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A transcritical cycle (Figure 2) is not limited by the critical temperature because heat output is

through a temperature glide. The condenser in a transcritical cycle is replaced by a gas cooler
because there is no condensation taking place, but rather a gas cooling process. This temperature
glide is advantageous especially in applications such as water heating and air heating (e.g. drying
processes) because of the associated efficiencies. The temperature range in which R744
refrigeration can operate in transcritical operation is the highest when compared to other
convectional refrigerants, i.e. -50 C to 120 C.4

Transkritik bir evrim (ekil 2) kritik scaklk ile snrl deildir, nk s k bir scaklk kaymas
iindir. Transkritik bir evrimdeki kondenser yerine gaz soutucu kullanlr, nk younlama
gereklemez, daha ok gaz soutma ilemi yaplr. Bu scaklk kaymas, zellikle su stma ve hava
stma (rnein kurutma ilemleri) gibi uygulamalarda, ilgili verimliliklerden dolay avantajldr. R744
soutmann transkritik olarak alabilecei scaklk aral, dier konveksiyonlu soutkanlara kyasla
en yksek scaklktr, rnein -50 C ila 120 C4

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a natural substance that plays an important role in many natural and
industrial processes. In nature, carbon dioxide plays a role in photosynthesis in plants and is one of
the most important contributors to the global warming effect. In industry, carbon dioxide is used
as dry ice for transport cooling, to generate the sparkling effect in some beverages, and as a

Karbondioksit (CO2), birok doal ve endstriyel proseslerde nemli bir rol oynayan doal bir
maddedir. Doada, karbon dioksit bitkilerde fotosentezde rol oynar ve kresellemenin en nemli
katkda bulunduu kiilerden biridir.

Isnma etkisi. Sektrde, karbondioksit nakliye soutmas iin kuru buz olarak, baz ieceklerde kpkl
efekt oluturmak iin ve bir koruma olarak kullanlr.

Two important state points are marked in the figure: the triple point and the critical point. The
triple point represents the condition where all three phases can coexist in equilibrium. At
temperatures below the triple point temperature,liquid can not exist - in other words the triple
point temperature sets the lower temperature limit for any heat transfer process based on
evaporation or condensation. At the other endof the vapour pressure curve, the critical point
marks the upper limit for heat transfer processes based on evaporation or condensation.

ekilde iki nemli devlet puan iaretlenmitir: l nokta ve kritik nokta. l nokta, fazn da
dengede bir arada bulunabilecei durumu gsterir. l nokta scaklnn altndaki scaklklarda sv
var olamaz - baka bir deyile, l scaklk, buharlama veya youmaya dayal herhangi bir s
transferi ilemi iin daha dk scaklk snrn belirler. Buhar basnc erisinin dier ucunda kritik
nokta, buharlama veya youmaya dayal s transfer prosesleri iin st snr iaretler.

At temperatures and pressures higher than those at the critical point, no clear distinction can be
drawn between what is called liquid and what is called vapour. Thus there is a region extending
indefinitely upward from, and indefinitely to the right of, the critical point and this region is called
the fluid region.

Kritik noktalardakinden daha yksek scaklk ve basnlarda, sv denilen ile buhar arasnda denge
belirgin deildir. Bylece, kritik noktadan sresiz olarak yukar doru ve sresiz olarak uzanan bir
blge vardr ve bu blgeye akkan blge deni
All substances have a triple point and a critical point but for most of the substances used as
refrigerants, the triple point and critical point are found for conditions that lie outside the region
where they are normally used.

Tm maddeler nokta ve kritik bir noktaya sahiptir - ancak soutucu olarak kullanlan maddelerin
ounda nokta ve kritik nokta, normalde kullanlan blge dndaki koullar iin bulunur.

Table 1 compares the critical pressure and temperature of a number of refrigerants.

Typically, refrigerants have critical temperatures above 90C but some of the refrigerants often
used today (e.g. R404A, R410A and R744) have critical temperatures below that

For R134a the critical temperature is found to be101.1C. This means that for R134a heat rejection
processes by condensation can be established at temperatures up to 101.1C. This temperature is
higher than necessary for rejecting heat to the atmosphere for almost all refrigeration applications

For R744 the critical temperature is only 31.0C.This means that for R744 heat rejection process by
condensation can only be established at temperatures up to 31C. This temperature is much lower
than necessary for rejecting heat to the atmosphere for many refrigeration applications.
Considering the temperature

difference needed in the heat exchanger, a practical upper limit for a heat rejection

process based on condensation is reached at temperatures 5 to 10 K below the critical


Tablo 1, bir takm soutucu akkanlarn kritik basn ve scaklklarn karlatrmaktadr.

Tipik olarak, soutkanlarn kritik scaklklar 90 C'nin zerindedir, ancak gnmzde ska kullanlan
soutucu akkanlardan bazlar (rnein R404A, R410A ve R744) bunun altnda kritik scaklklara

R134a iin kritik scaklk 101.1 C olarak bulunmutur. Bu, R134a iin, 101.1 C'ye kadar olan
scaklklarda youma yoluyla s ret sreleri oluturulabilecei anlamna gelir. Bu scaklk, neredeyse
tm soutma uygulamalar iin atmosfere s reddetmek iin gerekli olandan daha yksektir

R744 iin kritik scaklk sadece 31.0 C'dir. Bu, younlama ile R744 s reddi ilemi iin ancak 31 C'ye
kadar olan scaklklarda kurulabilecei anlamna gelir. Bu scaklk, birok soutma uygulamas iin
atmosfere s reddetmek iin gerekli olandan ok daha dktr. Scakl gz nnde bulundurarak

Is eanjrnde gerekli fark, s ret iin pratik bir st snr

Youmaya dayal ilem, kritik scakln 5 ila 10 K altndaki scaklklarda ulalr.

For many refrigeration applications, the ambient temperature will exceed a level of 25C, making it
practically impossible to reject heat by condensing carbon dioxide. However, this doesnt mean
that carbon dioxide cannot be used as a refrigerant in these applications. Carbon dioxide can
indeed be used as a refrigerant for these applications - but the heat rejection process from these
applications must be based on a different process than condensation.

Birok soutma uygulamas iin, ortam scakl 25 C seviyesini aacak ve bu sayede karbondioksit
younlatrlarak sy geri evirmek neredeyse imknsz hale gelecektir. Bununla birlikte, bu, karbon
dioksitin bu uygulamalarda bir soutucu madde olarak kullanlamayaca anlamna gelmez.
Karbondioksit, gerekten de bu uygulamalar iin bir soutucu madde olarak kullanlabilir - ancak bu
uygulamalardan gelen s reddi ilemi younlatrmadan farkl bir ileme dayandrlmaldr.

Figure 2 shows two refrigeration cycle processes: one where the pressure in all parts of the process
is kept below the critical pressure and one where the pressure during the heat rejection process is
kept above the critical pressure. Since the pressure in all parts of the first cycle process is below
the critical pressure, such a process is referred to as a subcritical cycle process. The subcritical cycle
process is the wellknown traditional refrigeration cycle process. When parts of the cycle process
take place at pressures above the critical point and other parts below the critical pressure the cycle
process is referred to as transcritical cycle process.

ekil 2, iki soutma evrimi prosesini gstermektedir: biri prosesin tm blmlerinde bulunan
basncn kritik basncn altnda tutulduu ve dieri de s reddetme ilemi srasnda basncn kritik
basncn zerinde tutulduu yerdir. lk evrim srecinin tm blmlerinde basn kritik basncn altna
dt iin, byle bir ilem, kritik olmayan bir evrim prosesi olarak adlandrlr. Kritik olmayan
dng sreci, iyi bilinen geleneksel soutma evrimi srecidir. evrim srecinin paralar, kritik
noktann stndeki basnlarda ve kritik basncn altndaki dier ksmlarda gerekletiinde, evrim
ilemi transkritik evrim sreci olarak adlandrlr.

The terminology used for describing the processes and components are almost the same for the
two cycle processes except for the heat rejection parts. In the transcritical cycle process, the heat
rejection takes place at pressures and temperatures above the critical point that is, in the fluid
region. A condition in the fluid region is often referred to as a gas condition. For the transcritical
cycle process, the heat rejection is therefore called gas cooling and subsequently the heat
exchanger used is called a gas cooler.

Sreleri ve bileenleri tanmlamak iin kullanlan terminoloji, s reddi paralar haricinde iki evrim
ilemi iin neredeyse ayndr. Transkritik evrim srecinde, s reddi kritik noktann stndeki, yani
akkan blgedeki basn ve scaklklarda gerekleir. Sv blgedeki bir duruma genellikle bir gaz
durumu denir. Transkritik evrim ilemi iin, s reddine bu nedenle gaz soutmas denir ve daha
sonra kullanlan s eanjrne bir gaz soutucu denir.

The transcritical cycle process begins with a onestage compression from state point 1 to 2. During
this process, the temperature rises significantly and, for carbon dioxide, can reach a level of
130C. The heat rejection process from state point 2 to 3 occurs at constant pressure above the
critical point. The temperature during this process varies continuously from the inlet temperature
(at state point 2) to the outlet temperature (at state point 3). The expansion process from state
point 3 to 4 occurs at constant specific enthalpy. The inlet condition is supercritical (above the
critical point) and the outlet is two-phase (mixture of liquid and vapour). The heat absorption
process (evaporation) from state point 4 to 1 occurs at constant pressure, and the evaporation part
also at constant temperature. The outlet condition (compressor

inlet condition) is slightly superheated.

Transkritik dng sreci, durum noktas 1'den 2'ye doru bir onestasyon sktrmas ile balar. Bu
ilem srasnda scaklk nemli derecede ykselir ve karbondioksit iin 130 C seviyesine eriebilir.
Durum noktas 2'den 3'e s reddetme ilemi, kritik noktann zerinde sabit basnta gerekleir. Bu
ilem srasndaki scaklk, giri scaklndan (durum noktas 2'de) k scaklna srekli olarak deiir
(durum noktas 3'te). Durum 3 ile 4 arasndaki genleme sreci, sabit spesifik entalpide gerekleir.
Giri durumu sperkritik (kritik noktann stnde) ve k iki fazl (sv ve buhar karm). Durum
noktas 4'ten 1'e s absorpsiyon ilemi (buharlama) sabit basnta gerekleir ve buharlama ksm
da sabit scaklkta gerekleir. k koulu (kompresr

Giri durumu) biraz ar snr.

The flow of heat and work is marked in the figure with arrows. The evaporator heat transfer rate is
QE and the compressor power consumption is W. The heat transfer rate in the gas cooler is QGC -
and ideally the energy balance gives QGC = QE + W. Specifying the operating conditions of a
transcritical refrigeration cycle is different than for subcritical cycle processes. For subcritical
processes, it is normally only necessary to specify evaporating and condensing temperatures and
if more details are needed also superheat and subcooling.

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