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Learn activity 2

Evidence: Timelines

- When King Charles I (Stuart) was on the Throne, I hadnt been born.
- I have been already born when Newton explained tides via theory of
gravitation at age 65
- By the time my grandfather was 40, The Great Plague in London had killed
68.000 people
- I was born just after the Armenian Bible had been printed.

I was born on August 7th ,1667. When King Charles (Stuart) was on the Throne, I
hadnt been born. By the time my grandfather was 40, The Great Plague in London
had killed 68.000 people, as soon as the Plague stopped my father was born. I
have been already born when Newton explained tides via theory of gravitation at
age 65, finally I was born just after the Armenian Bible had been printed.

Jerson Jair Vasco Upegui.

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