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as October 3, 2017 To: The Trinity College Bozrd of Trustees Ce: Office of the Provost Mayo Moran. Office of the President of the University of Toronto, Office of the Vice- Provost of Students of the University of Toronto, Trinity College Senate, Trinity College Corporation, Office of the Vice-President of University Operations, Office of the Vice-President HR and Equity ‘Members of the Board of Trustees, write to you today as part of my duty as Chair of the Trinity College Meeting (TCM). the elected representative of Trinity College's direct democracy. At the TCM on September 25 students voted with 209 in favour, 7 against, and 5 abstaining, for a vote of no confidence in the Office of the Dean of Students, specifically the administrators Kristen Moore, Adam Hogan, and Christine Cerrullo. This vote should not be taken lightly: it represents the largest TCM in history. and the only collective form of recourse that Trinity students can take through student government channels The vote was motivated by allegations surrounding a mumber of issues that were brought forward at the TCM. ‘The allegations against the Office of the Dean of Students are summarized below: 1. Actively putting a student leader, Bardia Monavari, in harm’s way by turing him over to campus police for an event he was not involved in and standing idly by as a campus police office violated his rights (see September 25, 2017 statement to Campus Police) 2. Mismanaging drug and alcohol abuse cases. putting students directly and indirectly involved at risk by making students feel embarrassed/threatened if they seek assistance. Under this. atmosphere, students may avoid seeking help at all. 3. Mismanaging the disciplinary process, with biases making their way into what should be an unbiased process. Additionally, coercing students into meetings without giving them full information. 4. Mismanaging and unilaterally eltering the structure of the residence readmission committee, resulting in the return to residence of @ student with sexual assault allegations against him, despite opposition from student leaders, 5. Mishandling sexual assault cases (specifically thet of Tamsyn Riddle ~see the September 28, 2017 Varsity article) Each of these allegations alone should be enough to give us pause. Taken together, they shed light on an environment where many students, as illustrated by the 94.5% who voted for the vote of no confidence, no longer feel certain that the Office of the Dean of Students will zct with students” best interests in mind, even and perhaps especially in the dire cases of assault and sexual assault. It is distressing to think thet students who come to Trinity reasonably expecting a positive university experience not only encounter traumatic events but then face a further barrier in the form of our own administration. implore you to investigate the matters listed in this letter and in the associated documents in order to determine an appropriate course of action. Trinity students deserve better, and at the very least they deserve to be heard. Regards, ela A Leila Martin Chair of the Trinity College Meeting

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