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"The best protection any woman
can have... is courage."
Elizabeth and her husband went to London to
attend the Worlds Antislavery Convention.
There Cady Stanton met Lucretia Mott, the
leading American female abolitionist, and
began to study the Anglo-American traditions
of womens rights.

They led the way to the

first Women's Rights
Convention in history.

they paved the way

forfeminism today.
"I long for the day my sisters
will rise, and occupy the
sphere to which they are called
by their high nature and
After the Civil War, Mott was elected the first president of the
American Equal Rights Association, an organization that advocated
universal suffrage..

Determined to use the Constitution to enfranchise women, they

established in 1869 the National Woman Suffrage Association, forerunner
of the organization that eventually secured the Nineteenth Amendment.
The newly designed $10 bill will include images which will pay homage
to the women's suffrage movement and feature the images of Lucretia
Mott, and Elizabeth cady stanton.

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