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ken wofbet CT-F.W.) pr al oxsngSnman gh awe: All ot "were Iropsed for comvitonal gtr Sim es Raeaieseare as & asin tome ect iste as mmeneen es ees mach were art rere He ea anand RBARA & MARCIN OTTO Here Is the News PART 2 ‘Peoring trom America to nastepujace dziaty i zagadnienia | Heyser'mems is pee mi not SP REED cts ara mt ‘ny large attack on NA’) Necrvied 2 any. Incredibly, 149 rativas are CMF. Resgan and Frankia D, ‘somehow never seen ME IEE SSS Sed: me insmotamctiyme iar Oey Mme ce = det pcre coe Sonat oom aresy TEetid | posh cena car FeaM ay Mr amary am Aain t Mafia, drugs, joy-riding, hacking, arson, | Se roe ca scheme Sibi imecgeomitean be eo behs ioe iat See etme burglaries, robberies, muggings, abductions, | Sem'wcr pe Her cae | Secreta Se Sei pig rapes, prison escapes, capital punishment, | Sates SLE ection Be eae ‘genetic "fingerprinting", trials, clemency ea Teague eae sin Rat ‘appeals, civil lawsuits, financial crimes i ae sad one on etceston Tecate Set means Saimrtlwnatierey sce sommes srs cinee, Rape rams am cnt oy ware fun Pr, Sane e' Spnte ndieg preteen VIOLENCE terrorist attacks, kidnappings, coups d'état, hijacks, riots, assassinations, ethnic unrest, rampages, domestic violence ig Tee Director General of Useaco, ° Preston Jere, Te mation Sore gn extraordinary Spa TiaE Suites ie amie SOCIOPOLITICAL ISSUES reer : fey chemical and biological warfare, nuclear erat fe, disarmament, conscription, race-elated = Natu =e a r a issues, refugees and migrants, unemployment, strikes, demonstrations eB co et won py nen Bec fit pect oy Cp . MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS 8 eres nt ore Spore aad Ste uneleaed ete for Se: Rented em a oe WD gaa? seeetrest| doping, computer viruses, abusive phone | anges aa iemnizrees! | calls, auctions, freak accidents, flight delays, | aipiigeactorir ashe traffic jams, celebrations Man-Made 2. See Disasters ISHN AMIDST ce 1 BN #342-056383 cle nea fl Projet obtade Greegors Miewesaz Sony dsislows Marcin Oto Rodaktor Malgorzata PpowicsSaneresks Recaior echniomy Justa Rosina ‘sow o9-00.08041-8 ISBN (clos) a3-0-08688.9 {© Copyright by Wiydavmlctra Skolne i Pedagogicae Yiasenwa 1298 eras 165 Vipeomsn ec | Pedagsime wy mae 20 Foie tty 3.1, 109 4 seedy rate in. ESA WE chest byogoces WSTEP W aytuacji, Kiedy dostep do anglojqzyemych frodkéw masowego preekazu stat sig powszechay, zaistniala potrzeba napisania podrecznika, Ktéry pozwolitby zromumieé, o azym jak méwi sig po angielsicu w danym momencio na $wiecie. Here Is the News... jest wlasnie realizacja tego ‘pomysti. Odbiorea ksigeki bedzio kaédy, kto pragnie doskonalié znsjo- ‘moSé jgzyka angielskiego na poriomie zaawansowanym, aby w pelnym zakreale miéc korzystaé 2 prasy i przekazéw satelitarmych, Keiqaka zostala podzielona na pig¢ daialow: NATURAL CALAMITIES, MAN-MADE DISASTERS, ECOLOGY, HEALTH i SOCIAL ISSUES. W kaa ‘@ym znich zawarto od killa do killcunasta tekst6w (NEWS ITEMS) poswie- ‘conych poszczegélnym zagadnieniom. Teksty w dwéch pierwszych dria~ ach maja zdecydowanie charakier doniosie prasowych 2 ostatnie} chwili", podezas gdy txzy pozostate, a zwlaszcza te zawarte w dziale ‘SOCIAL ISSUES, 09 kréthimd esejami polemicznymi na wz6r tak zeranych itorials”, cryii artyleul6w redakecyjnych, jakie moéna znaledé w kazde} “Autorzy starali sig zawrzeé w tekstach jak najwigksza licebe zwiaza- nych z danym tematom slow, ktére teoretyemie moglyby sig malezé w doniesieniach agencyjnych. Jesoli na przyklad sluchamy relac}i o wybu- ‘chu wulkanu, wiadomo, #e, niezalemie od coasu imicjsca wybuchu, poja- swig sig wnniojtakie slowa, jak: erupcja, lawa, wstrzqs, popisl, wierzchotek, Kkrater, aktyway, wygasly itp. Zeby tald cl osiqgnaé, trzeba bylo na podstawie szezegu relacii, Ktére na dany temat pojawity sig w ciagu siatnich lat, stworzyé zupelnie nowy tekst. Prozentowane wydarzenia nigdy w reczywistosci nie zaistnialy w taki spos6h, w jaki preedstawil to autorzy, Miejsca zdarzei i nazwiska sq amySlone, gay? ksiazka z zalozenia ‘nie jest kronika tragicenych wypadkéw i trudaych zagadniesi, x ktérymi boryka sig wspéleresny Swiat, lece podrgcanikiem do nauki stownictwa, Keigéka wraz 2 kasotq umodliwia czytelnikowi: = ostichanie sig z nagraniom nadladujacym doniesienia agencyjne, = utrwalanie slownictwa z danoj dziedziny, — rdobycie umiejginoéel wychwyconia najstotniejszych informacjiz teks- ‘tu napisanego w ,jezyku prasomym”’ ‘Autorzy maja r6wniet nadzioje, xe jesli czytelnik bedzie cheial wypo- wiedzieé sig po angielaku na dowolny z poruszanych tematéw, majdzie w tekstach wszystkie potrzebne do tego sléwka i zwroty. 1 jeszcze jedna uwage: poglady prozentowano w tekstach i tematach do dyskus}i nie zawsze $3 2godne z pogladami autoréw. WAZNE JAK PRACOWAE Z HERE IS THE NEWS. 1. Pierwaxy tap pracy 2 ksigika to éwiczenie rozumienia ze skuchu. Poniewas z podrecenika ezytelnik mote korzystaé wybiérczo, powinien odnaleéé na kasecie ten NEWS ITEM, nad ktérym wlasnie che pracowaé, oraz odszukaé odpowiadajacy mu zestaw éwiczeft w dziale LISTENING COMPREHENSION, Po dwukrotnym wyhuchania wiadomoéci, powinion prrecaytaé zdania 2 plorwszego éwicuenia j ustalié, czy podane w nich fakty 94 2godne z tymi, o kt6rych méwit spiker. ‘Nastepme éwiczenie polega na laczenin wyraz6w wzwigzki wrrazowe. Kolumna A to preewainie preymiotniki, B -rzeczowniki. Naleiy je zesta- swig w pary zgodnie zustyszanym teksterm. Odpowiednie polecerie kieru- je czyteinika do Kiucea, gdaie zajduja sig rozwiazania obu éwicref, oraz do odpowiedniej strony w daiale drugim, gdzie zamiesaczono pelay zapis wyshuchanogo teksta, slowniczek i éwiczenia dadatkovre. 2, W drugim dziale ksigzki, READING COMPREHENSION, czytelnik _majdzie skaypt wystuchanego tekstu oraz slowniczek, w ktérym., opréce ‘polskiego znaczenia sléw wyréénionych w tekcie, podano ich angielska Gefinicjg badé synonimy. Stwarza to moéliwoéé polnicjszego zrozumienia siéw oraz postugiwania sig szorszym zasobem stownictwa podesas oma- ‘wiania teksta w jgzyku angielskim. Przy opracowywaniu stowniczkéw autorzy korzystali giéwnie 2 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictonary of Current English. Gayby w tekicie malaz sie wyraz nie many czytelniko- vi, anie umieszczony w stownicsku, nalezy sprawdzic, czy jest wymienio- ny w indeksie na keficu ksiqii. Jel tak, numer teksta kieruje do odpo- wiedniego slowniceka, gdzie znajduje sig poszukiwana definica. W wy- ade rézaych kontekstéw, w indeksie podane sq r6ine numery. pierwsze w tym dziale dotyezy nagléwkéw prisowych, iérych styli sktadnia czgeto odbiegaja od form jezyka méwionego. Zada~ nie polega na ustawienia poszczegélnych wyrazéw tak, aby powstal na- ] spot {or answers go page 208, for wanscript and related exercises go © page 88. 2 12, Calamitous weather abnormalities are now taking place more often than before, EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN B a devastation fertile fertilizers {foresesabie —] fatere grain pattern ingulficient rain ‘major rainfall yainlese : shortages roaring, stockpiles ‘scorching comma 2 peiarnes) steady, sun water topsoit for answers go 0 page 303, for transcript and related exercises go fo page 100, 183 cue EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. ‘Ten milion people died of starvation in Agunda in 1981 Action by the world community is desperately needed. ‘The current famine is the result ofa prolonged drought. ‘Small children have no chance of survival ‘Mainutrtion can affect a child's mental development. ‘Lack of drinking water is another life-threatening problem. Cases of looting are sporadic. People move to live inthe country because itis easier to find food there. 9, Farm animals have died becauso they had nothing to eat. 10, Now there is moreland that can be used for growing crops. 11, Food supplies will be distributed by air and by land, 12, Civil war will prevent relief agencies from delivering their supplies. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. news item 4: HURRICANES EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fae. Hurricane George reached the coast ofjahar inthe evening. People Kaew that it was coming. ‘There is no electricity in the affected area. ‘The fishing fleet was destroyed becau snot properly secured, All the dovastation was caused by the wind. (Churches n ahar ofer better protection than other buildings. ‘The number of victims is as yet unclear. the boats were Flood waters have claimed no vietims. |. "The President receives regular telephone reports from the coast 10, Housing is the biggest problem at the moment. 11, People are leaving the capital although it may prove unnecessary. 12, Mudslides are triggered by gale-force winds. COLUMN A CcoLuMN B {affected agencies ‘basic aid [chronic area daily =| damage famished drought ‘grazing land ‘human malnutrition Tmumanilarian’ mortality [infant occurrences ‘inreve! —] peasants ‘major : picture pitifal rations ‘relentless sulfering relict tragedy Jor answers go to page 903, for transcript and related 0 “ EXERCISE 2. Match the words from coluran A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A COLUMN B Battering areas ‘casualty damage ‘coastal eet ‘damagé gales ‘ishing hurricane flood ist huge sain [torrential eas statistics storm for answers go to page 304, for wanscript and related exercises go fo page 104. 18 news item 5: RAINSTORMS EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: trae or false. 1. The rainstorms described in the story have been the ‘worst in Jahar's history. ‘There was toomuch water for the barriers and dykes tohokd. ‘twas olen impossible to get from one river bankcto the other. (One had to be quick if one did not want to drown. People left everything they had in order to save their lives: . Fora thousand people, falling into the river meant death. Helicopters had an easy job of rescuing people even from hopeless situations. 8. Water has affected the «quality of foodstutts. 9, Ferries are being used to reach isolated areas. 10, Fortunately, food distribution centres are managing to provide food for every flood victim. 11, The lives of 80 people who dio of lood.related diseases are claimed every day. ci 12, In this particular case, providing international help will be difficult, EXERCISE 2. Nath te words from eoluma A with those from cor B to frm col locations as they eppeet Into sory. Gouna A coun » [Buoyant appeals berrors conten damage facies jects Falnstorms Sot Hees [widenpread we for enswers go to page 504, for transcript and related exercises goto page 106. 16 news item 6: FLOODS EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1, The inhabitants of Anturia have suffered from many ca- Jamities in the past. 2. The reported flooding is the first one this year. Not all of the deaths were caused by drowning, Diarrhoea can bo a cause of death. ‘We understand that, geographically, Anturia is situated, ina temperate zone, ‘Thousands of people had no time toleave the affected area. ‘The only way to roach isolated regions is by train. ‘There snot enough food because supplies are under water Fortunately, there ia no danger of other flood barriers being washed away. 10. Looters will be killed if caught red-handed. 11, There are people who want to turn this tragedy to their ‘own, possibly political, advantage. 12, The President will prosent the Parliament with a detailed, report of the losses. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with thosé from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A COLUMN B ‘abandoned J aitments [displaced areas Thealth buildings heavy disaste: irigation, —] experts [looting zi families Dooding rosidential =] foodwater ‘stomach gangs e officials [unprecedented | properties [widesproad_— | makes {or answers go to page 204, for transcript and related exercises go to page 108. 7 news item 7: EPIDEMICS EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fale. 1. The people who live in the refugee camps have never [ had a house of their own Drinking water is unavailable. Gastroenteritis results in diarrhoea. Cattle died from the epidemic. in Jahar in recent years. ‘The problem is that there are too many people grouped "There has been no need for an immunization programme 7. Some people have already died of cholera. ‘The President was satisfied with what he saw. This strain of meningitis is very easy to catch People catch the disease s0 quickly because they are not careful. 11. There isnot enough vaccine in Ishmad to stop the spread of the epidemic, 12, Help is on its way. EXERCISE 2 pee cece oy 0c: fe) tg: 0ce ae EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or fale. 1. We know exactly what the number of casualties is. 2, Its not the first nor the last earthquake in Ishmad. 3. 1.7 on the Richter scale is not regarded as particularly strong. 4, There had been no previous indication that a quake sight be coming. 8, The quake is indirectly responsible for the ack of energy in some parts of the country. 6. Thirty quakes were felt in the space of two hours. 1 Most of the victims were killed by collapsing buildings. 8, Those who survived still have a place to live. 8. Buildings built of concrete were strong enough not to collapee. 10. Fires were started by gas explosions. 11, Structurally damaged buildings will be reconstructed. 12, The report tolls us that the capital of the country will be moved from Zento after reconstructive work. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A coum B ‘appalling camps breeding conditions ‘chronic ‘contagion {contaminated diseases drastic. facilities ‘epidemic — food impaired ground Tethal ‘malnutrition refugee ‘measures rotten Proportions sanitary resistance ‘typhoon. strain ‘virulent survivors for answors go to page 904, for transcript and related exercises go to page 110. 18 EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A COLUMN B [affected aren ‘calamitous — country ‘concrete damage [destructive earthquake devastating inhabitants high magnitude 7] lanastides Tomeless _ quake slabs statistics tragedy. workers {or answers go to page 805, for transcript and related exercises go to page 112. 18 IEC crs eer eie ee Onur e air EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. 1. More people died in he city centre than in residential areas. 2, The number of victims is estimated at between 1,000and 10,000 people. 3, Temporary shelter has been improvised outside the town, 4. Many people do not want to leave the affected area. 5, Those who have stayed are waiting for the recovery of heir possessions. 6. Dogs are not very effective in these circumstances. 1 The cameras described in the report can locate those who are stil alive in the ruins. 8, There is too mich noise for sound devices tobe effective. 9. Low temperatures make rescus work slow. 10, Rescue teams are facing an entirely new situation. 11, Survivershave litle chance of saving their injured limbs. 12, The injured are being treated in hospital buildings. | EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from coluran B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN A COLUMN B [adequate] cameras ‘gangrenous camps improvised ccasualtios ‘massive devices ‘powerful districts relief ‘earthquake ‘residential efforts ‘sophisticated equipment sound limbs special measures temporary shock Toxic shelter for answers go to page 305, for transcript and related exercises goto page 114. 20 news item 10: AVALANCHES EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. ‘There wexe six men in the group of climbers, 2, ‘The group had left for the peak early in the morning. 3, Whon they were sotting out the woathor was fine. 4, The avalanche is believed to have been started by the climbers. 8, It is possible that some of the climbers are still alive. 6. The search will continue provided the weather does not, get worse. 7. Sometimes bodios of the victims are found months later, in spring. 8, Some mountain vilages have been cutoffby recentsnow- falls 9, It wasn’t the skier's fault that he was killed. 10. The rescue operation was difficult because it was very | cold. 11, Death by avalanche is not rare in that region, 12, If there were more trees on the slopes, there would be fewer avalanches. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A coLuMN 8 radverse ~~ +d:Ceonaitions. bad deforestation dawn dogs disaster frost ‘mountain 1 hedge ‘severe operation sniffer slopes (| 4 ‘widespread weather {or answers go to page 805, for transcript and related exercises go to page 116. a news item 11: VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. 1, Mount Araramo, in Anturia, is still active. 2. Vuleanologiste had expocted the volcano to continue to erupt for a much longer period. 3. The last time it erupted was three hundred years ago. 4, The pumice found floating on the ocean's surface came from Mt. Araramo. 65. Mt, Araramo is wooded and was covered by snow at the time of the eruption. 6, Tho etfocts of the eruption could be seen thousands of rules away. 11. Volcanic eruptions are responsible for the greenhouse offect. 8, One hundred people wore killed by falling rocks. 9, What the villagers fear are mudfows rather than other eruption-related dangers. 10, An active volcano is one that has major eruptions. 11, a voloano is extinct, it means that it will never erupt again. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col~ locations as they appear in the story. news item 12: GAS POISONING EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. ‘The gas was volcanic in origin 1t was released as a result of a voleanic eruption, 1. People did not realize what was going on. ‘The mixture consisted of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide. 5. Most of the survivors had left the area in panic. One can still smell the deadly gas in the air. 1, Those who were injured by the fumes have found expert, help in local hospitals. 8, There was no time to bury the bodies separately. 8. There was no drinking water. 10, The inhabitants of Arehon have shown their generosity towards the victims of the calamity 11, Doctors from other countries have already arrived in Arohon to assist their colleagues in the hospitals 12, There was no airport in the affected region, EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from coluran B to form col- Tocations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A COLUMN B [aetive — activity ‘oiling amounts Toating ash heavy blast hot explosion, initial gases large pumice ‘molten rains ‘superheated rock ‘underwater vvoleanoos ‘violent water {or answers go to page 808, for wanscript and related exercises ge to page 118. Ey ‘COLUMN A COLUMN B [Bitsered explosion [casualty figures [death fumes ‘geological gases lethal graves mass lake relief region emote operation toll vitlages {or answers go to page 206, for transcript and related exercises go to page 120. 2 Italian jet falls on German fi | after triple collision crowd a pped underwater |! ets collide at airport Nuclear reactors sea safe LISTENING COMPREHENSION section two: MAN-MADE DISASTERS news item 13: ACCIDENTS AT AIR SHOWS news item 14: AEROPLANE CRASHES . news item 15: FIRES .. es newsitem 16: MINES -FIRES, EX news item 17: OIL SPILLS... news item 18; SEA COLLISIONS .. news item 19: ROAD ACCIDENTS . news item 20: TRAIN CRASHES . a news item 21: NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS . news item 13: ACCIDENTS AT AIR SHOWS EXERCISE 1. Tick the statemens: true or false |. Rir shows are organized in Altenland every year. 2. The jet display was tho one everybody was waiting for. ‘The three jets collided while landing. Everybody present saw the accident. ‘Many people were trampled to doath. . Many sustained injuries wore caused by fire and ying debris. 1Z. Many of the injured had fo be flown to other towns for hospitalization 8, The accident happened because one of the jets malfunc- tioned. 8, Such accidents happen because pilots are too nervous at, public shows, 10. The problem is that if accidents happen, nobody mows where the wreckage will fall. 11. The bomber crashed because of pilot error. 12, The parachute did not deploy because the pilot ejected ata low altitude, EXERCISE 2. news item 14: AEROPLANE CRASHES EXERCISE 1. Tiek the statements: true or false. 1. The plane first burst into flames, then crashed. 2, The plane ploughed into afield on the outskirts of Palmon. 3. The son of the pilot was sitting in a taxi when the accident happened. 4, Because of the heat, he was unable to help the people inside the wreck. 6, Allthe occupants of the plane died because ofthe impact of the crash. 6, The inquiry concluded that the accidents happened be- cause of a human error. T. The pilot of the airbus was unaware of the danger. 8. The airbus burned very quickly. 8. 128 people died in the accident. 0. Some of the bodies could not be identified immediately 1, "The airbus was tobe removed permanently from service following that Hight. 12, The airline may be held responsible for negligence. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- Tocations as they appear in the story. coumnay & coun 8 abrupt approach serobae ree [Bying directions orniying debra Tystesicl end Toads ying ulipls ichalation salely ]fnjertes sheet Tanaing as rns [st people coe Fequiremenis inpredicabla seones wie rpvcnlation {or answers go to page 808, for transcript and rela 28 1d exercises goto page 124 EXERCISE 2. Match the words from colum A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A : CoLUMN 8 airline authorities black al call dental error emergency failure ‘engine landing “altering noise mangled records mayday smoke radio T} toams Frectnioat wreckage or answers go to page 206, for transcript and related exercises go to page 126. a Pca ty EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true ox false. ‘Three children died inthe blaze. = ‘The father was prevented from entoring his Blazing hous. ‘The firemen were unable to prevent the house from burning out “What caused the fire ia nat yet knovm. Tin Trontham, the fre broke outara result ofan explosion ‘Tho man was badly burnt because nobody had helped sim in time. 1. He has litle chance of recovering. 8, Tho fire wouldn’thave broken ou! ifthe man had obeyed the law. ‘The shellor met all safely requirement needed when people are housed. 10, The firemen decided that they had been called too late to do anything about the firo and loft. 11. Many people burnt to death inside the building. news item 16: MINES ~ FIRES, EXPLOSIONS EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1, Tis possible that about a hundred people have died in the accident, 2, The fire broke out following a methane explosion. 3, Fifty people are continuing to look for survivors. 4. Despite the disaster, the colliery will continue working without interruption. 3. Many miners died under the collapsed root 8. There’ escued. till every chance thatthe missing miners willbe 7. Ninety-two miners suffered from fire-related injuries. 8, Sealing a pit is one of the methods used in putting out blazes in mines. 12, The process of identifying the bodies will be long be- cause many of the homeless had not signed the register. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from coluren A with those from column 8 te form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A contman [Blazing bodies charred building critical circuit discarciod efforts extensive explosion gutted —] tame inflammable 7 heat intense house naked] _ inhalation ‘powerful list short match ‘smoke system Sprnkiey — J] uproistery {or answers go to page 508, for transcript and related exercises go o page 128. 8 8. The three miners were unable to free themselves: 10. What made the operation difficult was the rising tem- perature. 11. The three miners had no air to breathe. 12, The only way to ave them was to drill a wider shalt EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B faces fire gas inferno points rumbling shaft tools work lor answers go to page 207, for transcript and related exercises go te page 130. 23 news item 17: OIL SPILLS EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fale. 1, When the explosion took place, the tanker was loaded to capacity, 2, 20,000 tons of oil weze consumed by the fire 8, The crew members used life boats to get away from the wreck 4, The firefightors did a grand job putting out the fire. 5. At this point, nothing can be done to prevent the slicle ‘from drifting onto the beaches. 6. The rescue teams cannot do anything until the weather changes. 1. Wis predicted that the wreck will sink with the remaining cil in its tanks. “BO The accident happoned not lar away rom the docking |_| bay. 9. It was a result of a collision with a salvage tug. 10. The weather is making the rescue operation difficult 11, Floating booms have the task of absorbing ol slicks. 12, Many oll spills could have been avoided ifthe oil-shipping industry had introdueed much stricter safety measures ‘in oil transportation, EXERCISE 2. news item 18: SEA COLLISIONS EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. 1. The ferry was on its way from Galamos to Guano. 2, The wreck is lying at a depth of three miles. 8. There was no electricity becauso water had flooded the ship. 4. Somany people died because the capiain delayed giving the order to abandon the ship. 5. The rescue operation is being carried out only during the day. 6. Itis likely hat eighty bodies willbe found inside the wreck. “TZ. The tanker went down alongside the ferry. 8. The ferry sanktoo quickly for the passengersto getto the decks. TOF ieee eee ee ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A coum B (een) booms emergency crew ‘environmental : disaster [Boating exror igh Me [human members major operation regulations slick spillage testing winds 8. The ferry sank as a result of @ collision. 10. Itis believed that the accident happened because of the crew's negligence, 11. Many people died of hypothermia. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. conumn A. coum & [adverse eargo dense — ~ clothing Leary eee crew, ‘kprepared ferry Tow fog ‘panieairicken = loss of lite passengers fomperatures tragedy submerged >] vesset suken datos [unsecured] _ weamer conaitions| Jor answers go 0 page 307, for transcript and related exercises go to page 194 31 news item 19: ROAD ACCIDENTS EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true ox fale. ‘Ten vehicles were involved in the collision. Other cars couldn't get past the site of the crash. ‘The Mini hit the back of an articulated lorry. ‘Two schoolchildzen died in the bus which overturned. it hadn't been for the bad weather conditions, the ac- cident might not have happened. | . The van started the collision. 1. The accident could have been prevented. 8, The van driver's body was found in the wreckage of his, vehide. 9, Five people were involved in this collision. 10. The driver was drunk and was driving too fast 11, The supérvisor of te road works was indirectly respon- sible for the pedestrian’s death. 12, The camper was killed by a woman driver. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A coLumn B [artieutated barriers ‘busy. bruises crash coach [entire TT) tamity excessive injuries slight lorry stationary road sustained | speea [rangied wreckage for answers go to page 307, for transcript and related exercises go to page 135. news item. 20: TRAIN CRASHES EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. ‘The express train should have stopped for the light ‘The commuter train was full of people. Only two trains were involved in the collision. ‘Tho accident wouldn't have happened if the signal had been green. 5. The slow track lead to the platforms, 6. The rescue teams were too shocked by the scale of the disaster to act effectively, 1. What caused the biggest problem was locating and reaching the survivors, 8. Modical help was improvised on the spot. 9. Existing “failsafe” systems are effective in preventing ‘ain accidents, 10, The Transport Secretary was impressed by the dedica- tion of the rescue tearas and bystanders. 11, The accident temporarily disrupted zallway services. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN & COLUMN B ‘ating coaches Gerailed ~| error ‘emergency failure fatal gear injured painkillers [metal reaction ‘passenger services ‘powerful tangle ‘signal track ‘slow ‘rains wif victims {or answers go to page 208, for transcript and related exercises go to page 198, 3% news item 21: NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS EXERCISE 1. 1, The reactor was shut down in time to prevent any con- tamination. 2, Shortlived fission products increased radio-activity of the escaping gas. | 8. The reactor will remain temporarily shut down. | 4, As many as 6,000 people may die of lung infections fol- lowing radioactive contamination. & The local residents have successfully pressed for the closure of the plant Leukemia can take twenty years to develop. ‘The explosion deactivated the early waming system. The radiation level is high enough to kil. Radioactive fallout covered an area of twenty square miles. The scale of the disaster is not yet clear. The decision to shut down the power station might have prevented a major accident. 12, Fuelzods may plunge to the bottom asa resultotamelidown. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with these from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN ‘COLUMN B decontamination explosion fallout = fuel hazard inquiry leaks officials Protection ‘operation radiation | products ‘adioactive rods safety system ‘seriou Biroat {or answers go to page 208, for transcript and related exorcises goto page 140. wm LISTENING COMPREHENSION section three: ECOLOGY news item 22: NUCLEAR WASTE DISPOSAL.......... 38 news item 23: TOXIC WASTE - WASTE DISPOSAL .. 39 news item 24: RECYCLING . news item 25: AIR POLLUTION .... news item 26: THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT . news item 27: HOLE IN THE OZONE LAYER. news item 28: ACID RAIN.. news item 29: DESTRUCTION news item 30: SOIL EROSION .. news item 31: WATER POLLUTI news item 32: ALGAE BLOOMS news item 33: OIL SLICKS .. news item 34: ENDANGERED SPECIES news item 38: SAVING THE ELEPHANT . news item 36: SAVING THE PANDA ..... news item 22: NUCLEAR WASTE DISPOSAL EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. The refuse will be deposited in natural salt caverns. 2. After one thousand years, the waste is expected not to emit any more radiation. Not everybody is sure that the dump will be safe. . Loakage of slurry is a possibility. . The othor repository described in the textis one kilomet- 6. There, people will have as litle personal contact with the refuse as possible. 7. The radioactive waste will be deposited without any safety packaging, 8. After the job is completed, there will be no access to the 8, Sea water may be able to get into the system because itis not deep enough. 10. The burning of fossil fuels i Yesponsible for muuch en ‘vironmental pollution. 11. In the early days of nuclear energy, people undares- timated the problem of radioactive waste. 12, Nowadays, people will nt do anything foolish that could endanger their lives. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- Tocations as they appear in the story. A news item 23: TOXIC WASTE — WASTE DISPOSAL EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. The people who organized the shipment did not want ‘any news about it in the press. 2. "The intention was to dump the waste in this country for good. tis not quite clear what the cargo consists of ‘Thishas been the second attemptto get the cargo into the country. 8. High-temperature combustion is the only current meth- (0d of getting rid of toxic waste without producing even more toxic by-products, 6, legal dumping is the last resort of the exporter when other means have failed. 7T, The more consumption theres, the more wasto is produced, 8, Neither of the two ways of waste disposal described in the toxt is in any way beneficial. 9, There will always be some by-products when disposing cof waste. 10, The process of decomposing organic waste is environ mentally safe. 11, Recycling will get rid of all the rubbish. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form eol- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN B activity containers disasters drums radioactive elements robot energy rusting refuse ‘stable eto eee [fransuranie [water {or answers go to page 908, for transcript and related exercises goto page 144 COLUMN A coum B [Biodegradable] by-product carcinogenic cargo corrosive chemicals dangerous Identification [deaaly quid inadequate materials indammable plant Tana sites reusable solvents ie-digpasal waste {or answers go to page 209, for transcrip and related exercises go to page 148. 89 news item 24: RECYCLING EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. ‘The waste disposal system docs not improve in proportion to the amount of waste generated by increased consumption 2, Half the garbage thrown away could be used by other people. 8, By recycling waste, wo increase the amount of natural 4, Recycling helps reduce the amount of garbage generated. 6. Recycling contributes to energy-saving. 6, Waste Watch is a group which believes in helping the environment by riding bicycles. 12, Waste Watch members collect cans from liter receptacles 8, Areclamation plants place wherenew recyclables are ‘manufactured from old recyclables. 8, Itisnot true thatnew recyclables are second-class products 10. At the moment, many people who are interested in re- ‘cycling are discouraged by the inconveniences that paz- ticipation in the scheme often poses 11, Pupils should be actively involved inthe process of sopa- rating recyclables. 12, The public has no means of changing manufacturers’ attitude towards packaging. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. Gaius eee eee Lely EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fal. 1. The new car will not emit any CO,, 2. The car is powered by two separate sources of energy. 3. The main idea is for the electric motor to take over ifthe diesel broaks down. 4. What makes the car unattractive is its price. ‘The problem of smog is associated with car emissions. ir pollution in ities is bad, but does not require emer- gency action yet. 1. Catalytic converters are devices which make cars more ‘economical to run. 8. Ethanol is twice as expensive as petrol 9, At the moment, the only solution is to ban private vehi- les from entering city centres. 10. Most cities have not been designed to cope with the prosent traffic volume. 11, The burning of other fossil fuels causes as muuch pollution ‘as emissions from the burning of petrol. 12, Within the next one hundred years, people will have ‘managed to clear the atmosphere of toxic elements EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN A COLUMN B collection benefits disposal consumption [energy packs ‘enormous plants reclamation points recycling. problems refill resource ‘valuable schemes for answers go to page 308, for transcript and r ted exercises goto page 148. COLUMN A COLUMN B ‘breathable cities ‘catalytic consumption ‘deadly. converters ‘environment damaging emissions fuel gases industrialized guidelines ‘noxious laws ‘safely pollution ‘stringent smog atic volume Jor answers go to page 309, for transcript and related exercises go to page 180. a news item 26: THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT EXERCISE 1. ‘Fick the statements: true or false 1. The international conference in Ndwana was devoted to the problems of the world’s climate, 2, Greenhouse gases are compared to glass walls because ‘they have a similar effect on heat 3, Interms of volume, methane males up mostof the green- house gases. 4. CEC’s are generated by burning fossil fuels. FC's are as harmful as CO, 3. Inthe year 2000, the mean temperature on the planet will bbe higher by 2°C. 17, Because of the higher temperature of the air, there will bbe less surface water. 8, If he predictions come true, the world’s map in a hun- dred years’ time will not look as it does now. 8. The redistribution of fresh water will have an impact on ‘what people traditionally grow for food. 10, Man will have to help nature cope with the excess of CO,, 11. The more energy we use, the cleaner the air becomes, 12. The availability of energy is the key to improving the economic situation in many developing countries. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B ‘alarming appliances Darren areas ‘limatic conditions caltivated ‘consequences ‘energy-efficient deserts ‘global gases rave prediction ‘greenhouse: reforestation ‘moan temperatures ‘surface turbulence ‘weather warming widespread water for answers go to page 208, for transcript and related exercises goto page 182. 2 news item 27: HOLE IN THE OZONE 5-843 :4 EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or flee. ‘The depletion continues at a constant rate, Ultraviolet rays are attacking the ozone layer. CFC's have been in use since 1980. CFC's are directly destroying ozone molecules. ‘There isno other way of saving the layer but to eliminate the use of CFCs, Itis possible to produce aerosol sprays without CPC's . Third World countries will be the first to switch to more ‘expensive, hazaré-free alternatives. 8, Itis possible that too much of the CFC gases has already. bboen released for effective action to be taken. 8, The more UV rays that reach the Earth's surface, the more CO, enters the atmosphere, 10. Ifpeople are exposed to more than average levels of UV. radiation, they will be healthier. 11, People can protect their eyes effectively. 12. The problems created by the appearance of ozone holes, EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN B alternatives coolants depletion oles radiation reaction ‘nereasing reduction polar region refrigerator sprays {or answers go o page 209, for transcript and related exercises go to page 154. a ee isms ree geese 61s EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true o fale. 1. Money is being raised for the purpose of rebuilding places of historic interest. 2, Bverything can sill be saved from the effects of corrosion. 3. The most important thing is to reduce emissions of harm- fal gases. 4. Toxic substances come trom various sources. Ozone is harmless. 3. Acids that can be found in the aix are a result of chemical eactions, 17 Low quality coalis coal that contains many other substances 3. Wind is responsible for spreading acidic gases. . Countries only have to cope withthe acidity they them: selves create. 10. Acids return to the earth in gaseous form. i 11, Trees have an ability to regenerate themselves after being exposed to acid rain. 12. The problem willnotbe solved as longas energy produc- tion relies on oil and coal ! EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column 8 to form cal- locations as they appear in the story. coLumy A COLUMN B acidified acide airborne balance costly = complexes ‘deadly damage delicate — effects deteriorating fuels luted - lakes drastic measures Toseil pollutants arma ~ Processes dustrial statuary irreversible substances Tox vapours {for answers go to page $10, for transcript and related exercises yo o page 186. 4 news item 29: DESTRUCTION OF FORESTS EXERCISE 1. Tick the statement: true or fale. 1. Conservationists do not approve ofthe policies adopted. 1] by certain governments towards rainforests 2. Forestlogging is proceeding at a very fast pace. 8. When trees are chopped down, the forest is the only thing that disappears. 4, There are places in the world where trees have to be cut down for fuel. 8, Elsewhere, forests are burned because there istoomuch cl 6. People need meat to feed their cattle. 1. Soil in areas where trees used to grow is oxcollont for long-term cultivation 8. Governments maintain successful control over how much land is cleared, 9. By burning forests, man is increasing the amount of CO, in two different ways. 10. Producing wood pulp for paper-making is ecologically, sound. 11, Reforestation is now obligatory for lumber companies. 12, By preserving forests, man is maintaining the balance of nature. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A _ ‘COLUMN B available. absorbent delicate areas denuded, ‘companies environmontal ‘ecosystems gigantic fuel indiscriminate rainforosts Taraber = ravaging pata — safeguards (satel eee (pose) Temperaio— soil ‘untouched ] trend ‘vigorous vanaausm {or answers go to page 810, for transcript and related exercises go to page 158. 6 news item 30: SOIL EROSION EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. There have never been so many natural disasters as there have been recently 2, Soil erosion is said to be responsible for al natural calam- ites on this planet, 3, People are blamed for the mismanagement of natural 4, Soil erosion has got nothing to do with deforestation. 8, Trees control the amount of water in the soil. 6. The rain, the sun and the wind are responsible for soi 7. When top soil is washed away itis irreversibly lost. 8. Slash-and-bura farming is recommended as an agricul. tral technique. 8, Dried animal dung is used for fuel because there is nothing else to burn. 10, Animal dung does not play any significant role in cul- tivation. 11, Deforestation and reforestation go hand in hand. 12, Total deforestation may result in famine. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column 3 to form col- locations as they appear in the story. coum A. COLUMN B (| bare disasters cracked dung ccaltivation effects hillsides shell so techniques {or answers go to page 310, for transcript and related exercises go to page 160. 46 news item 31: WATER POLLUTION EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false, Antarian waters are poor in oxygen, Heavy metals come from industrial waste, . Contaminants act as nourishment for algae, Domestic cleaning products help eliminate pollutants from waterways. Various pollutants may react with each other in water to form other harmful chemicals Not all industrial waste is boing troated. . Treatment plants cannot cope with the amount of waste. ‘Tap water, which is treated, is safe to drink, Swimring in the sea may result in viral infections, 10, Telting someone how to commit suicide is not a crime. 11. Bacteria in the sea-water are harmless. 12. Whatever is thrown into the soa will disappear forever. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B algae 7] blooms aquatic cleanliness | ‘beach ‘contaminants | [teaching ‘contamination leaning = ‘lth ‘coastal fe floating metals i armful plants heavy Processes industrial products safety rubbish sickening sludge ‘ap. standards | ‘weatment waste | wet waters I for answers go to page 210, for transcript and related exercises go to page 162. a news item 32: ALGAE BLOOMS EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1, Anturia has access to the soa. 2, This is the first time the Anturian coastline has been infested with algae blooms. 43, Tiny Mlesare attracted by the pleasantsmellof the rotting algae. 4, People have been advised not to eat seafood dishes. 5. The ban will be in force until the summer is over. 6. The toxin poses a health hazard. 1 Fishermen willbe affected because they themselves will hhave to eat what they have caught 8, Phytoplancton die when there is no contamination in the ©. Zones of anoxic water cannot support any form of life. 10, No living organisms enter such zones. 11, The more pollution there is in the water, the smaller the probability of the occurrence of algae blooms. 12, Inno way can algae be turned to man's advantage. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- Jocations as they appear in the story. conumn A ‘COLUMN B affociod action devastating =] agae dissolved. area emergency ‘carpet ‘mporlant - ‘contaminants imarine Ea clfects poisonous factor {putrid |] life rotting odours [urgent —] warning for answers go to page 311, for transcript and related exercises go to page 184. cy news item 33: OIL SLICKS EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. The tanker Sea Beauty cannot move. 2, Withadn’t been for the bad weather, there would have been no need to set up containment booms. ‘Containment booms were not laid a all in this operation. ‘Marine life will sulfer as a result of the pollution. ‘Attempts are being made to burn off some of the oil. Lions and tigers are threatened by the spillage. ‘The danger is that all the birds will ly away from the affected area, (One way ofhelping the smothered birds s o wash them. 9. Oil affects the natural protection against cold that some ‘animals have, 10. Using chemical dispersant is the best way to get rid of crude oll and protect the environment 11, The extent of the damage is not yet clear. 12, At some point in the future, the affected area will be ‘entirely clear of harmful substances, EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A coLuMn B [absorbent ~~] _aseossmnent chemical beaches [elean-up booms ‘containmont crews ‘damage dispersants feeding — effects ‘grounded efforts intensive grounds marine Me noxious pads rough tanker smeared tide for answers go to page 311, for transcript and related exercises go to page 168. 4 news item 34: ENDANGERED SPECIES EXERCISE 1. Tick tho statements: tru or false. 1. The campaign ison an international sale. 2. The campaign aims a increasing the nomber of endan- cored species. 3. itis enough o enlarge the numbers of representatives of individval species fo save them forever. 4 Animals bred in captivity never enjoy the freedom of a natural habitat 8, Birds havo to feed on stulthatis contaminate by chemicals 8. Hoste environment and hunting ean reduce species drastically that they sember‘n tens 1. An effective way of diminishing an animal's atracive- ness forthe huntor isto ban radingfplarcles made from ‘hom. 8. Buying natural farq is/on th cous of the campaign. 9. Many sea animals are slaughtered because of their com mercial value 10, Because of driftnetting, counttess numbers of fish and other aen creatures are needlessly killed 11, Sea sanctuaries are places where people pray to save endangered species. EXERCISE 2. pecause of the suc r Dee ety Vee ease IAEA EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1, Inpractico, the ban moans that selling and buying ivory, is illegal 2. Currently, 850,000 elephants are slaughtered every year. 3, Elophant calves axe also killed for ivory. 4. Poachers are people who protect animals from unsera- pulous rangers. 8. [tis felt that the ban should have been imposed long ago. 6. Several poachers were publicly burnt as a warning to others, 7. The aim of this act was to show that no one is going to profit from ivory. 8, The ban means a lose of income for some African coun- tries trom legal culling. 8, There is not enough money to finance extensive conser- vation programme: 10. The animals are happy tohave received the protection of, natural rosorves, 11, The ban has seriously aggravated the food and water situation for local inhabitants. 12, The local population would rather protect their own inter Match the words from column A with those from column 8 to form col sts than get too sentimental about elephants, locations as they appear in the story. for ansiwors go to page $11, for transcript and related exercises go to pat 60 108. Exenctse 2 (COLUMN A couners Finch Ge words from colurn A with hee from column B to form col ay ] campaign Iocan as oy appear ine ry conservation eycios coum & counan 8 Serainned clove _ ha ‘ehing aoe | [eontrotiea business nea, Pee | fetepmane carcasses Be ie = —— 7: | Pega tin | natural places | Goatere increase seta Project soranabTo >} ewes [Bucatoned technology aaoonted eee ‘uncontaminated toll ee ee ae ‘ante —— for answers go to page 311, for anscrip and related exercises go 0 page 170. 31 BSE Ae EMA cae eet UNE EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true oF fase. 1. A panda is an animal thats very rarely found in the wild. 2. Tho reason why there arenot enough pandas is that they ave lost thoir sexual appetite 3, The Chinese government is doing nothing to protect the animal from extinction. 4, One of the biggest probloms is that there is not enough ‘bamboo growing. 15, The fact that tho bamboo flowered was a rosult of an unwise Chinese environmental policy. 6. Tho purpose of the breeding stations is to observe the habits of the panda. Pandas are difficult animals to breed. It is difficalt to detrmine the moment of ovulation. |. The problem is that the male panda must be ready atthe right moment. 10, Scientists do not need the male panda to successfully impregnate the female of the species. 11, Conservationists are discouraged by failures. 12, The aim of the conservationists’ efforts is to save these animals for posterity. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from coluran B locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A conumn B ‘artificial animal Breeding consequences charming’ conservationists disastrous creatures extensive generations future insemination imapreguation need [nataral period reclusive phenomenon reproduction rate ‘urgent rosoarch (wie stations to form col- lor answers go o page 812, for transcript and related exercises 30 lo page 172. 82 een jop ham contaminated ' ae alternatty LISTENING COMPREHENSION news item 37: news item 38; news item 39: news item 40: news item 41: news item 42: news item 43: news item 44: news item 43: news item 46: news item 47: news item 48: news item 49: news item 80: news item 81: section four: HEALTH RABIES .... on aD LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE... FLU = FOOD POISONING. CANCER ...... BREAST IMPLANTS .. SUNBATHING FASTFOOD BULIMIA SMOKING PAIN. : ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE ‘TEST-TUBEBABIES 1....... WORKING WITH COMPUTERS : ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION news item 37: RABIES EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1, The man was bitten by his own dog. 2, someone has difficulty in swallowing, that means he has got rabies. 2, Foaroflight doos not manifest itselfin the first month after being bitten. 4, someone has been bitten by a rabid animal there is ne way to save his life. . When rabies victims die, itis a horrifying death. Rabies and hydrophohia are two different diseases. 1. Injections are administered in the part of he body where the person was bitten. "The rabies virus is the most offen found in foxes. (One of the preventive methods heing used is to imanun- ze chickens against the disease, and then to feed them to foxes. 10. The virus that foxes are fed with is not virulent because it is dead. 11, Itis not clear if the proposed system will be effective. 12, In the Jong Tun, it is hoped, there will be no cases of rabies in the country. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appoar in the story. conumay A coun 8 1 [ae agony (ct "T | + [animal bites « [available carriers s[eommon collars ¢ [electronic creature 9 [Roxitying danger 2 infected oath ¢ [merciful “| disease of mortal injections ‘painful Uppy ol stray release ‘swe ‘reatment or answers go to page 212, for transcripl and related exercises goto page 176. 86 news item 38: LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE EXERCISE 1. ‘Tiok the statements: true or false. 1. George Pym is the thirteenth person who has died of Legionnaire's Disease this year. 2, There are eighteen hospital maintonance workers who are currently down with this disease, 8. The bacteria responsible for the disease did not exist before 1876. 4, Twenty-nine delegates died in 1976, because the doctors did not know what had caused the outbreak, 8. Ifa building is equipped with water-cooled air condi tioning, the bug is very likely to be found there. 6, Themere existence ofthe bug is enough to tartan epide- 17. Chlorination is an effective method of geting rid of the bug. 2. It is possible to catch the disease in a shower. 9. Ifa person catches the disease, he passes it on to‘other people. 10, Diagnosing the disease is difficult because its frst symp- toms are misleading. 11, ‘The disease is difficult to treat, evem at its initial stages, EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story, COLUMN A COLUMN B — bacterium chemical | _ diagnosis correct disease favourable investigation Tethal outlook ‘nationwide rubbish ‘organic ~ strains rod-shaped temperature stagnant ‘treatment ‘virulent =] vapour water water for answers go to page 312, for transcrip{ and related exercises go to page 178. sr Poe ge EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. ‘The new bug is responsible for recent outbreaks of fu. ‘The newr strain is difficult to treat. ‘Twenty-five people have already fallen il Antibiotics have not proved successful so far. 5. Patients who are suffering from this strain of flu report mild symptoms. 6, Any personal contact should be avoided if one does not want to catch the disease. 1. The infection is likely to start an epidemic. symptoms. 9. Its expected that some people will die because ofthis ‘year's epidemic. 10. Aspirin is not recommended for children. 11, Ifsomeone has alzeady had flu, he will not fall ll again, 12, Every year, hose in high-risk groupsare given the same anti-iu vaccine. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B [adequate 7] baci [appropriate epidemic fever laboratories mutation protection miner —] strain moderate supervision noxious symptoms research system resistant =] vaccine severe variations for answers go to page 212, for transcript and related exercises 70 to page 180 58 ‘@. We can conclude that last year's outbreak had severe news item 40: FOOD POISONING EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fale. 1. The current warning concerns raw food that still has to bbe cooked, 2, The danger may come from bacteria or inadequate stor age conditions. 8. Until now, nobody could have been held responsible for selling food that had led to food poisoning. 4, The temperature ofthe food on display should be check- ed every six hours, ‘8. Customers should be prevented from having direct con tact with food. 6, Salmonella bacteria can be found on egg shells. 1, Salmonella bacteria cannot thrive in dishes that do not contain eggs. 8, Breaking away from traditional methods of farming is largely responsible for the increase in salmonella out- breaks. 9. People aro asked to return the paié if they think itis contaminated. 10, The paté will be checked in every shop to see if itis, ‘contaminatod, 11, Listeria infections require hospitalization, 12, Pregnant women shouldn't eatany foods thatare likely to bbe infectod. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A conumn B alarming bug | dramatic dishes Tactory expert, food farming eal increase hospital - outbreak [hygiene poisoning major fee potent rules = inde [Beatood troatment or answers go (0 page 213, for transcript and related exercises go lo page 182, EE ope eerste) is EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: rue or false. ‘The public was not told about Mrs Howard's surgery prior to her announcement. 2, Mrs Howard went to have her mammogram taken be- cause she had found a suspicious growth, 3, Biopsy tests confirmed the malignancy of the tissue. 4. The surgery was performed in time to avoid additional treatment 8. Itcan now be said that there is no further danger for Mrs Howard. 6, Mrs Howard decided to go publicin order tospell outthe need for early detection. 1. Benign growths are not a matter for concern. ‘What people eat may lead to cancer. Carrots are recommended because of high concentra- tion of vitamin C. 10, Smokers can reduce the risk of lung cancer if they have the right diet 11, Vitamin C is good for the prevention of eancor. 12, The consumption of fat leads to iron deficiency. 13, The revelation tha ft induces cancer has been scientif cally confirmed. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with thoge from column B to form col locations as they appear in the story. coun A coumnay 3 [ftesea cancer dietary == cells [sate - Getcaoney sans Setection = grows ‘malignant — Semmography radial Trastecomy tine recommendations [suspicious eonrle (asst nour Jor answers go to page 313, for wanscrip and related exercises go lo page 184 60 Si Lucie taeiS ee eS | EXERCISE 1. ‘Tok the statements: true or fal. |. That silicone implants are carcinogenic i a confirmed fact. Silicone implants are only used to make breasts look larger. ‘Making breasts look larger is a medical necessity. ‘Many women bolieve that small breasis are not attractive. Breast corrections include reconstructive surgery. ‘All implants are coated with polyurethane foam. ‘The problema lies in the fact that the polyurethane coating slowly breaks down. 8, Most alarmed are those women who have already lost ‘a breast to cancer. 8, When the silicone implants were introduced for the first time, they seemed perfectly safe. 10, If the product is found to be unsafe, it will be removed, from women’s breasts 11, Scientists have provided convincing evidence that the contraceptive pill is carcinogenic. 12, The moral of the story is that every new breakthrough in, medicine should be treated cautiously. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B locations as they appear in the story. to form col- COLUMN A couuMN 8 ‘breast bags carcinogenic breakthrough contraceptive: enlargement ‘enormous havara health ee pliable | intrusion radical mastectomy revolutionary — nit [silicone __ popularity unanswored question ‘annataral substance widespread = we {or answers go to page 813, for transcript and related exercises go to page 186. el Pee ors Ee Wy BNO [ EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fas. 1. Nowadays, there is more and more information on the subject of the ozone layer. 2, Poople are taking the problem seriously. 8. In the past, peoplo used suntan lotions when they didn’t ‘want {0 get brown, 4, Because sunblockers are offered as alternatives to sun- {an lotions, it doesn’t matter which one you use. 5, Overexposure to the sun makes us get old faster. 6. If people stay in the sun too long, they are more likely to catch diseases. 7, In about 12 years time we can expect 2,000 deaths from malignant melanoma a year. 8, Until recently, people were exposing their bodies to the sun because that was fashionable. 8. Nowadays, fashion designers stil have no regard for what doctors recommend. 10. Skin pigmentation provides enough protection against sunburning. 11, How long itis safe to stay unprotected in the sun depends ‘on where we normally live. 12, People who ignore the warning and everexpose thom- selves may regret it. EXERCISE 2, ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B ‘adequate diseases ‘alarming exposure ‘common lotions ‘excessive needs ‘harmful = precautions individual radiation infectious sense sensitive skin suntan statistics tanning r {or answers go to page 513, for transcript and related exercises goto page 188. | 2 news item 44: FAST FOOD EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true oF false. 1, Nutritionists are worried that more and more people pay Jess attention to what they eat 2, The moder way of life is responsible for what people eat 8, People do not have proper dinners because they profer to have a hamburger. 4, From the text we gather that potato crisps are junk food. 8, Thore are some foods, offered by fast food outlets, aimed specifically at the young. 6. Fast foods have successfully pushed traditional dishes, from everyday menus. 1. There is alot of processing involved in the mass produc- tion of fast food, 8. Without added chemicals, food must be used more quickly. 8, Additives make products healthier. 10. People buy a lot of junk foods because they are attracted, bby the advertising, 11. Fast food is fattening, 12, Nowadays, growing organic vegelables is cheaper than ‘mass production. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B fo form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A couumn B artificial additives chemical advertising clinary rink extra flavour heat foods {janie = ingredients plastic ite quick ‘marketing shelf processing ‘smart snack soft = techniques ‘sophisticated traditions stores wrapping {or answers go to page 814, for transcript and related exercises go to page 180. cy news item 45; BULIMIA [ news item 46: SMOKING EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. 1, The current revelations about bulimia were published in a newspaper. 2, Bulimia is an eating disorder which affects only female college students. 8, Anorexia nervosa may be as deadly as bulimia. 4, Bulimies, like anorexics, do not touch food. 45, Extensive vomiting is damaging to health. 6, Bulimics have nioe teeth because gastric acid cleans ther. 17. Bulimic activity undermines the whole organism. 8, The victim's parents iramediately lmow what is going on with their daughter. 9, Bulimics succumb to linesses more often than other people 10. The treatment of bulimia is successful at any stage of the disease 11, The impulse to bring up the food can easily be overcome, EXERCISE 2. Match te words from column A with those from column B to form col- Jocations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A COLUMN B [cardiac J) abnormtities ‘devastaiing acid eating arrest [embarrassing constipation excessive damage extensive —————} disorder ‘elfoct food imbalance journals loss practice results| sign lor answers goto page 814, for transcript and related exercises go to page 194. oa EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or falee. ‘The parliamentary lobby wants to make smoking illegal. 2, Ifthe proposed bill becomes law, someone who lights up im a restaurant will go to jail 3. The Iobby’s main motivation is o save smokers' lives by forcing them to give up their habit. 4. One of the reasons why smoking should be banned on ‘The Underground is that itis a fire hazard, 5, The fire atamajor underground station was started by an arsonist, 8. FOREST is a smokers" organization. 1. The controversy is between a persor and the issue of civil Hberties. 8. The patch is a nicotine-substitute product 98. One patch will last through the whole treatment 10. The effectiveness of tho treatment lies in the organism's, gradual adjustment to life without cigarettes. 11. Only those people who really want fo will successfully give up the habit. 12, If one is an addicted smoker, there is only one end: premature death right to clean air EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. counan A coum 3 ee [Esse | contort [discarded event health, | fines = habit omenay tsar Prevertable ob {Baste — match dS smokers: tympiome for answers go to page 814, for wanscript and related exercises go to page 194. cy news item 47: PAIN EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. The Association wants doctors to do what they cannot do or do not want to do at the moment. 2, The Association speaks only for cancer patients. ‘8, Mrs Roberts knows from personal experience what she is fighting for. 4, In the advanced stages of cancer, patients no longer feel any pain. 8, Thore are two ways that pain can be felt. 6. There is a serious medical reason for not giving pain- -illers to termainally-ill patients. 1. Other pain-relieving techniques are as good as drugs. 8, Doctors claim that hecoming addicted to drugs is worse ‘than having to endure pain. 9. There are people who do not want to be aware that they are dying. 10. One of the reasons why cancer is feared is because it involves mental and physical torment. 11, Suffering is only caused by physical pain. 12, The main idea is for patients themselves to decide when they want pain-relieving preparations. 2. 3. EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. Rromatherapists are people who beliove in the power of smells Plant extracts are not to be taken orally. ‘Aromatherapy may be effective in the treatment of some skin diseases. . Oils make people rested and relaxed. Hydrotherapy means bathing in seawater. . The new clinic is for those who cannot afford conver tional treatment. Holistic medicine offers fringe forms of treatment. It claims its best effects with mentally il patients. ). Conventional medicine treats only the particular prob- Jem a patient has. ‘The holistic approach is a new way of looking at the ‘question of health, According to this approach, a patient'shigh temperature should not be brought down. Orthodox practitioners criticize holistic clinics for not offering real treatment. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A COLUMN B (i a) Co ‘adequaie argument advanced, | centres analgesic death drug dependency ‘emotional |. effect ‘exeruciating factor fondamental pain nerve sensation ‘potential T| stages ‘apeoming treatment lor answers go to page 214, for transcript and related exercises goto page 196. 66 locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B ancient ] chemicals convent clinic i Thealing ‘concepts | herbal criticism | luxury “| disorders nervous effects ‘obscure extracts [orthodox medicine plant practitioners ‘psychological preparations t ‘scientific Principles sido. properties ‘strong remedies Sys state if news item 48: ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE {or answers go o page 815, for transcript and related exercises go to page 198. or ny | i [ 4 news item 49: TEST-TUBE BABIES 1 news itern 50: WORKING WITH | COMPUTERS EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. EXERCISE 1. ee Tick the statements: true or fale. 1. PC's are so popular that every school has one for each, student. 2, They are often used at homes. Working with PC's may adversely affect one’s well-being. |. Usors report an increased satisfaction from work when ‘using PC's, . Unpleasant effects can be avoided. 2. Some women aro critical of VF 2. The procedure is successful for 9 out of 10 women, 3. Drugs administered during the treatment do not ad- vveroaly afoct the patient's halts 4 Campaigners say that, dospite the drawbacks, IVF is worth its costs | I 5. The IVF procedure involves the unblocking of the fal- } ‘Te soreon and to keyboard should be permanent fixed Jopian tubes. For the best results, VDU's should be placed botwoen 6. Conception takes place outside the mother’s womb. the user and the window. 1, Caesarian section ollors better chances of not losing he 8. Good ventilation is essential baby at the very end ofthe oad | 8. Tho zocommendation given for eye relation isto close 8, Muliple birds axe at tho top of the list of every moth- them for @ moment tv's hopes and dealea, | 10, The sharper the picture on the VDU, the better. 8. Blockage ofthe fallopian tubes is caused by infertility 11, Prognant women shotld be careful not 10 work with 10. More money should be spent on researching ways of computers because radiation causes miscariages. preventing fertly. 12, There is some natural background radiation that people 11, One of the methods of preventing infections isthe use ot |] are exposed to, whether they lie iter nt. WD's EXERCISE 2. , Match the words from column A with those trom column B to form col- i EXERCISE 2 een a hoy cea tn mary ' Miich the worde from column A with the from column B te form cot | locations os thay appear fn tho story coumma ___coumars + COLUMN A coun B breathing ‘appliance. ara carpet Hy pooi== bat fouseheld computers HI [commen conception job. definition Hi — = personal dlissatataction |! i Facial cridciem = ih ipl esas | oe sallglout infections aie i ong organizations prot Fi access nie i BI successfil section fea 1 sano ee a j ‘or answers go o page 815, for transcript and related exercises go fo page 200. {or'answers go lo page 315, for transcript and related exercises go to page 202. 6 6 news item 51: ELECTROMAGNETIC. RADIATION THREAT EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or falso. 1, The mass media are keeping quiet about the phenome- non in order not to provoke panic. 2 People move f they think they are too close to power lines. 8, Scientists agree on the potential danger of electromagnetic radiation. 4, lihere is enough pressure from local residents, power lines are put underground rather than overhead. 6, Proximity to power lines is taken into consideration by ‘many who buy a house these days, 6, Radiationis the movernent of electrons inhigh voltage wires. 17. People are often unaware of the electromagnetic fields that aze around thors all the time. 8, Microwave ovens produce non-ionizing radiation, . Living organisms do not generate any electricity. 10, Experiments on animals have not demonstrated any harm. ful effects due to being exposed to electromagnetic fies. 11, People exposed to radiation report mental imbalanc 12, The link between cancer and electromagnetic fields has not been scientifically established. EXERCISE 2, ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A Coun B ‘adverse balance Biological Aiscussion ‘Brain disorders chemical districts electromagnet effect armful energy healthy ‘environment radiant fields residential Processes scientific ‘waves {or enswers go to page 318, for transcript and related exercises go to page 204. 0 LISTENING COMPREHENSION news item 52: news item 83: news iter 54: news iter 88: news item 88: news item 87: news item 88: news item 89: news item 60: news item 61: news item 62: news item 63: news item 64: news item 68: news item 68: nows item 67: news item 68: news item 69: news item 70: news item 71: news item 72: section five: SOCIAL ISSUES EUTHANASIA 4 TEST-TUBE BABIES 2 ... se 1B SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD - 6 PRO-ABORTION MOVEMENT .. 7 ANTI-ABORTION MOVEMENT 8 BROKEN MARRIAGES COSMETIC SURGERY ANOREXIA . 81 FAT RIGHTS 82 GAY RIGHTS - 83 VIDEO NASTIES 84 PORNOGRAPHY . 85 PROSTITUTION ... 86 TEENAGE GAMBLING 87 SCHOOL VIOLENCE 88 SOCCER HOOLIGANISM ‘THE HOMELESS ... EXPERIMENTS ON EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS 2 CURBS ON DOGS . DOG ATTACKS ... Beta cece) rae te APA EG EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fal 1. ‘The number of people who support the idea of euthana- sia is growing 2. special committeo wants to change the law on euthanasia. 3. Comatose patients would die without life-support ma- chinery. 4, Doctors do what their patients expect them to do. 8, The signing of a “living will” means that people would, not be given treatment if they didn't want it. 6. Some people would rather die than live te life ofa vege- table. 17, Religious people are not supposed to commit suicide 8. Dying with dignity means dying without pain killers. 8. Doctors who allow their patients to die, even if they are asked to do s0, go to jal. 10, Teling someone how to commit suicide is nota crime, EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from columi: B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A COLUMN B [assisted | beliefs ‘coma death darkest doses xeructating efforts Tife-prolonging ours [life-support machinery narcotic medications religious, pain strenuous, pationts sullicient Leeatuent {for answers go o page 316, lor transcript and related exercises go to page 208. um Loe mcae Say EY MIE: ester EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. 1, On July 25, 1978 scientists suecesefully fertilized a human egg “in vitro” 2, Without the technique, many people would remain child- The success was woleomed witout salting any con: troversy. mg any 4. Th id of contig te ‘any boots and 8. Some people argue that man should not be allowed to change the course of nature, been used as a theme for 8. Only one embryois formed ata time and itis the one thatis ‘implanted. 7, Ono ofthe ethical problems concerns the treatment of the embryos. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form cal- locations as they appear in the story. coLuMN A COLUMN B ‘othical deliberations ‘fertilized oa [frozen embryos [ura implications i. Eee manipulation a Processes {(omninous rights ‘0r answers 90 10 page 316, for transcript and related exercises go to page 210. news item 54: SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fale. 1. The courts are not certain how to rule in cases concerning surrogacy. | 2, Full surrogacy involves one mai and two woinen. 8. The commissioning couple are people who are buying another woman's child, 4. When the commissioned child is born it goes to the wom- ‘an who wants it more. 8, Childhood of commissioned children is often happier than that of other children. 6, Surrogate contracts may be a way of making money for some people. i 1. The issue is too emotional to find a successful solution in ‘courts. ie EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B logical couple mother parent stir for answers go to page 316, for wanscript and related exercises goto page 210. ee oat Goce 0:10} uel MOVEMENT EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. Atthe moment many parliaments are revising their coun- ‘aies" laws on abortion, 2, There are several lobbies pressing for their solution of the problem to be passed into law. 8, In some countries abortion is illegal, 4. It is proposed that after 12 weeks pregnancy may be terminated, but not on demand. 8, Women demand the full right to have control over their bodies. 6. According to pro-lifers, it is unethical for a woman to have an abortion unless she was raped, 7. The ban on abortion is ineffective because pregnant women seck one elsewhere. 8. Many unmarried mothers-to-be seek abortion because they have no money to bring up the child. 8, Teenage prognancies often take place at the onset of sexual activity. 10. Members of Catholic communities, like good Christians, will always accopta mother with her legitimate offspring. 11. The number of unwanted pregnancios is now being kept under control, 12, Condoms are not as reliable as the pill EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN A conn B [sbsoiute arguments Lm baby heated choice impassioned debates ‘public ncanve) a opinion [gnwanted pressure: lor answers go o page 816, for tanscript and related exercises go fo page 212. n news item 56: ANTI-ABORTION MOVEMENT EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. “prodife” activists aze those who support the idon of ‘keeping abortion legal. 2, Fromnovr on, these activists will do more than just dem- onstrate, 43, “Provlife” activists manage to get addresses and phone mumbers of abortion clinic client. 4, The campaign is intended to make pregnant women ‘bear their unwanted children. '5, Genuine abortion clinies appeal to humanitarian feelings to dissuade their potential clients from having abortions. 6. Doctors who legally perform abortions are nevertheless ‘wanted by the police as potential killers. 1. Tho campaign of harassing doctors has been successful. 8. Doctors who are Imown to perform abortions have more clients. 9, "Provfers” run their campaign on religious grounds. 10. They argue that the unborn have the same rightsas other human beings. 11, They see the pregnant mother’s life as less important than the footus'. 12, For the 24% of American voters, the candidate's opinion ‘on abortion comes first EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form ool- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN COLUMN B [anonymous ] assassins ‘emotional callers fake clinics ‘orm debate footal demonstrations hired heartbeat gal publicity rowdy recognition [unfavourable _} support or answers go to page 816, for transcript and related exercises goto page 214 @ news item 57: BROKEN MARRIAGES EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. 1, Divoree is on the increase. 2, Many people bring up their children without the support of their spouses. ‘About half of absent fathers support their families. Many divorced mothers cannot cope financially. Custody of the child is always granted to the mother. ‘The court niles on the visitation rights of divorced parents. ‘Teenage marriagos offer better prospects for solid famni- y ite. ‘Teenagers start their sexual lives too early. 9. Ten por cent of young fathers are happy to start families. 10, Unwed mothers are supported by taxpayers’ money, 11, More women than men would like to return to their ex-spouses. 12, Itisimportant to give people more time to make up their minds before granting tem a divorce. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appoar in the story, COLUMN A parental sexual social COLUMN B alimony breakdown dependency mothers obligations offspring ppermissivensss responsibilities rights {or answers goto page 217, for transcript and related exercises go fo page 216. 9 news item 58: COSMETIC SURGERY EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. Very fow people are dissatisfied with the way they look. 2. Corrective cosmetic surgery is solely intended for peo- ple who are disfigured because of an accident. 3, a woman wishes so, she may have her breasts made look bigger or smaller. 4, Nose reshaping is one of the most popular procedures. 8. If one wants to feel satisfied with one’s appearance ‘a beautifel nose is essential. 6. Suction ipectomy is done with the use ofa vacuum cleaner. 7. Ione fs too fat, suction lipectomy is the answer to his problem. 8. The success of suction ipectomy is not always guaranteed. ‘8. Some people maintain that medicine is meant to serve ‘purposes other than corrective surgery. 10. Men are as much interested in corrective surgery as 11, There are people who seck cosmetic surgery on the recommendation of their psychiatrists, 12, Corrective surgery is generally performed to make peo- ple happier. EXERCISE 2. TF news item 59: ANOREXIA EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fale. 1, ‘The number of people suifering from anorexia nervosa is increasing. 2, The main symptom is that one has no longing for food. 2, Teenage girls do not eat because they want to look like models. |. Everywhere people talk about slimming and exercising. Girls do not eat because that is what they are told to do. 3. Anorexic pationts should be treated both by doctors and. ‘poychiatriats, 7. The problem with anorexic patients is the way they view thomzolves. 8. At some point, they realize that enough is enough and start eating normaly. 9. In western cultures, the dominant tendency is “slim is good, fat is bad’ 10. Girls refuse to eat because they think they will please their parents that way. 11, They fee! like breaking tree from a world where every- body tolls them what to do, 12, Withchanges in fashion, itis predicted that the number of sulferers will not increase. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. coLuMN A COLUMN B coun & coum B ‘coriplsive| belief advertising feature distorted body aesthetic leafiets eating diet common perfection fashion discrdor ‘comprehonaive —] procedures ‘mental image corrective Purposes misleading magezines [dlscomforting range overwhelming models nfl ] reduction reverse, obsession physical surgery skinay problem ayoniate tochnigue starvation ~ ‘weight | therapy tom {or answers go to page 817, for wanscript and related exercises goto page 218. 80 for answers go to page 817, for transcript and related exercises go fo page 220. al news item 60: FAT RIGHTS. EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true or false. 1. Members of the association believe that slim people have better opportunities in life than fat people. 2, Fat people are often discriminated against 8, Mass media focus everybody's attention on keeping in shape. 4. The stereotyped image tells us that people are fatbecause thoy are stupid and lazy. 8, Fat teenagers are generally liked by their mates. 6. The association will teach its members how to lose weight elfectively, 11. The association operates under the slogan “All people should be proud of what they look like”. EXERCISE 2. T el ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COUN coum 8 ay, abuse nga | ietnnaon [overweight — 7} issue ‘size =| people verbal ——} Bereotypes {or answers go fo page 317, for transcript and exercises go to page 222. news item 61: GAY RIGHTS EXERCISE 1. Tick the statements: true oF false 1. "The purpose of “Outing” is to make people realize how many homosexuals there are around us, including well “imown personalities. 2, a person isa homosexual, he wants everybody to know that. 8, The common fecling is that nobody has the right to xeveal someone else’s secrots in public. 4. The campaigners know that what they are doing is wrong. 5. People whose sexual orientationhas been revealed by the campaign are expected to admit the allegation and be proud of it EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form eol- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A derogatory coLUMN 8 activists controversy ‘exposure orientation personalities rights {or answers go (0 page $18, for transcript and related exercises go to page 222. news item 62: VIDEO NASTIES EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1, The purpose ofthe campaign is to restrict access to video nasties. 2, Video nasties portray violence as something horrible and contemptible. 23, It is not true that the law which protects children from watching these films is effective. Some parents allow their children to watch such films. 4. 8. Chidrennever watch them without first asking permission. 6, Every film is given a cerificate which states its audience suitability 1, Films for children represent a considerable proportion ‘of the whole film production. 8, Video nasties are produced because they provide an interesting insight into he way people behave. 9. Cassettes with video nasties should be displayed in such a way that children do not see them. 10, Givilliberties mean that people are free todoas they ike fas long as they stay within the law. 11, ifthe proposed bill becomes law, parents will no longer have to take responsibilty for what their children watch. 12, Ifthe distribution of video nasties is made legal; their ‘production will even increase because that is whore the big money is. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN B acta campaign consent sims merit profits parliamentary questions repulsh cme) 008) to form col or answers go to page 818, for transcript and related exercises go to page 204 a news iter 63: PORNOGRAPHY EXERCISE 1. ‘Tiok the statements: true or false. 1, Bocaus ofthe spread of pornographic materials, here ate more sex-related crimes, 2, Tors were carried out to ind out if pomography en- courages crime. ‘3. The more hard-core materials are sold, the r the t rate of rape is eas | 4. For conrumers want to try for themselves what porn ‘magezines and fs show, 6. Femlniat activists biterly oppose pornography. 6. They say porography shows an unxealisic and distort fd age of what a woran 2, Video fines show deviated forms of vex ax something generally aceopate 8, Rotvists rant video renters to remove pornographic films from their shops. oe 1 Say man st wen, ro comme of rome sy women are hypocritical in saying at iey donot find pornography oxcting. 11, Its eany fo define what ie obscene and what sno. 12, Whatwas unacceptable sme years ago may now be the 18, According to psychologists, consuming pomegraply can do no harm to anybody. Pomogrepny EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- Jocatons as they appear inthe sory ‘COLUMN & conumn izarre abuse explicit activists feminist aggression Tudierous_ behaviour malo evidence new fixations offensive materials perverse myth primitive scenes for answers go lo page $18, for transcript and related exercises go fo page 226. 85 Res wee sneud ee EE Oa EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1, ‘The listeners who phoned in were unanimous in their opinions. ‘Prostitution is called the oldest profession in the world, A the moment, in most civilized countries, prostitution is 2 criminal offence. ‘The police are successful in preventing prostitution. . Redlight districts are to be found in all mafor cities. ‘tuere were some prostitutes among the callers too, |. The arguments they gave in favour oflegalizing prostita- tion were illogical and not to be taken seriously. 8. Controlling prostitution is one of the ways of controlling the spread of AIDS. 8. Now, no prostitute will ever have sex without a condom. 10. The police report a very high incidence of rape. 11. tt is said that if brothels operated legally, more men would want to visit them. 12, Prostitutes want the system legalized because they com- plain of not having enough clients at the moment. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A. ‘COLUMN B ‘astonishing checks Broad demand Thealt fact official need ‘sexual ‘opponents undispited, pimps [unserupulons: [| promiscuity ‘urgent recognition [vigorous spectrum for ansirors go to page 218, for transcript and related exercises goto page 228. 88 news item, 65; TEENAGE GAMBLING EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: rue or false. 1. Playing the slot machines can become an addiction. 2, Teenagers take this for a fact. 3, Amusement arcades can have a mesmerizing effect. 4 ‘Tho excitement of the gamois toohigh and teenagers run away. 5. The only thing they can think of is how to go back and play again. 6, They have the money because they are given more and more by their parents 7. The problem concerns only those who are over 16. 8, Young gamblers have better results at school 9. One can always quit playing the machines any time one kes. 10, It takes a lot of time to free oneself from the habit, 11, At frst young patients may behave very violently. 12, The purpose of the parents" organization is prevention and offering help to young gamblers. 18, Teenagers should have as little contact with slot ma- chines as possible. EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form eol- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN 8 fixation gambling lights machine problems symptoms teenagers {for answers goo page 818, for transcript and related exercises go to page 220. at news iter 66: SCHOOL VIOLENCE EXERCISE 1. "Tick the statements: true or false. 1. The report explains why fewer teachers nowadays are doing thoir job. 2, Teachers find their job very stressful 8. More than half of those interviewed for the report have been victims of classroom violence, 4. The profession ofa teacher is highly respected in society. 8, They are paid inadequately for the work they have todo. news item 67: SOCCER HOOLIGANISM EXERCISE 1. the statements: true or false, 1, ‘Trouble erupted because the fans were unhappy with, the score. "The fighting started immediately after the match. Coaches wore vandalized in the scultle, ‘Those who wore arrested are now back on the streets 6. Eight-year-olds are being thrown out of school for vio- lent behaviour, 17. Most schools do not know how to deal with the problem. 8, Teachers’ cars are often vandalized by pupils. 8. Headmasters are helpful in solving disciplinary prob- ems because they do not want to lose their teachers. 20, Students behave at school just how they must be behav- ing at home towards their parents. 11, Many parents would rather pretend not to notice their culdzen drinking alcohol. 12, Pupils moderate their language when they address their teachers, 13, Parents who cannot control their children are grateful 0 teachers for bringing them up properly. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column 8 to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN B abuse degree ‘evidence language punishment students teachers violence {or answers go to page 319, for transcript and related exercises goto page 282. cy Hooligans wanted to set the train on fir. ‘The reason was that rival supporters were on that train. More violence erupted at the stadium, Some policemen were hurt hecause the rioters were well- equipped for fighting, 9. The match was played two hours after the potice had restored order. 10. Known hooligans will not be allowed to travel abroad to support their team, 11, On that day, they will be locked up in jail. 12, Soccer violence is alcotiol related. 18, Offenders willbe severely punished asa waming to other thugs. EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B ‘high ome disorder oflensive——_—] fans val ooliganism smashed supporters ‘soccer tension ‘unrily weapons ‘violent — windows {or answers go to page 319, for transcript and related exercises go lo page 294 9 news item 68: THE HOMELESS EXERCISE 1. ick the statements: true oF false. ‘Tick the statements: 0 a al 1, ‘Tho building that was commandeered by the squatters is ina terrible condition. = 2. The squatters want to turn it into a hotel. 2. They occupied the building because it had been aban- doned for a year. |_| 4, The building looks so bad, that for the time being, itis till better to sleep in the park. =] Rt the moment, there aze 76 people staying there. ‘The organizer of the squat has asked for public financial support. Lt 11, Many people are contributing whatever they can to keep the place going: L | 8, Tho government is failing in its responsibility to help people on the streets. L 9, There are many cases where people are homeless be- cause they do not want to return to their homes | 10, Soup kitchens are being financed by the government, 11, The only problem that the homelosshave is where tostay for the night. 12, Its likely thatthe squatters will soon have to find another place to stay. | EXERCISE 2. Match the words from column A with those from colums 8 to form col: {ocations as they appear in the story. COLUMN A COLUMN B [alfordabio— bed building condition interview list ‘meal oxganization Place Property work {or answers go to page 219, for transcript and related exercises goto page 236. 90 news item 69: EXPERIMENTS ON EEG Ee EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statomonts: true or fale. 1. Yesterday's demonstration was an isolated event. 2. Tho place where the demonstration was staged hadnoth- | ing to do with what it was all about 3, The current campaign is directed against experiments ‘on animals. 4, Cats and dogs are dying at the hands of scientists 8. Leaflets were distributed during the demonstration to inform the public about the cruelty of scientists 6, People are well-informed about whats going on behind the research laboratories’ doors. 1. One of the aims of the experiments is to dotormine safe levels of chemicals in medicines and cosmetics 8, Animals do not take the drugs willingly. 8. When the experiments are over, tho animals undergo 10, Animal rights activists do not want animals to be treated differently from human beings. 11. Posters displayed at the demonstration showed how hap- py animals can be when looked after by men, 12, The mossage of the demonstration was that every living ‘creature has a right to live in peace, EXERCISE 2. Match, the words from column A with those from column B to form col- Tocations as they appear in the story. couuMn A COLUMN 8 common action chemicals T] experiments infections | injection = laboratory Tethal ii [research ain —— practice toxic shocks [unbearabia——"] treatment for answers go to page 819, for wanscript and related exercises go to page 228. a EXPERIMENTS ON Ee news item 70: EXERCISE 1 ‘Tick the statements: true or false. ‘me current dabato concorns th financial ost of anal experimentation SeBSins often demonstrate in fron of reseazch labs i Troy also ilogally enter buldings to rescue animals vnc are Kept tore Seiet securty measures Rave been introduced to pre- ‘Vent animals from escaping Drage cannot be maniceted unless they are frst tested for salet 6. Thanks to tests on animals, life-saving vaccines have | been developed |_| | 1, Boctors have remained unmoved by animal rights eam- [— [~ oer cay tat ecient should frst make use of te ||| Tesults of research already carried out | «8, When comes experiments noting canroplace tests | on ive animals. to, Griiseuy-il patients may willingly take part in tests. | [—| despite the zsk. i 11, Vivbection isa part of schoo! syllabus =e 12, Rettists maintain that those pupils who do not take past invivisection classes wil be callous. {izes EXERCISE 2. ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. ‘COLUMN A comune 8 [poe eeeemcemmemmeenen | arrals [elinical banks Gata) ents devasaing campaign sh costs TT} aewices cfect quality suffering practical = twoatment {sophisticated ‘mals or answers go to page 820, for transcript and related exercises go to page 340. 2 ES GAateie hase cme t cn OLN LOL eSy EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or fal 1. The Dangorous Dogs Act concerns public safety. 2. Owners must decide for themselves if their dog is dan- _gerous or not 8, Ifadog’s owner isfound guilty of breaking the law he will go to prison. 4, Many dog owners waited til the last minute before buy- ing a leash and a muzzle. 5, The only thing that the Act obliges people to dois tokeep their dog muzzled and leashed in public. 6. Unless the dogs atfected by the Act are neutered, in- sured and registered, they cannot stay alive, 17. Branding dogs with identity marks will enable the police to locate their owners, 8. Tho listed breeds are the only kinds of dogs that attack people. 9, Ifa person is attacked by a pit bull terrier, he may die because the dog is so strong. 10, Rottweilers are not on the list because they are not dan- gerous. 11, It is folt at the Dangerous Dogs Act stopped short of guaranteeing real protection. 12. If the dogs involved are spotted without a leash and a muzzle, they will be shot by the police. EXERCISE 2, ‘Match the words from column A with those from column B to form col- locations as they appear in the story. cowmma CoM [exininal_—— attacks fighting dogs Thamane eee ‘identity mark microchip offence pot ownership DrOpSF shape response ope a a lor answers go o page 820, for transcript and related exercises go lo page 242. 83 EXERCISE 1. ‘Tick the statements: true or false. 1. ‘The vietim was attacked by dogs that belonged to some- one else, 2, The dogs were able to leave their garden because the

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