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Espacios Culturales

Though we are together a really short amount of time I believe it is

important to take the time to create community in our classroom. I firmly
believe that if we have community in the classroom, were more likely to
learn, and be more comfortable with each other when speaking and
expressing our ideas. Its also important to realize where everyone is
coming from, to see how we all participate in culture, because those are
lenses that affect our learning. Spanish, for example, is extremely tied to
culture, to the point where you cannot divorce the culture from the language. As such, you get to
peek into the world of hispanohablantes (Spanish speaking) cultures around the globe.

Minimum expectations:

1. At least one item should be a food item you value culturally

2. At least one item should represent your communication style
3. At least one item should explicitly represent your familyhowever you define the term
4. At least one item should represent your learning style
5. At least one item should represent a cultural tradition (family; Hanukkah, etc.)
6. The Sixth or more items are your of your choosing (something important to you)
7. A printed or hand-written list of the items in your space on a flashito. Each listed item
should be accompanied by a 1-2 sentence description of the item. (This will all be
written in Spanish.)
8. To fully participate, you must ask questions to fellow classmates, speak to fellow
classmates, show respect for what is brought and be present in the space!
9. Have fun! :)

Some thoughts on what items to include:

Items included in this activity should tell the story of your identity. Food items valued by your
culture(s), photos of family members, and artifacts (that you feel comfortable transporting to
campus and sharing with the class) are all appropriate. Be sure to think intentionally and
meaningfully about the aesthetic value of preparing and presenting your space.

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