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King on the Iron Throne: By the Light of the Divines and Seven, His Grace King Kitus of House

First of His Name, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, Lord of the Five Kingdoms, Duke of the Crownlands,
Supreme of Justice, and Protector of the Realm.

Queen Consort: Margaery Cassius nee Tyrell,

their Children

Crown Prince: Prince Remus Cassius, Prince of Dragonstone,

Royal Council

Imperial Proconsul: Arsinius-Vilren*

Lord-Minister of the Treasury: Lycus Langward**
Lord-Minister of Imperial Justice:
Head-Inspector of the Penitus Oculatus: Serjo Hlaalu Gaius Kotlin***
Lord-Minister of Commerce: Tyrion Halfman Lannister
Lord Mayor of King's Landing: Aeron Waters
Grand Maester: Gormon
Imperial Battlemage: Eithne Elpin****
The Representative of the Imperial Legion: Alessia Noctius Tullius Aurea
High Imperial Nauarch: Astius Palenix
Representative of the Reach: Willas Tyrell
Representative of Drone: Oberyn Martell

Lords Paramount

Duke of Reach: Duke Mace Tyrell

Duke of the Stormlands: Duke Uther Valga Minor
Imperial Governor of the Occupied Westerlands: Titus Valkir Bretonus
Duchess of the Iron Islands: Duchess Asha Greyjoy
Princess of the Stepstones: Princess Daenerys Targaryen
Princess of Dorne: Princess Arianne Martell

Dragonguard Westerosi Chapter

Lord Commander: Ser Barristan Selmy

Ser Mark Ryswell
Ser Lyn Corbray
Ser Ulwyk Uller
Ser Garth Hightower
Ser Richard Horpe

* Tsaesci
*** Adopted member of House Hlaalu

**** Breton Witch from Northpoint

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