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English Tamil Insurance Glossary by: R.


1. Accident insurance - /

2. Adjuster -

3. Aleatory Contract -

4. Annuity -

5. Assignment of policy -

6. Assignee -

7. Assignor -

8. Auto insurance -

9. Actuarial -

10. Business insurance - /

11. Car insurance -

12. Casualty insurance -

13. Comprehensive insurance -

14. Compulsory insurance -

15. Concealment -

16. Contribution -

17. Credentials -

18. Disability insurance -

19. Employment insurance -

20. Endowment insurance -

21. Estate -

22. Executor -

23. Fire insurance -

24. Fortutious (event) -

25. Group insurance -

26. Hazard insurance -

27. Health insurance -

28. Hospitalization insurance -

29. Inception -

30. Incontestable -

31. Indemnity insurance -

32. Insurance - /

33. Insurance agent -

34. Insurance broker -

35. Insurance carrier -

36. Insurance Contract -

37. Insurance Premium -

38. Intermediaries -

39. Intestate -

40. Legislation -

41. Liability insurance -

42. Misrepresentation - /

43. Peril -

44. Provision -

45. Proximate cause -

46. Reimbursement - ( )

47. Reinsurance - /

48. Risk -

49. Statute - ( )

50. Waiver of Premium -

Glossary for people in Life Insurance Industry.

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