the sorcerer and will fight hard to protect her. She may command them
as she would a normal battlegroup.

The sorcerer who knows Army of the Wild as a control spell finds that the animals she summons
are well-coordinated and terrifying on the battlefield, striking with an efficiency that can send
even an accomplished army reeling. The battlegroup gains Elite Drill instead when they are
called. Animals naturally seem to gravitate towards her, and when theyre in her presence, they
move as she does.

Distortion (Goal Number: 15): Distorting the animals weakens their coordination and damages
their loyalty to the caster. Distortion lowers their Drill to Poor if Average and Average if Elite. It
also increases the difficulty of their next Rout check by +1. The animals are more likely to flee in
a blind panic once many of them become injured.

Torrential Cascade
Cost: 30sm, 2wp
Keywords: None
Duration: (Essence) rounds

The sorcerer draws forth her Essence as a burning blue flame that she casts into a sea, lake,
river or other large body of water within medium range. White-capped waves form, and the roar
of rushing water fills the air. As she casts the spell, the sorcerer raises her arms to the sky as a
wall of water two range bands high and three range bands long rises from the body of water.
The sorcerer points in the direction she wishes the torrential cascade to flow and the wall of
water surges outward on its journey. It travels at one range band per turn, remaining two range
bands high and one range band thick as it moves until it dissipates.

The torrent destroys small buildings outright and heavily damages larger ones. For the purpose
of moving large things, the torrent performs reflexive Feats of Strength and may attempt
Strength 7 feats. It has a dice pool of 25. Those victims caught in its path suffer an
environmental hazard with a damage of 5B/round and a Difficulty of 5 to resist with (Stamina +
Resistance). They are also moved by the titanic force of the Cascade and carried with the wave
unless they have a means of securing themselves or they escape the torrent with a
miscellaneous action, a (Dexterity + Athletics) roll with a Difficulty of 4. This action cannot be
placed in a flurry.
When the spell ends, the wall of water collapses, and the water drains naturally from that point.
An affected region on land remains soaked and devastated; once-dry earth becomes deep mud
or scoured arroyos. The area may take weeks to return to normal (if it ever does).

The sorcerer who knows Torrential Cascade as a control spell finds that water is naturally at her
command, and when she experiences strong emotions, nearby bodies of water become
furiously disturbed. The waters of her cascade are particularly furious, and inflict a penalty equal
to (Essence) on those enemies of the sorcerer who attempt to escape.

Distortion (Goal number: 10): Distorting Torrential Cascade stops cascade in place, but the
wave remains, roiling until the end of the spell. The giant wall of water almost seems to lurch
forward, and viciously entraps anyone still caught within its waters.

Threefold Binding of the Heart

Cost: 30sm, 2wp
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: Indefinite

This spell lays an absolute and stringent binding on the heart of a victim at up to short range,
rendering him utterly devoted to the sorcerers interests. The target first must have at least a
positive Major Tie to the sorcerer, which the sorcerer weaves into an essence binding around
his heart. His feelings for the sorcerer emerge from him as ropes of orange and yellow light that
coil around the victim and wrap around his spine, ending in three knots that slither through the
flesh towards the heart, merging with his Essence. It is impossible to defend against this curse
barring magic that can perfectly dodge or parry uncountable damage such as Heavenly
Guardian Defense, but the sorcerer must roll (Charisma + Occult) against the victims Resolve
to successfully bind his heart. The sorcerer may only bind one victim at any given time.

Upon being successfully bound, the sorcerers victim has his positive Tie twisted into Defining
Tie of loyalty towards the sorcerer that cannot be weakened by mundane means, and he cannot
usually spend Willpower to initiate a Decision Point. The precise nature of the relationship is
determined by the sorcerer at the time of binding. Some bind their victim to look up to them in a
mentorly fashion, while others bind them in romantic attraction or a soldiers camaraderie.
Regardless, the victim will have a slavish mentality but will listen intelligently to the sorcerers
wishes and act in what she believes to be the sorcerers best interests. To others, it is terribly
clear that the victims will has been suborned in some fashion.

This binding lasts indefinitely unless tampered with, but has a few weaknesses that make it
possible to break the binding. If the sorcerer attempts to persuade the victim to act in a way that
endangers or violates another Defining Intimacy they possess, the victim may begin to try to
break free of the influence roll (Wits + Integrity) against a difficulty of 5 with a goal number equal
to (sorcerers Essence x 5) and a terminus of 5. If he succeeds on the roll, he may spend
Willpower to reject the influence in a decision point. He is apologetic but unable to comply with
the sorcerers wishes. When the victim reaches the target number, they break free. The difficulty
lowers by A roll to break free can also be triggered by a confrontation with a person who is the
subject of a Defining Tie. Additionally, on the date of the victims birth, they get one opportunity
to automatically break free of their bindings by rolling (Wits + Integrity) against a difficulty equal
to (sorcerers Essence). Success ends the effect as the victim shakes off the influence and
realizes what the sorcerer has done.

When the binding ends, the intimacy melts into nothingness, and the connection between the
sorcerer and the victim is suddenly absent. The victim cannot be subject to the spell again for at
least a full year after successfully breaking free. The binding may end prematurely with the
sorcerers death, or may be willingly released if the sorcerer wills it. She can reach into her
victims chest to pull the bindings loose, ending the spell. If the sorcerer chooses to end the
spell, the same conditions apply as if the victim had broken free.

If the sorcerer takes Threefold Binding of the Heart as her control spell she finds it that much
easier to leverage the feelings of her victim into the vice-like bindings on his soul. She may use
Threefold Binding of the Heart on a target as long as they possess at least a positive Minor Tie
towards the sorcerer. Such sorcerers often have a magnetism to them that causes fixation in
their friends, and even the most innocuous of relationships has a tinge of unhealthy focus on the

Distortion (Goal Number: 20): Distorting the binding makes it easier to resist the sorcerers will
when it requires the victim to go against the things he holds most important. Successful
distortion lowers the difficulty of the (Wits + Integrity) check to break free to 1. This only applies
to the rolls to break free when forced to act against a Defining Intimacy. Distortion also allows
the target to immediately make one such roll, and resets the number of rolls until they reach the

Sidebar: Threefold Binding of the Heart & Limit Break

This spell can easily cause the Exalted to enter Limit Break due to the pressures that the
sorcerer can put upon them. If they fall into Limit Break, the Defining Tie of loyalty to the
sorcerer is treated as any other Defining Intimacy the Exalted might have. A Solar
caught in Berserk Anger will treat the sorcerer as they would any other positive tie, and
avoid harming them unless they impede them. A Solar suffering from All-Consuming
Grief will still ignore the sorcerer until it wears off.

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