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To solve the infinite boot loop issue (stuck in Safe Mode) / password lost that
some users are having, you must boot with the DVD/USB (Windows installation disk)
in recovery with Command prompt OR restart the computer (not the reset button) and
HOLD THE SHIFT KEY until you have the advanced option menu and the option to boot
with a Command prompt and type :

Option 1 (recommended) : bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safeboot

* Replace "default" with the identifier of your operation system. (can be seen when
you run bcdedit)

If option 1 is not working,

Option 2 : bootrec /rebuildbcd

There may need to be some adjustement if you have a dualboot system. but if not ,
it should work correctly.

From my personal experience, the UXTHEME patcher was a possible cause of this.

Safe Mode may not work especially with the "Windows 10 Anniversary Update" when CSM
in the bios is "Disabled". (Microsoft issue)

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