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Lea el artculo y luego responda las preguntas,

The way in which the company built the tunnel was:

Seleccione una:
a. Impossible to build.
b. Completed in 13 years.
c. A long one.
Tomado de Guia de orientacion modulo competencias ciudadanas saber pro 2016 2

Pregunta 2
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the article and choose the best answer.


France and Britain have aggressive programs to get hospitals to report adverse drug reactions,
says Dr. Jerome Groopman, a top medical researcher. By contrast our FDA waits for doctors to
report bad reactions. Groopman is especially disturbed that 75% of the drugs given to children
lack verified safety and dosage instructions for kids. No one collected this data, so sometimes
pediatricians fly blind, forced to guess the best dose. He notes.

The word in bold disturbed can be replaced by

Seleccione una:
A. angry.
B. disappointed.
C. upset.
D. bored.

A disappointed person is somebody who doesnt agree with others.


Pregunta 3
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Enunciado de la pregunta
I ____________ go to the seaside at the weekend.
Seleccione una:
a. often.
b. yesterday.
c. many.
d. like much.

We use often to indicate the frequency in which an action is performed like in this case, at the

Pregunta 4
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You can leave your bags and suitcases here.
Seleccione una:
A. Left luggage office.
B. Do not litter.
C. We sell unleaded petro.
D. please ring the bell.

Las palabras bags, suitcases and luggage corresponden a un rango de palabras asociadas.


Pregunta 5
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Enunciado de la pregunta
The following notice means that


Seleccione una:
A. you must NOT leave any rubbish here.
B. you are allowed to drop litter.
C. you can leave any rubbish here.
D. you do NOT have to leave any rubbish here.

This option means that you are not allowed to leave any litter in the place.

Pregunta 6
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the sign and choose the correct option.
You can see this sign in:
Seleccione una:
A. in a hotel.
B. in a church.
C. at a local swimming pool.
D. in a college.

El aviso dice no usar telfonos celulares en salones de clase, lockers y baos, y estos tres
lugares se pueden encontrar en una universidad.

Pregunta 7
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Look at the following chart. Then, choose the most appropriate comparison.

Seleccione una:
A. Rick is as thin as Jimmy.
B. Rick is as heavy as Jimmy.
C. Jimmy is heavier than Rick.
D. Jimmy is thinner than Rick.

La informacin en la tabla demuestra que Jimmy es ms pesado que Rick. Entre ellos existe
una diferencia de 3 kilos aproximadamente.
Elaborado por: Badillo Carrillo Hctor Fabin.

Pregunta 8
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the paragraph and then, choose the correct option:

Ashley has busy days every week. On Mondays, she goes to the gym and then goes shopping.
On Tuesdays, she baby sits for her sister in the morning and does yoga in the afternoon. On
Wednesdays she works all day in her garden. Her mother visits her on Thursdays, so they usually
eat lunch at home and watch movies. Every Friday, Ashley paints pictures and makes sculptures.
On weekends, she usually visits her friends and goes to the theatre or concerts with them.

When will Ashley plant flowers?

Seleccione una:
A. Next Monday.
B. Next Wednesday.
C. Next Thursday.
D. Next Tuesday.

In the story it is said that on Wednesdays Ashley works in her garden all day. This implies the
possibility of planting flowers there.
Pregunta 9
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Enunciado de la pregunta
I _________ to bed very late last night.
Seleccione una:
A. ... go
B. ... went
C. ... have gone
D. ... was going

You need the past simple for an action that happened in finished time (last night).

Pregunta 10
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best complete the sentence.
Homo sapiens _______ about 40.000 years ago.
Seleccione una:
A. first appearing.
B. their first appearance.
C. they first appeared.
D. first appeared.

It contains the verb appeared.


Pregunta 11
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the sentence and choose what the lady said.

Dont drink any coffee and change your eating habits (The doctor)
Seleccione una:
A. not to drink any coffee and to change my eating habits.
B. to not drink coffee and change my eating habits.
C. dont drink any coffee and change my eating habits.
D. that not drink any coffee and change my eating habits.

Se sigue la estructura de reported commands al utilizar infinitivos en forma negativa (not to) y
positiva (to change).

Pregunta 12
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Look at the following chart. Then, choose the most appropriate comparison.

Seleccione una:
A. Rick is as short as Jimmy.
B. Jimmy is taller than Rick.
C. Jimmy is shorter than Rick.
D. Rick is as tall as Jimmy.

La informacin en la tabla demuestra que Jimmy es ms alto que Rick. Entre ellos existe una
diferencia de 3 cm aproximadamente.
Elaborado por: Badillo Carrillo Hctor Fabin.

Pregunta 13
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the following sentences. Then, choose the most appropriate sentence.
Seleccione una:
A. Ellen pretended to being 18 but she wasnt.
B. Ellen pretended being 18 but she wasnt.
C. Ellen pretended to be 18 but she wasnt.
D. Ellen pretended be 18 but she wasnt.

El verbo pretend necesariamente debe ir seguido por un verbo en forma infinitivo con
preposicin (to + verb).
Elaborado por: Badillo Carrillo Hctor Fabin.

Pregunta 14
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the text and the question below.
My only ambition is to teach you how to eat says Michael Montignac, a French
business executive. He has invented a method of healthy eating, which is based on the
idea that we should not eat less, we should simply eat the right things the right
carbohydrates and eat the right fats-which are traditionally part of a Mediterranean way
of eating. The Montignac method is not a diet, it is a philosophy of life, which lets people
be fit, healthy, energetic and slim without counting calories.
In Montignacs method you dont have to worry about
Seleccione una:
A. how many calories you eat.
B. how much fast food you have.
C. how much flour you consume.
D. how you cook.

The last part of the text says: The Montignac method is not a diet, it is a philosophy of life,
which lets people be fit, healthy, energetic and slim without counting calories.

Pregunta 15
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Enunciado de la pregunta
What are the parts of an essay?
Seleccione una:
A. Topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence
B. Introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, concluding paragraph
C. Thesis statement, body, conclusion
D. Introduction, topic sentence, concluding sentence

Indica puntualmente las tres partes ms importantes de un ensayo.
Elaborado por: Badillo Carrillo Hctor Fabin.

Pregunta 16
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Here are some sentences about a motorbike.
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

Hes only had it for two weeks. He only two weeks ago.
Seleccione una:
A. Had.
B. Bought it.
C. Buys it.
D. Gets.

The sentence is in past tense, so the answer has to be in this tense. In the second sentence, the
verb and the object are missing so the option B is the correct.


Pregunta 17
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the definition and complete it with one appropriate option:

A travellers cheque is
Seleccione una:
A. A person who goes to different countries on holidays.
B. A pre-printed form with an amount of money to pay for things instead of money when you
travel abroad.
C. The registration that a person has to sign when they arrive in a hotel.
D. An event or activity that intends to entertain guests in a hotel.
The word travellers cheque refers to this printed paper to acquire things instead of cash or credit
cards when travelling abroad.

Pregunta 18
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Enunciado de la pregunta
The best option to answer the question It is warm today, isnt it? is
Seleccione una:
A. yes, it is a lovely day.
B. take your umbrella.
C. you are right. It does.
D. no, it is going tomorrow.

The question means that the weather is being so nice.


Pregunta 19
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Amanda can ____________ all night long!
Seleccione una:
A. dancing.
B. dance.
C. to dance.
D. dances.
"Can" is one of the most commonly used modal verbs in English. It can be used to express ability
or opportunity, to request or offer permission, and to show possibility or impossibility. Its used
without to and without gerunds.

Pregunta 20
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Complete las conversaciones, marque A, B o C.

Do you know Martha?

Seleccione una:
a. How?
b. Who?
c. Which?

Tomado de Guia de orientacion modulo competencias ciudadanas saber pro 2016 2

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