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Introduction to social responsibility

Social responsibility is an ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or

individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large

The social responsibility of business can be towards shareholders, employees, customers, government,
local community, environment, general public etc.

Several companies are also helping the United Nations to achieve the United Nations
Development Goals (SDGs). As a leading healthcare company, ensuring good health and well-
being (goal 3) is at the core of the companys business and is aligned with their mission to
improve and extend peoples lives. Through their business operations and ongoing activities they
make contribution to goal 8 (decent work and economic growth), goal 9 (innovation and
infrastructure) and goal 13 (climate action). They also harness the power of partnership (goal 17)
to discover and develop breakthrough treatments and deliver them to as many people as possible.

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