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Questionrio de Ingls

1- Escreva a frase abaixo nas formas interrogativa e negativa:

He has been studying spanish for 3 years

2- Qual das frases abaixo no est no Present Perfect Continuos:

a) I have been working much lately.

b) Ive been studying English since 8 oclook.
c) Have you been looking for a new job?
d) Its been rainning all day.
e) She has studied spanish for 5 years.

3- Complete as sentenas usando o Present Perfect Continuos:

a) You look wonderfull what ________________ ( you/do ) ?

b) How long _____________ ( you/wait ) for me?
c) Shes really tired. She ______________ ( run ).
d) My mobil phone ____________ ( ring ) all the time.

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